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Baby Goat Trying To Be A Tough Guy

robbersdog49 says...

It seems different species of mammal are able to recognise that another animal is a baby/very young one, and react accordingly. We've seen exactly this from our cats when we had our first baby just over a year ago. We bred cats before hand so we're very accustomed to how cats react to their kittens, and they reacted in exactly the same way to our newborn's cries.

It's probably fair to say that the horse understands that the goat is young and playing and responds to that, rather than thinking it's being attacked. There's such a huge size difference that the horse wouldn't be feeling threatened or anything anyway. Animals like this do play. Horses like company and are social animals, as are goats. It's no surprise they'll play together when they can :0)

speechless said:

Besides how cute it is, and it is super cute, I just want to understand what is going on here.

So animals have emotions or am I anthropomorphizing? It's amazing to me when I see inter-species animals connect this way. This mare being so patient and nurturing. Dogs adopting kittens etc. I don't know, the more I think about it, the more I think I should go vegetarian, but I do love a juicy steak. If dogs and cats and horses have emotions, don't cows?

edit .. I probably shouldn't include cats. Jury is still out on if they have their own agenda in all this or not.

edit 2 .. not saying we should eat cats.

Superfast Slotcar Race!

The Little Tractor that Couldn't

BoneRemake says...

you know that feeling in your stomach that says " its going to tip if I keep going "

yea sometimes you should listen to that. and not to mention he was not even strapped in, man foreigners sure seem different

Nina Shoves Her Hand Up a Monkey's Ass, and You All Applaud (Standup Talk Post)

geo321 says...

The vids are from different cities at different times. Although a lot of the same material was used it seems different enough to not be duped. She really is a ventriloquist master. Here's her from Australia...

Jacob, Get Off The Xbox 360

yellowc says...

>> ^kymbos:
Wow, reading these comments before watching the vid, I thought there was going to be some heavy shit in that video. Turns out it was just an older brother messing with his younger brother for youtube kicks. I'm not condoning it, as the last of five brothers I can tell you every younger brother in history has dealt with far worse than that daily.

Well it depends on your definition of worse. To be honest I think actual pranks and the such are far LESS worse than things like this. My older siblings during one little stint lead me to be impaled through the top of a pointy ornament that went right through the side of my body, later finding out it barely missed vital organs, we slapped two band-aids on each side and that was it until my parents got home and went hysteric over my bloody bedsheets. This now is nothing but a funny and loved story to tell around the dinner table. Don't even get me started on the time they put dirt over my clothes and face, getting me to beg for money so we could buy candy, only to be seconds away from being taken away/kidnapped by some man who said he was going to help me, also now just funny.

But would you really ever laugh about the time your older brother that you clearly respected, completely disregarded your trust? I don't know, maybe I'm overstating it but to me there's normal sibling behaviour we all go through, then there's just being a dick.

I was told to get off something countless times, countless, though I was just told to get off, not "haha not really, I just wanted to watch you suffer!"...seems different?

How Do You Deal With "Trolls"? (Geek Talk Post)

alien_concept says...

SDgundamX makes a great point, but god i'd hope there were enough broad minded people on this site to not put a label on someone for difference in political/social or "controversial" views.

It seems to have completely slipped the attention of some people in this thread, but this talk wasn't started because I personally have any big issue with any trolls. Just a means of bringing about a discussion that keeps coming up in other threads and bringing it all into one place. I very much sat on the fence with my original post blurb. And actually my real motive was to highlight the seeming difference between the accetability of homophobia in comments.

I absolutely think that spite could cause people to bring about someone's banning if you used such things as downvoting comments. It probably needs to be a community decision if it ever got to that point, just as ban is a 2 person decision.

As for oppression and human rights, although I do think that's a bit overdramatic I can kind of see how it would feel if you were leaning towards the less liberal viewpoints, or even just taking a stand against the norm and playing devil's advocate all the time. Sometimes I think we can dismiss points from others because they don't fit in with our personal ethics. And because the majority here are liberal, it comes across like the more conservative are being singled out or trashed. But what I think is really the case is that those people feel like they are fighting a battle against so many and feel "oppressed" because of that. When from what I can see the majority are very accepting of different viewpoints, even if they're never in a million years going to agree with them.

There have been some amazing comments and ideas here, I love watching it all unfold and it gives a chance to see where people you are unaware of sit with their opinions regardless of subject matter.

One more thing, the last thing we need here is intellectual snobbery. That is completely disgusting to me, to even bring into question someones intelligence to make an argument is scraping the barrel and those people should know better.

Kung fu hustle: Funniest scene

Montel Says Focus on Soldiers Not Ledger -- Fox Stares Ahead

jwray says...

Yes, I've read Naomi Wolf. Cheney took advantage of 911 like Hitler took advantage of the Reichstag fire, but Clinton/Obama seem different. During the previous Clinton administration not one American claimed we resembled post-WWI Germany, though 9/11 itself was blowback from Clinton and pre-Clinton policy. I never supported nuclear proliferation, nor threats designed to prevent it. Nukes are safe in India's hands, but not with Pakistan or Turkey. I never supported "pumping Iraq full of money and weapons". You are putting words into my mouth. Somebody has to stop the sectarian death squads in Iraq. Replacing US troops with UN peacekeepers is good because it would calm some of the jihadists. Total immediate withdrawal would probably lead to a 3-way civil war between the Kurds, Sunnis, and Shiites and an eventual 3-state schism, and Iraqi Kurd independence would lead Iran and Turkey into the fray, and I can't say for certain that the total death toll of that would be higher than UN peacekeeping over festering wounds of sectarian violence, but it probably would. I wish the Iraqi Kurds could get a free state without Turkey&Iran making a fuss about the precedent that sets. Kurdistan is the most peaceful and least fundamentalist part of Iraq. I'm sufficiently uncertain about the difference in eventual effect between gradual withdrawal & UN peacekeeping vs. total immediate withdrawal that it's not really the most important difference between the candidates. The biggest problem in Iraq is the damn fundamentalist religion. They prefer to just blow each other up over an argument that started with who should succeed the ancient impostor Muhammad. Most Iraqis oppose total freedom of religion, even the ones who are afraid of being oppressed by a majority of the opposite sect. It's madness. Some days I wish someone would translate the complete works of Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Paine, and Richard Dawkins into Arabic and air-drop 100 million copies.

New Order - True Faith

Adam And Joe: Toy Trainspotting

new invocation request (Sift Talk Post)

swampgirl says...

well what do you know!

Things seem different since I was here this morning. I see a the preview below that wasn't here earlier today. Neato!

Thanks, Lucky

Fox News takes Rep. Wexler from the Colbert Report out of context ("I enjoy cocaine because...")

joedirt says...

I'll answer for Charon, TheNation is so left, that's why their studies consistently show their version of the 'liberal media bias'. I love the weak minded response by Charon. I hear it often, saying how liberal=big gov't and how far, far to the left MSNBC/CNN are. It's is truly, sadly laughable. All of them are corporate media, and any 'reporting' they do is filtered through ad revenues, ratings, and corporate interest. Period. Corporate media presents this fake differentiation to make them seem different, or even covering all biases, but in reality... it's just McD and BugerKing. Both take marching orders and editorial cues from the heads of these mega-corps that are controlled by as much money as politicians.

As for the seriously laughable 'big gov't' democrats... You are sadly an idiot. Look at how much gov't grew under Clinton and the biggest budget surplus in modern history. Now look at Bush's gov't under the worst deficits in.. well ever. Reagan, check. Bush Sr., check. This myth is brilliant that somehow democrats grow the gov't and republicans are fiscally responsible. Show me one scrap of evidence of ANYTHING you say. "both parties are corrupted, the Democrats more so"... You really must get your news from Fox News, because no one that can read would agree with that over the last few years.

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