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10 Hours of Walking in NYC as a Woman

Trancecoach says...

The reason why these campaigns will get nowhere: the subtleties asked for are sometimes too arbitrary and too subjective to expect large numbers to go along with it and because women are not always mind readers (contrary to what this one may think), and misinterpretations can easily occur. Some dangerous psychos and sociopaths actually come across as being quite "charming," while some friendly and innocuous comments may be interpreted as being rather creepy. So, campaigns like this will get nowhere in actually changing anything for the better.

The skills of understanding context will continue to devolve as communities break down (along with families and childhood education). Increasingly, we are living in a society of strangers, and this is yet another result of the statism that progressives continue to defend. See, it's all about feeling safe. And without community, contexts that feel safe become more scarce. A state-driven "society" is not a community.

Meanwhile, in reality, the very attempt to legislate behavior like this will serve to further develop two trends: the "catcall" culture they so dislike and something along the lines of what's going on in Japan, the other opposite. Despite what this video attempts to portray, I have already heard the complaint many many times from women that they either get harassment or they get no attention at all.

And this'll be yet another "I told you so" that they'll miss.

ObamaCare: What You're Not Being Told

RFlagg says...

Since the Republicans invented the Individual Mandate, tried twice under Bush Sr and once under Clinton to force what would eventually become Obamacare into National Law, I don't know why they are against it. They should be glad their plan passed and not any of the two plans Democrats actually wanted. It was funded the same way Obamacare is. The only real changes is that insurance companies can't deny or charge more for pre-existing conditions, and it went from catastrophic care to comprehensive care, so we treat people before they need major services. Otherwise basically the same thing. It was those plans that Romneycare was based on.

What the Democrats have long wanted, and what the American people deserve is the Single Payer that works so well for every other civilized nation in the world. What Obama promised was a Government Option which is a compromise between the massive for profit insurance that we have now, and a Single Payer. Then massive amounts of Republican's following what they were being sold by Fox News and the Koch brother's massive Tea Party movement, convinced the Repbulican base to ignore what their so called Christ said, to help the needy and poor and heal the sick, to "let them die!" And a massive opposition grew. So the Democrats fearing they couldn't go to the point of actually helping the millions of Americans working for companies that refuse to offer affordable health care and not paying a living wage for the benefit of the executives and shareholders, went with the Republican designed Individual Mandate.

What the Republicans should be doing is celebrating the fact that the Democrats couldn't (or more like wouldn't) pass either of the two plans they wanted, and in the end passed and adapted the Republican plan. They should be proud that Obamacare is basically Romneycare at the National level and be bashing Democrats for blocking it back when they tried to pass it under Bush Sr and Clinton. The Republicans should be saying, "we told you so a long time ago this was the way to go, and because of Democrats blocking it, we didn't get it until we forced Obama and the Democrats to give in and accept our plan. You American's could have had this over 20 years ago, but the Democrats refused. This is a victory for Americans and the Republican party that they finally relented and let our plan pass." Instead we get them shouting "let them die", because that's what the modern Christian Republicans think, that we are better off letting the poor people who work for these giant companies should die rather than let their tax dollars help them.

Hedges & Binney on Obama NSA guidelines

Candidate Obama vs President Obama on Government Surveillanc

Why Gays Shouldn't Get Married

noam chomsky-how climate change became a liberal hoax

RFlagg says...

I don't know if we'll ever get to an "I told you so" on the anthropogenic cause, but within 10 years or so I think even the hardest of hard core Fox News watchers will have to stop denying that climate change is happening. At that point they will still deny that giant multi-billion dollar corporations and massive farming of the rain forests have anything to do with it, they'll stick to their "it is a natural" cycle, feedback loops be damned, and continue saying "follow the money" when they point to who is saying it is man made, while ignoring their own advice and following the money to who is saying it isn't man made. Even if they do believe it man made, they'll say it won't matter as a large number of the deniers are evangelicals who say Jesus is coming again soon and he'll whisk them away before it gets too bad. I know because I've heard them say this very line, they use this line to say it doesn't matter who somebody votes for as well, though they still follow Fox and vote as the Republican right tells them to vote... Anyhow I think part of the problem is a lack of basic understanding of science, not understanding what a theory is and how it comes about, and the fact it got politicized (and unfortunately for those of us who accept the scientific facts, Gore may have done more harm than good by being a bit more alarmist in some areas and mis-representing some facts for the deniers to point to and say see the whole thing is false). I used to be a skeptic, but then I followed the research trail back on both sides, saw who was saying what exactly, and it became clear that we are screwed...

TLDR: They may come to accept climate change is happening, but still won't accept that humans have much if anything to do with it.

>> ^alcom:

Superstorm Sandy is another example of society's march past the greenhouse tipping-point like the lemmings that we are. I laid it our in arguments in this video, where I was vehemently opposed by doubt-fuelled, fear monger, climate change deniers:
We're so close to that "I told you so" moment. By that time unfortunately, the methane feedback loop will probably be well under way.

noam chomsky-how climate change became a liberal hoax

alcom says...

Superstorm Sandy is another example of society's march past the greenhouse tipping-point like the lemmings that we are. I laid it our in arguments in this video, where I was vehemently opposed by doubt-fuelled, fear monger, climate change deniers:

We're so close to that "I told you so" moment. By that time unfortunately, the methane feedback loop will probably be well under way.

Obama Channels the Opposition

Januari says...

>> ^KnivesOut:

Where's the Fox News clip quoting just the first part, with a big "WE TOLD YOU SO" ticker running underneath?

I don't know but have you been to are you so sure it isn't?... Though it's probably be "WE TOLD YOU SO ?" and thus be completely 'fair and balanced'.

Obama Channels the Opposition

Idiots vs Car

The Truth about Atheism

VoodooV says...

religion is not inherently bad. It's just that it's so easy to manipulate those who are easily manipulated. It is ridiculously easy to co-opt a religion and make it not about helping people, but hurting them.

This question that if there is no god, then life is meaningless is bullshit. Guess find your own meaning. Is it that impossible to be a decent person simply because it's the right thing to do and not because a deity told you so?

The Real Reason Mitt Romney Will Not Be Elected As President

VoodooV says...

>> ^bobknight33:

Unless you have young kids you have no room to talk. You don't have knowledge to make any judgement.
Parenting IS filtering out inappropriate material.
I'm talking when a 6 year old is clicking channels to get to his cartoon channel it at times comes across inappropriate material.
WRT to web serving same thing. The kid can be you You-tubing or sifting for kitty cat stuff and come across some wild stuff. Sure I don't want my 6 and 7 year seeing women and men rubbing up against each other or to watch some brutal gang violence event that some posted. What parent would? Some parents don't mind at all and that a darn shame. There are limits for kids and parenting filtering is a must.

I take responsibility for my kids upbringing. If other parents stepped up to the plate kids would have better moral compass.
When you have kids, revisit your post.
You don't seem to have high regard for the parenting skills from you mother. sorry to hear that.

>> ^VoodooV:
Instead of blaming television @bobknight33, the responsibility is still ultimately the parents. You don't have to be a parent to know that. Parents are not helpless to modern television. If you can't be bothered to educate your kids on the difference between made up television and reality, you don't get to blame television. My mom was a pretty horrible parent, but that is one of the first things I recall her ever teaching me. So since I'm actually armed with this thing called knowledge. I can watch any TV I wish and it's not damaging to me because IT'S NOT REAL!
It's the same thing with the teachers. Parents don't want to be the parents anymore, they want to be their pal. So when little billy doesn't do well on his test, who gets chewed out? Not little billy, that's for sure. Parents blame the teachers when they should be blaming themselves.
You can believe television and commercials are inappropriate all you want. Still doesn't absolve you from your responsibility. History has shown over and over again that when you try to hide shit from your kids, they always find it eventually. The more forcefully you dictate how bad something is, the more the kids want to do it just to spite you and rebel. So instead of trying to trick and coerce your kids into behaving, maybe you should actually try to educate them. If your "education" has any merit to it, then it will stick. Education beats coercion every time.
Parenting is not rocket science, it just takes effort, so you can get off your moral high horse. You've demonstrated time and time again you have no claim to any moral high ground, especially not any morality based off made up deities.

Once again, bob laughably attempts to claim moral superiority over everyone. Sorry, but you aren't magically granted wisdom the instant the kid pops out of the womb.

When you fail to educate your kids WHY things are inappropriate and just filter because "you said so" then you're not accomplishing anything. Authority without the actual facts to back it up fails EVERY time to kids with nothing better to do than to rebel. It's the hot stove analogy which you apparently failed to learn. Parents will tell you to not touch that hot stove. Kids disregard this and touch it anyway and are immediately introduced to the facts of WHY you shouldn't touch a hot stove and guess what..they never do it again.

If you told a kid to never touch a cold stove...because you said so. The kid eventually touches it and learns that nothing bad comes of it. Not only are they encouraged to rebel. Your authority is undermined and they learn that you're full of shit and continue to ignore you.

In other words, since bob probably hasn't been following. Moral authority means absolutely jack unless you have provable facts to back it up. When kids find out you're bullshitting them. Kids have this pesky thing called the ability to learn and the ability to detect bullshit. Telling them not to do something only because your imaginary friend up in the clouds told you so has a way of coming back to bite you in the ass when the imaginary friend in the clouds doesn't punish them because that imaginary friend doesn't exist.

Bob lives in the typical republican bubble where he deludes himself into believing he's the good parent and everyone else is lacking. What's it like being so self-centered bob?

And once again, Bob cherry picks what he wants to hear and disregards everything else. I praise my mom for teaching me that TV is make-believe and all bob chooses to hear is the negative part. You are utterly incapable of having a rational discussion bob. I've proven this time and time again. The sift is going to continue to beat you over the head with logic and rationality every time until hopefully you learn something.

Climate Change; Latest science update

alcom says...

So at what point can scientist's finally say, "We told you so!" I bet it'll happen in the next 5 years. I'm guessing by that point, the climate effects will be severe enough to prove climate science absolutely irrefutable. For now, we can march forward in relative uncertainty with the well-funded media campaigns of climate sceptics and their message of ignorance.

There might even be a bounce-back year coming up. One where the global climate actually averages 1.0 to 0.5C cooler over the year. I'm hoping it doesn't fuel the sceptic campaign too much longer, because the trend is far too frightening to imagine if humanity misses the window.

[edit: 7/8/2012] My father in-law, a staunch climate change denier, says humorously that he was planning to die in 4 years. In order to prove me wrong and laugh in my face however, he says he will now hang on for another 6!

ChaosEngine, your comment below is understandable. I think world citizens will change their tune in the next 5 years, however. The Green Party will probably gain huge waves of support even without SuperPacs because their campaign message will be felt more and more each year. Just as organized religion had its reign and lost influence as science and society have revealed its fallacy, so too will the sceptic's argument lose out over ever-mounting empirical support of the truth: that human activities have indeed altered the Earth's climate for centuries to come. That is to say as long as we have free lines communication through tools such as the Internet.

Guy Talks To His 12 Year Old Self 20 Years Later

chingalera says...

Damn, see?! Here I am thinkin' alla time that my less-than-clever observations have a kernel of truth embedded in the of manure. Your GF Sluice, sounded to me like she had a sense of humor about herself even though ego wouldn't let her enjoy the "her" from the past's, letter she wrote. Hell, that's a natural response for anyone....(have you ever read some of the shit hatched from the mind behind the pen that others have saved??

I have a few ranting letters that I ain't too proud of that others have saved for ammunition or I-told-you-so's. You have to remind others and yourself that the person who wrote that is dynamic and chaotic....NOT static.

Fundamentally people's personalities/temperaments don't change much after maybe 12 years old and loved ones tend to remember you as you were.

Your GF read a reminder of the little girl who is still lurking there....maybe it scared her or pissed her off-Ego baby, it's a motherfucker!!

Since the inception of the sarcasm button I don't think I recall seeing anyone use it....It's akin to a utensil in the kitchen drawer you see every time you open it, but never use.

Personally, I like to think that I can be the sweetest asshole on the block...cause I KNOW I'll never be able stop with the asshole!!!

(especially if I went completely sober!)

Housing Crisis Predicted in 2006, Fox Talking Heads Laugh

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