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Teignmouth lifeboat crew lassoo runaway speedboat

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Climate Change Debate

newtboy says...

Funny how you "argue"....'you're absolutely wrong, and if your right I don't care' and 'I have more important and interesting things to do than argue', then you continue to argue. Just too funny, I guess that means you're done learning.
Tell Venus a planet can't 'die' from a runaway greenhouse effect. What I meant was die as a place where people and other 'higher level' organisms can live. Bacteria and waterbears can live with or without the planet, so they don't count.
Yes, the internet is full of crazy people, but you can change if you accept your insanity. I don't see that happening. :-)

Trancecoach said:

The planet is not going to "die." And even if it does, I have some more important things to do than this "debate" and much more productive, not to mention entertaining, to do beforehand.

The world is fully "crazy" people. And some find their way to the interwebs.

mintbbb (Member Profile)

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Fantomas (Member Profile)

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mintbbb (Member Profile)

Samsung Galaxy S5 - Hammer Test Fail

oritteropo says...

The damage to the battery probably caused a short circuit, leading to thermal runaway. Li-ion batteries have a vent to avoid explosion risk, which seems to have turned this particular example into a rocket!

They are also prone to this behaviour if mistreated electrically (over charged, over discharged, overheated...).

Sagemind said:

Is this something they they put in so they can tell if it's been tampered with inside... because people pull batteries out all the time... What is that thing???

grinter (Member Profile)

Jello, 1 Cow Dead, 2 Jailed Men, 3 Cars Totaled - News

TDS 2/24/14 - Denunciation Proclamation

Trancecoach says...

Delaware is considered a northern state. Maybe not by you but by others.
And when I lived in Maryland, everyone there seemed to consider it a northern state too. But ok, you don't consider it a northern state. Cool.
(Ask anyone in Boston if he is a "Yankee" and see how that goes!)

But what's your point now? You agree that the Civil War was a "War to preserve the Union, not a Lincoln crusade to end slavery". That's why he did not invade or interfere with the border states. They did not secede. So how is this relevant to the original point about Jon Stewart thinking otherwise and going off on Andrew Napolitano about it? And are you now trying to claim that the north was acting in "self-defense" because of southern attacks on federal forts?

"In 1862, the General Assembly replied to Lincoln's compensated emancipation offer with a resolution stating that, "when the people of Delaware desire to abolish slavery within her borders, they will do so in their own way, having due regard to strict equity." And they furthermore notified the administration that they regarded "any interference from without" as "improper," and a thing to be "harshly repelled.""

The proposal was never put to a vote. It was not tried in other states. And it was not addressed directly to the slave owners but to politicians in the Assembly. No effort was put into it.

Among the tactics employed by the British, French, Spanish, Dutch, Danes, and others were slave rebellions, abolitionist campaigns to gain public support for emancipation, election of anti-slavery politicians, encouragement and assistance of runaway slaves, raising private funds to purchase the freedom of slaves, and the use of tax dollars to buy the freedom of slaves.

The most charitable thing I could say is that Lincoln tried but failed to come up with and implement any other way to end slavery but to engage in 'bloodshed and violence' (putting aside that he claimed to not care to end slavery except as a way to get one over on the South).

Still, that only says something about his competency, his "political genius" as some say (or lack of it), but not about whether there were other options available that could have worked without the 620,000 dead and 800,000+ more maimed-or-disfigured-for-life.

Of course, there is no empirical way to 'prove' or 'disprove' that any more than there is any empirical way to 'prove' or 'disprove' that, without two nukes, Japan would have lost the war, or that without the Korean war, the Communists would have taken over the world, or that without the Iraq invasion, Saddam would not have built "weapons of mass destruction" to unleash on the world.

What if 'peaceful secession' would have neutered the federal enforcement of the Fugitive Slave Act (which Lincoln strongly supported), creating a flood of runaway slaves that could not have been stopped and would have broken the back of the slave system'?

The Soviet Union collapsed on its own without the US and its allies going into a bloody war against it. Maybe if the US had started a third world war with the USSR, it would have collapsed sooner. But it certainly would not have been worth the 'blood and violence'. And it is far from certain that the 5 years of Civil War accelerated the end of slavery, while it has certainly served to bolster and continue the decades of segregation, discrimination, and abuse that followed.

The first Republican president seems to have set a precedent for later Republican neocons. When faced with a problem ---> go to war.

newtboy said:

States below the Mason Dixon line were (and are) not considered "northern" states, even though some of them did not secede. That's why I mentioned it in the first place. Just ask someone who lives in one if they're a Yankee and see how that goes!
I did note that Delaware is East of the Mason Dixon, not North or South.
These "border" states were also the ones Lincoln tried (and failed) to compensate for the 'loss' of their slaves...before the war. (because his cabinet didn't follow along is testament to the fact that he put his political opponents in his upper administration in order to NOT be a unilateral decision maker...that didn't work.)

Man Escapes 5 Yr Sentence After Dash Cam Footage Clears Him

chingalera says...

Well I disagree, wouldn't exactly call it 'reasonable'......lantern53 is coming from a position of familiarity with the fraternity though he's quite honest in his motivations for his addictive love for his chosen 'profession', as it provides that calming "rush" of the constant stimulus of adrenal secretions to feed those over-ramped receptors that his habit constantly demands.

He's career, so his attitude ain't gonna change much folks...

He's admitted that he'll 'play-ball' in a courtroom situation to save his job and pension, and plays the frat card again when someone suggests that 'all cops are criminals', which they obviously are (especially in the United States) to any reasonable individual, oh and, when faced with being judged by a reasonable public standard by the people he's allegedly pledged to protect and serve, he'll 'judge' them by a similar, opposite standard, when he sees himself threatened with a realization that they could in fact, be correct in their judgements.

Typical. Programmed, frightened and confused, American, cop.

Yeah man, you night wanna check your shit and decide whether-or-not you're one of the bad ones?? Because you sound like the worst example of so-called 'law-enforcement' to this sinner.

If it squeals like a pig, smells like a pig.....

(Oh, for all you youngsters whose hippie-parents now work for the machine, the term "pig" was used as a derogatory and appropriate euphemism for the police back in the 60s when that dick-less generation failed to shut-down the runaway freight train of human subjugation in the United States.)

bmacs27 said:

@lantern53 Honestly, you are coming across as very reasonable right now, and clearly you come from a position of direct experience. I'd like to know a bit more about your opinion.

What do you think the police could do to strengthen their public image? Clearly, the institution is not as respected as it should be (that is, it is widely maligned), and I agree, good cops too often get ignored. Do you suppose their poor public image has more to do with a few bad individuals, or is there a more systemic problem possibly with the organization of local departments? I suppose it could also have to do with the laws they are asked to enforce, e.g. marijuana prohibition is notoriously unpopular potentially breeding distrust of law enforcement more generally.

As a follow up, how do you feel concerns about a crooked PD should be handled? Do you trust IA to handle these sorts of allegations for the most part, or are concerns about the "blue wall" justified? Can you think of a better mechanism for enforcing good behavior among officers? Should we just tolerate violent criminal activity in law enforcement because it is rare, and we should "take the bad with the good?"

Our Drone Future

chingalera says...

Poor human judgement in the form of what artician? Not stopping the clusterfuck of surveillance before it effects everything? The self-serving wise judgement of highly intelligent and broken people are considering how to use these to make THEMSELVES safe, not you.... Every man, woman, and child should be taking steps to protect their shit, as always but how do you stop a runaway freight train moving @90+ before you realize yer better off dead?

You can't unless you fight fire with the same at some point and consider every day a blessing.

Chloë Grace Moretz Shows Off Her Butterfly Knife Skills

Bill Burr: "Paula Deen Is A $100 Million Whale"

chingalera says...

Got no sympathy whatsoever for Paula Dean-Could care less her Southern-white heritage of racism, her food is shit and her $$$-cow is in place because of Walmart and poor people watching too much goddamn television. She represents THE most heinous of crimes perpetrated against un-witting peeps in the U.S.:
Poisoning your body with food and runaway consumerism driven by addiction to the cathode rays.

Oh ANNND she can't stand black folks?? The people who buy most of her crappy shit??

Fuck that bloated, cracker-ass bitch!!

Amazing bike tricks with a twist!

Amazing bike tricks with a twist!

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