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the world is a bit less brighter today (Death Talk Post)

poolcleaner says...

If not for schmawy I would have passed on by this site. Maybe I'd have been a digger or *shudder* a redditer. Oh wait, I am a redditer.

schmawy promoted the hell out of my first couple sifts and was like a combination bad cat / father figure to me. Weird combination, now that I reflect upon it... shine on, you crazy diamond. (Thanks for setting the mood, enoch.)

Highlight: I'll never forget the time he pooped in my bed.

Damn, I was feeling sentimental a month ago and posted on his profile... I feel really bummed out that he's gone. I really needed some words of wisdom or aloof cat behavior -- one or the other; didn't matter which. Listening to Pink Floyd and thinking about his death is making me cry a pool's worth. I have ZERO alcohol and weed in my house to make up for this sudden saddness. Maybe that's a good thing... I will remain sober in memory of shmawy!

"Death is but a door, time is but a window, I'll" -- oh wait, that's a quote by Vigo the Carpathian. Uuuhhhh...

*poops on shmawy's bed*

I did it in his honor! COME ON!

Dave grohl once again proving he's awesome.

SFOGuy says...

Hmmm. Apparently, it was a guy who was overcome with emotion since the death of his mother 6 months ago...

"Explaining how he was feeling at the gig, Anthony said: “My mum died about six months ago and I just got back from Europe putting her in her crypt. “He (Grohl) started singing it and I felt all emo.”

Unafraid to admit he was crying, Anthony was however keen to establish the fact that he was not drunk on the night; though he may have been stoned. “I was dead sober,” he said. “I don’t drink. I might have had a little Colorado green but I’m not a drinker.”

“I was crying, I’m not afraid to cry,” Anthony added. “I started getting all teared up. I was trying to hide from him.”

Most Insane Footage Yet From The China Explosion

shagen454 says...

I'm not going to pass judgement on them. It's not my place. I have no idea of what they might have been doing beforehand... perhaps they were having a group orgy on MDMA and then WHAM! Fireworks, everywhere. Oh good God I'm going to cum!

I'd say if it had been me standing there (sober) - I would have immediately shut my mouth and forgot about my phone and videoing the event. Instead going into survival mode since I would have believed that my life was severely in danger by this event unfolding and would have tried to get out of there as fast as possible- to a basement or somewhere else solid. But, that is only my theory and everyone is different, situations are different, the people you are with, the country you are in, dynamics. It's not like this was their fault. I also get a hint of the sobering magnitude beginning to sink into their voices by the end of the video...

Ah, but we do have the option to go back in time per Lucky and have a serious conversation over this and better script the reaction while this unseen event happens the second time around.

Last Week Tonight With John Oliver: Mandatory Minimums

Everything is fine (really)

What Happens To The Few Good Cops

GenjiKilpatrick says...

See, Lantern. This is a sober comment from a reasonable perspective.

It's okay, buddy. We all worry about losing our job sometimes.

It's an interesting insight into your fears & frustrations, I guess..

Do you feel burned out, Lantern?
Do you feel like your mind, body ..spirit.. have been wrecked?

Do you LOVE being a Law Enforcement Officer.. but also you feel very.. resentful or disgruntled or bitter.. about?

Are you upset about..?

- How you're mistrusted/hated as a Police Officer by a seemingly huge group of people in this country?

- How you're portrayed to be "Bullies, Bad guys" or "Thugs" in the news media?

- How ignorant some.. most.. people are about how rough it is being a cop?

Does all that stuff make you want to yell & scream sometimes?

Because that's precisely what's it's like for ALL minorities:
Women, LBGTQQ, Indigenous Peoples, People of Color

Why is that lantern? I wonder why that is? Do you know?

You "get that", right?

Are we on the same page here? Because..

lantern53 said:

Probably belong to a big union. Democrats won't fight unions. Where I work, your ass would be grass.

also, newtboy still doesn't get it , re: his comment on police recruiting...cities don't hire bullies, it's the job that can turn you into a burned out wreck.

I'm not drunk!

newtboy says...

Reminds me of coming home smashed when 16, after pounding my head on the ground in a drunken attempt to 'sober up' before going home. Mom met me in the hallway with 'Where have you been...are you drunk?' Which I responded to with 'I have none marks on me.' then passed out cold!
I think she knew.

Red Neck trucker says NO to this blonde trying to merge...

Sagemind says...

I'm happy to live a whole country away from your kind of judgement and justice. I'm not trying to be rude, but you let personal judgement cloud your vision and miss-represent the facts.

I know I'll never change your mind, nor will I try to. But you need to know what your statements sound like to others around you.

Sorry to hear about your family, I hope they are alright. I too was in an accident with my kids six months ago. Physically, they were fine, but my son is still shaken as he sees the car hit ours over and over, in his mind as it crashed into his side of the car against his door. An accident is a scary thing and sure sobers up a person. but sometimes, you need to slow down and breath. We don't think clearly when we let the adrenalin rule our thoughts.

Lawdeedaw said:

Huh...the car actually slams into him on purpose to avoid rear-ending the other semi...that is humorous because it was 100% intentional. You see the car jerk, and I watched it multiple times to see if he hit something beforehand that would cause it to swerve and no, it did not...that is one hell of a felony.

Just because he lost the fight he pulled that bullshit? Whoa, I would have hated to see some kid's brains splattered on the street because someone purposely rammed another vehicle while being a dick...might have been road rage or w/e...

As far as the gap closing, yeah, it is pretty obvious the trucker doesn't want the car to cut in front of him when it isn't legal or right for that to happen. The trucker has this right because it is this forced-tailgating when people merge that causes accidents. HE OBVIOUSLY MAKES AN EDUCATED GUESS THAT THE DUMB BITCH WON'T RAM HIM, but he is proven wrong.

Someone stole naked pictures of me. This is what I did about

Jerykk says...

We're part of the problem because we believe that people should take precautions and avoid unnecessary risks? Make no mistake, it's awful that someone stole her pictures and distributed them on the web. She's definitely the victim here. Nobody is arguing otherwise. However, making angry videos chastising the people who perpetrated these crimes is a waste of time. They knew exactly what they were doing and most certainly don't feel any remorse. Explaining the psychological impact of leaked nude pictures isn't going to convert those people into saints.

There are a lot of assholes in the world who don't care about your feelings or your rights. You should take that into account with every choice you make, such as taking nude pictures of yourself and sharing them with others on the internet. People take precautions all the time. You lock your doors, you look both ways before crossing the street, you don't carry too much cash at any given time, you stay out of dark alleys, you wear warm clothing in cold weather, you cover the seats of public toilets before using them, you wash your hands after using toilets, you get flu shots, etc. Using the internet should be treated no differently. Teaching people that sobering fact is going to be way more productive than trying to turn assholes into good people.

bareboards2 said:

Naked pictures are not really the issue.

If her pictures had been stolen and looked at, but she didn't KNOW that they had been seen, her psychological damage from this theft would have been very different. Wondering who has seen them, being uncomfortable when meeting someone -- has this person seen them? That person? Not happy, not cool. And, in fact, she took back that particular psychological assault by posting this video and claiming her naked body for herself. Here. Look. I want you to look. It's my body and it is a fine body.

The real damage are the personal attacks, exposing personal information, attempted blackmail, active psychological assaults on her mind.

You guys can have your intellectual conversation about the cloud and how to protect yourself.

But that is not the problem.

I had to stop reading the comment stream when I realized it was starting to include crap about -- oh this isn't misogyny, this isn't hatred.

Yes. It is. It is violence against women, and this woman in particular.

And when you ignore that, and focus on the fact that she had made something that was vulnerable to theft... well, we get back to that feminist/humanist trope of -- you are part of the problem. #Not All Men? Well, men who focus on immaterialities while a violent psychological assault is taking place? I'd say #Those Men.

I know you don't mean any harm. I know you aren't #Those Men, not really. But I'm here to tell you that there is new harm being committed when you ignore the actual violent psychological crimes.

I am aware that some of what I have written might sound really stupid in light of the above comments, since I didn't read them. I'm okay with that. It is better than subjecting myself to what feels like an additional violation.

Contact Explosive - Detonating Nitrogen Triiodide

Stormsinger says...

Oh, the memories. We used to make this stuff (in small ~gram quantities) and paint it on door knobs and such, waiting for unsuspecting victims to com along.

Pro tip, never ever replace the fluid with alcohol (for more rapid drying), and then try to store the stuff long-term. The alcohol -will- evaporate, and the bottle -will- explode. It's the fastest way to sober up that I've ever found.

US appalled.UN school shelling 'disgraceful'.UN:criminal act

Yogi says...

I'm not really all that sure what to make of the United States responses. It seems like to me they're trying their best to say the right things and continue to do the things they want, like voting to fund Israel during this latest skirmish.

They do seem to be under a lot of pressure to say the right things though and that's interesting. As usual with these situations it might not become all that clear until a year or years afterwards.

Thing is everybodies propaganda stream is in complete fucking overdrive. You see it on here or any social media, people leaping in and rewriting history and facts left and right. Sober analysis probably won't come till later.

NO CAMERAS ALLOWED movie trailer

SquidCap says...

Once you know how the system works, it's really easy to get in secured areas. Found out about it when for once i wasn't in the crew but as regular audience member, just didn't even think about it and went backstage to toilet.. Remembered half way, hey, i didn't have a pass. I'm an ex-roadie and few years went by as never being on a festival or concert without a backstage pass, it just became a habit (i rarely carried my pass in open anyway as it snags easily when climbing or carrying..). But i did/do look like a roadie, only black t-shirt, black jeans and black everything in my wardrobe (ask any stagehand how can they find their cloths in the dark without a maglite, they'll give you "the look"...).

A lot of it is about your demeanor, you don't act. Acting is pretending and you are spotted mile away. You belong there, you have a job to do: no one asks any questions. If you try to act like you are crew, you will fail. Also, crew members are sober while everyone else is hammered in the audience, so... Hammered crew members will be asked for passes everytime they enter, unless the persons actually do know each other (note, not everyone with a working pass is at the moment working, i was mostly pre/post-show techie so my free-time was the concert..)

Drunk on a trampoline

You Really Should Not Be Driving In Russia!

Law Student Prevails Over State Robot Thug

chingalera says...

Bit about myself, newbie @bremnet
Don't watch television, haven't owned one for over 25 years
Recognize the ilk who make comments like yourself as robotic apes regurgitating their keeper's script like public school children singing the McDonald's jingle-

We take offense at wholesale assumptions and editorializing-without-information and recognize it for what it is: The most formidable defense of all chumps and cowards.

This site gives license to all-comers to speak their mind, offer intelligent banter on a variety of subjects, and oh....there's a special car on this train for folks like yourself to masturbate publicly in between the rabble and bar cars...

@hamsteralliance-Sound, sane, and sobering truth in yours, one of the only reasonable comments in this thread. Agree whole-heartedly.

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