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Antonin Scalia - On American Exceptionalism

MilkmanDan says...

He makes a very persuasive argument.

But then, I think about how there are lots of counterexamples to the "legislation that gets out will be good legislation" bit. Patriot Act. DMCA. Citizens United. Homeland Security and Aviation and Transportation Security Acts.

I dunno. If there is a weakness in the system, perhaps it is that while the separation of powers theoretically makes it hard to get garbage in, it sure as hell also makes it nigh-on-impossible to get it out when any sneaks through.

Every vehicle in the President's motorcade, explained

fuzzyundies says...

When I was working at NASA/Ames on Moffett Field in California, Clinton came to give a speech in Mountain View. Being the closest military airfield, Air Force One landed there. We expected a motorcade to close the base down but he ended up taking a helicopter. Just like in the video, two Blackhawks (which were a common sight on Moffett, but not usually green) lifted off and flew really fast and low away towards Mountain View.

AF1 stayed overnight, and had floodlights positioned all around it so that nobody could sneak up unnoticed. We were on the other side of a chain link fence near the blimp hanger, but we got within a few hundred meters of the plane. Really neat.

This Sums Up Motherhood In 34 Seconds

noims says...

Like Esoog, I've only got the one, which is a bit of hard work but easily manageable. Even then, though, I don't think anyone knows exactly how hard it's going to be until you have one... or two, or three, or four. OK, maybe by your fifth you should realise how much harder the next will be.

I think that no matter how many you have, so long as they're all still ok, it's great to go and sneak away for a treat. It's not like she went to the pub for a couple of hours; she was right there with them and would have heard a bump or a scream. I don't see any justification for complaint about her.

Teaching yourself independence from your kids is the first step to teaching them independence from you.

It's like people who complain about kids left in an air conditioned car while the parent drops in to the shop for 5 minutes. The chance of injury is minuscule, especially if the kid's asleep. Everyone has the right to parent their own way so long as it doesn't damage the kids permanently (within reason).

Of course, I have a low bar: I say that my parenting is successful if the three of us are still alive and talking to one another.

RFlagg (Member Profile)

enoch (Member Profile)

Sleeping Cat Subjected To Revenge MEOW

StukaFox says...

Mr. Whiskers, it's time to up your game: they send one of yours to the hospital, you send one of theirs to the morgue!

Whatcher gonna do is sneak into Hipster McFuck-Face's room when he's lying on his back, sound asleep. Then you're ever so gently going to lay a deuce right along the gap between his upper lips and his nose. After that, you're going to tickle his nostril with your whisker so that he reaches up to rub his nose with the back of his hand . . . and he learns a valuable lesson in why you don't fuck with cats.

"Vengeance is thine," sayth the Cat God. And then he licked himself and had some Friskies.

First Look at the Doctor Who Christmas Special 2016

President Trump: How & Why...

Asmo says...

I've been watching a lot of anti-SJW stuff lately, mostly because I am a rabid supporter of freedom of speech and I don't like the authoritarian direction a lot of the most vocal (and yes, it's a minority) of SJW's seem to be calling for.

And you know the really hilarious thing? Gays like Milo Yiannopoulous (who has to be the most conflicted gay guy on the planet), or trans like Blaire White? They are accepted. Milo drinks the kool aid a little (okay, he bought the company and consumes their entire output), but Blaire seems fairly centered, and they are accepted by fucking right wing college guys who you would think would be the first ones to yell "OMG get away faggot" or some such shit.

People are still bigoted and I have a sneaking suspicion they always will be in certain aspects, but sometimes tolerance comes from the most unlikely of places. Maybe it's acceptance due to ideological alignment, or perhaps the current generation has the exposure such that gay/trans etc isn't really that big a thing anymore, I don't know.

ps. I think Trump cashed in on riding the Bernie wave of discontent with the establishment, mostly tantrums just make you look like a dumb cunt. ; )

pps. I think my greatest disappointment with the post Trump tantrums is that the total electoral turnout is somewhere around 30-40% of eligible voters in the US? So it's not even a quorum picking the leader of what is still pretty much the biggest and most dangerous nation in the world. There's tonnes of blame to go around here unfortunately, and part of that goes to people who don't give a shit either way, something the DNC really has to own. I think Bernie would have seen record voter turnouts, whereas Clint-bot... /facepalm

Jinx said:

Hi. SJW twat here.

I think we are tired of fighting. My sister is trans. She has to "engage" with bigotry every week. I don't agree with CE, and I don't particularly disagree with you but I just want to point out that for some people it is a constant battle, and this notion that we haven't been engaging, that we've been shutting out dissenting voices... for my sister those voices might be on the street, or in a bar, or on the train. Her supposed "liberal" allies are just as likely to be seen apologising for her as supporting her. So yah, I guess expect a certain degree of exasperation because it looks like the bigots won the other night.

ps. maybe you are onto something with the tantrum thing. I know you were joking and all...but it did work, so....if you can't beat em...

Introduction to Music

noims says...

For the curious, the flash at 1:52 says:
Some of you might be curious what attending bandcamp is like. Well let me tell you.

You're 12. You're playing in the cornet section. You've had a crush on Holly Willis for weeks now. But you notice her sneaking off with Chris Jones - the first violinist - one day and later at rehearsal they're holding hands.

So you start intentionally playing the wrong notes but everyone just thinks you're mentally ill and the conductor verbally destroys you in front of the entire orchestra.

I hope you're doing great, Chris Jones. I bet you work in IT now and you're rish, Chris Jones.

Fuck you, Chris Jones.

Portia Spiders Are Capable of Learning and Problem Solving

ChaosEngine says...

Amazing photography, but....

Ok, the jumping and the eyesight is impressive, but mapping the world in 3 dimensions... I would have said almost any animal is capable of that, otherwise, they would spend their time bumping into things.

As for learning and problem solving, the video doesn't really give any indication as to how we know that. Sneaking up on your prey and avoiding the potentially dangerous parts of it is something almost all predators do. It hardly qualifies as "genius".

I'm not saying the spider isn't clever (well, clever for something with a brain the size of a pinhead), but this doesn't really give a good example of that.

BMXer Vs. THE MAN ;)

ChaosEngine says...

In a lot of ways, I support WHAT they're doing, if not HOW they're doing it.

I love watching people do amazing skilful stuff on bikes, boards, or just their hands and feet. If someone asks me if my taxes should pay for skate parks, etc. my answer is "hell yes".

I also understand doing it illicitly, spotting a rail or a gap or a drop somewhere and wanting to hit it. I don't even really mind them sneaking in, but if you're caught, just admit defeat and move on. Don't be a dick about it.

But the main problem is litigation, IMO. Everyone is so afraid of getting sued that you can't let anyone do something like this on your property.

In NZ, we have something called the ACC (Accident Compensation Corporation). It's basically a government insurance fund that everyone pays into (it's funded from petrol and car taxes, employee levies, etc), and it means that if you have any kind of accident, your treatment is covered (and a percentage of lost earnings if you can't work).

I know... evil socialism, right? But it's freaking awesome. It means you can have a sports club without carrying a stupid amount of insurance. It means that if someone injures themselves doing something stupid on your property (or public property or govt property) they can't sue anyone because they are already covered.

the true face of gender equality

bareboards2 says...

I had to stop watching. Yeah. Nothing to do with feminism.

As for saying that if you hit someone once, that person has the right to beat you senseless?

No. No, that is not true.

I know that men do that to men. And it is wrong when they do it to each other. That is very definition of poor impulse control. (And to sneak into feminist territory -- men who say "she made me do it" as an excuse for beating up their significant others? I suspect that behavior can be traced back, in part, to the beat downs and humiliations they received early in life, including from men.)

This is called the cycle of violence and has nothing to do with the true face of gender equality.

Oritteropo hits galaxy (Sift Talk Post)

Never turn your back on a cat...

newtboy jokingly says...

Can your cat come over and explain how it's done to my cat, please?

Mine (to be honest, it's really the wife's cat, but I'm here with it all day) loves to sneak up behind me on the couch and wait for me to put my arm behind my head or scratch my neck, then she goes at it with all she has, full claws and teeth. I'm pretty torn up most of the time, thanks to her.

yellowc said:

Just practicing their hunting skills, gotta keep them sharp.

You can play peek-a-boo with any house cat, mine never pounces with claws or teeth, she's just play hunting. If I do the same with a toy, she'll ravage it to "death".

They do the same to each other when playing quite often.

Liam Cunningham on Conan with sneak peak to coming season

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