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Watch Elon Musk's Rocket Explode After Launch

newtboy says...

Today it was revealed that Elon has cut/refused access to Starlink for Ukraine in the Black Sea in order to intentionally hobble their major counter offensive in the Black Sea and cripple their communication ability and suddenly Elon is calling for an immediate truce (ostensibly with both sides (Russia) retaining any territory taken previously)…so his plan is handing Russia 1/3 of Ukraine and allowing them to keep Ukrainian Crimea…and quick before Ukraine retakes their country.
He has previously said he would not do any such thing ever after offering Ukraine open access to Starlink, but suddenly changed course in the middle of a major military offensive by Ukraine he said would be like Pearl Harbor (meaning the Ukrainians caught a huge number of Russian ships in port vulnerable to attack and could turn the tide of war in one action), but Elon wanted to stop the Ukrainians from achieving such a significant victory so he cut their communications to help Russia! He has admitted this publicly, it’s not supposition.

I hope sanctions are forthcoming…major multiple business ending sanctions.

If you still support Elon, you are the problem. He’s anti American and pro fascist.
Quit X, trade in your Tesla, and tell NASA to quit handing him billions in no bid, no competition, non performance based contracts using tax payer money for failures and global communication projects he capriciously withdraws from our allies when they’re needed most, and uses to prop up and control information for multiple fascist governments to the detriment of the populace but to the benefit of his pockets.

Let's talk about Trump, Georgia, $200,000, and bail....

newtboy says...

That is by far the dumbest thing I’ve heard this century.

I know he can’t help that he’s a rapist at this point, but is being a total supervillain the image he’s going for? It’s the one he projects.

You’ve really lost your shit if you think this doesn’t make you look irrationally triggered. 😂

bobknight33 said:

Trump is just like a gangster rapper so a mug shot is good for his image.

Let's talk about Trump, Georgia, $200,000, and bail....

newtboy jokingly says...

Projection will get you no where….and I’m not the Lord.

Trump IT tech and “employee #4” Yuscil Taveras changing his lawyer then immediately taking a plea deal and changing his testimony from “ ” To “Trump the boss told me to erase the server” was extremely strong evidence that what I say is true, then GOP chair David Shafer taking a deal to testify against Trump that he personally directed the entire Georgia fake elector and vote tampering scheme reported minutes after my comment pretty much proved my theory that there’s lots more co-conspirators ready to turn on him, some with hard evidence to prove their now truthful testimony. 😂

But you just keep believing lil Kim Jon Un….I mean lil Donny. Not like he’s ever lied to you. 😂

bobknight33 said:

Lord you are a gullible one.

Biden's shuts down Pubtards who claim legislative credit

newtboy says...

Every whining word you wrote is a lie, and easily proven wrong.
Why do you spout these obvious, easily debunked lies?

You can’t even carry $200 worth of grocery store steak in your hands. What ridiculous lie are you spreading now? I bet you can’t carry more than 2 gallons of milk at once, so under $12 worth of groceries. In fact, I bet you can’t carry 2 half gallons at once, so $6 is your hands full. 😂

Most wage gains are going to the bottom 60%, not the top 10% like all gains under the rapist Trump. Wages rose at .4% in July, well above predictions.

The record setting jobs numbers have been revised UP almost every month this year. May was almost double the estimate. July was revised down ever so slightly, but is still amazingly good and now becoming sustainable for the long term…adding 340000 jobs a month like we did in May was not. Adding 190000 in July is great, an amazing number of jobs created, and sustainable.

Trump the rapist is the only modern president to ever LOSE jobs while president, he lost around 3 MILLION JOBS overall (and 1 million Americans) and had a record high unemployment of 14.7%…Dark Brandon has recovered every single job Trump the rapist lost and added well over 10 MILLION new jobs on top of that, leading to record low unemployment numbers staying around 3.5%. 😂

Employers are looking for more workers desperately, not cutting hours or jobs you absolute liar. (Elon is the exception because he’s trying to destroy his companies out of spite). Some are canceling projects because they can’t find workers.
Employers are creating more jobs than anyone ever expected consistently, not cutting jobs like they did under Trump. 😂

Inflation is down to 3% and falling.

Unemployment is at 3.5%.

GDP is expected to hit 4% this quarter.

Economists have said we are no longer at risk for recession.

Trump’s last numbers were near 7% yearly unemployment (down from 15% in April), 8% inflation, -2.7% gdp, and a predicted recession and likely depression expected in the near future.
You are so delusional you want to return to these disastrous numbers and whine incessantly about Biden’s economic recovery that’s record setting in its gains on all fronts despite the near depression, negative gdp, insane unemployment, insanely high inflation, and out of control pandemic he inherited.

Every stupid word of your post is a lie. Every prediction you made has failed miserably. Not surprising, you are a constant liar that hates facts and truth because they make you look incredibly stupid, racist, fascist, and ignorant. I think your brain is so damaged you think it’s 2020 again…the worst year in living memory on all fronts, and exactly what 3 years of Trumpism gets you. 🤦‍♂️

Keep the tantrums and MAGA tears yummy you guys…mmmmmm, yes!

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Oof…you a Steven Crowder fan? He sure imploded didn’t he?

Not a good look as an anti gay anti “groomer” hateful extreme right personality to require your employees to sign something that says they must touch his balls and he may touch theirs…including a $100000 NDA penalty if they talk about it.
4 employees walked, then talked.
He then hired a replacement, Spadone, who was fired from his last job at project veritas for groping coworkers. 😂

We love watching the MAGA hate fail. It’s always entertaining.

More grooming, more sexual harassment, more hiring known sex abusers. What else is MAGA today besides a gang of whining fascist rapists most under indictment for sedition, espionage, business frauds, or vote fraud (or all 4)? I don’t see anything else. 😂

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Er mer gerd, the stupidity….the sound of freedom, the fake Q movie produced by Mexicans, is 100% being astroturfed by selling out entire theaters to make it seem popular, but multiple videos of these sold out showings are completely empty, not one single actual person in the sold out theater. Nice try at fake popularism, but another total failure at producing a fake movement.

What do you want to bet that the Trump campaign somehow used campaign donations to buy out theaters to pretend their Q message is popular?

Watch, soon they’ll be telling you what an important film with an important message that hundreds of thousands now “know” and tons of “facts” you need to know about the child trafficking adrenochrome cabal despite it being pure fantasy that even the creators won’t vouch for.
Another 2000 mules being sold to 2000000 jackasses that love being suckered by liars.

Just more MAGAQ grift…every single thing MAGA says is a lie, most of it is admissions couched in projection. Suckers.

BTW, the rapist Trump’s defense that his lawyers Giuliani and Powell and told him the coup was legal is a loser. Dozens more real lawyers without dementia told him it was illegal, as did the DOJ, and even Trump is recorded mocking the idiotic plan to send fake electors or have Pence choose the president himself, knowing how dumb and illegal both plans were, but later he decided they were his only options.
Not that it matters, his mindset can only be contradicted by Trump himself on the stand, and do you think any lawyer is dumb enough to let the rapist and liar testify? Can you even imagine the dozens of new charges arising from his contradictory and false testimony!?!
Also, his mindset doesn’t matter, it’s his actions that are on trial, not some thought crime. “I’m too dumb and ignorant to know I lost” is not a defense to fomenting multiple coup attempts.

😂 joy: 😂

Ruh-roe….there are new financial disclosures that show that Trump’s Save America PAC has been using small donor money to pay his and other witness and co conspirator legal fees and is broke, (now we know how he wasted over $50 million without paying his own lawyers, using the mob MO of hiring lawyers for subordinates that are loyal only to the Don, not their clients…those subordinates are usually convicted while protecting the crime boss) so busted that it has had to demand a $60 million refund from the MAGA Inc. SuperPac just to get through the year, a refund that also indicates illegal coordination between the SuperPac and Trump’s campaign. More illegal money laundering and SuperPac/campaign collusion (explicitly forbidden) so he could secretly use personal campaign donations for his mounting personal legal woes (including witness tampering by paying their attorneys, something a defendant cannot legally do).
He REALLY needs better attorneys, “my criminal attorneys told me to do the crimes” is not a defense, it’s a guilty plea. 😂

Mitch McConnell Freezes During Press Conference

newtboy says...

Perhaps, something about MAGA sure seems to cause more brain damage than a full blown meth addiction in once intelligent people, but even with functioning brains 80 year olds are not as in touch with current events, morals, or norms, nor do they have skin in the game.

It’s easy to vote for programs or projects that won’t have to be paid for, or whose deleterious effects won’t be felt until long after their death….like denying climate change. They can gamble recklessly with the future to see monetary benefits today because they won’t be here when their gamble fails disastrously in 20 years to pay the piper themselves.
I think people making the rules and laws should be expected to live under them for a minimum of 20 years, maybe more, making the age cutoff for election below 60. Nobody is getting smarter or more up to date and in tune with current events and new advanced methods of problem solving after 60.
Once upon a time experience was a valuable feature in a politician, but today the best you could say is they have lots of experience at failure and partisan gridlock no matter which party they’re in. 2 terms is enough for presidents, it should be plenty for senators, representatives, and Supreme Court justices. Professional politicians are an anathema to America, as is a political ruling class or politicians getting rich while in office, and we now have all 3 as the norm.

cloudballoon said:

Most Democrats' 80 is like the GOPers' 50 though. Most GOPers' brains already turned to mush for being lemmings, long unused to independent, rational thinkings, nor anything nearing care & compassionate emotions for the vast 99.5%.

The MSG Sphere In Las Vegas

noims says...

Man, I knew Monosodium Glutimate got a bit of a bad rep over the years, but I'm surprised to see it sponsor a project of this size.

Good job, MSG! Here's looking to more tasty chemicals cleaning up their image.

Cocaine Found In West Wing

newtboy says...

The projection is strong with this one.

That’s days before Hunter’s visit, not hours after dumbshit, and there’s been no footage found of Hunter entering that area, which is recorded like every public space in the Whitehouse and that footage would definitely have been “leaked” if he was on camera going in that room.
Hunter was filmed at Camp David on Friday, the cocaine found Sunday in an area searched every single day. One person thinks they saw Hunter outside the whitehouse Friday morning in a car, but no footage exists, but even if he had been there on Friday, how do you explain it’s not being found Friday, Saturday, or Sunday morning during any of the multiple daily searches of the area?
The baggie was found next to cubbies where visitors store their cell phones near the public entrance to the West wing, not private areas where the president’s family might be. The president’s family doesn’t normally enter through the main West Wing entrance, and aren’t required to check their cell phones at the public check in cubbies. Public West wing tours happened Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.

Sorry buddy. You just can’t stretch this enough to blame even Hunter, much less Joe. I know you’ll still try, but your flapping gums are never truthful and everyone here knows it well. Those claiming this belongs to Hunter with no evidence are opening themselves up to defamation lawsuits…in his case they could be worth tens of millions or more. Enjoy the lawsuits! MAGA shelling out tens of millions or more over lies they spread is becoming a near daily thing.

Go hide from reality as you ALWAYS do. I know when more facts come out and it’s further proven impossible to be Hunter’s, you won’t retract your accusation, you’ll just hide from your intentional misread of reality and baseless accusations again like you do every single time you claim to know something only to have reality pimp slap the shit out of you in rapid succession.

Remember how BLM stormed the Capitol, led by ANTIFA on Jan 6 trying to install Trump as their president?
Remember how Pelosi’s husband’s boyfriend attacked him with a hammer in a lovers spat?
Remember how BLM shot at cops in Berkeley in 2020, and planted bombs?
Remember how Covid was a nothing burger that should be ignored and allowed to run its course, a plan designed to infect every American, which would end up killing up to 3% (or more because hospitals would be over capacity) and disabling up to 10% (or more from lack of care)?
Remember the whistleblowers…and the 17 audio tapes?
Remember your hilarious claim that Benjamin Franklin would be anti pornography!?!
Those are just a few of the hundreds of insane lies you’ve spouted in the last few years, not one having a scintilla of fact attached, not one retracted or admitted wrong when PROVEN to be utter bullshit nonsense and pure fabrication created out of whole cloth to hide your fascist people’s hatred of America, it’s values, and it’s people.

Nice try deflecting from the now 71 felonies and two more election fraud and sedition investigations he’s currently facing on top of multiple civil cases, that’s 71+ serious treasonous and seditious felonies Trump is facing with more coming. Nice attempt to hide from that reality, as you always do. 😂 sucker.

Test Don Jr for cocaine, then talk to me about Hunter. 🤦‍♂️ ask him how Gavin’s dick tastes while you’re at it.

Hunter lives rent free in that abandoned empty space between your ears. You’re more addicted to him than he was to crack. 😂

bobknight33 said:

Secret Service Confirms Cocaine Was Found In West Wing Phone Cubby Hours After Hunter Biden Visit.

Go hide from reality, as you normally do.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Oops….another paid actor/MAGA fake whistleblower has been caught lying under oath to congress, Garret O’boyle.
He definitely lied about being suspended from the FBI for illegally downloading classified FBI data and handing it to Project Veritas, claiming he had never talked to the media despite the FBI producing proof he had.
I would say another fraudulent MAGA witch hunt “investigation” falls apart, but this one fell apart before it started. An investigation on other “weaponization of the federal government” that doesn’t investigate anything before Jan 20, 2021 and uses disgraced ex agents and paid actors as “witnesses” and “whistleblowers”, has no actual evidence presented just baseless accusations, and the MAGA chair of the committee himself is engaged in weaponizing the federal government to attempt to shield Trump from prosecutions is obviously deeply flawed on its face and illegitimate from the start.

Why Saudi Arabia Keeps Announcing New 'Gigaprojects'

newtboy says...

Sure sounds like they can afford to pay for and provide their own military then, and we can stop supplying them defense.

Wait….the entire country had a surplus of only $27 billion!?! WHAT!?!
Just a few years ago California had a surplus of $100 billion! Last year it was $50 billion. Where are our giga-projects!?!

It makes me wonder, how do they intend to pay for the upkeep on these hyper expensive ostentatious projects when the planet stops being addicted to oil? They have nothing else of value.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Manly Traitor Greene’s newest cuckholding boyfriend is a confirmed and proud drag queen.
How can a clear transsexual who’s cheating on “her” husband for the umpteenth time with a drag Queen be so self loathing that “she” constantly insists they are both child molesting groomers!?!
The failed projection is just so unbelievably delicious. Better cancel them both, and they definitely should stay out of Florida.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...


“Your”. “Says”

You know it’s true since Chris Licht took over, which was exactly when you started posting CNN videos with the caption “even CNN something something” as if it wasn’t common knowledge they tried to become a right wing outlet to capture Fox viewers, destroying any credibility they once had and tanking their ratings which you celebrated.

But of course you’ll pretend you don’t know that, just like you don’t know about the “southern strategy”. Just like you pretend you don’t know Ashley Babbitt is a catch 22 for you that completely destroys one or more narratives you hold sacred, which explains your absolute refusal to ever even acknowledge her existence anymore.

Only far right anti Biden outlets would host hour long free campaign commercial Trump softball “interview” events packed with only supporters and infomercial level questioning, and Trump only goes on far right outlets. Proof enough for those not blind that they’ve sold their soul.

If anyone cared to look, they pre-labeled upcoming hearings as “democrats attack whistleblowers” before the hearings even started….”whistleblowers” when talking about the disgraced paid activist actors/ex FBI agents that are 100% not whistleblowers by any definition of the term, which was clearly determined by the courts when they applied for whistleblower protection from being fired for insane violations of duty, clearances, and the law including stealing secret FBI data, refusing to serve warrants, lying to protect Jan 6 defendants, threatening other agents, refusing direct orders from superiors, etc. and who the courts clearly determined aren’t whistleblowers, but now far right CNN calls them “whistleblowers” anyway, bowing to the MAGA crowd’s factually incorrect nonsense once again. Sure sounds pretty far right to me….excuse me if I trust my proven ability to determine facts over your proven inability.

This proves once again that you are incapable of comprehending anything that doesn’t fit your narrative.
To be clear, you are only worth listening to because you expose the complete insanity MAGgots are telling each other annd which propaganda outlets they come from, offering an opportunity to investigate myself and learn facts to contradict their baseless claims and projection with. You are an unwitting tool for me. Without you I would be ignorant of so many MAGA crimes, lies, and schemes. Thanks.

bobknight33 said:

You text from below say it all.

CNN = Far Right Anti Biden

That is how fucking stupid you are.
That finally proves that you are not worth listening too.

Debt Ceiling Talks Cancelled

newtboy says...

Incorrect, sir.

First, I think it’s a typo, because Republicans ARE the party of defrauding and that’s incontrovertible and undeniable by anyone but bob.

There’s enough Republicans in office that put their politics above country that default is a real possibility. Fortunately they now PLAN to resume talks (but only if no Republican gets upset and balks).
Democrats aren’t playing any game. They should be absolutely refusing to even discuss negotiating over paying our bills and refusing to bankrupt America, but instead are accepting the blackmail scheme and are negotiating away rights and programs to the terrorists holding a gun to the economy’s head.
This only guarantees they will do the exact same thing every year. Any compromise at all is capitulation to economic terrorism, which invites more.

We have NEVER been anywhere near this position. We have “negotiations” over the debt ceiling, but have never gone more than a few days until the responsible limit for delay. We are now at the point where, if we don’t get a plan both sides agree on, get it out of committee, get a full house vote scheduled and taken, move it to the senate for debate, get it approved (hopefully with no changes at all or it returns to the house), get a senate vote scheduled and taken and passed, send it to Biden for a signature, then implement it….all by next Wednesday or we default. (Edit: now consider part of the Republican demands are their as yet unwritten NEW spending cut bill be passed BEFORE that entire process even starts).
We have never been within four months of this point, and there’s been some amazing money juggling and many projects “postponed” (cancelled) that had won hard fought congressional approval and funding just to stretch our ability to pay debts this far.

We hit our borrowing/debt limit in January, what’s normally considered the “due date”. In the past, negotiations have never come closer than in 2011 when it got to only two days until the debt limit was reached, and it cost well over a billion dollars in higher interest rates alone. We are now over 4 months past that point today, with absolutely no plan on how to move forwards.

This is not normal, has not happened every 4 years, and in fact has never once happened in our history. I expect our national “credit rating” to slip even if we pull off a Hail Mary, which is looking less likely daily. We’ve already lost hundreds of millions in lost international investments because who wants to invest in a country trying to bankrupt itself?

oblio70 said:

Republicans- they will NOT defraud as they say they will ($-interests).
Democrats- playing same Republican game; won’t call them out.
Media- supporting lie of threat of defraud.
Biden- words worthless; Republican in deeds .
The people- blind acceptance

We have been here every 4 years since the 90’s, and its always the same story. So old!

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Lol. So dishonest. Such ability at stretching reality and precognition you must have. “Everything’s good now, but it’s going to be terrible soon!”…pretty much what you said Jan 2021 but it’s been all uphill since then.

Under Trump- highest unemployment in memory : you just ignore and try to forget
Lowest gdp ever in history : you say it didn’t happen, wasn’t Trump’s fault, and when those sad excuses fall apart “doesn’t matter”
Inflation rising faster than ever with more dollars printed in 4 years than any other decade under Trump : you don’t know why that causes inflation so you blame anything but government until Biden takes office, then it becomes 100% the president’s fault.
Markets crashing : you ignored it under Trump and proclaimed it a great time to buy Tesla, and now you ignore the consistent market rise under Biden. My portfolio added 7% in the last 2 months, and the Dow is up, reaching record highs under Biden…maybe your stupid anti woke investments just suck.
Sounds horrific with over 1 million dead, millions disabled, trillions in medical bills and a near depression : you say “nothing burger, Trump’s the best at economy ever”
Food shortages, parts shortages, shipping gridlocks making it much worse : you pretend Biden was in charge in 2020 and blame him, (so ridiculous that your righty media posted dozens of photos of empty shelves from 2020 in 2021 to pretend it wasn’t better and you bought it) then you ignore that the shortages ended shortly after he was sworn in.

Republicans won’t raise the ceiling because the MAGA wing thinks default under Biden will be good for them because they believe voters are as ignorant as they are and will buy whatever they say when they blame Biden for their sabotage of the economy,….in your case they’re right. They’ve already cost untold millions by delaying so long with more harm done daily, and when they fail to raise it by June they’ll cost America trillions and kickstart a worldwide depression. Understand they still don’t have a plan at all now months after it was their duty to raise the debt ceiling like they did every year for Trump who spent like a drunken sailor with the captains treasure….squandering over 1/4 of today’s total US debt on personal ego stroking projects and gifts to billionaire donors…not one word of protest from the right as he blew up the deficit and debt by trillions every year. Not one complaint when Republican stunts cost billions (like Abbot’s grandstanding truck inspection farce that found absolutely nothing but cost $4 billion).

Republicans were in charge fully, it’s their mess. Covid didn’t hurt countries like NZ that took it seriously even a small fraction of how much Trump’s denials for months and lack of a plan ever decimated America. Trump’s/MAGA’s fault.
Government waited too long to start subsidies, giving people a reason to go to work and spread disease, ending with over 1 million deaths. You really DO get literally EVERYTHING wrong, then can’t understand why you are failing so consistently.


bobknight33 said:

Unemployment low. : For now
Gdp high. lowing down
Inflation falling. : Because lack of $ in pockets
Markets rising. : Nope Going sideways last few months
Sounds good to me. : Calm before the storm.

Republicans will raise the ceiling. Rep not the fault of this mess.
Covid lock downs and too much Gov $ dumped in the system too quickly

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