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newtboy (Member Profile)

Lake Mead At Historic Low, Expect Water Shortages

newtboy says...

The California state water board just announced that farms will receive 0% of their allocation in 2022 from state run sources in both the earliest and lowest allocation announcement.

ZERO. Only the bare minimum for sanitary conditions in many otherwise completely dry communities, up to 55gal per day per person if they’re granted emergency access.

This is on top of the major cuts from sources like the Colorado river, already cut completely from Arizona and Nevada farmers, and with California aquifers rapidly running dry.
California is by far the largest food producing state, producing over 13% of all food in America (by value) and nearly 100% of many staple foods and beverages. Along with the near complete halt to farming in neighboring states, it’s impossible to imagine this won’t dramatically affect both food costs and quality in America for the foreseeable future.

This is inflation due to predicted climate change, @bobknight33 , in case you need someone to blame…and since inflation is suddenly an issue for you. Biden asked for funding to address it, and got not one Republican vote. Clearly inflation isn’t important to Republican representatives unless it’s inflation of yacht prices.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

You said that already, it’s not an answer it’s the basis of the question, are you having a stroke? More likely trying to dodge because you have no answer.

Try answering the question asked for once….if you can (I have my doubts).

I asked you what Republicans plan to do to return to this imaginary time when border crossing was under demonstrably better control (which is different from when there were fewer people trying to cross), when we didn’t import oil (never happened ), when gas was a buck less (absolutely not true here, but admittedly it was cheaper…because crude oil was free due to zero demand and gas was cheap because no one was driving, compare it to 2019 and it’s not true anywhere) and yes, inflation was under 2%, but gdp was down 33% in one quarter and unemployment through the roof, with fed interest rates at zero (or less)….really shitty trade off.

Were or getting under control. ROTFLMFAHS!! He had 4 years, he added 1/3 of the debt and increased the deficit exponentially with nothing to show for it but division.

He spent tens of billions on a border fence/wall that UNQUESTIONABLY hasn’t slowed, much less stopped illegal border crossings but has caused ecological damage and/or just fallen down in many places.
Energy independence my ass. Such bullshit lies.
Gas, compared to pre pandemic rates the price rise is not excessive, you want to compare pandemic shutdown/recession price to now like a liar.
Inflation is 4.2%, a bit high not crazy (remember 14% in 1980? Stop whining and crying), so time to raise interest rates from zero. Easy fix, something we could agree on. Biden would say you’re welcome, getting the economy working creates inflation. It also creates demand for gasoline, raising the depressed Covid/Trump recession prices. You’re welcome. He also just secured funding for thousands of electric vehicle charging stations, making it easier to own a Tesla, raising your stock value. You’re welcome.

This energy independence bullshit is based on totally unrealistic pie in the sky predictions even if every project green lighted produces the top estimates without hiccups or failures….we do not and never have produced all the oil America uses, if we did, OPEC wouldn’t matter to us. (BTW, oil/energy independence was a Jimmy Carter plan but the right liked cheap foreign oil and hated conservation.). America has 3% of the world’s oil reserves but uses 24% of world wide oil production, we will never be energy independent while using oil…if we ever miraculously managed it, we would be out of oil in years.

These weren’t under control under Trump, and Republicans have zero plans to get them “under control”, either because they see no problems or because they have no solutions, you choose. Can you name a Republican plan? McConnel can’t.

bobknight33 said:

Border crossing was under better control.
American finally had energy independence.
Gas was at least a buck less. Thanks Joe Biden
Inflation running between 4 and 6 %. Thanks Joe Biden
All of these were under or getting under control under Trump.

Australia's Honest Government Ad | COP26 Climate Summit

newtboy says...

I think the worst part of these summits is their stated goals.
Paris intended to keep warming to 1.5 degrees by 2050 (no real plan beyond then)…but you might recall, 1.5 degrees of warming is considered the tipping point where feedback loops and natural processes outpace human inputs, meaning even if we hit zero emissions by 2050, and if everyone kept to their Paris agreement promises, and if other nations don’t continue to ramp up emissions, and if unforeseen feedback loops aren’t stronger or faster acting than predicted, we still lose control completely by 2050. That’s the best plan we have, runaway climate shifts in <30 years AT BEST….and no one seems to be living up to even that planned disaster of a plan. Emissions aren’t being cut, they’re increasing. Feedback loops are ramping up 40 years earlier than predicted. All the while, people are complaining that gas is over $3 (I haven’t seen it under $4 in decades where I live) and insisting we adopt some heavily polluting power generation instead of investing in green energy solutions. People assume, it seems, that some last minute fix will solve climate change, ignoring the fact that emissions from today are reactive in the atmosphere for between 25 and 150 years, so we needed to be at net zero 25 years ago to even start effecting the atmosphere today…and some emissions from the industrial revolution are still effecting us now. Net zero by 2050 (a pipe dream, and the best plan so far) is planning to fail completely…like turning off the blast furnace in your house when the thermometer hits 450.5 inside and thinking you can stop it from burning down.
If Covid taught us anything, it’s that there is 0% chance humans will be able to cooperate enough to tackle climate change. People were asked to simply wear a mask and distance a bit to save their lives, and enough refused to do it that the methods that worked beautifully elsewhere failed miserably to control a virus. If we can’t pull off such a simple, blatantly obvious plan against a virus, what chance is there of cooperation across the board to sacrifice enormous amounts of money and completely revamp our wasteful way of life in uncountable ways to stop something seen as a future problem by many? IMO, there so little chance of pulling it off that it’s statistically correct to say there’s absolutely no chance at all.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

China isn’t at war with America like those at the capitol on Jan 6 were/are. Sorry…fail.
Also, giving aid and comfort? Like Trump did until February 2020? Remember who supported the extermination of the Uyghurs? The expansion of territorial waters? The crackdown in Beijing? Not Biden.

Don’t have the will to do which part? Disqualification? You’re probably correct, and that may lead to the end of the U S. Democrats are spineless when it comes to enforcing rules and laws against Republicans. Allowing such anti American, anti Democratic actions to go unanswered at the highest levels can only lead to dissolution of the union….an idea that would make Red America a third world country and give Blue America trillions in federal funds back yearly because red states wouldn’t be sponging off us constantly.

Lol. I would think you would have sworn off predicting elections by now. You got the last two 100% wrong.

Lol. I forgot, after admitting it was utter nonsense, you instantly returned to claiming it was ANTIFA and BLM, despite every charge being against Trumpists. Supporting the insurrection, like Green, Bohbert, and other Trumpists have, makes them supporters of terrorist insurectionists and they continue to give them aid and comfort. Duh.

Yeah…in your fantasy world where Trump is president, Jan 6 didn’t happen, was a nothing burger, and was a murderous anti American terrorist attack by ANTIFA.

Republicans love fraudulent biased slanted fake investigations, they loved the one in Az, and want more in every state.

LMFAHS. I’m easily fooled?!? Aaaaaaaaaahahahahahaha……..ha……ha……aaaaaaaaaahahahahahaaaaaa! You’re too much.

You always think I get my info from CNN….I assume because in your mind that means you can ignore and dismiss it without even reading, much less investigating. 1) you’re wrong, that’s not my news source and 2) CNN is exponentially more trustworthy than ANY news source you’ve EVER cited.

Awwwww…..did the bad man make wittle Bobby cry hurt. Such infants you and your ilk are. Unpatriotic infantile babies drunk on sour grapes.

bobknight33 said:

Excellent so then Biden should be removed from office for aiding and abetting China ("or given aid or comfort to the enemies")

I don't think Democrat controlled Congress have the will to do this. But you never know. Biden is a sinking ship and will lead to a wide loss in 2022.

AS for you gibberish implying Republicans are part of the Jan 6 is pure rubbish.

Republicans have nothing to do with jan 6 and voted against the fraudulent biased slanted faked investigation. Who wouldn't?

You are easily fooled by shinny bobbles.

Sorry but most American aren't buying CNN fake news.

Lets Go Brandon!

simonm (Member Profile)

NYC's Anti-Vax Rally in 49 Seconds

newtboy says...

Not sure I understand. Neither article dealt with common sense, only that people with high iq's often aren't what most would consider "successful" and rarely fit in in a world that values predictable uninspired thinking and those who take the road more traveled over intelligence and unique thought processes.
I could be Steve from the second article if my IQ was 46 points higher. His mannerisms sound just like me, except I don't limit my references to three movies. I went to college for over ten years with no plan for any degree...but accidentally qualified for a general science degree anyway. I've never seen a successful career as the road to happiness, so many successful professionals are miserable...same goes for wealth. I've always thought, when you find yourself in want of something, don't ask the universe to give you more, ask it to help you want less. That road leads to contentment and happiness. Does that mean I have more, or less common sense than average? It definitely makes me abnormal, many would say unsuccessful....I think they measure success wrong.

visionep said:

@newtboy, that's an interesting theory. I'm not sure if the IQ would go up or not. Common sense doesn't always track with IQ.

Edit -- I found another article that shows my point even better:

As US Withdraws from Afghanistan, Refugees Must Be Evacuated

luxintenebris jokingly says...

first: a small request; Bob, use a spelling/grammar program.

second: a sincere observation; when has TT ever mentioned Afghanistan before? checked only the last 10 years of his posted comments.* Nix. Nil. Notta. More dead air than normal.

* [the Beck prediction is in the same league as bob's 'landslide' prognostication. the swing & miss league.]

then a few questions about his contentions...

- now he is concern about the Afghani women? too weird coming from our own Tali-ban-abortion tribesmen.
- would he know the mechanisms of the 25th? what the requirements are? obviously, stupidity isn't one. (orange you glad?!)

none of the events should have surprised anyone. personally, it was a bit like déjà vu. although not lived through, but seen easily with the mind's eye. highly predictable by many, long ago, and not so much psychic ability as an inevitability.

believe that the US presence did make an impression on the Afghanis. just hearing today's Taliban leadership words are so unlike those 20 years ago it's heartening. remember these were the folks that blew up historical items in the name of Mohammed/Allah. total trocklidites. at least they've learned PR and some knowledge of how the rest of the world views them.

will know how successful, if the country moves to the 17, 18, or 19th century? how will they keep the boy/girl on the opium farm after they've seen the big city?

what should happen, not in another country, but this one, is that the USA returns to a draft. or some required national service. the 'privatization' of the military and the all-volunteer service is a corrupt failure.

too many times, too many people talked about iraq/afghanstan and knew of NO service person serving there.

return it back to a collection of representation of ALL sections of the American people. when we don't know a single person in the conflict, the majority loses connection.

then, what should have been 3 years becomes 20 years.

can't find the speech but Geo Mason once talked about this very situation. essentially, he said; right now all levels of society are present in our fight for freedom, but what about the future?

he questioned whether the defense of the country would continue to be all citizens or descend into 'higher-ups' calling the shots and the lower in society actually doing the fighting and dying.

the last two wars have answered this.

'draft dodger' use to be derision, now it's a class of people.

(clinton, bush jr, trump...just to name a few)

in short, we ALL should have had a literally 'dog in the fight' that affects ALL of us. then, maybe, it ends when it is supposed to...or we try to lead by example instead of pounding bombs on people that don't want 'our way of life'...or we aren't so easily mislead as citizens.

it could be the one very powerful connection for ALL of the American people to keep ALL of US united.

* * * *
this is where I'd put a (but can't find an example of it) David Letterman monologue link where he said (believe it was Iraq, but still good as a comment on Afghanistan) to the effect of..."And the administration says we're going to bring democracy to them, upgrade their infrastructure, and improve their schools! And they say if it works there we're gonna try it here!"

so instead, something for the kids...

2011. not a new thing kiddies. roll that reality over your blistered tongues.

After the recent IPCC climate report an old 'Newsroom' clip

newtboy says...

*doublepromote someone else finally telling the truth, even if it is just a fictional tv character. I’ve been saying the same thing since around 2000. If we went all in, halted all co2 emissions and all methane emissions 20 years ago, and invested in methods to catch and sequester what we already emitted, we might have avoided the tipping point where we are no longer in control….but instead we increased emissions every year, flooring it towards that cliff and hitting the nitrous button.
*quality if inconvenient truths

That tipping point was reached well over a decade ago when methane started to melt out of permafrost and the deep ocean where it has been frozen for eons. It’s capable of causing warming >80 times as much as co2 short term, >25 times as much long term, and is boiling out at rapidly increasing rates. Pre 2006 it’s estimated around .5 million tons per year…2006 it was measured at 3.8 million tons…by 2013 that was up to 17 million tons with the trend increasing. More recent estimates are hard to find, but it’s agreed that as temperatures climb not only are hydrates melting much more rapidly, bacteria are also accelerating decomposition in the thawed permafrost, and they emit methane. The Arctic is warming up to 5 times faster than the average global temperature. It’s likely over 50 million tons per year by now if not much higher.

Shakhova et al. (2008) estimate that not less than 1,400 gigatonnes (Gt=1 billion tons) of carbon is presently locked up as methane and methane hydrates under the Arctic submarine permafrost, and 5–10% of that area is subject to puncturing by open taliks. They conclude that "release of up to 50 Gt of predicted amount of hydrate storage [is] highly possible for abrupt release at any time". That would increase the methane content of the planet's atmosphere by a factor of twelve in one shot….game over.

Bear in mind, 1 cubic meter of hydrate contains >160 cubic meters of methane gas at atmospheric pressure.

The amount of increase from bacterial emissions in rotting permafrost is debatable, but even the lowest estimates are insurmountable.

This is only one of dozens of KNOWN feedback loops already in action, and there are definitely unknown feedback systems we can’t predict.

This does not mean there’s nothing to be done, we can still mitigate the damage somewhat, maybe slow the rate of change enough that some animals and plants more advanced than bacteria survive long term. It does mean a massive >99% culling of humanity, a total shift in civilization from a money based civilization to one focused on survival, and likely an unavoidable mass extinction rivaling any previous extinctions.

West Coast Cherry Crops Destroyed By Heatwave

newtboy says...

And now the swarms of locusts (ok, really grasshoppers) begin.

Utah farmers, already struggling with drought and extreme heat, are being plagued by grasshoppers destroying what little crops they managed to grow. Early heat caused an early hatch, leading to swarms. Many farmers abandoned their crops rather than go through the expense of spraying a crop they have no water for, allowing a bad situation to get exponentially worse. Hay may soon be in short supply along with produce.

If it's a mild winter, expect worse next year when their eggs hatch. Without improvement in the weather, colder in winter wetter in spring and cooler in summer, farmers nationwide expect next year to be far worse than this year's disastrous growing season. Nevada and Arizona are due to lose their main water source soon, and California expects more water shortages statewide as reservoirs near empty and aquifers go dry.

Sure sounds like the climatologists were correct, if anything minimizing the effects and rate of change from climate change; heat, drought, plagues, swarms, fires. They were not exaggerating them @bobknight33. These are exactly what they predicted, just a decade early, and exactly what you denied would happen. All time high local temperatures were reached worldwide in the last month including ground temperatures of 118 F in arctic Siberia and 130 F last weekend in Death Valley, the hottest atmospheric air temperature ever seen on the planet since humans existed.

But nope, climate change is a liberal hoax, they just have the entire planet lying to support it, destroying their own crops and cooking their citizens to keep the lie going. 🤦‍♂️

I hope you live long enough for your children to accept that their disastrous future was caused by you and your ilk and abandon you to the baking streets in your old age to starve and bake. You ignorant and dishonest deniers deserve worse for decimating the only planet we have. Your children will come to that conclusion, the only question is when.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Put your money where your mouth is.

If even half of their predictions come true by 2030, agree to donate everything you own to non right wing climate mitigation programs, publicly announce you put the planet at risk because you're an ignorant moron, then remove yourself from the equation.
If none come true by then, I'll do the same (not an issue, some predictions already happened).

You're dead certain it's all fake, what are you scared of?

bobknight33 said:

It is FAKE.

That said according to the leftest loons we now have about 8 years before all is lost.

Un Experts no less.

Idiots who believe this also still wear masks.

Lake Mead at the Hoover Dam to reach lowest water level

newtboy says...

It's safe to say that, until the drought ends, every day will be a new record low. Prepare for much higher produce costs and less variety.
This is just more of the long predicted effects of climate change. It's baffling that anyone could still deny the science or data. Future generations will wonder why those profiting from that denial weren't imprisoned for crimes against humanity and nature.

StukaFox (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Thank sweet zombie Jebus you were wrong on all counts with your predictions.

I'm usually the biggest cynic in the room, so I couldn't exactly deny your theory, but I am incredibly glad civil adults did get the reigns of the country back, and that America did end up deciding black lives do matter, at least a little bit when our noses are rubbed in our murderous racism.

How's the visa fight going? Does getting vaccinated make a difference? Good luck over there....I've never had any desire to visit France, but I'm a weirdo. My perfect vacation is a secluded house on a secluded warm beach in the middle of nowhere and seeing only family all week....I'm not into culture or large groups of people. Give me unspoiled unpopulated nature instead please. Last January we did exactly that outside Mahajual, S Mexico. It was heaven for me except when we went to town.

StukaFox said:

Sorry Newt, but this'll just be added to the pile of "who cares?"

This is the country that watches its children get machine-gunned in their schools and just shrugs. This is the country that poisoned its own population with opioids and just shrugged. This is the country that allowed corporations to take over the entire power structure of the nation and just shrugged. No one cares. No. One. Cares.

You cannot overcome the wall of indifference and entitlement no matter how many impassioned pleas or elegant speeches you make.

Your heart's in the right place, but this is Bob Knight's country now and you will never get it back. And the people who're like Bob Knight? Yeah, they really don't give a shit about dead niggers.

As soon as I get my work visa for France finalized, I am out of here.

Do we Need Nuclear Energy to Stop Climate Change?

newtboy says...

Depends on your definition of "need", and your definition of "stopping" climate change.

Because I'm convinced enough natural feedback loops are in effect that there's no chance at all of stopping further climate change, and only a slight chance of slowing the rate of change and only if humanity fundamentally changes first, I find the question flawed.

I find it odd that tidal energy (different from hydro) is never considered in these debates. It's simple, relatively cheap, easy to maintain, and best of all predictable and consistent. All you need is a shoreline with a relatively large tide swing, a small inlet, and a tidal flat.

At best, nuclear is a stop gap measure that trades one planetary poison for another.....largely because we aren't responsible with it....building on shores in earthquake zones for convenience, banning fuel recycling, having no long term waste plan and handling waste insanely (Japan, I'm looking at you and your plans to dump Fukushima irradiated water into the ocean)....It's far from "green" the way we do it.

BSR (Member Profile)

surfingyt says...

this is a great prediction, will not be surprised to see it play out that way exactly.

BSR said:

Go easy with the poor guy. He'll still have to deal with his hero being a criminal which will just seem to come out of nowhere for him.

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