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xxovercastxx (Member Profile)

SNL Lets Fox News Have It!

Sinead O'Connor shuts-up a crowd booing her anti-popeness

WKB says...

Inspiring emotional strength and power. I saw her performance of War on Saturday Night Live when it first aired, but I never saw this. *wipes single tear* I have had a crush on her since the mid/late 80's and this just brought it back in full force. Thanks for posting this.

Sinead O'Connor shuts-up a crowd booing her anti-popeness

silvercord says...

Oh, and also, she has the grace enough to understand where the anger came from:

"Almost 18 years ago, I tore up a picture of Pope John Paul II on an episode of "Saturday Night Live." Many people did not understand the protest -- the next week, the show's guest host, actor Joe Pesci, commented that, had he been there, "I would have gave her such a smack." I knew my action would cause trouble, but I wanted to force a conversation where there was a need for one; that is part of being an artist. All I regretted was that people assumed I didn't believe in God. That's not the case at all. I'm Catholic by birth and culture and would be the first at the church door if the Vatican offered sincere reconciliation."

therealblankman (Member Profile)

SNL: Really!?! with Seth & Jerry

SNL: Zach Galifianakis -Pageant Talk-

SNL Digital Short: Zach Galifianakis on TV for over 30 Years

Zach Galifianakis gives the Best SNL Monologue in long time

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'snl, saturday night live, monologue, stand up, piano, beard comparisons' to 'snl, saturday night live, monologue, piano, beard comparisons, pilates, waffles' - edited by calvados

Zach Galifianakis gives the Best SNL Monologue in long time

Superhero Rescues Illegally Parked Cars with Angle Grinder

Razor says...

If you park illegally you deserve what you get. I hate when dumbasses parks in my condo's stall on Friday and Saturday nights. Since I moved into the place in October, I've had 6 vehicles tagged and towed by city bylaw.

Good riddance.

Oh, and *fake.

FEAR - Saturday Night Live 1981 - Historic Performance

Grimm says...

I'm not patronizing by pointing out that this music had it's place and purpose in rock history and just because it doesn't speak to you (and it's not supposed to speak to everyone) doesn't make it any less music then the music you like. Everyone is entitled to an opinion but your coming off as a music snob. There is a lot of music that I don't care for and sounds like crap to me but to each his own.

By saying things like "So, to rebel against clean, clear sounds, one must refuse to learn how to play one's instrument" just shows your ignorance of the genre. People weren't listening to bands like Black Flag, Dead Kennedy's, The Circle Jerks, etc... Because they had a guitarist like Eddie Van Halen or a singer like Elton wasn't about how good you could play your instrument. It was about the sound that you could create and the energy of that sound and the lyrics. The lyrics to one of the songs in this video "New Yorks Alright if you Like Saxophones" are pretty funny. The lyrics to one of the other songs "Let's Have a War" is also some good satire about how war is good for the economy "Jack up the Dow Jones!" and "General Motors get fat like last time!".

I'm not saying that you have to like this or understand this...just explaining why some people do. Your response on the other hand is basically that what I am telling you and what others have told you about the genre and why we like it is all bullshit.

>> ^Stormsinger:
So, to rebel against clean, clear sounds, one must refuse to learn how to play one's instrument, and just scream raggedly into a mike. Got it.
Drop the patronization, please. I'm fully aware of the ridiculous claims made to support the godawful talentless crap they called punk. And it's still nothing but noise. Precisely on the level of the three-year-old throwing a tantrum by screaming and kicking the floor.
I'm not saying there is no value in punk...but the value wasn't actually perceptible until -after- it was gone. Some of the bands now called post-punk are moderately interesting...a few are even very interesting. But that's not a description you'll ever convince me applies to this video.
>> ^Grimm:
And that's why you don't understand...because Rock and Roll isn't all about the "music". It can be, but it's not limited to that. The punk movement came about in part as a rebellion to how sanitized, over-produced, and corporate rock and roll had become in the 70's. You can't rebel against that kind of music by playing that kind of it's extreme form you have to take it to the other end of the spectrum. Raw, three-chords, angry, attitude, expressive, etc... It spoke to a generation who grew up in the 70's to sanitized corporate rock and disco music.
>> ^Stormsinger:
Frankly, I'm really having a hard time making the word "music" stretch to cover that noise.

FEAR - Saturday Night Live 1981 - Historic Performance

Stormsinger says...

So, to rebel against clean, clear sounds, one must refuse to learn how to play one's instrument, and just scream raggedly into a mike. Got it.

Drop the patronization, please. I'm fully aware of the ridiculous claims made to support the godawful talentless crap they called punk. And it's still nothing but noise. Precisely on the level of the three-year-old throwing a tantrum by screaming and kicking the floor.

I'm not saying there is no value in punk...but the value wasn't actually perceptible until -after- it was gone. Some of the bands now called post-punk are moderately interesting...a few are even very interesting. But that's not a description you'll ever convince me applies to this video.

>> ^Grimm:
And that's why you don't understand...because Rock and Roll isn't all about the "music". It can be, but it's not limited to that. The punk movement came about in part as a rebellion to how sanitized, over-produced, and corporate rock and roll had become in the 70's. You can't rebel against that kind of music by playing that kind of it's extreme form you have to take it to the other end of the spectrum. Raw, three-chords, angry, attitude, expressive, etc... It spoke to a generation who grew up in the 70's to sanitized corporate rock and disco music.
>> ^Stormsinger:
Frankly, I'm really having a hard time making the word "music" stretch to cover that noise.

FEAR - Saturday Night Live 1981 - Historic Performance

Grimm says...

And that's why you don't understand...because Rock and Roll isn't all about the "music". It can be, but it's not limited to that. The punk movement came about in part as a rebellion to how sanitized, over-produced, and corporate rock and roll had become in the 70's. You can't rebel against that kind of music by playing that kind of it's extreme form you have to take it to the other end of the spectrum. Raw, three-chords, angry, attitude, expressive, etc... It spoke to a generation who grew up in the 70's to sanitized corporate rock and disco music.
>> ^Stormsinger:

Frankly, I'm really having a hard time making the word "music" stretch to cover that noise.

FEAR - Saturday Night Live 1981 - Historic Performance

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