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No Nukes for You! - A history of LIES about Iran's nukes

rougy says...

Hang them by the neck.

Or fly a B-52 over Tehran and drop Lieberman, Bolton and any other cowardly piece of dirt neocon within arms reach of Washington.

In fact, we should soften them up by dropping Grover Norquist and the rest of his...smaller government weenies into the Bay of Funday, just for practice.

US Intelligence: Iran stopped nuke development in 2003

Doc_M says...

This sudden leak makes me suspect we might have struck some sort of deal with Tehran that the public hasn't heard about yet... That or we're really close to one that will really be a big deal. Otherwise, I'd expect the administration to be a bit more upset by this information being leaked.
hmm. I think I'm gonna reserve my judgment for a month or so, see how it pans out.
It's a pretty serious development diplomatically.

US Intelligence: Iran stopped nuke development in 2003

quantumushroom says...

Hold the phone, Mabel. Don't liberals roar that NO intelligence can be trusted?---e.g. the WORLDWIDE intelligence consensus that Saddam had WMDs, so why the sudden faith in those same intelligence entities? Well, does Halliburton secretly control the world or not?

The same liberals that demand gun control for law-abiding citizens see no problemo in letting a jihadist madman have nukes?

Tehran being scared sh;tless of being wiped off the map is the only way to guarantee compliance with nuke regs. Xerxes is no god, he bleeds.

The Myth of the Liberal Media

qualm says...

I suppose that everything to the left of Joseph Mengele appears 'liberal' to a genocidal psychopath who consistantly calls for the incineration of 8 million innocent men, women and children - as QM does when he calls for the complete leveling of Tehran (pop: 8 million), through the use of nuclear weapons.

Seymour Hersh: Bush's Case For Hitting Iran Has Shifted

quantumushroom says...

We should bomb tehran to rubble and give the reason that, "We felt like it".

The world should always fear America's wrath, and if you don't like that concept, then get used to fearing China's wrath or Russia's wrath, because someone is going to come out of this mess #1, and I'd rather it be USA than evil empires.

Iran's Pres. calls U.S. Dollar "a worthless piece of paper"

quantumushroom says...

The dollar is dissed because of a lack of consumer confidence. We deserve it because America is not acting as crazy as it should be. We're the tall dog and need to start acting like it: tehran needs to be leveled, chavez needs to join saddam and Ivan and the Dragon need to relearn who is #1.

Only the strong survive. That's the natural law that "replaced God", remember? If you want to complain about America's military and root for bearded weirdos like I'm-a-Dinna-Jacket then skip a step and learn Chinese.

Marines wave to passing cars... one of which detonates IED..

Dennis Kucinich on impeachment, MSNBC (Nov 06, 2007)

quantumushroom says...

qm, lying to the country is illegal even if your strange assessment of the "success" of the invasion is correct.

The only mistake in taking out saddam was we didn't level iran first.

as for giving iran the "smackdown"... well, you can't fucking afford it.

A few dozen Raptors over Tehran and the shadow of one B-2 is all it would take, just like Israel kicked Syria's ass from the air(also underreported).

Oh and while you're at it could you please illustrate some of this "alternate history of the past eight years" you refer to?

1) Claims that Bush "stole" the election when in fact it was the taxocrats who tried to steal it
2) Bush "knew" about 9-11...or planned it (not worthy of any response deeper than "Koo-koo!")
3) After 12 years of sanctions and an entire world intelligence community agreeing saddam had wmds (which he did, since he used them) claiming that poor saddam was "illegally attacked".
4) Slick Willie "did everything in his power" to answer muslim terrorist attacks in the 90s.
5) Islam is a 'religion of peace' the government is picking on.
6) Non-stop doomsaying over how Iraqi thugs were going to defeat the world's finest armed forces.
7) Deliberate (what-liberal-media?) blackout of any positive news from Iraq
Sandbagging Gen. Petraeus.
9) Hillary supports the war unless the crowd she's bowing to opposes it.
10) Terrorists at Gitmo are being "held without trial" (even tho US law doesn't apply to them).
11) The Patriot act has led to rampant eavesdropping on regular joes and internment camps, etc.

Liberal alternate history: a negative, half-baked fairy tale focused only on greed, exploitation and cynicism, sold to neo-hippies by paleo-hippies, both who've never been hungry for more than a day and therefore have no understanding of what privation really is, resulting in no gratitude, no shame, no nothin' except hatred for Bush.

Real News: Ahmadinejad rough reception in New York

marinara says...

why does the tv host interrupt the person whom he's interviewing?


The concluding line is : (on the terrible insult to Ahmadinejad) "what they see is American arrogance towards a world leader."

Is "arrogance" the correct term here? "Preemptive war" doesn't really describe a bombing raid on a hospital either.

Did everyone watch the CBS interview:

A good movie to watch is "Marriage, Iranian style" It's a romantic comedy movie, but you will be struck by how modern Tehran and Iranian culture are. You have to fight the stereotype. So get your head straight.

Bush Warns of Nuclear Holocaust

Irishman says...

Let's look at QM's points.

1. If levelling Tehran is what it takes then it should be done.

The truth is that levelling Tehran will not accomplish this, it will in fact serve to fuel more resentment toward America's foreign policy and anti-americanism in the middle east and around the world. History tells you this, so does common sense, so does a even a mere handful of political knowledge.

2. We can't predict what a rogue nation will do, what were the odds of 9/11 happening?

President Bush received specific warnings about attacks in New York and Washington. It included "FBI judgments about patterns of activity consistent with preparations for hijackings or other types of attacks; as well as information acquired in May 2001 that indicated a group of Bin Laden supporters was planning attacks in the United States with explosives."

3. "The Prophet Mohammed, incidentally, favored preemptive strikes on his enemies."

This statement is entirely ignorant and here's why. Pre emptive strikes in the context of a battle or a war are a tactic used throughout the history of warfare. Invading another country illegally and calling it a 'pre emptive strike' is like me setting fire to your car in case you might run over a pedestrian.

QM has used a statement of religious fundamentalism to call for the murder of men women, children and babies and I am F*CKING DISGUSTED by it. It's the worst type of uneducated ignorance and blatant racism and QM should withdraw it.

Bush Warns of Nuclear Holocaust

MINK says...

^ that's just bollocks. you have to ignore american foreign policy and world history entirely to make it fit.

violence creates violence. only the weak and stupid lash out, because they can't think of anything else to do, and they completely fail to see the situation from the other side.

QM have you ever lived in a different culture and tried to understand it?

How do you ignore the enormous profits made in war? You really think it's about protecting us? Keeeeyripes.

Wearing "thin" is it? Oh well I guess the only option is to take a leaf out of mohammed's book and level tehran, right? that would probably not escalate into a worse shitstorm, right?

You just want permanent and increasing war, that's the only conclusion from what you say.

So are you in the army or just spouting shit from behind a plastic keyboard?

on a lighter note:
i lol'd

Bush Warns of Nuclear Holocaust

quantumushroom says...

This hippie-wishing away of all threats in the world (besides Bush, of course) are really starting to wear thin. Liberals played this same denial game with the murderous soviet regime throughout the cold war, pretending nothing was wrong while 100 million worldwide were murdered by communism. As a natural extension, the same cold-war lefties naturally deemed the Surge a failure...both before it began AND AFTER it's working.

So Iran has "no delivery system" for weapons? What were the statistical odds of 9-11 happening? The world is too small to pretend invulnerability. For any nation.

Only the paranoid survive. If you wish peace, prepare for war. If leveling Tehran is what it takes to awaken the "large Iranian middle-class" not to let genocidal dickheads speak for them then so be it. If anyone deserves a bloody nose for decades of sh;t-disturbing, it's them.

The Prophet Mohammed, incidentally, favored preemptive strikes on his enemies. Perhaps it's time to "celebrate diversity" and wage war like he did, instead of waiting for another attack.

Lost Evidence - "Pearl Harbor"

Iranian Police Enforces "Islamic Dress Code" on Women

ghostcake says...

"Coupland is right, there are far worse things that occur in Saudia Arabia, yet we strive to villify Iran in the run up to a possible armed conflict with them. "

This video wasn't posted with the intention to vilify Iran, not by me, or by MEMRI TV. It's a video showing an incident that took place in Tehran, there's no propaganda behind it.

KISS on The Paul Lynde Halloween Special, 1976

gwaan says...

Firstly I can't stand kiss!

Secondly, everytime your write hateful messages like 'Tehran delenda est' or 'Mecca delenda est' you're getting a downvote! You are not interested in dialogue or reason. You pretend to enter into dialogue only to end your arguments with calls for the destriction of Muslims nations. You are AN INTOLERANT TWISTED ILL-INFORMED HATE-FILLED BIGOT - and in my opinion you have no place on the sift.

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