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Tegan And Sara "Call It Off"

calvados says...

Tegan And Sara:Call It Off
From LyricWiki
This song is performed by Tegan And Sara and appears on the album The Con (2007).

I won't regret saying this
This thing that I'm saying
Is it better than keeping my mouth shut
That goes without saying
Call, break it off
Call, break my own heart
Maybe I would have been something you'd be good at
Maybe you would have been something I'd be good at
But now we'll never know
I won't be sad
But in case I go there
Everyday, to make myself feel bad
There's a chance that I'll start to wonder if this was the thing to do
I won't be out long

But I still think it better if
You take your time coming over here
I think that's for the best
Call, break it off
Call, break my own heart
Maybe I would have been something you'd be good at
Maybe you would have been something I'd be good at
But now we'll never know
I won't be sad
But in case I go there
Everyday, to make myself feel bad
There's a chance that I'll start to wonder if this was the thing to do
I'll start to wonder if this was the thing to do

LOL! Sara Palin Action Doll

Sarah Palin action figure, even a schoolgirl model

Sarah Palin is a Religious Nutcase

Januari says...

It's easier to justify bigotry if they can convince themselves he is a Muslim... it's somehow 'OK' then...

And that sort of irrational ability to lie to ones self comes it very hand when you can just disregard Sara Palin's extremely bizarre religious background...

You Liberals are jealous of Sarah Palin. (Politics Talk Post)

Sarah Silverman - Give to the War PSA

rasch187 (Member Profile)

TDS: BillO's Double Standard on Pregnancy: Palin Vs. Spears

Another Great Example of Mc'Cain's Delusional Little World

9907 says...

I completely agree with you Trancecoach, I mean come on really think about how f'ed up in the head you would be come after being tortured in a prison camp for any amount of time. He most definitely has some post traumatic stress shit going on.
If this fucker gets into office, either there are more idiots in america than I had thought or the voting system is rigged or both actually. Never in my life have I been more ASHAMED to be associated with this country. And as if he wasn't bad enough on his own, he went and picked religious extremist hockey mom sara palin. But whatever, if shit gets any worse in this country I think I gonna go live in the mountains somewhere the adirondacks are pretty big I sure I 'll be left alone ;-)

shadownc (Member Profile)

poolcleaner says...


It makes sense that Comedy Central is where the truth can be found, because the world's just one big joke in America.

In reply to this comment by shadownc:
It's too bad that these things can't be pointed out live on the air, right after they are said. Because most people's attention span is so short that they will never recall stuff like this weeks or months later. Sadly, most Fox News viewers probably aren't watching the Daily Show and will never have this stuff pointed out to them. Even more sad, is stuff like this goes on in both parties...they are both guilty of saying whatever suits them at the time. We're in a bad situation when it takes a comedy show to be the voice of political reason.

rasch187 (Member Profile)

calvados (Member Profile)

The Daily Show - Sarah Palin & The Gender Card

xxovercastxx says...

>> ^Biminim:
Face it: we need the Republicans to win again so the quality and quantity of material for The Daily Show won't be compromised. We need our chuckles, Yo!

I know you're just being comical, but it really doesn't matter. In Jon Stewart's appearance on Crossfire he pointed out that the system is ridiculous and it doesn't really matter who is involved in it. He did, however, concede that it would be tough to top BushCo.

The Daily Show - Sarah Palin & The Gender Card

Xax says...

>> ^mizila:
Then again, if we just started attacking back, would we be any better? Yeah, probably, but not by enough.

The pacifist will be crushed by the raging bully which has no conscience. It's time to come out from behind the shield and strike back with unmatched fury. The bully must be stood up to, and not just defended against. To win this war, the enemy must be destroyed.

The Daily Show - Sarah Palin & The Gender Card

NetRunner says...

>> ^Biminim:
Face it: we need the Republicans to win again so the quality and quantity of material for The Daily Show won't be compromised. We need our chuckles, Yo!

Even if Obama is President, Republicans will still be Republicans, providing material for Stewart. No need for us to be angry at the same time, like dag said.

I think Palin's nomination as VP is going to be a godsend for Stewart & Colbert, since now virtually every GOP talking point against Obama/Clinton must be reversed -- women need to be respected, experience doesn't matter, foreign policy knowledge isn't important, even a windfall profits tax has to be tiptoed around, since Palin supported one in Alaska.

Oceania has never been at war with Eurasia, we have always been at war with Eastasia; anyone who says otherwise is spreading Eastasian propaganda and must be reported to authorities...

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