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bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Well, you've got your review results, or as you call it, forensic audit results, finally released.....their results closely match the original count, and the official audit results....actually widening Biden's lead by 360 votes!!! All fraud they found was eventually found to be just their misunderstanding of election laws, terminology, and procedures. Most of their recommendations are already state law. ROTFLMFAHS!!!!!

Now what?!

I'll tell you now what, now Biden is refusing to use executive privilege to hide Trump's Whitehouse communications surrounding Jan 6 (it's up to the current president, not the former one). I'm willing to bet the reason Trump wants it hidden is he's got one Hell of a lot to hide. Sucks to be bunker baby.

bobknight33 said:

How do you know it did not happen?
Unless you do a full forensic audit no one can tell when exactly happened.

Sadly Democrats are afraid to look and verify and hence shame Trump on this. Makes one wonder They have shamed him at every chance, every opportunity, even after the election. However wont touch this opportunity. Telling.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

surfingyt says...

The five requisite elements of a defamation lawsuit?

A statement of fact. Of course, for defamation to have occurred, somebody must have made the statement that is considered defamatory. ...

A published statement. ...

The statement caused injury. ...

The statement must be false. ...

The statement is not privileged. ...

ruh roh LOLOLOL

newtboy said:

Damn, bad day for Trump….internal memos from the weeks before the big press conference with all Trump’s lawyers accusing Dominion (and long dead Hugo Chavez, Smartmatic, and George Soros) of vote fraud prove they knew all the claims were false well before the November 19 press conference where they publicly accused them all of treason by vote fraud.

The more we know, the more we know they knew....and we now have proof they knew they lost fairly before knowingly making false accusations, but just refused to accept it.

Before the first press conference they knew it was all bullshit, Bob. Proven by their own investigations, verified by their legal memos…it was nonsense....baseless delusion divorced from reality.
When are you going to get it that they constantly lie to you for money, power, and fame? Why does that not bother you?

Mosquitoes sucked up by traps that mimic breathing

Buck Rogers Intro

siftbot says...

Invocations (related= cannot be called by Hipnotic because Hipnotic is not privileged - sorry.

Trump didn't do anything wrong

cloudballoon says...

I'm at a point where I can agree that "Trump didn't do anything wrong"... FOR HIMSELF. Narcissism is what a narcisist do. What's wrong with that, am I right?

It's the idiotic, blind, gullible, unthinking, racist, over-privileged, brain-damaged, "billionaire"-worshipping, unpatriotic, non-sensical, self-defeating cultists that's doing everything wrong. What's sadess & most pathetic is that there's enough of these cultists to make America turned to shit by voting Trump into the WH in 2016.

How Women Are Written In Sci-Fi Movies

SNL Weekend Update Joke Swap

Racing for $100

surfingyt says...

Interesting... Yeah that's entitlement imo. The world is not fair and some people do get privileges that others do not get. maybe life was hard on bewb but that doesnt mean it should be for others too, or that common sense changes to better everyone overall (like a societal safety net) should be abandoned because he had to walk uphill both ways to school therefore so should everyone else. Some cant see past their own nose and are so self-absorbed they cant think of overall societal good without making it about them again.

moonsammy said:

I've seen / read some stuff around the "great replacement" concept lately. It's apparently a significant, if not THE significant commonality amongst people who both 1) believe the election was fraudulent and 2) would consider violence in response. The root causes of the worldview seems to stem from personal hardships, and from the perception of others getting advantages they didn't receive themselves. Makes some degree of sense to me, as over the course of one's life it could feel like you were treated unfairly while others were given a leg up.

It doesn't strike me as the sort of thing that can be productively fought against on an individual level. That such a worldview requires far more than just a motivating incident, but more like a life of personal experience, I don't personally see how to successfully shift someone away from it. Too damned ingrained. Our best bet, in my view, is actually having a proper social safety net that lifts everyone up to a viable baseline from which to pursue their life / liberty / happiness.

Racing for $100

newtboy says...

So, because he didn't go into how well he knows them at all, you are going to jump to the conclusion that he doesn't know them and claim he just randomly assumes any black person is a champion level sprinter?
And, if true, why you don't see that as another roadblock, people making assumptions about their abilities based purely on race, confirming his point?

I disagree completely, it's a near certainty he personally knows them, likely they are part of his group putting on this event, an event designed to open people's eyes to their own racial privileges. It would be a ridiculous and self defeating gamble on his part to make those statements if he didn't know them personally....ridiculous and racist, basing his assumptions purely on race to make a point that you shouldn't do that.

You are making huge assumptions based on a lack of information to try to discount his message.....why? Why is his message so scary to you that you feel the need to discard it over your likely mistaken red herring assumption?

greatgooglymoogly said:

If the video were presented that they were athletes and the white people were just average people off the street, the comment from the announcer would be warranted. That's not how it's presented however, it's shown as a random group of young people who we SHOULD all treat as equal.

If he had said "I've seen a couple of these guys run and I KNOW they are faster than all of you." then that would be relevant personal knowledge, not just a guess based on their race. The fact that they did run faster has no bearing on why he made the statement before anyone ran and should have no idea how fast they are.

Racing for $100

luxintenebris jokingly says...

dig your vigor 'tho still believe 33 isn't a person words have much meaning. some folks have to live it to learn it. bk has to be one of those. to believe there's no white privilege shows a lack of exposure, comprehension, and/or willingness to accept an obvious truth. doubt he's even heard about 'black like me' let alone be inclined to risk D. L. Hughley.

let the 'what's the answer' slide. wager it's rhetorical.
[think he's looked at single-parent household numbers?]

reading the 'no joe' parts, kept hearing 'broken men' from this video...

and this is a better subject related video

newtboy said:

Where you start greatly impacts where you end up.

One party wants to offer 4 more years of public education, and your party is dead set against it.

Yes, there are plenty of poor white people, but far more poor blacks per capita by race.

The fix is multi fold with many unknowns, but an equal justice system where black defendants aren't 10 times more likely to go to prison based on the same evidence and circumstances would be a great start. Many fathers are MIA because they're in prison for minor drug offences while white defendants of similar charges usually get probation.

Pay better attention, the issue now is people don't want those low paying jobs and companies can't fill them, not a lack of them.

Lack of roads and bridges and electricity and an educated work force kill jobs and GDP. There are more than enough infrastructure jobs to do to jot only keep the entire construction industry busy for decades, there are constantly more as infrastructure ages. They may be part time projects, they are full time permanent jobs.

Look at GDP last year, fool. Under those tax cuts we had the largest drop in GDP ever. Holy fuck!

Your dad didn't go to prison for fitting the description.

Just like not all those white kids had all those head starts, not all black kids have none. They needed to work harder and overcome more in almost all cases to be successful, and had to defend their right to success repeatedly, just ask one. Sports superstars are under what, 2000 people, not all of which make millions. Exceptions often prove the rule.....Remember his question about going to school on a non athletic scholarship? Relegating people to one or two professions they are allowed to be successful in based on race is definitely racist.

The people working minimum wage hated it enough that they aren't going back and businesses can't find low wage

Wow, we agree on your last point. Your party, and definitely Trump absolutely disagree 100%. Their agenda is to ensure that is never the case but instead (successfully) argue that affluenza should excuse even murder and should definitely shield them from any lesser charge.

Racing for $100

Digitalfiend says...

I don't really see the point of these videos as the outcome of this exercise can really depend on where this sort of polling is done. I get what they are trying to convey, but it's too simplistic.

If you did this very same exercise in my neighbourhood, I'd wager good money most of the visible minority students would be stepping forward as well. There are a lot of *very* well-off visible minority families in this area. Do this exercise again in an affluent black-community - same outcome? I don't think so.

Also why are no other ethnicities represented? Where are the Muslim, Indian, and Asian teens? Again, in my area and across Toronto, many of these minority groups have children that are thriving. Do they have privilege too? My perspective as a Canadian might be a little different than someone from the US but this topic feels too complex and nuanced to be reduced to a simple metaphor.

Racing for $100

bobknight33 says...

Its not where you start in life its where you end up.

White privilege is a false statement. Its really middle class privilege. Its about education not skin color. There are plenty of poor whites as much as there are poor blacks.

Those in the back mostly without fathers.
All knowing Newt, What is the fix?

Economic hardship of those kids would be lesson if both parents were present.

Finally JOBS or lack of them are mostly due to government policies ( Fair trade / Free Trade) have decimated job opportunities for All Americans, especially low wage and entry jobs.

Make policies that bring jobs back to America. Passing bills that take tax dollars and make roads or such only create short term jobs.

Trump was right Lower business tax rates to compete on world stage stimulated economy and America started to flourish.

Sadly Biden/ Democrats want to move tax rate up which will slow down growth, if passed.

My dad started working at 14, His dad never got passed 8th grade.
My dad went bankrupt, had a chronically ill wife ( died in early 40s due to it) and 4 kids.

He never left. He worked his ass off.

Also he broke his back in 3 places and crushed his right hand. He left the hospital to sign a house mortgage, knowing he might never work again.
With a healing back and crippled hand he drove 50 miles each way in a stick shift car for 3 years like this just to keep a roof over our heads.

I paid my own way through college, Same for my sister.

My dad says If you want it bad enough you will find a way.

So don't tell be about white privilege bull shit.

What about Black lawyers, Drs, and ball players?
They make way more coin than most white people. Do they have white privilege?

The person making minimum wage likes it enough to stay, else he will find a better paying job.

Should fines, penalties be smaller for poor people , yes.

newtboy said:

@bobknight33 , you need to watch and learn.

BSR (Member Profile)

elrondhubbard says...

Yeah, but before long the kid'll get used to his dad being the train engineer. Then he'll come to expect it and lord it over people.

This is how train privilege happens, people.

BSR said:

When his dad comes home that night he'll see whole new dad and respect.

Motorcycle acrobat sticks the landing

Motorcycle acrobat sticks the landing

siftbot says...

Invocations (dupeof= cannot be called by mxxcon because mxxcon is not privileged - sorry.

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