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bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Jesus Christ…get Don Jr some help. His “interview” with the Sofaking was channeling Matt Foley on speed, and without daddy’s money the loser would already be eating government cheese out of a van down by the river.

If he isn’t doing a half ounce of cocaine or more every single day he’s absolutely hooked on crack…he was hanging out with Mike Pillow the crackhead. He has burned out his tiny brain and his podcasts are drug fueled psychosis displays every time. Holy crap….you guys talked about Hunters drug problem, he beat it. Don JR is going to OD before the election, if he didn’t last night.
Get him help…don’t pretend wild random rambling at 144 speed sweating and spitting, veins a poppin eyes bugging is normal. He’s in full blown cocaine addiction and it is obvious to everybody. Keep that drug addict far away from the whitehouse.

Even JD thinks they should lose.

Bonus - Defendant Don lost his final appeal to Engoron and the MAGGOT landlord/tenant lawyer who accosted the judge in the hall then tried to call that an inappropriate exparte conference on Fox will likely be disbarred for not just trying to screw the case but chasing the judge into a private “judge only” exit. The felon tried to have him removed over that….FAIL!

Ren - Losing it

Putting Ya Back Into It!


BSR says...

I only pickup dead weight. Sure, some are 400 lbs or more but I got a helper that takes the head end because he's younger than me. Work smarter not harder.

I once knew a girl that asked me if I was strong. Of course I told her yes. She spit on the ground and said, "OK, pick that up".

newtboy said:

That body builder couldn’t lift a piece of paper….
….if you taped it to his back.

I never understand the thought behind creating huge muscles that limit your range of motion so much. Sure, you can bench 500 lbs, but can you even scratch your own nose? I’m much more impressed by rock climbers that can do one pinky pull-ups all day long but look like weak computer nerds until their shirts come off.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Bwaaahahahaha! Telling that you aren’t a bit embarrassed that EVERY attempt to smear Dark Brandon has dissolved into a puddle of “witness” lies and obfuscation backed by payoffs from the same people calling these disgraced and often criminal people, some actual foreign spies, as witnesses to the serious crimes they claim Joe Biden committed and instead call the dozen failed investigations and the tens of millions of taxpayer dollars wasted “spitballing ideas”. It proves even you never believed your nonsensical lies, and the ridiculous weaponization of the fed over known lies is still the only method of action the right understands.

Nice that you have now admitted EVERY baseless accusation the right has levied in the last 7 years was nothing more than spitballing ideas. We’ve known it for years. Sucker.

I guess you’re going to stop constantly whining about others “spitballing ideas” about Trump’s criminal activities, especially since those spitballed ideas have evidence and real witnesses backing them up….right?

Every single case against him should proceed, because even if there weren’t mountains of indisputable evidence to back all the charges, spitballing ideas is not illegal. Keep those investigations coming. Right? Or is spitballing only ok for the dishonest right?

No problem investigating Trump’s actions on Epstein island, or with his underaged daughter, nor the underage girls he forced to get naked for him, nor every business dealing he’s ever touched, nor his children, nor their spouses. All fair game to spitball accusations at to see what sticks. You will be reminded every time you throw a tantrum. Unlike you, I can remember what both I and you said.

Barron is Ivanka’s son. Check the dna. Don Jr traffics cocaine internationally on daddy’s plane. Eric has been caught raping young boys, covered up. Trump himself is STILL a friend of Hillary and protected her from prosecution. Trump has paid for over 3 dozen abortions by his rape victims, most under 16 years old. Trump and Epstein famously liked to end force underage 3 ways by docking. Trump owes the mob millions in multiple countries.
Hey, you’re right, this spitballing ideas is fun.

No, it’s not illegal to lie in most cases, but spreading bullshit lies and pretending you can prove them when you know all along they’re nonsensical lies makes you and your entire party untrustworthy dishonest liars, the absolute worst of humanity, and all non cultists see it.
Wasting tens of millions of tax money to “investigate” these spitballs using paid fake “whistleblowers” is criminal, as is paying witnesses for their false testimony…you guys got caught repeatedly.

Are you really so brain damaged you don’t understand? Because everyone else does. The right has put all their eggs in this basket, and you just admitted it’s made of nothing but spit and wet tissues. 😂 How’s this spitballing working out for you guys? Getting lots done in congress? Gaining support from independents? 😂 sucker.

You aren’t spit balling ideas, you are knowingly making baseless false accusations in the hope that one might stick despite having no evidence of anything….that’s what’s called lying by normal people. You aren’t asking questions, you are making random accusations, accusations you KNOW to be false.
We don’t have to lie about Trump, he left mountains of evidence of his crimes, often on audio and video tape and with witnesses. By the election, he could be in prison for hundreds of years if convicted of 10% of the charges….state or federal prison.
We both know he’s only running to try to escape that prison term.

We all know there are more nonsensical lies coming about Joe…your problem is everyone knows you people are nonsensical liars, so no one cares what you’re going off about. It’s nonsense. Like a tired 2 year old trying to argue…you don’t even know what you’re saying, you’re just whining and crying. Who cares what you’re screaming as you throw your tantrums? 😂 you need a long nap.

But I don’t have to lie, Trump is a fraud, thief, and rapist, all 3 found true in courts of law, not opinion. Lots more coming HIS way…maybe 7 more felony indictments by STATE DA’s that he can’t pardon himself from even if he steals the office of president again (remember he’s never won an election, even Clinton got millions more votes). Lots more of that coming your way. Lots more PROOF of Trump’s anti American anti Democracy crimes corroborated by his entire administration, recordings, paper trails, and his own and his lawyers idiotic admissions of the crimes he’s charged with. So much more for you to hide your head up your ass and ignore, anti American felonies you’ll have to just pretend haven’t been proven in court. Can’t wait for him to take the stand, that’s going to be hilarious. His only possible defense is insanity. 😂

bobknight33 said:

Spit balling ideas are not illegal.

Keep drinking the Kool Aid. Lots more of that coming your way.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

bobknight33 says...

Spit balling ideas are not illegal.

Keep drinking the Kool Aid. Lots more of that coming your way.

newtboy said:

Says the guy who STILL believes the NEXT (fake) whistleblower will have undeniable proof of Dark Brandon selling policy for cash despite the last 20+ completely disintegrating under examination.

The latest disaster being Devon Archer who was going to verify the Hunter Biden laptop and it’s contents, he didn’t, would testify to being present when Joe got on the phone to sell influence to Hunter’s business partners, he said it never once happened, and would bring audio recordings of Joe taking bribes, he didn’t know what they’re talking about.
Then they claimed the DOJ tried to hide him, tried to put him in prison before he could testify before congress, but every single court document proves they not only didn’t try that, they specifically noted his appointment to testify when they filed with the judge and insisted under no circumstances should he be incarcerated before he was finished, despite knowing he was not scheduled for incarceration yet, a process that takes months, so there was always absolutely no danger he might be unavailable anyway. Those documents are public.

You buy the dumbest, easily disproven nonsense. Such stupidity it usually looks like you’re playing the character of a brainless MAGA moron, like Colbert used to, because it’s just too stupid too consistently to be believed by even the most gullible person alive.

When is Hillary being arrested again? I forget. Wasn’t it coming for certain in 2017?

You are really entertaining Bob…along the lines of Archie Bunker…the worst of humanity, but entertaining to watch flounder.

Uh-oh. Case closed when your lawyer admits you did the crime on tv.

Study Finds All Bugs Currently Trying 2 Get Inside Yo Mouth

Judge Locks Up Parkland Shooter for Life, Throws Away Key

newtboy says...

Good job….except that means paying to house him for life.
Death would be kinder and cheaper….especially if it’s at his own hands.

Odd posting from @bobknight33, since MAGA still insists this was a false flag operation, no one died, no one injured, and only crisis actors who were trotted out as a reason to take yer guns.
Marge Green went so far as to chase some of the surviving children,screaming and spitting at them in her rage over their existence and their nerve to want stronger gun regulations after nearly being murdered.

I’m glad at least a few photons of sunlight might finally be seeping in, but I’m not hopeful that the darkness won’t drive them out.

David Blaine Freaks Jimmy Out

Why it's hard to be Republican w/a mind and heart

luxintenebris says...

the idea that those who support Roe v Wade are de-fetusists is absurd. it's reality. it's compassion. it's knowing life is cruel and we don't have to make it crueler.

even the belief that life begins at conception, ignores a significant fact: ~20% of all pregnancies end in stillbirth or miscarriages. many unnoticed or unknown. meaning a Crane takes many babies away before the crane can deliver them.

if the jokes ^ can make a person winch, then why doesn't knowing a woman will die not register? all for a law w/o good intent. for the intent to be real, there would be other realities already in place, such as...

- sex education - at all levels
- contraception for both sexes (even subsidized)
- prenatal care for the viable & wanted
- education for parents
- time off for parents
- groups privately aiding in the care (churches, societies...)
- daycare is provided privately, thru companies, or publically funded

...just possibly a few 'tells' that the morally magnificent are serious.

BTW: the FBI is no lie. don is dead in the water. cry a river but the flood awaits. don't know what's on the papers other than his ass. w/o someone paying the attys - he is defenseless. three times over - he is spit in the ocean. bet me.

bobknight33 said:

Nice reads.

The take away is from on of the articles you linked..

"We still do not, of course, know exactly what the FBI found"

You amaze me with you utter gullible nature.

You stupid fuck stick.
Tell me EXACTLY what was FOUND?

Enlighten me with FACTS!

Everyone is speculating and no one has FACTS. NO ONE! ( except you)

I only call out fools like you.
When you are right I agree.
I can't remember you ever agreeing with me.
When you post a bad cop vid I agree
When you post a bad Republican , I agree
You however can never accept that you side can be so wrong at times. Facts do not matter to you, only MSM opinions do. Those are not facts.

Tim Burton takes on Adams Familys, "WEDNSEDAY"

noims (Member Profile)

Conservatives VS KKK : Spot The Difference

luxintenebris says...

Gonna help you get through this...

Bongo isn't worth the spit. Sharing nothing as he has no grasp of history. I do...but am fairly well-read...and am open to learning the good/bad/ugly of American history. Check out the '60s and the LBJ administration. Find a book by a real historian. Answers should come by seeing it for yourself. Or, magically, given the chance to think about it objectively.

will admit was against Uncle Thomas from the beginning. anyone w/sense knew a black man was going to be appointed but who he was replacing was almost too much to bear (like the scene in Raiders of the Lost Ark - a jewel for a bag of dirt). never appeared to me to be overqualified or a cognitive powerhouse. believed he'd be what he is. seat filler.

so was biased in that regard. knew how to judge the judge.

in a wider view - we are all biased in some regard. hard not to be. science has shown even our brains give us bad info. racism exists everywhere - no one group is immune. 'tho some use it as a tool to get other tools to act like fools (ex: Jan 6). i.e. don't use bias to prove bias. like trying to wash in dirty water.

Can't help w/the other vids 'cause they smell of BS. Open-minded doesn't mean Open Holed. Don't have to be an outhouse. Don't want to step in it - why roll in it?

bobknight33 said:

Nice to see you watch fox.

Here some more.
Democrats are the party of racism.

President Biden responses beautifully

Anom212325 says...

Imagine thinking the US is loved across the world... There is a reason why tourists pretend to be Canadian when they travel abroad. It helps lessen the spit in their food they order.

BSR said:

Look who's hating now. Looks like we roped you right in. Have a seat right over there.

Making of a hand crafted wooden mechanical whale

newtboy says...

Thou Dammed whale!
To the last, I grapple with thee; From Hell's heart, I stab at thee; For hate's sake, I spit my last breath at thee.

*quality sculpting. *promote

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