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THE UNBELIEVERS - Richard Dawkins & Lawrence Krauss

Hybrid says...

"The film includes interviews with celebrities and other influential people who support the work of these controversial speakers, including:

Ricky Gervais
Woody Allen
Cameron Diaz
Stephen Hawking
Sarah Silverman
Bill Pullman
Werner Herzog
Tim Minchin
Eddie Izzard
Ian McEwan
Adam Savage
Ayaan Hirsi-Ali
Penn Jillette
Sam Harris
Dan Dennett
James Randi
Cormac McCarthy
Paul Provenza
James Morrison
Michael Shermer
David Silverman
...and more."

The Future of God: Harris&Shermer vs Deepak Chopra&J.Houston

The Future of God: Harris&Shermer vs Deepak Chopra&J.Houston

KnivesOut says...

Natural selection and mutation over millions of generations in biological systems produces ordered results. On a cosmological scale, physical forces draw bodies into stable relationships. Science can easily explain how these phenomena occur.

But you don't really want answers.

"Tide goes in, tide goes out. You can't explain that.">> ^lantern53:

>> ^KnivesOut:
Certainly not by reading children's stories meant to scare simpletons into conformance. Observation, hypothesis, prediction, experiment, conclusion.>> ^lantern53:
Atheists believe order comes from chaos.
How do you defend that?

Many, if not most religious traditions use analogy to explain ultimate truths.
But explain to me how order comes from chaos?

The Future of God: Harris&Shermer vs Deepak Chopra&J.Houston

The Future of God: Harris&Shermer vs Deepak Chopra&J.Houston

The Future of God: Harris&Shermer vs Deepak Chopra&J.Houston

enoch says...

>> ^PalmliX:

Sam Harris in top form here, not letting Deepok get away with anything which leaves him with basically nothing!

i would not go as far as to say deepok had nothing but i will say that to have a productive discussion you first have to define the terms.

in that regard deepok failed and became quite defensive and combatative while harris was on point once those terms were defined.

i am not usually a harris fan.he tends to get caught up on the religious aspect of the metaphysical discussions but here he let that go fairly early my opinion..was able to better express himself without all the butthurt.

i have to be careful when i criticize harris here on the sift.the fanboys are pretty fanatical in their devotion.


The Future of God: Harris&Shermer vs Deepak Chopra&J.Houston

TED: Belief, Self-Deception and Human Behaviour

Science saved my Soul.

hpqp says...

>> ^coolhund:

Religion is part of our world. Its even in our genes one way or the other (god gene). Thus its part of science.
You cant talk through ignorance. Just give it up with trying to explain these people that they believe in bullshit. You wouldnt listen to that either if someone came up and said science is bullshit, no matter if its true or not.

How is asking a question while admitting one's expected reaction to the reply trolling?

As expected, I got a good laugh out of this. Religion is part of our world, yes, just as astrology, witchcraft, alchemy and and other superstition-based activities are. That does not make them part of science. We can observe these phenomena, in anthropology, history, neurobiology, etc. but that does not necessarily make them a part of science. I think what you meant to say is "religion is a part of reality", which would be true (for now). So were human sacrifice, slavery, misogyny, etc., for the better part of Humanity's existence. Lumping it all into science just because it exists or existed makes no sense.

As for the "god gene" business, that term is a vulgarisation (a misleading one imo) of the theory that humans are predisposed to superstitious belief. Not religion. Micheal Shermer and others make a point of explaining how this would have been beneficial to early survival (projecting agency, for example).

Bill Maher Stands By Mohammed Remarks

cybrbeast says...


>> ^kymbos:

Every now and then Maher says something really uninformed. Remember when he went on about immunisation causing disease, or something like that? I was gobsmacked at the time. If I remember correctly, he was genuinely telling people not to immunise their children. Madness.
This one is right up there. Lots of kids are named Mohommad, therefore England will be a Muslim state soon enough? Wow.

I was amazed by that too. For someone who says he is rational, he sure adheres to some very retarded and unscientific views. His clips on vaccines:

An Open Letter by Michael Shermer to Bill Maher on Vaccinations

Bill Maher's response, which is much more nuanced than how his views looked on the show.

TED: Belief, Self-Deception and Human Behaviour

eatbolt says...

I love Michael Shermer, I just wish his books were a little more enjoyable to read. Dawkins writes with such finesse and passion. It always seems like Shermer is writing a treatises rather than a book designed to reach a large audience.

He's a good speaker, though.

Channel sneakers (Geek Talk Post)

BicycleRepairMan says...

Welcome to the *debunked channel! I have started invocating a few classics that came to mind, and I look forward to more delicious debunking being put in there, typical, great examples of debunking would be James Randi's classic debunking of Uri Geller on Carson, (just about anything with Randi is appropriate i guess, this channel is dedicated to people like him) or Michael Shermers classic TED talk, and not least videos of magic stuff that just doesnt work, like the hilarious video of an atheist being cursed on indian TV.

So again, welcome to all, if you post or watch a video related to debunking, don't hesitate to invoke the channel, I dont have time to backtrack the entire VS library, but I've started off with a few good examples.

Psychochemical Dumbing-Down of Society

Raigen says...

There's so much wharrgarbl going on in there I almost popped a blood vessel.

Contrary to the "Idiocracy" belief that our society is being "dumbed down", as it were (and, believe me, I still find myself saying this is the case) evidence suggests the opposite is the case. In first world nations across the globe intelligence quotients are rising (and plateauing in some cases, while minority's IQs are still rising), and belief in silly religions and superstitions are falling.

Yes there is Mercury in Thimersol, but it isn't the horrific kind.
Bad Mercury:
Thimersol Mercury:

The key words there are "Bioaccumulate":

For a look at the whole "Vaccines/Thimersol causes Autism" wharrgarbl, I rebuke with a video I posted to the sift a while back:

Oh, and hey! How about the fact that Dr. Wakefield, the father of the whole Vaccine/Autism debacle with his article published in The Lancet was discredited finally!

As for the whole "Flouride" wharrgarbl I'd just recommend reading the Wiki's Article on Water Flouridation, in particular this section right around paragraph 3:

(Emphasis mine)

"Conspiracy theories involving fluoridation are common, and include claims that fluoridation was motivated by protecting the U.S. atomic bomb program from litigation, that (as famously parodied in the film Dr. Strangelove) it is part of a Communist or New World Order plot to take over the world, that it was pioneered by a German chemical company to make people submissive to those in power, that behind the scenes it is promoted by the sugary food or phosphate fertilizer or aluminum industries, or that it is a smokescreen to cover failure to provide dental care to the poor.[19] One such theory is that fluoridation was a public-relations ruse sponsored by fluoride polluters such as the aluminum maker Alcoa and the Manhattan Project, with conspirators that included industrialist Andrew Mellon and the Mellon Institute's researcher Gerald J. Cox, the Kettering Laboratory of the University of Cincinnati, the Federal Security Agency's administrator Oscar R. Ewing, and public-relations strategist Edward Bernays.[84] Specific antifluoridation arguments change to match the spirit of the time.[85]"

The video is right; let's get the facts. And if your facts only support your "New World Order", "omfg they're trying to control our minds" nonsense, well then, those are your "facts". There's a funny thing about why smart people believe weird things; read about it in Michael Shermer's "Why People Believe Weird Things". It showed me the error of some of my foolish beliefs as well.

And I'm at the point where I wonder why I bother doing this, I'm talking to walls and making friends with no one. I guess I just care too much about seeing fear mongering bullshit like this peddled as if it has any rational backing whatsoever.


Symphony of Science - the Poetry of Reality

LarsaruS says...

Here are the lyrics for you sing-alongers out there:


[Michael Shermer]
Science is the best tool ever devised
For understanding how the world works

[Jacob Bronowski]
Science is a very human form of knowledge
We are always at the brink of the known

[Carl Sagan]
Science is a collaborative enterprise
Spanning the generations
We remember those who prepared the way
Seeing for them also

[Neil deGrasse Tyson]
If you're scientifically literate,
The world looks very different to you
And that understanding empowers you

[Richard Dawkins]
There's real poetry in the real world
Science is the poetry of reality

We can do science
And with it, we can improve our lives

[Jill Tarter]
The story of humans is the story of ideas
That shine light into dark corners

[Lawrence Krauss]
Scientists love mysteries
They love not knowing

[Richard Feynman]
I don't feel frightened by not knowing things
I think it's much more interesting

[Brian Greene]
There's a larger universal reality
of which we are all apart

[Stephen Hawking]
The further we probe into the universe
The more remarkable are the discoveries we make

[Carolyn Porco]
The quest for the truth, in and of itself,
Is a story that's filled with insights


From our lonely point in the cosmos
We have through the power of thought
Been able to peer back to a brief moment
After the beginning of the universe

[PZ Myers]
I think that science changes the way your mind works
To think a little more deeply about things

Science replaces private predjudice
With publicly verifiable evidence


Katie Melua corrects scientific errors in her song!

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