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CNN Fact-Slaps McCain/Palin

xxovercastxx says...

>> ^quantumushroom:
Yeah, the party that freed the slaves versus the party of Je$$e Jack$on.

Freed the slaves? The party that freed the slaves doesn't exist anymore. The party that freed the slaves was a liberal, progressive party. They may have had the same name, but they're nothing like today's GOP. The Dems were the conservative party in those days.

And let's not forget this, Obama speaking: The choice is clear. Most of all we can choose between hope and fear. It is going to be very difficult for Republicans to run on their stewardship of the economy or their outstanding foreign policy. We know what kind of campaign they’re going to run. They’re going to try to make you afraid. They’re going to try to make you afraid of me. He’s young and inexperienced and he’s got a funny name. And did I mention he’s black?
Poor-me racially-charged victimhood from a man who is an American success story by ANY standard.

I didn't see that statement as playing the victim, a behavior that I despise. He's just taking the wind out of the arguments by bringing them to the table first. Scare tactics are what we've come to expect from the NeoCons. If you don't do what they want, the terrorists have won. Which, now that I think about it, really makes them terrorists themselves.

Hate crime = thoughtcrime, and I don't see Barry or any other left-winger challenging the constitutionally-unsound hate crimes laws. The right, as usual, will just be accused of being racists by the left when they point out the emperor wears no clothes.

I agree that hate crime laws are nonsense and I've been thrashed by the sift for saying so. They are nothing more than legal discrimination. The right might be taken more seriously if they didn't have such a reputation for racism and discrimination. (Accurate or not, that's their reputation)

McCain wasn't referring to 100 years of war, it's a deliberate distortion. He meant something along the lines (I think) of North and South Korea, establishing a lasting military presence there.

He was referring to 100 years of occupation, which still qualifies as war in my opinion. Maybe not fighting, but still a war scenario. I don't think we need military stationed all over the globe, decade after decade. I want our military here, protecting our country when the need arises. We didn't invade Iraq to liberate it, we invaded to conquer it, and "in the 21st century, nations don't invade other nations."

You and others wish to blast Palin on the "Sambo' remark, which was a fabrication (aka a LIE). You've already decided she's a racist based on something that didn't even happen. Now you expect me and every other person who has a problem with Obama's radical, racist church to simply forget he was a member for over 2 decades and gave them 22K?

First off, I hadn't even heard the "Sambo" story before you mentioned it so don't accuse me of any reaction. I looked it up after your comment and the whole thing is ridiculous. A pair of nobodies post the story in their blog with no credible backing... It's not something I would have even taken the time to look at had I stumbled upon it. The Reps haven't missed the opportunity to turn the story into a lie of their own, though. They're claiming this story was fabricated by "Obama's campaign". It sounds more sinister than saying it came from two losers who run a pro-Obama blog.

Fair enough.
Obama's relations to this organization.

No, no. Obama's ties to PA were easy enough to find. What I want to know is where the description of PA sounding like Hitler's Youth came from. That was some loony conspiracy theory shit right there.

CNN Fact-Slaps McCain/Palin

quantumushroom says...

"Barry" voted yea for "an amendment prohibiting the use of any funds appropriated in the FY2007 Department of Homeland Security Act from being used to confiscate legal firearms during states of emergency or major disasters."

I'll give him some credit, but also: Big Deal. He never would've come up with it on his own, and anyway, it's crap from both sides of the aisle. The 2nd Amendment already covers 'states of emergency'.

This is an unfortunate feature of nearly every politician. Even the conservatives haven't been very conservative during the course of my lifetime. I don't agree with this approach either, but that's not to say that throwing money at a problem doesn't get results sometimes. Counting this against him is not unlike accusing him of only having two arms. When a three-armed candidate surfaces, then I'll care that the other candidates only have two.

I agree with you. But conservatives failing to be conservative and liberals being liberals are still two different animals.

>> ^quantumushroom:
He uses accusations of "racism" whenever he loses an argument (tho not exclusively a Marxist principle).

I've seen these accusations before but I've not seen the evidence. Perhaps you can show some? I'll continue to consider it partisan nonsense in the meantime.

Here's the latest kerfuffle, Obama's campaign rearranging Rush Limbaugh's parodies to make him sound like a racist. Partisan? Yeah, the party that freed the slaves versus the party of Je$$e Jack$on.

And let's not forget this, Obama speaking: The choice is clear. Most of all we can choose between hope and fear. It is going to be very difficult for Republicans to run on their stewardship of the economy or their outstanding foreign policy. We know what kind of campaign they’re going to run. They’re going to try to make you afraid. They’re going to try to make you afraid of me. He’s young and inexperienced and he’s got a funny name. And did I mention he’s black?

Poor-me racially-charged victimhood from a man who is an American success story by ANY standard.

>> ^quantumushroom:
I safely predict Orwellian hate crimes and hate speech laws will strengthen under his rule, the closest to outright banning free speech we'll have.

I don't see any basis for this statement except perhaps the idea that 'them Negroes is always conspirin' against us good white folk.' I did notice that Obama voted against a bill to amend the constitution to make "Flag Desecration" illegal. That's big free speech support right there if you ask me. [ref]

I have said nothing here that indicates Obama's race factors into whether or not he supports hate crime legislation. It's more a left-wing thing, not a race thing. Hate crime = thoughtcrime, and I don't see Barry or any other left-winger challenging the constitutionally-unsound hate crimes laws. The right, as usual, will just be accused of being racists by the left when they point out the emperor wears no clothes.

>> ^quantumushroom:
A question for Obama supporters: let's say he gets his way and increases taxes on only "the wealthy". Do the middle and lower classes really think they won't suffer any adverse effects by having their employers' earnings slammed?

That all depends on what is done with the money. Not waging a 100 year war with no goals would be a good start.

McCain wasn't referring to 100 years of war, it's a deliberate distortion. He meant something along the lines (I think) of North and South Korea, establishing a lasting military presence there. And yes, I like the idea of B-52s less than 10 minutes from Tehran.

"What is done" with the money, I think you already know, most of it will be pissed away by graft and corruption, bailouts, paying for ongoing failures like the Wars on Poverty, Drugs, and yes, even Terror. I don't see why the Fire Chief of Speckville, Indiana needs a million-dollar APC to defend against terrorists.

There is nothing magical that happens when you give your money to the government. You and I know the value of a dollar, and I trust a dollar in the hands of the average citizen will go much farther than it will in a politician's budget. That's the essence of libertarianism. BTW, it's YOUR dollar!

Obama is nearly a lifelong member of a "church" that promotes Black Liberation Theology. Few things lie closer to a believers' hearts than their faith, whatever it may be. How is it Barry has to disavow his church? Could it be because it's backwards and against not only basic Xtian principles but American principles?

Was a member of said church for less than half his life, actually. If you read up on Trinity United, you'll see they've promoted a number of different ideas about race interaction over the decades as the times and leadership have changed. So, too, has "Black Liberation Theology" changed its implications with time. I know you like to put -ism and -ist labels on everyone and everything, but sometimes it's not that simple and you need full sentences, paragraphs or even pages to explain something adequately.

You and others wish to blast Palin on the "Sambo' remark, which was a fabrication (aka a LIE). You've already decided she's a racist based on something that didn't even happen. Now you expect me and every other person who has a problem with Obama's radical, racist church to simply forget he was a member for over 2 decades and gave them 22K? I'm not saying Obama shares all of Wright's wacky beliefs, but then if McCain said "Bless You" when David Duke sneezed, we both know the level of liberal hysteria that would ensue.

Since you've not attributed this quote, I'm not going to address it. Without knowing if it's from a reliable source or just some conservapedia article, I've really got nothing to go on.

Fair enough.

Obama's relations to this organization.

>> ^quantumushroom:
What I'm addressing here has nothing to do with why people support Obama. Facts and logic are out the window, Obamites are electrified by these vague messages of "hope" and "change" or still part of the "Anybody but Bush" mindset.

There is some validity to what you say here. Obama is a charismatic and exciting guy and many people have not looked beyond that. It's important to acknowledge that this is the failing of those people and not of Obama, just as it is your failing to make so many false assumptions about him based on his party, race and background rather than documented facts.

You recognize that it is a failing of the people to not know their candidate. Yes, I will blame the American people if Obama is elected, just as you will blame the other half if McCain is elected.

Yes, I have some assumptions about Obama, but they're based on the many quotes he's made as well as the considerable information about his background, his (in)experience, the company he keeps and his voting record (to the left of Ted Kennedy). I personally don't give a damn about his racial background; if he supported conservative principles with the same thin resume, I'd have a serious choice to make whether he would be better than McCain.

Thanks to all who responded. Yes MINK, you're the Master of Europe and I am at your mercy. You and I have written enough to make a book.

CNN Fact-Slaps McCain/Palin

quantumushroom says...

>> ^quantumushroom:
Like all Big Government liberals, Barry O is against citizens owning firearms.

No he isn't. He's very much like me, a gun totin' liberal. As he said in his DNC speech, we can make sure hunters keep their guns, but inner-city gangsters don't have uzi's. There's a balance there, somewhere, but there's a lot more of us hardcore libs who find the 2nd amendment untouchable. Apparently you haven't listened to his view on this issue.

"Hunting only, eh?" Taking guns from "inner-city gang members". Absolute horseshit. No president can do it, and all the 50,000 gun laws we have now do is tie down the lawful citizen. Obama is lying about his "love" of guns. He was likely as upset as the rest of the left (minus you) about the latest Supreme Court ruling that the 2nd Amendment is indeed, an individual right to bear arms.

Obama believes in an all-powerful centrist government. There's nothing government can't fix, if only they have the money...

No he doesn't. He doesn't believe in a broken and bloated gov't that does nothing for us. He believes in individual responsibilities, as well as gov't help for those who can't help themselves, and for infrastructure etc projects.

Obama wants to add billions of dollars in new and expanded programs to fight "the bloat". Does that make sense? I believe most liberals are sincere, but if you'll notice, the pool of people "who can't help themselves" seems to be expanding every day. Now we're "helping" you quit smoking, and quit eating fatty foods, see? We're your new nanny!

Also, should Obama win, I won't fault only him on government growth, the reality is the scumbag bureaucrats run Washington and they can easily outlast any and all 8-year terms.

He uses accusations of "racism" whenever he loses an argument.

Now that's just 100% bullshit. And when people like Sarah Palin call him "Sambo", to deny there's any racist attacks against him, is ridiculous.

The "sambo" charge was false.

My answer to Obama's racist poor-me victim act will occur on election day. If he loses, there will be plenty of recrimination from the drive-by media about what an evil racist country America is, as if that's the only reason he lost. If he wins, they won't shut up about how wonderful it is to have a Black president, blah blah blah.

He uses class warfare.

There IS class warfare in this country. What, are you fucking insane? What do you think just happened this week? The gov't colluded with the greediest fucks on this planet to take our money, trillions of dollars of it, to pay for their mistakes.

I agree, and I agree it was wrong for these pricks to subsidize failure. But that's government for ya. If government were smaller, with limited funds, it couldn't get away with this. But historically the Left has been pushing hardest for more and more Big Government. The beast slipped its leash long ago, I'm afraid. But all these bailout don't come close to the 3 trillion wasted on the "War on Poverty".

Obama is nearly a lifelong member of a "church" that promotes Black Liberation Theology.

I hate all religions. I don't see where his bullshit is any more "neo-marxist" than any other dumbass religious believer.

Fair enough. Either Obama is lying about his faith to upset religion-haters or he sees it as a valuable tool for activism.

But its real mission is to radicalize American youth and use them to bring about "social change" through threats, pressure, tension and confrontation

You are absolutely nuts. Really, way way off the deep-end here, my friend.

Well, time will tell if he funds this crap, or gets the chance. I see the way American government-schools have rewritten or eliminated the teaching of history. Nothing surprises me anymore. The Democrats have sold their souls to the kook-left fringe, more so than any religious "control" the right.

Facts and logic are out the window, Obamites are electrified by these vague messages of "hope" and "change" or still part of the "Anybody but Bush" mindset.

Wow, you should try insulting more people's intelligence. Shoving everyone into this "Obamites" category shows just how little grasp you have on this election and these candidates.

It's really a compliment. It takes intelligence to have your imagination captured. I freely admit Barry is an aspiring speaker, and say also, he has not been given a thorough background check nor his lacking credentials serious consideration. It really is a case of rockstar-itis.

Still more sifters are from countries that are already socialist, so there's no conflict of interest there.

I take it you've never been outside the US then. I've traveled 1/2 of my life, lived overseas for years on end, in these "socialist" countries you know nothing about. If you think Europe is what socialism looks like, you need to go back to school.

Well, as the pundits love pointing out, the USA isn't as "sophisticated" as Europe, and the "rest of the world", with all its tinpot dictators and sheiks and corrupt regimes and double-digit unemployment welfare states supposedly despises the USA. The wisest here don't want to be anything like Europeans or anyone else.

And lastly, there are the deluded peaceniks who FEEL that the USA is morally no greater than Red China, and that despots can be 'reasoned with' if only we bring them a bouquet of their favorite flowers.

Wow, that sure is a pretty straw-man you built yourself.

These peaceniks are real enough. They've always been with us and they've always been wrong. Only war stops tyrants.

But tell me, oh wise one. When was the last time you saw one of these evil socialist European nations torture someone? When was the last time a European nation used a pack of lies to sell its citizens an illegal war, killing hundreds of thousands of innocent people? When was the last time that Abu-Ghraib happened under France's watch? When was the last time any EU country called the Geneva Conventions "cute"? When was the last time any EU country thought that following international laws, and their own military code of conduct, just didn't count anymore?

There's no point trying to reason with anyone who thinks a war can be "legal" or "illegal". Wars are about survival, nothing else. A saddam-free Iraq increases America's chance for survival. A taliban-free Afghanistan increases America's chance for survival. All the other good or evil to follow is secondary.

Where I differ from others on the matter of war is I believe America is the greatest country on earth, and its only moral force. We have the RIGHT and the duty to do whatever it takes. Without the USA, the world is fucked. Europe withers before the Crescent, China is a communist nightmare, Russia is sliding backwards towards the same, the Middle East is perhaps forever a hellish hail of traded bullets. And whether Ron fucking Paul likes it or not, America has been cast in the role of world's policeman.

Wow. You seem like a very, very scared person.

I am more than worried about electing a President that hates America, who has the defense doctrine of Bill Clinton and the economic knowledge of Jimmy Carter. Should he win, we will weather four years of his ridiculousness while Congress via the people, won't support him.

CNN Fact-Slaps McCain/Palin

volumptuous says...

>> ^quantumushroom:
Like all Big Government liberals, Barry O is against citizens owning firearms.

No he isn't. He's very much like me, a gun totin' liberal. As he said in his DNC speech, we can make sure hunters keep their guns, but inner-city gangsters don't have uzi's. There's a balance there, somewhere, but there's a lot more of us hardcore libs who find the 2nd amendment untouchable. Apparently you haven't listened to his view on this issue.

Obama believes in an all-powerful centrist government. There's nothing government can't fix, if only they have the money...

No he doesn't. He doesn't believe in a broken and bloated gov't that does nothing for us. He believes in individual responsibilities, as well as gov't help for those who can't help themselves, and for infrastructure etc projects.

He uses accusations of "racism" whenever he loses an argument

Now that's just 100% bullshit. And when people like Sarah Palin call him "Sambo", to deny there's any racist attacks against him, is ridiculous.

He uses class warfare.

There IS class warfare in this country. What, are you fucking insane? What do you think just happened this week? The gov't colluded with the greediest fucks on this planet to take our money, trillions of dollars of it, to pay for their mistakes.

Obama is nearly a lifelong member of a "church" that promotes Black Liberation Theology.

I hate all religions. I don't see where his bullshit is any more "neo-marxist" than any other dumbass religious believer.

But its real mission is to radicalize American youth and use them to bring about "social change" through threats, pressure, tension and confrontation

You are absolutely nuts. Really, way way off the deep-end here, my friend.

Facts and logic are out the window, Obamites are electrified by these vague messages of "hope" and "change" or still part of the "Anybody but Bush" mindset.

Wow, you should try insulting more people's intelligence. Shoving everyone into this "Obamites" category shows just how little grasp you have on this election and these candidates.

Still more sifters are from countries that are already socialist, so there's no conflict of interest there.

I take it you've never been outside the US then. I've traveled 1/2 of my life, lived overseas for years on end, in these "socialist" countries you know nothing about. If you think Europe is what socialism looks like, you need to go back to school.

And lastly, there are the deluded peaceniks who FEEL that the USA is morally no greater than Red China, and that despots can be 'reasoned with' if only we bring them a bouquet of their favorite flowers.

Wow, that sure is a pretty straw-man you built yourself.

But tell me, oh wise one. When was the last time you saw one of these evil socialist European nations torture someone? When was the last time a European nation used a pack of lies to sell its citizens an illegal war, killing hundreds of thousands of innocent people? When was the last time that Abu-Ghraib happened under France's watch? When was the last time any EU country called the Geneva Conventions "cute"? When was the last time any EU country thought that following international laws, and their own military code of conduct, just didn't count anymore?

Wow. You seem like a very, very scared person.

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr on Governor Palin's Reading List (Election Talk Post)

Lucy Liubot destroys all

rembar says...

Darnit, Theace, I've been meaning to sift this clip for about two months as a description of sambo and judo in MMA, but was too lazy to do a proper writeup.

Lucky, female MMA (Smackgirl, DEEP, etc.) is growing at about the pace of male MMA, it's just taken longer for people to accept that women can beat the crap out of each other just as well as men.

Satoko happens to be one of the best female fighters out there, specializing in very technical grappling with a sambo/judo/jiujitsu background. She's got some wicked transition submissions - did you see that leg-scissors-to-leglock thing she did at -2:46?!? Insane.

TDS Expert John Hodgman Mixed Martial Arts

rembar says...

As an MMAer myself, I don't quite understand what's so mindblowing about MMA making it onto the cover of SI. It's a terrific sport, albeit somewhat misunderstood, and is quickly becoming one of the leading sport draws. I men, it's fighting for pete's sake, how can that NOT appeal to young adults?

As you may know, mixed martial arts, in the form of pankration, was one of the most popular sports in the original Greek Olympic games, back in the 600s B.C., and is currently under review for admittance as a demonstration sport in the 2008 and 2012 Olympics.

Contrary to popular belief, mixed martial art fighters are not mindless brawlers: in fact, to reach a high level in the sport requires excellence in not just one martial art, but many arts, in order to adequately cover the three ranges of combat (standing, clinch, and ground) as well as both striking and grappling. For example, Fedor, almost universally considered the best fighter in the world, draws his base as an international champion in judo and sambo, and usually trains in submission grappling, boxing, and Muay Thai. He has, among many other feats, thrown and submitted an Olympic gold-medal judoka, hip tossed an Olympic silver-medal Greco-Roman wrestler, submitted some of the world's best Brazilian jiu-jitieros, and knocked out high-level Muay Thai fighters and kickboxers.

MMA has become a proving ground for martial arts, in what I believe is the spirit of Bruce Lee's philosophy of Jeet Kune Do: take what works, discard what doesn't. Arts that are effective are proven in the ring, and ones that aren't are dropped quickly - people can't make excuses when they get hit in the face. And the arts that work have coalesced into an overarching view of fighting, making for basically the most effective method of training and preparation for unarmed combat.

As for homoerotic overtones....well, I guess one can see what one wants to see.

Sifters interested in learning more about specific aspects of MMA can check out my Fighting Arts playlist, which includes sifts covering an expanding selection of martial arts practiced and used in mixed martial arts competitions.

Mr. Lif - Live From The Plantation (anti-work music video)

benjee says...

Thanks very much for the save and votes - as my favourite: I was slightly disappointed that it didn't get through 6 months ago! All the lyrics:

Oh my fucking god man, ahhh. fucking serious
Jesus Christ, man. already?
Man, time flies like a motherfucker.

Rise and shine!
Yet another day to toss away
What does my clock display?
It says eight
Shit, I'm late for work again, so then
I dip with my pad and my pen
Step into the work place with my work face
Wince at my time card cuz I'm scarred
Mad cuz I sacrifice my day and gets me
A trifling hourly wage of six fifty, nifty
Now I'm off to slave quarters
With a whole bunch of other people's sons and daughters
Working so they can be mothers and fathers
Laboring real hard, hoping the boss offers
More petty cash to his bums and paupers
Kissing his ass cuz they hoping they prosper
Here's the math:
You work a third of your day, away
The government takes a third of your check, correct
You go home and drink cuz you don't get
An ounce of respect, and your spirit is wrecked
Life is a gift to be enjoyed, every second every minute
It's temporary, not infinite
Yet I find myself looking at the clock
hoping for the day to fly by, so I ask myself "Why?"
I'm doing this remedial work for second graders
I'm an educator with mega-flavor, so
Maybe I should just jump up and get ill
Maybe I should let these people know they're being killed
Maybe I should try my very best to chill, and get paid
Cuz I gotta pay bills, raa!

"Excuse me brother, can you please stop making that noise
so I can talk? Thank you. Now the boss says he wants you to come up
with more copies of these checks, and the last thing he wants is you to
move the desk to the basement, and can I have this stapler?"

(Hey there champ,
big boss man says you been late 3 days in a row,
better sharpen up)

Aw, this fucking place sucks - same shit everyday
Like to wring the boss' neck though, if only dreams could come true

Dead boss, somebody call Red Cross
I guess he got caught up in my mental holocaust
How much did it cost?
Just a little piece of my mind for peace of mind
"But he's bleeding!"
Oh no, leave him. He'll be fine
He'll heal on his own
if you just give him some time
Considering the fact that his face is misaligned
His legs are over there lying right next to his spine

Huh? Oh, Jesus, must have been daydreaming

My boss walks by, he's looking just like an asshole
Smiling because he jerks niggas for minimum cash flow
He's cool to my face but I swear I heard him laugh though
Tickled by the fact that I'm the modern day Sambo
And just when I think that I'm about to go Rambo
I call up my man and he says he understands, yo
We all are being murdered by a similar process
Whether you work at the candy store
Or slave at the office
The purpose of our life is just to serve the economy
They misinform our minds to paint a picture of harmony
But if you listen then you know that shits out of tune
Cuz the function of our life is just to work and consume
Fuck reaching out to help the next, there ain't any room
Just close your eyes and block your ears and march to your doom
But since I really ain't getting paid for my time
I pulled out my pen and started writing a rhyme
Can't you see that I'm busy, jerk?
Don't you dare approach me with busy work
Take another step and get hurt
By the man that embodies mad years of anger
A cool bro, soon to be the Boston Strangler
Everything inside of me is about to erupt
Cuz a righteous individual just likes to corrupt
I knew he'd lock me up if I started a brawl
So I deaden, and I punch the clock the fuck off the wall

Yea that's right motherfucker
you can't keep underpaying people and mistreating them all the time
That's gonna resort to crime.
As a matter of fact, you know what?
Fakts, yo cut this motherfucker, man.

Little Black Sambo (1935) Racial Stereotyping in Animation

Coal Black and de Sebben Dwarfs (1943) Banned Looney Toons

rickegee says...

A related question is whether we allow the votes to take care of this kind of submission or allow gold stars to make the discard call. (Please don't ban anyone . . .you know who you are).

I would downvote this video precisely because the viewer is the only person providing the external context. If the viewer is already aware that cartoons like this one were a direct descendent of Jim Crow, lynchings, 'coon' films, Stepin Fetchit, and Sambo, then I suppose that you (as the well-informed viewer) can sidestep all of the race-baiting.

However, if a ten-year old or quantummushroom is watching this clip, it probably just seems like an awesome piece of truthful Spike & Mike. Shock for shock's sake. Ultimately, VS is a public site and not wholly our little salon (tho' ladybug is staying up nights to rectify that issue).

Historical mustiness does not alter the fact that something is appalling.

UCLA student tasered by campus police

rembar says...

@obscenesimian: What's your ACTUAL experience? What MA do you study, or courses or training programs have you participated in? Do you teach? Do you compete? On top of that, how much LEO experience and/or beat time do you have? If you know enough about judo tournaments and MMA competitions and the like as well as physical confrontations between LEOs and perps, then you should know that the use of chokes and strangles are safe in application primarily because of the knowledge of the fighters competing, and that competitions are the closest thing to "real life" training as possible. Let's take a look at the factors you say are not present in competitions but are present in "real life":

1. The health of the persons being choked: Ok, last time I checked, MMA fighters had no problem choking out opponents who they just finished punching repeatedly from many different positions and angles. On top of that, there are basically no health factors that makes chokes "more dangerous" for any given person than other, although it may make the chokes more effective (in terms of time until unconsciousness). This is as opposed to tasers, which can, for instance, disrupt a pacemaker for somebody with a heart condition.

2. Excess adrenaline: Competitions are high-adrenaline environments. The whole concept of judo shiai and the like is that the competitions mimic the kind of environment of a "real life" situation, in terms of adrenaline rushes and other stress-related anatomical reactions. That's why all good grappling arts train for larger bodypart locks, like keylocks and armbars - people have realized that the adrenaline dump from all the stress causes a lot of loss in terms of fine motor coordination, so it's much better to rely on gross motor coordination.

3. Malice: Last time I checked, judo, sambo, wrestling, MMA, and all other serious full-contact fighting sports have competitions in which the main goal is to throw, lock, choke, and/or beat the crap out of one's opponent. Malice? Oh, yeah.

4. Poor training: Well, DUH. Obviously police need to be trained. You think it would be any different than if police were just handed guns and told, "Ok, safety off, point and pull the trigger"? All combat skills need to be trained to be effective and controlled.

Also, people well-trained in submission grappling arts know the effects of all their chokes, blood and air. Even if the ref doesn't stop the fight, I know the approximate times that my opponent will lose consciousness, will suffer permanent damage, and regain consciousness after the chokehold is released. Without a ref, properly LEOs just choke the perp until he loses consciousness, then release the hold, lay him down and deal with him. And there's no need for medical personnel: the guy gets choked out, you lay him on his side until he regains consciousness, he wakes up without any permanent damage. That's it.

And no, that is definitely not why the Taser was developed. The Taser was developed to reduce the number of FIREARM-related deaths. FIREARM-RELATED DEATHS. That's why it's so ridiculous that a taser was used in this situation. It was completely inappropriate and out of line.

If people were better educated, especially the paper pushers making all the decisions on what LEO training/equipment should be, none of this would be a problem. But this is sadly not the case, which is why we are now all being entertained by a non-threatening but annoying idiot being zapped multiple times by two pissed off cops who don't know the proper methods for dealing with the punk.

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