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Why I Left the Left

MilkmanDan says...

@newtboy -- I'm with you, although I do think that offensive words can cause "harm". For some definitions of harm. Some of which I might even personally find valid.

I don't think that giving snowflakes a reality check is a primary function of Universities, as I think you do. Certainly not for all majors. My degree is in Computer Science, sort of engineering-lite, and no courses in my major "exposed me to new and differing ideas and mindsets and taught me how to interact with those holding them". To be fair, I wasn't actively looking for things to take offense to, as I think many SJW types are.

I don't think my University experience "failed" in any way by not forcing those kinds of challenges on me, mostly because those kinds of challenges are a normal part of real life. If someone has managed to avoid such challenges up to the point that they are entering University, they will probably find a way to avoid them at University also. But they can't avoid it forever.

Stephen Colbert Is A Bowling Green Massacre Truther

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

Bitcoin: How Cryptocurrencies Work

poolcleaner says...

Every single person I have explained this to looks at me like I'm an idiot fabricating how I imagine something works in real life yet don't really get how it works. "Data mining for digital money by solving math problems that create that money out of thin air?"

Self Defense?

newtboy says...

I don't disagree that his response was more than needed, but I don't expect someone who's been taunted and hit repeatedly (and I saw the shove as WAY more than a friendly Elaine style push, and the second hit looked to be to his neck/chin, not shoulder) to think it through and be restrained, but I do agree a good pimp slap may have sufficed....a call to the cops should be the proper response, but it's clear that wouldn't work for him in a white girl vs black man incident in real life.

All that said, I still say that if you start a physical fight and you lose, badly, that's never your victim's fault, it's yours, and genitalia have nothing to do with it (unless someone gets kicked in the balls). I know <100 lb women that brag about getting high and going to bars intending to fight men, and winning those fights. Assuming gender or size makes someone not dangerous is naive.
Edit: note, his first reaction was to walk away from the taunts, and his first reaction to the first shove/hit was verbal, so decking her was technically his second choice, or third depending on how you look at it. ;-)

Payback said:

I have been in both situations. I have had a 5'0" 75lbs woman come at me with a baseball bat. I was worried with that one, but I took it away from her so I didn't have to resort to what this pussy did.

My problem is not that he plastered her, it's that was his first choice. I mean shit man, she did an "Elaine from Seinfeld" push then smacked him on the shoulder and he decided to drop her? He wanted her down and out. Put her in her place. Macho bullshit.

Insane woman assaults legal e-bike rider on public path

Buttle says...

If you're serious, and live your real life as you write, then good luck with that whole living at home thing, dude.

newtboy said:

He certainly should have feared bodily injury, since he suffered bodily injury. In my view, when someone is so irrational that they physically attack a larger, stronger, younger person, it's reasonable to assume that they are extremely dangerous.

This is how fast fire can spread. Warning: disturbing

poolcleaner says...

One of my best friends was an EMT, a fire fighter, and now a mental health worker... I'm just like, why dude? Why did you burn out the existence of all things good in life with your insane career path? No wonder we get black out drunk and high every time we hang out. and I get to hear the tales. I swear, I have actually feinted listening to some of his stories. The insane call to become a real life superhero is actually a void that sucks you in and never lets go. Not that living with the void is that bad if you conquer the demons spawned forth from it.

StukaFox said:

There's no training in the world that can help you when you're walking over a floor of charred corpses, or picking up the bits and pieces left over after a plane crash. How a fireman can believe in a just and loving god after seeing some of that shit is beyond me.

If Congress was your co-worker

Drachen_Jager says...

Wow, are you Dr. Oz in real life? That's an amazing diagnosis from just a few words.

Totally wrong, on all counts, but so is Dr. Oz most of the time.

It's not confirmation bias (where did you learn those words anyhow? You're not using them right). The list of obstructionist measures taken by this Republican-led congress far surpasses anything that's come before. That's quantifiable. To pretend otherwise is just delusional.

harlequinn said:

You have confirmation bias. It prevents you from seeing things objectively. This is common in a politically polarised country.

You may also have some omission bias.

Hillary Clinton Roasts Donald Trump At The Al Smith Charity

shagen454 says...

And here I was talking about Trump in a Black Mirror episode... if what you say is true and what they say about Russia being involved in manipulating & hacking the election - then it may be a literal real life Black Mirror episode if Russia hacks the election so that Trump wins.

Drachen_Jager said:

Trump inherited over 200 million in real-estate from daddy in the early '80s.

If he'd sold it and simply put the money in indexed funds, it would be worth about 12 billion today. If he'd held onto it the real-estate would be worth about 15 billion today. At his most generous, Trump estimates his own wealth around 8 billion. Other sources have it much lower (Deutsche Bank estimated it well under a billion about ten years ago).

So, to answer your question, "How does he manage his companies?"

Badly. But when you start with so much even total incompetence takes a while to drain your accounts.

No major bank will lend him money anymore. I've heard that he owes hundreds of millions to Putin cronies, which perfectly explains why he's so Putin friendly. He's probably been told they'll write off some or all of his debt if he carries their water for four years as president. I think it's entirely possible Trump is bankrupt and doing Putin some favors is the only way to keep himself solvent.

Lazy SPIDERMAN vs JOKER Surprise Attack - Real Life Superher

Tom Hanks Crashes Our Wedding

Primitive Technology: Barrel Tiled Shed

1982 Knight Industries Two Thousand

Donald Trump's Extraordinary Health Report

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