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UK Threatening to Raid Ecuador Embassy to Get Julian Assange

thumpa28 says...

I wouldnt be so presumptious as to suggest what you completely missing the point suggests about you - something to think about? I believe hes a self-centred scumbag whose profile fits the criminal charges laid against him. What isnt my personal opinion is the completely impartial legal process which found him liable for extradition to answer the charges against him.

I wonder if his love of human rights extends to tackling the Ecuadorian extra judicial killings, 'disappearances' of reporters and the law which locks you up for 2 years if you insult el presidente? Somehow, I dont think Assange willl lose a nights sleep over a troubled conscience when it comes to keeping Assange out of jail. Hes just that kind of guy...>> ^dag:

That you've already judged him a criminal explains your POV completely.>> ^thumpa28:
Why should the swedish government do anything more than stick to the extradition process? When has it become a part of the extradition process that the person being extradited sets out the terms of his extradition?
'but Assange is special!'
No, no he isnt, hes just another criminal in hiding. The fact he says he is and that you seriously think that it should affect whether or not he is brought to justice, makes me glad that we have in this country an independent judiciary who rely on more than the latest daily mail opinion for their decision making process.

TDS -- Blather for Elephants - first presidental "debate"

ghark says...

>> ^rottenseed:

Ron Paul is making a mistake running as a republican.

I don't think so, the Republicans can use him to get rid of welfare payments and healthcare, I bet he is very popular amongst their elite (in private).

West Wing - Vinick Religion Speech

NetRunner says...

A Republican presidental candidate says a) he's gonna raise the debt ceiling, b) will vote for a minimum wage increase, c) disavows a socially conservative priest, and d) suggests that the Constitution might've wanted a separation of church and state.

At the time this aired it was really only the last part that required some suspension of disbelief. Now though, every part of that would get you kicked out of the Republican party.

Kinda scary just how much crazier they've gotten in the last decade...

Obama Speech In Front Of Actors Posing As Oil Spill Workers

Mitt Romney’s Lonely Defense of Insurance Companies

Nithern says...

Take it from a Massachusett's resident. This guy will say anything, and do anything to get elected to office. He will be your best buddy one moment, and then turn on you, if someone offers him a better deal, the next. He's not a mercenary, as any form of payment will be accepted, so long as its better then the previous form of payment: money, presidental office, women, divine status, etc. That makes him just dangerous.

Shouldn't be surprising, that not only the health care industry 'bought him', but that that he was saying alot of this garbage on Fox News. Yes, a 'news' station know for reporting the 'facts' and 'evidence', without bias or opinion.

I will promise you this..

Nithern says...

Eisenhower, when he was leaving the Presidental office, back in '69 mention this, in his farewell address: (and I think its just as important now, as it was then)

"We face a hostile ideology global in scope, atheistic in character, ruthless in purpose and insidious in method..." He was refering to the growth of communistic threads, as the Cold War was raging at the time.

In addition, he warned against unjustified goverment spending on proposals with the military in mind:

"we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex... Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals, so that security and liberty may prosper together."

Mr. Obama and his team, are going up against one of the most entrenched lobbying groups in America. It holds a virtual strangle hold on America, because, as they argue, without them, the USA, wouldn't exist. As such, we must put hundreds of billions towards the defense and military. The USA, spends $560 billion on its defense & military, far larger then the next largest military spending country in the world, which is Russia & Europe with $320 billion. (source:

Which is kind of amusing, if you think about it. Republicans are/were all angry at the amount of money being spent for Health Care (costing just under $1 trillion over 10 years), but neglect to mention, the first six years of the Iraq war costing the USA Taxpayer $3 trillion dollars.

If Americans want out of the Iraq war, they merely have to contact their elected represenatives, and senators, and say so. Its much easier to complain and do nothing, then to do something about the very reason for the complaining. Until that happens, the USA, will stay in Iraq and Afghanistan. I would imagine, it makes the Iranian military uneased when its leaders talk about blowing up countries and making nuclear technology that is suspected to be for a WMD. Why? The USA has 200,000+ troops on Iran's west and east sides, with deep logistical trains of support, that could unleash HEll, in the event of a military conflict.

Obama Orders Stephen's Haircut - Ray Odierno

Nithern says...

I dont watch Colbert, but, I have to say, if it made the troops laugh, and even more so, with the Presidental order, I'm fine with that. Its good, when everyone gathered has some good clean fun. Mr. Colbert showed up a few days ago on the sift, with his new hair style to 'high 5' a principle who is serving in Irag. That guy, was giving a commencement speech to his high school graduation class. I did not reconize Mr. Colbert at first.

The video is on the sift....somewhere.

dj honda feat. Jeru The Damaja - El Presidente

MrFisk says...

Black Castro up on me, Fidel Negro

King terrific can't be hit

You're wastin' time, spendin' ammo

Scientists balance pol-ar

Digital mic throw chips in your moolah

Hardcore nucle-ar

Ain't the devil happy? Har-har

Rich rap star keep the sol-ar manifestation

And the stars succeed to the sun in this mathematical equation

Police still on my dick like an invasion

Lock me up, snatch up the transportation

Went to in New York, South Pacific migration

Wack emcee's watch this nigga's frustration

Believe me when I tell you that I dictate the mic like Fidel does his nation

Keep it flowin' like libation

Big heads the perfect for decapitation

Cook rhymes 'till they el dente

Lock down the mic like El Presidente

Conquer more dips than the late Hannibal

Terrain gets too rough, I ride the beats like wooly mammals

Smokin' shit like Joe Camel

Fatally inhale

Double-0-seven but you still got tail

Q's scrambling device must have failed

Spies, thick thighs, and mics get mil, lies

Deception, military prowess

Fat bitches, tours, and microphone powers

Chemical warfare and mortar showers

Once again blowin' up shit like the Twin Towers

Poison miles for enemies or whoever devours

Holdin' shit down until the last hours

El Presidente

Fidel Negro

DJ Honda

Black Castro

Musashi be doin' it like that

Lyrical sword style, you know what I'm sayin'?

Puttin' all emcees out on they back

Can't handle it

You don't know it hits you 'till it hits you

That's it

We done, finished


Pat Buchanan Comments On Wanda Sykes' Rush Limbaugh Remarks

Asmo says...

>> ^quantumushroom:
So it's "treason" now to question El Presidente?

And here I was thinking it was one women exercising her right to express an opinion. Funnily enough, Rush does that all that time.

I love how "free speech" suddenly falls off the bill of rights when you are criticising the wingnuts of the republican party... =)

Some clarification is in order for our socialist friends

Blah blah blah, nothing new here... =)

Pat Buchanan Comments On Wanda Sykes' Rush Limbaugh Remarks

quantumushroom says...

So it's "treason" now to question El Presidente?

Some clarification is in order for our socialist friends. Rush hopes Obama's communist policies fail. If these unconstitutional, thuggish policies succeed, America fails, as is happening now.

US economy is now at almost 10% unemployment, a figure not seen in the last 30 years. Half a million jobs lost last month is an 'improvement' over the 600K lost the previous month.

Obamunism is an unmitigated disaster. Sooner or later the rest of America will figure it out in the forms of hyperinflation, the deliberate collapse of the American auto industry or rationed socialist health care.

Argue all day that Obama is just this wonderful, kind-hearted fellow. Meanwhile the results of his schemes speak for themselves.

Obama's First Interview as President

10768 says...

Now There's a comforting occurence, B. Hussein Obama gives his first ever real El Presidente interview to Al Aribiya.

In other news, Al Qaeda is preparing to take over his security detail.

Jon Stewart Grills Huckabee On Gay Marriage

14030 says...

Ok I had to create a user account and logic just to respond to this statement, as a Canadian:

******Canada, never a bastion of freedom to begin with, has moved from "gay acceptance" to putting people in jail for speaking out against homosexuality as immoral or otherwise wrong. That's where America is headed with this nonsense. And it IS nonsense.******

This is biggest outright lie I have ever read. I follow the news in Canada religiously (pun intended, because I think if people followed what was going on in the world more than what was in some old book they'd be better people). Not once in Canada has anyone ever even been CHARGED with speaking out against homosexuality, never mind put in jail. Not once. This is a complete fabrication by someone who thinks that, because Americans know nothing about Canada, he can make something up and no one can contest it. This is exactly the type of BS the Yes on 8 campaign engaged in (and the Bush admin) where you spout so many lies your opponents can't debunk them fast enough and eventually some of them stick in the minds of voters.

Canada, btw, is an incredibly free country. I KNOW it to be much more so than the United States. That Americans still think they live in the freest country in the world is pure blind patriotic arrogance. In Canada, we don't have presidentally authorized illegal wiretaps on our phones. We don't have an illegal 'enemy combatant' offshore holding facility where we torture prisoners because we claim the Geneva conventions don't apply. Canada was the place African Americans fled to to escape slavery. It was and IS the place American soldiers come to to escape conscription into wars they believed were wrong. In Canada, we don't have 40 million of our citizens w/o any health care coverage.

We may not be the biggest player on the world stage, but I'd much rather be a wise advisor on the sidelines than the biggest bully in the room who got caught with their pants down.

And Canada, like Spain, Belgium and the Netherlands, has the RIGHT position on gay marriage. It's been legal here as early as 2003, and nothing bad at all has happened to straight marriage. More kids who need loving homes are being adopted by gay couples. Our society isn't perfect, but it's a damn sight better than the bigotry-masquerading-as-religon I see pervading yours. My apologies to all the intelligent, fair-minded Americans out there who can see through this nonsense, realize that gays deserve to marry (and that it won't lead to hell on earth) and that both Canada and the US have bigger concerns than to dwell on this issue.

I have no idea what's going on, but it can't be good

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'Giulio, Andreotti, dying, Presidente, frozen, blank, stare, akward, italian' to 'Giulio, Andreotti, dying, Presidente, frozen, blank, stare, awkward, italian' - edited by calvados

Italian Senator Too Old to Interview

Child rapist goes crazy in court

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