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Raccoons attacks little girl

Hellraiser - Trailer

lucky760 says...

Scary movies have never affected me. I loved horror flicks as a kid.

So even now as a grown-ass man, horror movie trailers are always just nothing more than meh, whatevs.

This trailer was pretty well done though. I actually felt my skin crawl a little. Maybe it harkens back to the original Hellraiser movies I saw as a lad and the way those creeped me out a little.

The Scariest Climate Science Paper I’ve Ever Read?

newtboy says...

I think the truly scary part is that our emissions today continue to have an effect on the climate for decades - centuries, so to affect today’s climate we needed to change our emissions decades ago or find feasible, economically and ecologically viable massive carbon sequestration techniques yesterday.

That’s why I believe we are locked into massive unsurvivable changes as a best case scenario, and a mass extinction of anything bigger than a large cat. Much worse if we continue the current course.

The death of privacy and all YOUR secrets | exurb1a

luxintenebris jokingly says...

good question.

read somewhere there are things others see that an individual can't see; some things the individual sees others can't; some things are apparent to the individual and others; and some things no one sees.

am okay w/all of 'em. if it's bad don't want to know, they don't need to know, we both know it's part of the deal; and it might be too damn scary.

yah know?

BSR said:

How much do you know about yourself

"A Fourth Car Absolutely Buggered!" - Deadly Mexican Street

newtboy says...

Krikey….that’s got er, mate. Fair dinkum.

Scary, the street grooves look worn smooth, oily, and probably get icy in winter….and holy shit is it steep! I’m surprised the tiny bollards hold up to that abuse.

BSR said:

Perhaps this one? The narrator is a little annoying in this one.

Google Earth - Paso Florentino takes you right to the street.

Bannon On Oct 31 Outlining The Plan To Steal The Election

newtboy jokingly says...

Says the member of the People’s Temple holding a machine gun in one hand and a pitcher of flavoraid in the other.

You seem really triggered these days. The walls closing in must be scary, the undeniability of the fact that you are a traitor to the USA who follows a fascist, racist narcissist unflinchingly seems to be weighing on you, causing you to lash out and flail more than normal. The outrageous racist nonsense you post these days from your triggered state should get you banned.

I know this constant stream of PROOF that the election fraud fraud was an intentional fraud, pre planned, and never serious or based on a single fact, pure fantasy designed to be sold to ignorant cultists that will turn on their nation without proof of what they’re fighting for, must be unnerving, but get a grip and grow up.

“another rerun of the Jan 6 hearings”? They were live, you idiots. And you think you learn something listening to this moron? So sad, little Bobby. Every time you listen to him you come away less informed. No wonder you’re always wrong and ignorant, your sources are wrong and ignorant, by design.

ROTFLMFAHS!!! Did you really post this guy to try and say SOMEONE ELSE is “drinking the koolaid”?!? Er mer gerd. That’s a whole new level of a lack of self awareness. You are such a silly, deluded little traitor, bob. Why don’t you leave America since you hate it so much? They don’t have many black people or women in positions of power in Saudi Arabia, I think you would like it there. China and N Korea seem right up your alley too.

bobknight33 said:

Newt you are Drinking the Kool-Aid

Google Engineer on His Sentient AI Claim

eoe says...

Wow. This dude is really well-spoken. And the interviewer, although she asks a few leading questions, does a pretty damn good job, too. When I first read this headline, I assumed the dude was some sort of nerd who, although ethical concerns are very, very real and scary, mostly had a desire for some 15 minutes of notoriety. But I was swiftly put in my place by this interview.

And I always enjoy a casual dismissal of Elon.

Nenmara Vela Accident

ant (Member Profile)

Living person placed in a body bag for cremation

newtboy says...

Terrible, scary, but to be fair this happens in America too. Overworked, undertrained staff make mistakes….sometimes deadly mistakes. At least the people involved are admitting it, that’s better than many cases I’ve heard of.

Shepard Tone

I Made This for a Truck. It’s for Emergencies.

SFOGuy says...

Very cool build. One odd thing; Stainless is beautiful; but when it fails, I understand it fails catastrophically and without warning. In some odd ways, regular steel, rusty and all, would be less scary for something which is going to hold up a heavy vehicle when you are crawling under it in an emergency (yes, jackstands but...still)...

Golden eagle attacks 8 yo girl

Desi Lydic Foxsplains: Why Did Putin Invade Ukraine?

luxintenebris says...

well...don't see categorizing dung, in the crap column, as spreading the right's meadow muffins. thought it was showing the bigotry, xenophobia, phantom fears that have been an American past time. (also have these ever left the rights' playbook?)

of course, it's boogie-boogie-all-night-long for the right. just tried putting it in the context of other hairy scary nothings that have been hawked - - then and now.

[should have put in a better link for the Nebraska case. the writing of the SCOTUS' decision is enlightening. almost apologetic.]

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

ROTFLMFAHS!!! Projection is absolutely the MO of the right, and of yourself. You’re trying to blame Covid on Biden, and accept zero blame for dismantling the office created to avoid exactly pandemics like this, no blame for not quarantining and letting it in the country after knowing how deadly it was, no blame for denying it’s existence, it’s danger, it’s virulence, it’s mortality rates, or for actively opposing any and all public health measures to minimize it…but now want to blame Biden for the outbreaks among morons that listen to antivaxing right wingers rather than Biden’s public health professionals.
You know there were hundreds of Republican plots to fraudulently vote or intentionally deny valid votes in the last election, yet with no evidence you still claim there was fraud on both sides (and imply there was far more from the left but still can’t show a single example), and despite all evidence to the contrary you still claim Democrats stole the election through fraud.
That’s called projection, Bob, blaming others for disasters and crimes you are actively causing. Derp.

Liar. There’s no way in hell you are even 100IQ. You have no reasoning or problem solving skills at all, zero verbal/English skills whatsoever, and you do not think like an an engineer, never methodically going step by step without glossing over the important bits and ignoring pertinent details….but we know you’re a proud liar already, one that applauds perjury. Test again. I think the mindset you’ve fostered in yourself for decades now has lowered it significantly if it was honestly ever above 100. I retested around 4 years ago for fun, scored one point higher than in school.

I’ve known engineers that weren’t all that intelligent….just not extremely successful ones. Dad owned an international high tech insulation company with dozens of engineers on the payroll. The less competent end up being maintenance techs and cleanup crews rather than R&D techs, designers, and inventors. Somebody has to load and drive the hazardous materials truck to the disposal site, somebody has to do maintenance on machines, somebody has to check dates on inventory to be certain chemicals don’t oxidize, etc, they don’t give those jobs to the best engineers.

What lockdowns? Biden just reportedly had the best job creation year in the nation’s history. Over 500000 jobs per month since he took office (and rapidly rising wages), how many jobs were lost under Trump? Estimates range from 10,000,000-18,000,000. Holy shit, you think that’s bad for Biden?!! Mental defectives with 75 IQ can see how wrong you are….but you can’t.

The tax cuts came in 2017, growth didn’t come until 2021, jobs didn’t come until 2021. It’s utterly ridiculous to try to claim the tax handouts for the wealthy had a thing to do with the economy getting better, especially since they expired for non billionaires before the upturn. I thought you just claimed to be intelligent. 🤦‍♂️

-3.5% Bob. Trump’s last year was -3.5% GDP growth. NEGATIVE.
Overall Trump managed 2.33, 3, 2.16, -3.49 =4% / 4years = 1% GDPY under Trump, who didn’t start in a major recession but left one. Lol! What’s that IQ again, buddy? Obama GDP > Trump GDP

It’s likely, because they never had a real majority thanks to 2 DINOs, so didn’t perform great, so many Trump era disastrous policies and appointees are still in place, and there’s no chance that’s going to change this term thanks to Democrats not actually having a majority. Sadly, too many morons won’t look at why there’s so little progress and just won’t vote, ensuring things won’t change and Republican obstructionism will rule the day. The party “in charge” always loses the midterm. What makes you think I don’t see that. I do not underestimate the stupidity of the American voter.

Lol. I notice you didn’t list any failures, and actually admitted some you listed last time are nonsense (now admitting “Biden economy is doing great” VS earlier claims “failed economy”). LMFAHS!
You get one talking head on CNN agreeing with you and one pro-Republican poll and suddenly you think everyone wants Trump back. You are so silly. When the polls don’t support you, you say they’re worthless, when they do, they’re gospel.
If Garland was doing his job and prosecuting senators and representatives, Democratic numbers would jump by double digits. It’s lack of action that’s losing them support. It’s certainly why I’m dissatisfied….but to assume that means most would vote Republican because they’re dissatisfied with Democrats performance is asinine, par for the course from you.

PE of 360 Bob. Anything over 25 is overpriced, over 100 is a bubble. Duh….again, you just claimed to be intelligent, but have repeatedly proven that false already. They made under 1 million cars last year out of around 75 million. Ford sold almost as many of one model, F150’s as Tesla sold of all models, and would have sold more if they had the chips to make more. They’re doing well, but are still a little minnow in a big pond, and if they lose their battery monopoly they’re toast. They aren’t the only, or even the best choice for electric cars anymore. If you think they won’t have competition, you’ve proven a lack of intelligence once again.

Summer time when you lost over 1/4 of your value overnight must have been scary. It won’t be the last time.

Good luck. In 5 years I expect they’ll be near worthless once more stable, more energy dense batteries are developed. I’m happy making more money from a diverse portfolio that’s not insanely overvalued.

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