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Caught on video, people that's NOT black spray painting

newtboy says...

Ok, but the right wing doesn't understand that nuance, they see/hear "black lives matter" and they imagine big scary black gang members, and they're sending in the troops. Her point, I think, is that no one should be giving them that ammunition, but especially not people it won't be used against, like masked white Karens.
Edit: they may not have done it to intentionally deceive, but that would be the outcome.

mxxcon said:

But BLM movement is not as homogeneous as white supremacists in a sense that black kids doing it would be doing it intentionally to mislead and divert anger(if that was their motive). Meanwhile BLM movement isn't exclusively black people. It is ABOUT black people, but it's not exclusively BY black people. Seeing defaced buildings like that I wouldn't associate it black people. I would associate it with BLM movement, regardless of the race.

Definition of "cool as a cucumber"

Boeing Unveils First Loyal Wingman Aircraft

Hash Oil Factory Fire

lucky760 says...

That was intense and scary. ^This says 11 were injured, but the local news said there were 12. And watching them getting engulfed in that massive wall of fire, it's easy to understand why. Yikes.

Jay, Maine Pulp Mill Explosion

Top 15 Country by Coronavirus Deaths - Timeline (1/22-4/29)

simonm says...

Actually simply top 15 countries by cases, not deaths. As as I know there haven't been 1.5 million killed around the world at this point.

Still, scary to see.

Spring Break Surveillance

GOP Senators Block Witnesses in Trump Impeachment Cover-Up

Payback says...

Sorry, in the plane instance, I think the turnip in chief was making a dad joke about the invisible plane.

Please focus on the scary, weird shit he says, not the shit that, if anyone else said it, people would merely groan.

This Family Has Driven 5,000 People to the Hospital for Free

admiralronton says...

"Crossing through the jungle is very scary. Sometimes we get attacked by bison or elephants."

Yeah, someone give that guy a medal. Or a tank.

Fascinating Interview with a Sociopath

Bush fire goes from 1 to a 100 in a couple seconds

Bush fire goes from 1 to a 100 in a couple seconds

newtboy says...

Those look like eucalyptus not pine trees....but the same process applies.
The heat will not only desiccate leaves/needles, but it will also vaporize the oils in the leaves (needles in pine trees) making even the air in the canopy flammable. Eucalyptus trees are loaded with oils, maybe even more than pine trees. This is also called crowning, a crown fire, or a canopy fire. Once a fire crowns, it's nearly impossible to fight from the ground....or at all if the tree tops are close together.

Scary stuff. Where I live, in the Northern California redwood forests, that canopy can be hundreds of feet high and continuous in places.

Sagemind said:

That's called "Candling"
As someone who has been evacuated many times and had my town threatened by forest fires many times, I've seen this first hand so many times. It's scary, but can be predicable. Pine needles are very flammable, and at the correct temperature, they dry instantly and burst into flame like a fuse. If other trees are close, they just keep lighting the next one, like match heads in a book of matches.

If you've ever used pine needles as kindling to start a fire, you'll understand this.

Bush fire goes from 1 to a 100 in a couple seconds

Sagemind says...

That's called "Candling"
As someone who has been evacuated many times and had my town threatened by forest fires many times, I've seen this first hand so many times. It's scary, but can be predicable. Pine needles are very flammable, and at the correct temperature, they dry instantly and burst into flame like a fuse. If other trees are close, they just keep lighting the next one, like match heads in a book of matches.

If you've ever used pine needles as kindling to start a fire, you'll understand this.

Python, Honey Badger & Jackals Fight Each Other

w1ndex (Member Profile)

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