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Kawasaki H2R Onboard Lap With Bike World

First Ever Photograph of Light as Both a Particle and Wave

RC Drift Cars in Japan

Electrical wiring problems

AeroMechanical says...

I don't see that there is anything he could have done wrong that would cause that behavior. The only wrong thing he could do that would still result in the light shining is to reverse the hot and neutral (assuming all he did was swap the fan for the light). That's a very, very bad thing to do, but wouldn't cause this in an otherwise correct circuit. I don't think anyways. I'd have to resort to drawing pictures to figure it out.

This is probably a good thing because it means he discovered a potentially dangerous problem in the previous circuit. There's lots of ways you can wire up two switches a light and a GFI socket that appear to work but are actually dangerous mistakes of varying degrees.

ed: My suspicion is that the whole circuit is wired to a different breaker on each end, which is a mistake I've seen more than once in the few years I did this stuff and a giant pain in the ass, not to mention dangerous... though he would be lucky not to discover that while changing the light, unless he just turned off all the breakers or something.

Mom Does Doll Do-Overs With A Natural Look And Wins Internet

ledpup says...

It's just swapping one expectation of female beauty with another. At least the glitzy ones are out having fun while the tree-changers worry about whether their coffee is organic enough.

Fusionaut (Member Profile)

oritteropo says...

Thanks I'm doing pretty well, although lying low at present because it's hot.

I just missed my bus last night and walked 20 minutes home. It didn't seem that hot when I was walking, but then when I got here I was a bit warm and only then thought to look up the temperature... and it was 35.

Right now I'll cheerfully swap you your -17

So how are you going?

Fusionaut said:

A very belated Happy Christmas and New Year to you!

How are you doing?

Health care in Canada

Mordhaus says...

I can't speak to Canada's system, but I can weigh in on Medicare quality of care. My Grandmother, the woman who raised me, was diagnosed with lung cancer in her early 70's. Since I was helping to take care of her at the time, I got to see what I have to look forward to in my later life.

Consistently we had to wait for treatments to be approved and she was often delayed for patients that were not on Medicare. Additionally, every single therapy or quality of life aid was scrutinized beyond belief.

As an example, the doctor gave her a prescription for an oxygen tank and delivery system after they removed part of her lung that was not responding to chemo. Medicare refused to cover it without an 'oxygen saturation level test'. This 'test' was horrible. She had to try to breathe without the machine for multiple minutes, struggling and gasping for air. It was fucking brutal to watch, but the people that Medicare sent to verify didn't give a shit. They basically told me that if her saturation wasn't low enough after 15 minutes, she couldn't be covered for the machine. I couldn't take it, so I told them to fuck off out of her house and paid out of my own pocket for the rental.

These are just some examples, there were others before she died that made it quite clear that Medicare is not quality care. It's basically the bare minimum they have to give you to keep you alive. So this video comparing Canada's care to Medicare doesn't reassure me in the slightest and it's almost certainly an unfair comparison to their system. I can tell you I am dreading making the swap to Medicare in 20-25 years, let alone being forced into something similar sooner. As far as ACA, I don't really care. It's probably good for people who don't have good jobs or who are unemployed, but I will be more than happy to hang onto my extremely good insurance provided through my employment.

Cars on ski slopes, 2 WD, 4 WD, and 4x4 snow tires rule

AeroMechanical says...

Granted of course specialized is always better, but that's a lot of money. Where I live (Milwaukee, USA) you're actually hard pressed to find someone who even carries winter tires. On the other hand, I suppose if you figured they last so many miles, it probably evens out except for the cost of having them swapped out.

More PSAs are good things. The times I've lived in places where it rarely snowed, when it did it was a nightmare. It wasn't that bad from my perspective except for the other drivers who didn't know the true secret, which is: regardless of what you're driving, to drive it really, really slowly. That's what people weren't doing and why I ended up with a surprising number of cars on my front lawn.

Payback said:

Winter tires are still better under 7deg C.

All weather tires wear more during summer. You're actually wasting money.

eric3579 (Member Profile)

oritteropo says...

I haven't seen your fix, but I do know that the two versions of that song posted here had swapped over from how they were originally posted.

Once I'm back in more civilised climes I will have a look... I just wanted to let you know of the risk of fixing one and then thinking the two were the same.

My thought had been that as long as both versions were here it wasn't terribly important whether they were the right way around Otherwise I'd have swapped them over myself.

eric3579 said:

Are you saying somewhere along the way they were replaced with the wrong embeds from previous dead situations which i then used to make a dupe? If you know what the originals were or where they go i can ask lucky to attempt a fix. I'm not exactly understanding.

eric3579 (Member Profile)

oritteropo says...

There are two vids of this on the sift, which weren't originally dupes.

They had effectively swapped embeds though, so just watch out for creating a dupe situation.

p.s. I re-watch both these vids occasionally

eric3579 said:


Replacing with proper embed. Matched from previous thumbnail

the Elizabeth warren speech that has everyone talking

SFOGuy says...

Warren is a smart woman who was HATED by the bankers she tried telling for 10 years that trouble was brewing; then she was right.
They hated her more.

Behind all this is a serious question: how does any institution that takes short term deposits (a bank) handle its long term obligations (loans) when the deposits (your money) has the right to leave at any time?

No one has really solved that one yet, as far as I can tell...Maybe she has a smart answer. Smarter than letting the banks trade meaningless swaps, which is what she opposes in this speech...

Sam Harris: Can Psychedelics Help You Expand Your Mind?

gorillaman says...

These two ideas go hand-in-hand. It's very nice for us to sit around and swap stories of our experiences with psychedelics, but we have to recognise that we have enemies who want to steal these experiences from us. You can't on the one hand believe that drugs are fine and people should take them if they want to and on the other say, "oh hey, here's this guy who thinks everyone who uses drugs should be kidnapped and locked in a box for years; that cool - live and let live." Is that thinking really something we can even recognise as human? I don't, and we have a right to defend ourselves from it, by say, stringing its advocates up from the nearest tree. So what do we call something subhuman that deserves to be lynched?

You're notice I'm not so much of a one for universal love and brotherhood.

newtboy said:

You are welcome to your opinion, and I even agree about literature, but dude...WTF?!?

1993 Nissan 240SX - Part 3: Making it Stick and Stop!

Chipmunks Looking For The Perfect Acorn

mintbbb says...

Sorry, YT wants to default that kind of embed for me every now and then and I don't always remember to check it. Swapped the embed, hopefully this one now shows the controls etc!

artician said:

This video seems to lack volume, timebar or other controls. is that just me?

Epic Mullet Migration in Florida

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