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The Beekeeper

Doctor gets schooled

luxintenebris says...

well, maybe should have tempered it a bit, 'cause was a bit disturbed about some of the things I've been reading...

1) (some seriously sick stuff)

2) (loons being led by power lushing putz)

3) (the stupidity and pride in ignorance is stupefying. also being ass hurt that trans people like a (horrible) beer?! lord have mercy...ate at a steak house, at the same table 'W' used previously. didn't put me off enjoying the t-bone. or revisiting the place if'n was in the area again. *did make me think "G** D*** it! why did the waitress tell me that!*)

4) red flag af & TN will do nill

5) (MFL were more upset w/asscoation then the message. The lack of self-awareness & irony - unreal)

6) & too many women dying from the abortion ban(s). don't get killing the living for the unborn if the unborn are d.o.a. & take mom w/them. lunacy.

a couple of those are pushing the limit. the lack of benignancy being a value among the right - just - ain't - right.

bob the parrot's stormtrooper comment lit the fuse. my gawd. even people in the middle ages had a sense of genetics. greeks, 3k years ago, knew androgyny was a thing. so why can't bobo's buds not bone up on the idea of biology?

it's not a choice, but living well is.

surfingyt said:

check mate lil bewby boooy @bobknight33. this reply was one of your better beatdowns and youve had some doozies

@luxintenebris speaking of grooming apparently our lil resident homophobe went to penn state, with their great grooming-for-sex history lol the story keeps getting richer you cant make this up hahahaha

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

I don’t think you do, because you didn’t invest slowly at regular intervals over time (unless you lied), you said you invested everything in one stock….lucky for you early when it was reasonably priced ($25?), and suggested to anyone that would listen that they sell everything and go all in all at once even when Tesla was over $400 a share. That’s the exact opposite of dollar cost averaging. Derp. It’s like I know you better than you know yourself…because I paid attention and remember what you said last week/month/year.

You improvident lackwit. When will you stop making predictions? I don’t think you’ve been correct 2% of the time.

Dow’s up 869 points this month, stocks sound pretty good to me. What new bank failed? I see no new failure. I wonder if you understand why the last two failed….hint, it starts with “der” and ends with “egulation”, and was a pure Trump Republican plan passed in 2018 because they had forgotten 2008 already, or wanted to repeat it.

Too busting? Do you mean too busty? I don’t understand the attempted insult… I don’t even understand the concept of “too busty”…but you should know it’s impossible for you to successfully insult me because I would have to value your opinion first.
If I were to put on a drag show for kids, you better believe it would be snap, crackle, and popping…but it’s really not my scene. I prefer my drag queens to be English and of the Python variety, but that’s just a matter of taste.
Don’t you find it odd that drag shows are suddenly such a problem for the far right?
They’re not new.
Many MANY far right politicians that are now suddenly outraged at drag shows enjoyed going to them, organized them, or performed in them themselves at one time. The right could even support them publicly in the 70’s and 80’s. Can you explain why are you ALL suddenly such insecure snowflakes now that, like alcoholics with booze, you can’t stand to be reminded drag shows and homosexuals exist and went all in on some misguided unpopular unconstitutional temperance movement? Why it’s suddenly such an impossible-to-ignore temptation for you? Somehow Trump? Maybe it’s just that your ilk needs a target to scapegoat for your failures and they’re the latest relatively powerless target….yeah…just maybe.

bobknight33 said:

Guess yo[u] don[‘]t [kn]o[w] about dollar cost averaging.
Also guess you don[‘]t realize the economy is winding down.
Yet another bank faltering causing stocks to fall.
This biden shit show is far from over.
You must be too busting putting on drag show for kids.

Hayes: NRA "Good Guy With A Gun" Theory Failed In Real Time

BSR says...

Looks like repubs' hate to me. Or a temper tantrum. Mass shootings are not self defence.

bobknight33 said:

Mass shootings/presidents in office
Reagan- 31
Bush- 18
Clinton- 54 *
Bush- 49
Obama- 132*
Trump- 40
Biden- 147 (so far)
...Mass shootings" comprise about 1% of all gun-related homicides in America. Just noise. Not worth targeting with legislation.
According to 0bama's own CDC study, guns are used to prevent crimes between 750K and 1.5 million times per year.
Mass sh*oting fatalities: About less than 900.
Mass k*l l ings of unarmed citizens by socialist governments in the last 100 years: Bbetween 100 million & 260 million DURING PEACE TIME.
Allowing ANY government to begin the process of UNVERSAL registering and confiscating your g u n s through monetary pressures is the beginning of total tyranny, SUBJUGATION, slavery and Mass S l a u g h t e r of the non-elite class, which is most people.
the question is, do most people care enough to protect & fight for their God given freedoms of self-defense against evil??

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Not compared to his predecessor.
He’s your president….hardly a has been when he’s the current leader of the free world. 🤦‍♂️
He appears presidential to me, and our allies, in stark contrast to xenophobic insecure bunker baby, temper tantrum throwing Trump.

So sadly delusional, bob. Keep telling yourself he was popular with 36.4% approval, lower than Biden’s lowest, that he couldn’t be beaten, that you have no evidence after a year looking under every rock, but you just know it was rigged because the least popular president ever who personally exacerbated a pandemic that was preventable, caused a recession, and was floundering in every direction couldn’t lose.

The left NEVER claimed fraud as sore losers, most blamed Clinton and the DNC. Liar. The left didn’t say Trump was an illegitimate president, just that he only won by quirky outdated technicality, not by votes. The left didn’t try to overthrow democracy because they lost an election they ran.

Cheating is the only method used by the right now, vote suppression, Gerrymandering, voter purges….all Republican dirty tricks. America will never forget which party tried to overthrow democracy. More info on how complicit the Republicans were comes out daily.

Trump removed the pandemic response team that would have identified the virus earlier and maybe stopped even the first outbreak in China, because Obama instituted it. Trump allowed 40000 people from China in with no screening, no quarantine, no tracing. His “stopping flights” was only stopping Chinese people, so WAS racist, blatantly, and useless, obviously.

Trump whining, on every subject every single time. Never took responsibility for a single of the multiple daily failures of his administration. You loved it. Suddenly you don’t like it, because Joe wears the wrong jersey.

Lol. Pole numbers. Thanks for being our jester. You can still make me laugh. Every site needs a clown.

Not some future infrastructure week, but real infrastructure funding. That’s success.

Edit: 39%, your lowball number, is still higher than Trump at this point who had 37% 283 days in, and he inherited an economic boom, a stable nation and healthy democracy, and no pandemic….unlike Biden.

bobknight33 said:

Biden is a Joke.
He is a once was and now a has been.
HE is not presidential,

There is no way he got those votes in a legitimate way. I'm not saying he ran the steal but it was fraudulent .

Funny that when Trump won in 2016 the left were the whiners.

Cheating goes on by both sides, All know this. The question is how to limit / stop it.

China gave the world the pandemic. Trump stopped flights and Sleepy joe cried like a bitch. Now as he is Pouts and the latest variant, omicron he was thinking or has shut down flight from 7 African countries. Same situation as Trump but no bitching from the left. Funny how piss ants like you behave.

As long as he wears "our" jersey all is fine.

whining, Joe just blames everything but his administration.
Trump whining - sure to an extent. Fought back Absolutely.

Bottom line Biden administration is a disaster and his pole numbers reflect it.

Trump for all his grandstanding was a success. Not so for Biden.

Yet yo stand up for this failed administration. Guess you part of the fooled 39% who thinks he is going a good job. while 60% think otherwise.

I’m 100% Serious

newtboy says...

Unbelievably *terrible idea.

Never in a million years, and it shouldn’t happen, and wouldn’t help. Trump would show for the money and do nothing but bash Obama as a foreigner Muslim illegitimate “so called president” (who won two more presidential elections than Trump), would blame all his failures on either Obama or Biden, and would interrupt Obama’s every thoughtful point with rambling, self congratulatory nonsense. Trump has no interest in unification unless that means everyone unify behind him and he’s emperor. Trump is a divider, his entire platform is “blame the libs for everything wrong, take credit for anything that’s working, even if he opposed it”. He has nothing to offer but hateful lies.

Trump is incapable of having a nice discussion. If the other people speaking aren’t just praising him, he thinks they should just shut up and let him praise himself. It’s an impossibility for him to sit and have a productive conversation with a non sycophant, especially one as intelligent and knowledgeable as Obama that would outshine him like a supernova beside a black hole of ignorance. He wouldn’t make it 5 minutes before his first temper tantrum.

Obama doesn’t need the money, he’s a real, successful, happy, self made multi doubt he would donate any payments to the needy ….Trump does need the money, he’s an unhappy failed businessman and broke trust fund baby with dozens of criminal court cases pending and hundreds of millions in unpaid doubt he would pocket every penny...and Trump is considered by most Americans as personally responsible for the worst attack on Washington since 1812 as an attempted coup....and the idea is to give him another high profile platform from which he can try again to make his baseless and highly divisive case that he's not a loser, like he does at his shrinking rallies and random paid events at his properties.

If you want to unify America, you need to remove Trump from the equation, he divided America more than slavery. Division is his only real accomplishment….how does this guy think he’s the one to help unify?

It's like saying Jim Jones or David Koresh should be publicly debating the Dalai Lama to unify people around religion in positive ways, they both just had that one little slip up and their remaining people still believe in them for the most part.

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

newtboy (Member Profile)

surfingyt says...

what we have learned is that republicants are not just losers, they are sorest of losers. every single temper tantrum tear destroys their party a little more. the stack of Ls they are amassing is epic and lmfao. ideally they pay $ for this waste but if this what takes to destroy them permanently im okay paying for it too hahahaha

newtboy said:

You should have heard by now, the fake bamboo audit has now completely destroyed Maricopa county's election system because, since the pro Trump "cyber ninjas" (who's name itself indicates they intended to surreptitiously set traps and viruses in the machines and who had no supervision) tampered with vote machines, tabulators, and databases (and have asked for every piece of government held data in the county from addresses and social security numbers to expunged criminal records), so now every single machine in the county they touched must be discarded by court order.

It's impossible to know how many tens to hundreds of millions they wasted, finding nothing, and now they intend to travel the country doing it in every state. They seem intent on destroying our election apparatus, just like Trump's presidency. It wasn't about finding problems and fixing them, it was about destroying the system and wasting billions of tax dollars, then lowering taxes to destroy America with massive debt over stupidity.

Because they played so fast and loose, with no chain of custody, no supervision, and no honesty, their "audit" is completely invalid on it's face. They destroyed the data, destroyed the machines (400 $5000 tabulators and around 10-20 vote machines per tabulator at another $5000+ each at a bare minimum in this one county) in the $20- >$40 million range for fraud #1, and they plan on at least 50 more. Good job handing Dominion tens of millions to replace pay up.

Every single Republican should have to pay for every cent they wasted, with non republicans exempt from the new election fraud fraud recovery tax. Children of Republicans too. I'm writing my congressman.

Golfing: Trump vs Biden.

newtboy says...

When you spend >2/5 of your presidency playing golf, and own multiple courses, you should be good at it......yet, Trump is a historical loser at golf, cheating every game, even against non golfers, playing terribly, and still doesn't even know the rules. He's like a two year old on the course, allowed to cheat because it's so obvious to all that he couldn't ever sink a ball otherwise (most courses have a maximum number of hits before you are supposed to walk off the hole) and no one wants to see another Trump temper tantrum over nothing.

Such a mush brained moron you are. Every single person who's ever played golf with Trump was astonished with the level of cheating he does. It's well documented, well known, and so ridiculous from a club owner, it only makes him unbelievably insecure.
You don't see Trump doing this for a few reasons, mostly because he (or his cheat tool/caddy) would have tossed the ball onto the green and not counted a stroke....then driven onto the green to fail at putting. There's a reason Trump wouldn't let the press film him play.

You really love looking like a delusional moron for Trump, don't you? Dominion is coming for you, better donate everything to Trump's defense lawyers before they take it all.

bobknight33 said:

I'm a little teapot, short and stout.
Head up my ass, and shit in my mouth.

newtboy (Member Profile)

GOP Freak Out About DC Statehood and the Green New Deal

The Gamestop Short Squeeze in 4 Minutes

StukaFox says...

You utter fuckwit.

(not you, Morhaus, the dude in the video).

What exactly do you think happens to the people and funds holding those shorts? They have to pay the difference. They are contractually obligated to pay up -- period.

Everyone involved in the short was probably broke long before GME even hit $50. But, as we all learned from Goodfellas, "Fuck you, pay me!"

They're broke and on the hook for shit-tons of money. Guess where they're going to get that money? By selling solid assets. They're gonna dump everything they have to make up for the short loss. Who's holding the shares that're about to start tanking? The funds 401ks are invested in because they have to hold solid, reliable assets. The same funds people are relying on for their futures. These are the people who'll REALLY get fucked by this. If you've got a long enough timeline, hopefully, you'll get your money back (although at a loss of compounded value). If you're 65 and looking at your golden years through a lens of 20%+ returns, you're about to find out what happens when an irrational market decides to return to sanity.

Those are the first order effects. The second order effects range from the merely worrying to the outright fucking terrifying. There's a reason Goldman sent out its little missive last night after Mark Cuban pulled his stunt. This isn't just playing with fire, this is sitting in a room full of gasoline while Skippy, The Face-Ripper Ape On Meth, goes berserk with a blowtorch. God help us if this triggers some latent long-tail event.

The good news is that the idiocy of the crowds has apparently decided to dump GME in favor of silver. GME tanking will be bad, but mostly to people who should pay the price for dabbling magic they didn't understand. GME dumping will be good if you're worried about 2008 repeating itself, only without the whole "not letting AIG" fail thing.

People do not understand how fragile and insanely-interconnected the markets are, and how easily the whole goddamn thing could be brought down. We never solved the problems of 2008, we just dumped money on them; we never solved the underlying issues that lead to the Temper Tantrum of December 2018; and we sure the fuck didn't fix the fundamental issue that almost brought the whole show down on September 17 of 2019. And all this was before Covid. There's a reason I went all-in on bonds back in August and that Warren Buffet is sitting on a mountain of cash, and this is pretty much it.

So yeah, congrats to the little guy and all that shit, but don't think for a second that people at the top are going to be the ones who pay.

JiggaJonson (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Note, when asked a second time what he expected from his talk with the president of the Ukraine (the first time he threw a public internationally televised temper tantrum of the variety unacceptable from preschoolers before stomping off in a huff mid press conference) his answer was not about investigating corruption, it was directly about Biden, only Biden, and now asking China to also investigate that single target.
Only a brain dead slug is even considering he cares about corruption, he is corruption personified.

JiggaJonson said:

So, from "No collusion!" to 'I have every right to collude!  It's actually what I should be doing!'

Do us and the rest of the United States of America a favor and read your old comments defending him saying he never colluded with a foreign power back when we were on the same page that colluding with another country was against the law. Do it BEFORE you try to justify this treasonous behavior.


The President is proud of asking China (a declared enemy of the United States and a communist power that has insane human rights violations who is currently trying to crush a democracy in Hong Kong) to harass a private citizen in the United States.

I thought we didn't like them and that's why the tariffs or some bullshit about it helping the economy.

If you can't denounce behavior like this don't worry about arguing with me anymore. Like a lot of you so-called patriots, I'll understand I'm wasting my time.

Temper tantrum

AeroMechanical says...

No (personal) offensive intended to parrot owners, and yes they're pretty, but I just don't understand why you would want to bring a loud, ill-tempered vicious little territorial monster like that into your home.

My theory is that they are just a little bit too intelligent and independent to get on with the whole "being a pet" thing.

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

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