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John Oliver - Immigration Courts

newtboy says...

So, anyone not born in a hospital, deport them. No ss#, deport them.
How do children born here to parents without papers prove it?

Our asylum process is broken. Illegal immigration was in the negatives under Obama, and fewer of them came from Mexico.

What support has Trump offered Mexico to help secure their southern border? They make Herculean efforts considering their resources.

You need to stop getting information from Fox and friends filtered through an angry septuagenarian liar with horrid comprehension skills.

You know who else demanded to constantly see your papers, don't you?

bobknight33 said:

Children have parents-- prove your citizenship-- not hard -- no papers then go back home.

Immigration is not broken. Mexico IS broken = Make Mexico great again .. build the wall.,

Kurzgesagt - In a Nutshell: Egoistic Altruism

newtboy says...

There are a few problems they skipped.
First, that bigger pie is still finite, but we act as if it's infinite, pretending that one person having billions doesn't adversely effect others, but that's simply not true.
Second, it overlooked the fact that those countries going through industrial revolution often do so by using other non industrial countries resources, making it impossible to industrialize everywhere....we would need at least one more planet to harvest.
Third, it never pointed out that the GDP increases caused by industrial revolutions were met with massive increases in population, which decreases the per capita net worth significantly. Doubling GDP while tripling population makes the average person have less, not more.

I'm disappointed they didn't mention the French revolution, caused largely by the wealth disparity they're discussing.
Jean-Jacques Rousseau: When the people shall have nothing more to eat, they will eat the rich.

This video seems to be a long winded version of 'a rising tide lifts all boats'.

Stalked by a Cougar

transmorpher says...

Absolutely agree with you, but if I can't convince someone intelligent like you to eat a plant-based diet, I don't like my chances att convincing Sharleen and Damien from having 5 kids :-)

The other thing is if you look at the consumption in Western civilisation, we use somethng like 80% of the resources, even though our populations are the smallest. Which would suggest it's mostly lifestyle related.

newtboy said:

Try not having kids then. Cutting your per capita consumption in half does less than nothing when you also double the number of consumers. The worst thing most people can do to nature is breed.

Falcon Heavy & Starman | Inspiring New SpaceX Video

ChaosEngine says...

*quality *doublepromote

We have problems we need to solve on Earth. These take money and resources. And if you’re sick, or homeless, it must feel shit to see people wasting money on frivolous things.

But we DO need inspiration, and art, and fun, and ridiculously, awesomely, stupid stunts. If we said we can’t do anything until we fix all the problems here, we’d never do anything.

Perception of programming versus the reality

Digitalfiend says...

This is so true...

Programming without the internet was tough. I remember my early years of programming in ASM and C/C++. The only internet access was via BBSes and Trumpet Winsock. Your only source of real help was from Usenet groups and questionable help files. There was no such thing as Intelli-sense (as we know it now) or auto-complete; you pretty much had to memorize the parameters for all Win32 API calls and the STL for C++ was brutal to use. Programming nowadays is relatively easy in comparison - pretty much anyone can code thanks to the internet and fantastic online resources. Heck, my 7 yr old daughter is learning to write code using a Scratch-derived visual programming language and Cosmo (look it up, it's awesome). I started "coding" at 8 by typing out programs from an adventure game programming book, in BASIC (think old Infocom games, like Wishbringer/Zork, etc).

The challenge in today's programming environment is the rapid pace of change. It's so f'n hard to keep up with every new toolkit, platform, library, programming language enhancements, etc.

Homeopathy Explained – Gentle Healing or Reckless Fraud?

ChaosEngine says...

Hmmm, even though I love Kurzgesagt and this is an informative video. There are easy answers to the questions posed at the start.

How does homeopathy work? It doesn't.
How did it become what it is today? People are easily swindled.
What can modern medicine learn from it? NOTHING.

Yeah, they go on to talk about viewing the patient as a person, etc, but that is not that important. I don't want my doctor sitting down and having a chat with everyone, I want them to treat them and move on to the next patient. Maybe when we get to our AI-led post-scarcity utopia, but right now, medicine (like everything else) is a game of finite resources. Do you really want to waste the time of a highly trained (and highly paid) medical professional? Because while they're talking to you about your vague sense of unease, someone else is dying.

John Oliver - Parkland School Shooting

Mordhaus says...

One way to resolve the issue might be to redirect some of the immense intelligence focus from Islamic terrorism to domestic terrorism.

That is what this is, domestic terrorism. It may not always have a manifesto behind it, but that is not relevant. There were numerous people who said this person was probably a school shooter in the making. He was doing things with white power groups and militias. Why didn't our mass spying that we do catch that? Because it wasn't an Islamic group.

We can ban assault rifles or put limits on them, we can make mandatory psych evals required for gun purchases, or we could do any number of things. While we look into what we can legislate, we should also be looking into how we can use resources we have in place to STOP JUST THIS SORT OF THING.

As anyone who knows me knows, I am a hardcore supporter of the right to bear arms. I am not an NRA member, because they aren't really concerned about the right to bear arms, just that they keep getting money from gun manufacturers. I still think we can keep AR type rifles, but we should have a national mandate on clip size, number of clips allowed, and we should have a mandatory psych eval required if you plan on purchasing anything other than a hunting rifle. Yes, that includes handguns.

John Oliver - Parkland School Shooting

MilkmanDan says...

@SDGundamX -- I agree completely that any registration / licensing system would have to be central / federal to do any good. I'm also, like you, pretty pessimistic about anything actually happening.

These kids will be a smaller direct annoyance (to NRA-funded legislators) for a shorter time than "occupy". That doesn't mean they are wasting their time though. The people that they can sway are moderate republican voters. I think "common sense" things like registration and licensing could be sold to enough people to put some pressure on republican reelection chances. On the other hand, there's the NRA and other lobbying organizations with a proven track record and nearly unlimited resources to muck up the works.

I dunno. I'm quite pessimistic about chances, but I do hope we're wrong.

Vermilion Parish teacher arrested for asking about raises

newtboy says...

All good, you made me question my own statement, and realize I had no idea what a resource officer really is. It's sounding like it's different depending on where you are.

CrushBug said:

Oh, yeah, I wasn't calling into question what you had said, I just thought that it was interesting in the difference between what was deemed "school resource officers" between my city and the one in the incident.

Vermilion Parish teacher arrested for asking about raises

CrushBug says...

Oh, yeah, I wasn't calling into question what you had said, I just thought that it was interesting in the difference between what was deemed "school resource officers" between my city and the one in the incident.

newtboy said:

Hmmm.....I'm just repeating/paraphrasing what the tv news said. Maybe the reporter misunderstood, or was misled....or maybe I misunderstood. They wanted the angry calls to stop is how I took it, and were distancing themselves from the whole thing.
We didn't have school resource officers where/when I went to school, and I don't have kids, so I know nothing about them. I thought it was to security guard what custodian is to janitor, a fancy name.

Vermilion Parish teacher arrested for asking about raises

newtboy says...

Hmmm.....I'm just repeating/paraphrasing what the tv news said. Maybe the reporter misunderstood, or was misled....or maybe I misunderstood. They wanted the angry calls to stop is how I took it, and were distancing themselves from the whole thing.
We didn't have school resource officers where/when I went to school, and I don't have kids, so I know nothing about them. I thought it was to security guard what custodian is to janitor, a fancy name.

CrushBug said:

That is weird. In my city, the school resource officers are real city police officers. Sounds like nothing more than a rent-a-cop.

Vermilion Parish teacher arrested for asking about raises

CrushBug says...

That is weird. In my city, the school resource officers are real city police officers. Sounds like nothing more than a rent-a-cop.

newtboy said:

The news says the police want to be clear that this was a school resource officer, not real police that handcuffed her...

Vermilion Parish teacher arrested for asking about raises

newtboy says...

The news says the police want to be clear that this was a school resource officer, not real police that handcuffed her, and any questions should be submitted to the school board, not the police department.
The board president is claiming this is somehow a setup by other board members as a devious plot to get rid of the superintendent. Does that make sense to anyone? I can't follow his logic.

Moore PD video republican caught with child 17 in motel

Mordhaus jokingly says...

Republicans are among the hardiest politicians. Some species are capable of remaining active for a month without food and are able to survive on limited resources, such as the glue from the back of postage stamps.

It is popularly suggested that Republicans will "inherit the earth" if humanity destroys itself in a nuclear war.

newtboy said:

Caught having meth sex with a 17 year old boy prostitute, but he's NOT going to jail?! I still remember when you could only get rid of Republicans if you caught them with a dead girl or a live boy. Now, you just can't get rid of them period.

Sarah Silverman Loves America | Real Time with Bill Maher

bcglorf says...

As a Canadian I can answer the question on use of the term 'Eskimo', and it is absolutely considered offensive in many circles, Inuit being the proper language to use. You can learn more about all the lengths your language to be 'proper'(for now) here:

As an added reference, I'm still surprised to here the repeated use of Indian to describe Native American peoples from US television talk shows and such. In Canada using 'Indian' that way is approaching parity with using the N word.

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