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Police fire (paintball?) at residents on their front porch

newtboy says...

Shoot back with black tallons. Where are all Trump's "ready to go" 2A people? Certainly they would stand against this tyrannical thuggery....unless they're really all babies cowering behind and threatening with their guns but only when only they have guns to threaten with. No. Couldn't be.

Fucking violent thugs shooting people peacefully sitting on their porch.
They have zero authority to make you be INSIDE, only on your property.
This is not policing.

Shoot those thugs in the head like Trump said to. Presidential order through Twitter, shoot the THUGS. Burn their hideouts too...police stations. They aren't policing, so they don't deserve them.

I won't piss on a cop if they're on fire, or use my breaks if they're in front of my moving vehicle. By far, they're the most violent gang in America.

@bobknight33, does giving someone a nice ride on the clock excuse this? Or illegally arresting the press? Or repeatedly unannounced, shooting people dead in their homes, or repeatedly suffocating people in public using banned control methods, and how about lying about all of it until civilian video goes public?
Edit: You patriots aren't doing a thing to stop this tyrannical clampdown, gangs of THUGS shooting peaceful citizens on their porch backed by tanks, I guess all that "our guns protect us from a tyrannical government takeover" is definitely bullshit, we're sending those thugs to your house next to collect your guns, you don't need them anymore since you're all snowflakes.

Crew Demo 2- SpaceX Launch Live Stream

The Ad Trump has Threatened TV Stations Over

newtboy says...

*promote since this ad bothers Trump so much he's now suing stations that air it.
As ridiculous as that is, it's a win win for us....either he loses in court and looks like a thin skinned baby throwing another tantrum or he wins and a new standard is set for political ads where saying something bad about a political rival isn't allowed even if it's a 100% accurate statement.
Also, it keeps the ad in the public's mind for months...maybe until the election, for free.

Now, if only someone would go looking for Barron's long form birth certificate to prove he's actually Ivanka's love child with her father and announce the "big announcement" coming on election day, you won't believe the amazing information their investigators found.

lucky760 (Member Profile)

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lucky760 (Member Profile)

Policeman Just Hanging Out While On Duty

lucky760 says...

Funny, but would've really tickled me fully if it ended with them helping him out or at least maybe yelling out the window an offer to assist, human to human.

Reminds me of that lady who was at a gas station trying to figure out how to fuel up her Tesla. The guys filmed and laughed and laughed and filmed... but finally they got out and explained her folly, and that tiny bit of kindness is really what allowed me to enjoy that video.

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

Dubai: An Absolute Mess!

spawnflagger says...

I've been to Dubai, I think drivability is more important than walkability when it's 43C (110F) outside. And they do have public transportation (with air-conditioned stations). And all of the malls in Dubai are quite bustling, many people and many shops (mostly small and medium), and walkable because it's air-conditioned. I guess Google Maps Street View has its limits...

Robocop with laugh track

Robocop with laugh track

If You Could See Satellites, What Would The Sky Look Like

newtboy says...

What does he mean "if" I could see satellites? Where I live, on clear nights I've been able to watch the international space station be supplied....I could see both the station and the resupply capsule all the way to docking, as well as multiple other satellites.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

JiggaJonson says...

No...I didn't say that. But Joe Biden was working on orders from the Obama admin as VP.

Imagine this for a second. Your son works at a police station and you are the mayor of town. Your son is kind of a dumbass but he got the job probably because of a reference to you. "You know...I'm Bobknight33's son."

There is an internal affairs head who keeps getting complaints. Complaints from the department, complaints form OTHER police stations. Your son is not under investigation and has not filed a complaint he is getting paid well though even though he's only a half assed employee who got in because of your position.

Finally a complaint comes from the governor of your state. This internal affairs guy is so bad that u are being ordered by the governor to remove him from his position within your power. You can't fire him directly, but you talk to the union guys, you talk to his department head, and explain we're cutting funding if this guy isn't gone. I'm being ordered to do this by my boss.

Then he's fired. All investigations remain open, transfer to a new person. You're relieved to see that your son hasn't been dealing with this old internal affairs guy in any way.

You put a new guy in there and he starts to investigate your son and his job and his partners.

Then people start complaining "the mayor only did this because it benefitted his son!!!" his partners are under investigation under the new guy. He wasn't under investigation before but is now. How is that a benefit? How is that shady business dealings?

Explain yourself.

bobknight33 said:

So in you mind as long as Joe is running for an office he is hands off from investigating.

Trump is not trying to get dirt of a candidate but to continue his effort to drain the swamp, which Joe seems to be neck deep in it.

Heck even the socialist see through the democrat BS.

Pallbearer Snub Mitch McConnell At Elijah Cummings' Memorial

newtboy says...

Some info about why....

Mitch McConnell, the Senate majority leader, was intentionally snubbed by a pallbearer, Bobby Rankin, at the late congressman Elijah Cummings' memorial service at the Capitol on Thursday. The pallbearer walked down the line of attendees and shook hands with the House minority leader, Kevin McCarthy, and the Senate minority leader, Chuck Schumer, before walking past McConnell to hug the House Speaker, Nancy Pelosi.
Mr Rankin explained that his brother, who died exactly one year before the memorial service, like numerous servicemen contracted multiple cancers directly linked to drinking (well documented) contaminated water while he was stationed at camp Lejeune, and was denied his military benefits thanks in large part to McConnell personally blocking legislation Cummings had produced with bipartisan support that would have given those poisoned by the military's negligence during their military service the benefits they earned and were promised, and he could not shake hands with a "person" (and I use that term loosely) who would throw injured servicemen into a ditch after stealing their benefits.
Bravo, sir. Bravo.

Grreta Thunberg's Speech to World Leaders at UN

vil says...

I am actually doing just fine simply completely ignoring her hysteria. First time I listened to her is this video.
What is her impact in China? Russia? India? Brazil? Indonesia? On people who make decisions?
Perhaps in the USofA hysteria can have an impact on future elections (I am actually doing just fine simply completely ignoring the current administration) but will global ecology really be a big (or medium..) election theme in the USofA in the near future, like 20 years?

Im washing out those plastic bottles and sorting trash and keep my car serviced properly and fly rarely. But if this type of hysteria is randomly aimed against nuclear power, attempts to talk to women in the workplace, and eating meat regularly on other days, could we please not go that way... too late.

What can be done to move the 6 countries mentioned at least slightly in the direction of Europe on pollution? To stop China building coal power stations all over Africa? Brasil and Indonesia deforesting? What has (or can) Grrreta really do to help there? This is like trying to shame Saddam Hussein to give up those WOMD he hid so well. How dare you Saddam? Bad boy!

Also how dare three quarters of us not just lie down and die without children to save the planet? Or are we evil and not mature enough to forego making money to buy food for our families? Which in most places on the Earth means polluting like hell. Vicious cycle. Maybe people should be more modest, maybe rich white kids should not be the ones saying that.

Grreta so reminds me of west european academic communism in the 60s. CND in the 70s. Greenpeace. And so on. Should find out more about people, now that she has read all those encyclopediae. Everyone has to eat and f*@k or we die out in one generation.

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