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newtboy (Member Profile)

bobknight33 says...


have always said wrong is wrong, Vote stealing, Pedophile, Stealing, cheating.
I don't care what party they are on Wrong is wrong.

Somehow you you never find "your team" doing wrong. Odd or you just being a hypocrite?

newtboy said:

I don’t know either way yet, but what do you want to bet on John Gray's (of Goshen Ohio, look it up) political leanings?
(Hint: He’s the Goshen Ohio school board president just caught trying to meet an 11 year old for sex, a charge which he admitted on camera was true.)

I’m pretty certain he’s going to turn out to be Republican, over well over 2/3 of his district is.
Gentleman’s bet?

Party of debauchery, eh? Ever heard the saying “he who smelt it, dealt it”?

Why A 'Big Lie' Is So Powerful And So Hard To Undo

bobknight33 says...

There is evidence to support mass cheating. Only that the fake news has zero interest in looking into it because Trump is on the other team.

MI Senator tells the truth in the face of a hateful lie

Missouri tries to legislate reality away

newtboy says...

Rhonda Rousey could kick my, or your, ass.
Her 23 & 24th chromosomes being different from ours doesn’t negate that.

On average is what you said somewhat true….mostly (there are athletic disciplines that benefit female physique strongly, and there are exceptions to every “rule”)…. but sports are played by the exceptional, and a shitload more than chromosomal arrangement and genital assignment determines how exceptional a person is in a given field.

It is possible that the best woman in a sport is better than the best man, true in almost all sports, equally possible a man born a girl could be better, or a woman born a boy…If you can’t accept that, then yes, we must live in two separate realities.

What about hermaphrodites? Can they play for either team, or none at all?

Again, denying a citizen their right to participate in publicly funded sports is pretty damn unAmerican. If your not American and your culture differs, that’s on you and not my business.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Already proven that Trump tampered with the official call log in the whitehouse because phone calls on record to senators from the whitehouse, on their official call logs from the WH number, we’re not on the call log Trump’s team turned over (with 7 hours of calls erased).
Proven within days to be a fraud, obstruction of justice, and creating a false government record for the purposes of court.

This is you guy. This is you pick?

Yeah yeah, I know….”BUT HUNTER” you say. Sorry buddy, Hunter isn’t in the government, doesn’t work for the president, and is a private citizen, so keep going after uninvolved children of politicians, it doesn’t tarnish Joe one bit, and so far hasn’t produced anything against him, only baseless accusations that he might have used daddy’s position for personal gain, not something the Trumps want criminalized to be sure, since we have the recordings of them doing exactly that.

Unlike the Trump crime family that absolutely took in hundreds of millions in gifts and sweetheart deals from (hostile) foreign nations while working for the administration and during trade negotiations they were involved directly in….that’s normally called bribery, and it’s not a guess or fantasy, it’s public record….and they did work for the government in as nepotistic a way as possible.

New Rule: Make America Grind Again

newtboy says...

He is, but he is clear that he thinks Islam is the worst, most violent misogynistic and intolerant. I say that’s equally true of all religions at different times.

While I do like that he can see when his team goes off the deep end, where that line lies has steadily moved to the right as he aged. I’ve been watching him since before he had a tv show. I live in CA, and I don’t have the issues he complains most about….of course I don’t live in the most expensive, most regulated county in CA like he does. He complained for years about getting permits for his solar system and blamed the liberal government, I got my permits in one day with no issue at all.

My biggest peeve is that, even though he’s been a professional comedian for over 40 years, he still doesn’t understand that a groan/clap is approval for a joke in bad taste or particularly pointed. It bugs the shit out of me when he gets mad his crowd groaned while applauding and laughing.

We actually started HBO to watch him there…but he’s changed so much we often don’t bother anymore. I rarely recognize his panel anymore too. New Rules is definitely the highlight of the show these days.

spawnflagger said:

I think he's against all religions, hence making Religulous.

I like him because he's old-school liberal, and not afraid to call out some of the extreme-left insanity of new-school liberals. Probably he sees it more because he lives in CA.

But I don't subscribe to HBO, and only watch his "New Rules" or monolog clips on YouTube (when they're not already 'sifted, of course)

Will Smith smacks Chris Rock on stage at Oscars Uncensored

newtboy says...

I can at times be all three, for sure, but it’s not something I would be proud about.

There’s a big difference between verbal confrontation and this.

I still say it’s impossible for me to believe both intelligent stars (with their pr teams) and the Oscars all got together and said this would be a good trick to play for ratings. Maybe I’m naive, I just can’t believe that many people would be that stupid with time to think it over.

The best evidence it wasn’t staged came from Colbert….Will Smith isn’t that good of an actor! *slam*

I’ve spent a lot of time in the bad part of towns, living in East Palo Alto before gentrification, etc. I just kind of expect every random third person to be armed and a powder keg. Confronting a stranger in anger over a joke, even a joke at my wife’s expense, seems risky. I’ve seen people stabbed over less.
In her physical defense, I’m happy to take that risk.

vil said:

What did you say? Say that again! Come back! What did you mean by that? Who do you think you are to insult us like that? Apologize instantly or..

Yeah context matters, but if I dont stand up for my wife when she feels insulted or endangered, and it does not have to be a physical or escalatory response, I can expect to be considered part of the problem. Sometimes you cant keep sitting on the fence and be all moral and philosophical about stuff. Either you fight or you retreat, a quick decision must be made on how far you want to take it.

That is why I think it was staged. No party planned to follow up, take this further. If theyd never speak about it (or to each other) again, I would believe it.

LOL at my wife wanting me to take risks. Unless I was taking on a perceived risk to her.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Average gas prices are temporarily $.06 higher than 2008. Oil prices are dropping fast. Oil companies aren’t pumping oil they have and aren’t near top production levels at refineries, but are complaining they can’t have more preserve land and offshore preserves to drill on.
You want to compare to 2020, and you want to ignore the absolute disaster of leadership that made the economy so bad that gas prices dropped significantly and oil went to -$40 a barrel at one point. You want to forget the -36% gdp and 750000 dead Americans, and between $10-16 TRILLION dollars in wasted money it took to have those lower gas prices (with no where to go because everything was closed, and nothing to buy because all supply chains were broken).
For a family of 4, the debt left by Trump’s Covid failures is well over $200000. How many tanks of gas would that have bought you?
Yes, I maintain my position that the pandemic response team global response unit could have likely identified and stopped Covid in the very early stages and evaded even an epidemic in China had they not been eradicated, and you can’t prove different. That puts it all on you know who’s shoulders.

BTW, liberal California is poised to rebate every taxpayer $400 to cover increased gas prices thanks to our functioning economy and budget surpluses.

With all the Trump and Trumpist failures, I think it could be a total ass kicking BY Democrats. The shine is off the Trump penny, and everyone outside the cult can tell it’s just a blank slug painted copper…that includes many in your party, causing a deep divide for Democrats to exploit. Numerous Republican candidates are being challenged in court to bar them from public office for being part of an insurrection….including Trump in 6 states. Can’t win if you can’t hold office. D’oh!

Are you sad about duckduckgo? It seems your ilk are outraged that the platform has decided to limit (not even censure) Russian propaganda, moving it away from the top of their news feeds, and without their Russian propaganda spoon fed to them, they’ve started throwing tantrums and stomping away in search of a site that will tell them the lies they want to hear. Such infants. Are you one? Be honest. (Ha, like you would)

bobknight33 said:

You paying 20$ more for a tank of gas. That hurts millions of people.
I use a tank a week -

With all of Biden administrations failures you think mid turns will be be a total ass kicking of Democrats?

Meeting invaders with some friendly advice.

noseeem says...

Got the humor w/o the need for the button.

It was obvious. Damn funny, too.

Here's an article that suggests you might be not so far off...

Glory to Ukraine.

vil said:

I wonder actually...
He is such a narcissist maybe it does hurt.
Mostly I just forgot to press the sarcasm button.

What does he care about? Because his legacy project for Mother Russia looks like it is backfiring. His own legacy is also about to go down the drain. It will be difficult for his western friends to remain his friends, just like that pedophile whatshisname that was friends with everyone but no one will admit it now.

Putin broke his own treaty, his word, sent his soldiers into a sovereign country where everyone speaks russian. Some of those soldiers dont know where they are and what they are doing there, have no gas and no food after 4 days. He is lying to his own people and censoring information. Some legacy.

Unfortunately no one in the USofA gives much of a shit, but maybe Europe can get its act together based on this shitstorm.

Anonymous message to Vladimir Putin

BSR says...

Hero hackers claim to have breached Belarusian weapons firm

The international hacker collective Anonymous appears to have made good on its declaration of cyberwar against Russia and its allies, apparently exposing 200GB of emails from Belarusian weapons manufacturer Tetraedr.

Anonymous breached the firm’s defenses and released the most recent 1,000 emails from inboxes belonging to Tetraedr employees, passing them over in .EML format to the information transparency platform DDoSecrets. It also made public a complete archive of each inbox in .PST format, though the hackers noted that some files may have been corrupted by the export process.

Tetraedr is a private company founded in 2001 that specializes in making advanced radio-electronic weapons systems. It is based in Belarus, which has provided Vladimir Putin with logistical support in his invasion of Ukraine. Its dictatorial leader, Alexandr Lukashenko, has long been regarded as a puppet of Putin.

“Greetings, citizens of the world,” announced Anonymous in a statement on DDoSecrets, a non-profit whistleblower site set up in 2018. “We are the PWN-Bar Hack Team, we stand for equal opportunity pwnage and unrestricted access to information.”

Stop Kowtowing to China | Real Time with Bill Maher

newtboy says...

I agree with the above, this is just a dumb racist argument. Gu rode for China by choice, both because her parents are Chinese and because it was an excellent opportunity for her.

Does the poster believe we shouldn’t have any foreign born athletes on the American team? That’s going to remove some top athletes, @bobknight33.

Also, fuck China, why is the IOC kowtowing to Russia, who should be completely banned from competition for the next 40+ years after their state sponsored doping scheme was caught, not allowed to compete under a slightly different name, not allowed to compete even after testing positive for performance enhancing drugs? Not denying many others a medal because there are serious questions about Russia cheating again, but having no consequences for Russia!

Fuck the olympics. They’re so past their prime, are a loser for host countries, aren’t a fair sports organization or even close, is rife with abuse, fraud, and scandal…etc. It’s time to quit them.

America isn’t close to genocide, Bill? What about our native populations, many now extinct and more relegated to worthless areas with no services or resources. Remember forced re-education? Relocation? Extermination? Cultural genocide? Religious persecution? WTF happened to Bill? You know there’s an issue if Bob is on your side. America did everything we accuse China of doing to the Wiegers and more, and continues to do so to this day.
BTW, Bill….Hong Kong is part of China legally and historically, unlike Taiwan and Tibet.

Reminds me a lot of the rule that you can’t criticize Trump without severe consequences.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Sydney Powell, Trump’s ex lawyer, is defending herself from disbarment for filing numerous frivilous lawsuits….her defense? “Maybe my claims are true”…her evidence? “Many people believe it (after I spent months convincing them, even after I admitted it was just hyperbole not fact), and “many Republican legislatures are creating biased election laws to fight against the frauds I claimed… maybe it’s true.”
That’s not a defense, it’s not even a debate point, and it’s so ridiculous it might lead to her defense lawyer being disbarred!
Oh my god, your team really relied on stealing power then ignoring your own criminal acts that put you there, didn’t you? Trump’s promise to pardon the insurectionists if they return him to power is just more proof of that. With the records Trump tried to hide, steal, burn, shred, etc mostly being recovered, things are looking pretty shitty for your “destroy democracy and blame anyone else” “murderous violent sedition is legitimate political discourse” “wasn’t me” team.
What steaming pieces of feculence the right has become, top to bottom.

So anti democratic, so un-American, but that’s all your party is now, anti American obstructionism and election frauds to cling to the power you have left after Trump squandered 100% control of government with nothing to show for it but failures, economic collapse, and mass death.

Pence Finally Tells The Truth

newtboy says...

Too bad that little insurrection interrupted them from making that case then, isn’t it?
That was the plan, object, have Pence accept and agree with their baseless already litigated and found legally invalid objections to legally certified electors, then have him accept the fraudulent slates of “electors” with their forged fraudulent documents provided by the RNC without allowing for any new objection, and declare Trump president despite his losing the vote and electoral college by a historic landslide….that’s called stealing the office, and is about as anti democratic as government gets. Even Pence sees that clearly, and he’s as sycophantic as they come.
After the failed coup, that evening the sycophants in their gibbering terror dropped their ploy and objections and let Pence move on.
Must be nice to have no memory, it allows such easy rewrites of history and your positions.

Fortunately, one violent Republican subversion of democracy got in the way of another attempted Republican subversion of democracy by fraud, and put Pence in the position of going along with the president’s mob trying to hang him, or follow the law, and the facts, and not join the coup (because it was clear if he did, he would still be hanged come Jan 21st. His actions and words that day make it clear he was certain the president himself was trying to kill him by any means….that’s why he refused to leave congress with the president’s personal secret service team. He feared assasination by Trump.).

Sorry, these quasi legal manuverings have been litigated, you lost. “Can” and “could” being operative words there….the issue being the validity of the challenges. The rights interpretation of the law and their ability to circumvent it has been rejected universally by the courts, because it is blatantly disingenuous and ridiculous, ignoring precedent and historical interpretation in favor of technical loopholes that might be valid if you just ignore the rest of the law and the requirement for honesty in court….like the ploy you describe above.

bobknight33 said:

Pence cannot overturn the election . He just oversees the House according to the Electoral Count Act. If there are objections it also needs a Senate member joining in. Then a challenge can occur and the electoral vote could be changed.

In 2016 there were Democrat house members objections but had no senators support.

In 2020 House members and Senate members had objected. Pence at that point would be obligated to follow the rules set in the Electoral Count Act and allowed the debate, which he did not do.

"six Republicans in the Senate and 121 in the House backed objections to certifying Arizona’s electoral outcome, while seven Senate Republicans and 138 House Republicans supported an objection to certifying Pennsylvania’s electoral outcome."

The Lab Hypothesis | Real Time (HBO)

newtboy says...

The issue is the wrong guy, a dishonest blowhard trying to cover his own failures, claimed this early on with absolutely zero evidence. It was a clear dodge, his normal MO. Refusing any responsibility for ending the international pandemic response team that would have been able to actually say when and where the outbreak started, and likely be able to keep it relegated to one small area in China. By blaming it on a Chinese lab, actually saying it was intentional, he deflects from his abject failure to protect America from a clear, obvious, incontrovertibly deadly threat on the horizon….or any time after it’s discovery.
Were the Chinese studying Covid, yes, so were we. That’s not an indication of where it came from. There’s no evidence it came from any lab, only supposition at best.

Edit:Even if the guess that it came from a Chinese lab is correct, it doesn’t excuse one second of Trump’s (lack of) response and outright denials for months-years. The origin has nothing to do with the danger level, in fact, if it WERE enhanced/created in a lab as he claimed, that’s more reason to consider it MORE dangerous, not reason to claim it’s just a cold or mild flu and will disappear like magic in a few weeks. Granted, it was fun to see him (only after his trade deal fell apart) blame this deadly virus on the Chinese as an unforgivable deliberate act of germ warfare and accuse them of minimizing the danger and hiding the size and severity of the outbreak and in the same breath claim it’s nothing to worry about, not dangerous, probably not deadly, not worth any action to protect against, and just a minimal annoyance soon to disappear….but also disappointing to see how easily so many Americans glossed over the two faced hypocritical responsibility shirking stance he took.

This guy claims most, nearly all viruses can’t both infect people and be transmitted….what utter nonsense. If that were true, there would have never been epidemics, pandemics, not even outbreaks. Credibility destroyed.

I guess he didn’t hear about swine flu, or bird flu, or flu, or colds, or any transmittable virus. 🤦‍♂️
I guess they haven’t heard new mutations are far less deadly (but more transmittable) than earlier versions, so they are getting less dangerous, contrary to his claim.

Not transmitting well outdoors means it’s not natural?! Bullshit, animals nest together. Many natural viruses require close contact to transmit.

DNA testing proved early on that this is not a man made virus. Is it possible a Chinese lab made a natural virus more dangerous, then a lab mistake released it? Yes, but there’s no evidence that’s the case, even these people who’s livelihood relies on people accepting “the lab hypothesis” (hypothesis=guess) admit it’s all conjecture, there’s no evidence, certainly no proof. It’s not the lab theory because it’s unproven.


BTW, this couple are married, anti vaxers, Ivermectin proponents, and were thrown out of Evergreen College, and are now both now discredited and disgraced. Their main source of income is now their anti vax, pro Ivermectin, Covid isn’t dangerous podcasts loved by morons like Joe Rogan, and a source of much of his misinformation that’s getting him removed from his platform.
“Bret Weinstein is one of the foremost purveyors of COVID-19 disinformation out there,” says Dr. David Gorski, a surgical oncologist and professor at Wayne State University who also debunks quack remedies as managing editor at a website called Science-Based Medicine. “Weinstein can be ‘credited’ with playing a large role in popularizing the belief that ivermectin is a miracle cure or preventative for COVID-19, that the vaccines are dangerous, and that the disease itself is not. Why are Rogan and Maher attracted to his messages? Contrarians and conspiracy theorists tend to be attracted to each other.”

Downvote discredited shills who profit from misinformation. No surprise at all, considering who posted this dishonest propaganda from discredited propagandists.

The Death Couloir - Mont Blanc

newtboy says...

No problem whatsoever with waivers. Are you worried that too many brain dead slugs will Darwin themselves? Why? Do you foresee some future shortage of morons?
The problem is trying to make everything safe for morons….how are we supposed to cull them if you remove ALL evolutionary pressures.
Idiocracy was a documentary from the near future.

Besides, if they’re dumb enough for all that, they’re dumb enough to know that if they can’t see the danger, the danger can’t see them, so just walk the cliff edge with your towel wrapped around your head, for safety.

If I want to risk my life climbing an active rock slide, that should be my and the recovery team my estate hires’s business. The idea that suicide is against the law is moronic to me….the only crime that is prosecuted only against those who fail at committing it. Suicide by overt stupidity or intentional high risk lifestyles not only doesn’t bother me, I fully support it as long as it doesn’t involuntarily endanger others.

BTW, the skier death doesn’t sound sad one bit to me, she died doing what she loved, and part of that love was undoubtedly of the danger level of skiing out of bounds, the rush of skiing with a 1000ft drop as the punishment for crashing (or stepping too far). I would think she probably really enjoyed 99% of her last day. Definitely the kind of horrific, quick death I hope for. Way better than prolonged disease or decline.

StukaFox said:

Therein lies the problem: most people HUGELY over-estimate their 'Acceptable risk level'.

- "This crumbling cliff edge above a 1,000 foot gorge is the PERFECT place for a selfie!" (one of the saddest deaths in WA was when one of the best skiers in the state decided to look over the edge of a cornice. It gave way and she fell almost a thousand feet to her death.)

- "100f and 0% humidity? What a perfect time to go for a 10 mile, uphill hike with only a can of Coke and some salty beef jerky!"

- "10 essentials? Beer, pot, lighter, cellphone, hat, earbuds, that little map they give you at the visitor center, more beer and is that 10?"

- "I can read a map just fine! This off-trail hike through a rugged part of the park will be breeze!"

- "I can get signal anywhere in this enormous national forest!"

- "Aww! What a cute little baby bear!"

- "Can we get an Uber at the bottom of this ravine?"

- "Let's go swimming! This raging river of snow melt will be the perfect place to cool off!"

etc etc etc

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