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Psychic Crime Fighter - Why? Because f*** you that's why.

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'sylvia browne, dibshit, souless, monster, doesnt care, humbug' to 'sylvia browne, dead wrong, dibshit, souless, monster, doesnt care, humbug' - edited by xxovercastxx

Psychic Crime Fighter - Why? Because f*** you that's why.

Sylvia Browne predictions for 2007

TED talk: James Randi's fiery takedown of psychic fraud

BicycleRepairMan says...

>> ^ponceleon:
James Randi says in the speech that no one has ever taken them up and that isn't exactly accurate, they have a section of their site where they have all the applications from people who have tried.

He doesn't say that NOONE has tried, he clearly says that many people have tried, but he says none of the big ones, the ones making lots of money on fraud, like Sylvia Browne, Deepak Chopra etc have not come forward to claim their Million Dollar Prize, despite their obvious fondness of money. The people who do try are people who genuinely thinks that they do have supernatural abilities, but I guess if they do think so, they most likely will never become wealthy scrounging off of the suckers and instead end up as suckers themselves.

How the World will End in 2012.

RadHazG says...

You'll excuse me if I take issue with anyone who believes that simply because a calender system that was a) based on how many *fingers and toes* the originators possessed and b) designed to have an end and restart again at the beginning, that the end of the world is coming.

I'm not sure about that whole "Neutrino" stuff (do they really think that?) but I'd assume these people aren't aware that the core of the earth is *gasp* already liquid. And the continents already drift. The end is nigh!

Yes I know its a parody video, but I sell these retarded 2012 books to people all day and it angers me to no end watching these people get cheated and frightened out of their money in a time when every dollar matters. On that note : I desperately want Sylvia Brown dead, or banned from writing yet more books.

Sylvia Brown Worlds Worst Psychic

thinker247 says...

But I must confess, I'd do the same thing if I was Sylvia Browne. Gullible people really do deserve what they get. If you think that some random woman can tell you things about your deceased relative, then you haven't learned to accept the grief that accompanies the loss of a loved one. Eventually everyone dies and everyone around them must learn to cope with it. If you can't, and you need psychic support from a complete stranger, give me your credit card number and i'll be glad to talk you through this tough time.

Sylvia Brown Worlds Worst Psychic

Shepppard says...

>> ^calvados:
Also the "I don't care" at 1:48. Hoo boy.

That's exactly what I was thinking, she's basically conveying a message that "I think it, therefore it happened, and it's right."

She's apparently been quoted from her first husband agreeing that she has no psychic powers, and saying "The gullible deserve to be taken advantage of."

Sylvia Brown Worlds Worst Psychic

Sylvia Brown Worlds Worst Psychic

GreatBird says...

Sylvia Brown is a horrible evil person. I feel so bad for the people that get sucked into her manipulative lies. I think some people really think they are psychic and just trick themselves into believing it. Sylvia Brown, on the other hand, really knows she is full of shit and is taking advantage of desperate vulnerable people.

Larry King's Worst Interview Question

James Randi exposes Uri Geller and Popoff (Faith Healer)

lertad says...

After the popularity of James Rnadi exposing James Hydrick (, I thought people might be interested in this. Although it's not as confrontational as the one with James Hydrick, with no direct communicational between Randi and the two protagonists, but you do get to know James Randi more and the kind of person he is.

James Randi has now raised his awards to one million dollars and has taken a more offensive approach as well as more rules on his screening process. He plans to publicly challenge several proclaimed psychics this April to come forth and prove themselves, including Uri Geller, James Van Praagh, Sylvia Browne, and John Edward. For those interested.

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