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Snow leopard falling off a snow capped mountain

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

Mother Saves Child From Falling Snow

Nikolas Plytas 2021 H2O

TheFreak says...

Upvote for the pickup truck!

Back country skiing in Colorado when I was growing up, down the hill, through the woods to a road, hitchhike back near the top, hike the last couple hundred meters, rinse, repeat.
Nine times out of 10 it was a pickup truck with snow in the back that was picking you up.

This was right before snowboarding was really a thing.

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

siftbot says...

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Tetris snow

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

siftbot says...

Your video, Tetris snow, has made it into the Top 15 New Videos listing. Congratulations on your achievement. For your contribution you have been awarded 1 Power Point.

C-note (Member Profile)

Terrifying Moment Skier Falls Into A Crevas

SFOGuy says...

"My friend came just above me with too much speed, the snow took me and caused the fall. "

His buddy's skiing pushed him into the crevasse. Damn.

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

Enormous Avalanche in Nepal brings a mighty wind

newtboy says...

Have you ever seen footage of base camp being hit on Everest? It was like a hurricane hit right before the snow.

BSR said:

*Promote deadly snowflakes in large numbers!

I never would have guessed the wind factor but, now that I see it, it makes sense. Props to the photographer and his steady hand and the change in orientation.

When your city hasn't seen snow for over a decade

When your city hasn't seen snow for over a decade

oritteropo says...

The Spanish news has been almost nothing but snow for days... trucks stuck because of the snow, cars and busses trapped on the motorways, but also snowmen and snow angels.

Cousin Eddy Clears The Driveway

Walking in the Snow | Run The Jewels

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