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Polar bear sees through your pathetic disguise!

Matthu says...

>> ^ReverendTed:

That was no decoy, that was just robot poop.
<div><div style="margin: 10px; overflow: auto; width: 80%; float: left; position: relative;" class="convoPiece"> AdrianBlack said:<img style="margin: 4px 10px 10px; float: left; width: 40px;" src="" onerror="ph(this)"><div style="position: absolute; margin-left: 52px; padding-top: 1px; font-size: 10px;" class="commentarrow">◄</div><div style="padding: 8px; margin-left: 60px; margin-top: 2px; min-height: 30px;" class="nestedComment box">I loved the robot cam that took off while deploying a distraction. Someone needs to voice that over.

You'd be shitting yourself too...

Ornthoron (Member Profile)

Polar bear sees through your pathetic disguise!

mxxcon says...

>> ^TheFreak:

It's interesting how robot cameras have no consciences concerning tossing their children behind them as a distraction to escape bears.
This is why we will ultimately lose the war against our powerful robot overlords.

not if we'll have an army of trained polar bears.
and that's why we should preserve polar bears

Polar bear sees through your pathetic disguise!

Polar bear sees through your pathetic disguise!

Ornthoron (Member Profile)

This woman wins WORST PARENT award

alien_concept says...

>> ^nanrod:

To all those who think a cold shower is not torture, you obviously haven't experienced immersion in cold water where you couldn't just get out. We've all had reason to have cold showers, hot weather, horniness, hangover. I've done the sauna thing jumping thru a hole cut in ice on a lake. I've participated in a polar bear swim in the Pacific and
Atlantic. In all these things getting in and out is your choice. Not being able to get out can lead to a bone piercing agony thats unbearable and is worse if you have a small body mass like this child. Listen again to his screaming in the shower. That's not fear of the water, that's pain. Inflicting pain on that level is child abuse, certainly worse than anything I got from my father the Sergeant Major.
I can see this woman in 10 years, waking from a sound sleep to the feeling of her own child plunging a knife in her body.

Great point! Cold water feels like burning, we all know that. It doesn't matter whether it's causing any physical damage either, the child is clearly terrified. Another point that needs to be made to some of you thick-skulled people is that abuse is abuse. It doesn't matter what level it's at, how bad you think it is, it still had the capability of ruining the victim's life.

For instance, I spent a few years in a care home, I've seen young people who went through some terrible abuse, and some not so terrible. It doesn't change how that person is going to turn out, how they can develop patterns, kick up complex coping mechanisms, and end up with a life-long tendency for depression or much worse. If abuse has taken place - and there is no way that ridiculing a child, terrifying them, burning their mouth and dousing them with cold water isn't abuse by the way - then it will effect them, in small ways or huge, no one can know until often later on in their adult life.

Talking about how "well this happened to me and this is how I turned out" is completely pointless to the argument, because every person is different and will deal with childhood trauma differently, it's all relative. How about it doesn't happen in the first place and the risk is taken out of the equation, I like that idea best...

This woman wins WORST PARENT award

nanrod says...

To all those who think a cold shower is not torture, you obviously haven't experienced immersion in cold water where you couldn't just get out. We've all had reason to have cold showers, hot weather, horniness, hangover. I've done the sauna thing jumping thru a hole cut in ice on a lake. I've participated in a polar bear swim in the Pacific and
Atlantic. In all these things getting in and out is your choice. Not being able to get out can lead to a bone piercing agony thats unbearable and is worse if you have a small body mass like this child. Listen again to his screaming in the shower. That's not fear of the water, that's pain. Inflicting pain on that level is child abuse, certainly worse than anything I got from my father the Sergeant Major.

I can see this woman in 10 years, waking from a sound sleep to the feeling of her own child plunging a knife in her body.

Obama: It's Important To Hang On To Religious Tolerance

Freak Storm Front Formation In Finland

Norsuelefantti says...

Yeah, you would think that Finland is all about polar bears and reindeer, but right now it's actually so hot that people are practically boiling out here!

>> ^visionep:

If I didn't know better I would call this fake.
Everyone knows that Finland is a land of ice and snow. They can't have beaches with people relaxing in shorts and no shirts.
Helsinki is at a similar parallel to Juneau Alaska.

Japanese Gum Commercial Song Infects Brains

Birdseye Commercial going to far!

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'birdseye polar bear parody funny commercial' to 'birdseye, peas, polar bear, harsh commercial' - edited by kronosposeidon

Transforming a piece of stone into a Polar Bear

westy says...

baah I bet you could achieve something like this if you spent a good month trying it out.

maby using 3d modaling package, I think most people can achive these sorts of skillz its like singing I think given some time almost anyone can sing a song in tune.

I mean fair enoughf coming up with an abstract concept of a 3d object and then aplying that to another object untill you have achived the object you have in mind is a very hard thing to do , but its really hard to say when sum one has truly achieved what they actually had in there mind.

but yah the basic form of this polor bare could be broken down into maby 30 or so steps that any mupit culd follow , then just repeat aload of times till you can do it well , then make some changes and you have your own bare.

In the end If people can put together Ikea fernature anything is possible.

>> ^Stormsinger:

@<a rel="nofollow" href="" title="member since July 25th, 2006" class="profilelink">westy, You call it mediocre, I call it light-years better than anything -I- could do... ::sigh::
Like Throbbin, I was born with no trace of artistic ability. So I watch any artist, of vitually any degree of talent, with a feeling of bewilderment and awe. Much like I felt as a kid watching David Copperfield and Doug Hennings perform their magic...I have no idea how it's done, and at times, I'd give my left nut to be able to do the same.

So, last night's Lost... (Blog Entry by Sarzy)

dystopianfuturetoday says...

My take on the ending was the same as Sarzy's. What happened on the island really happened, and what happened in the alternate reality was not purgatory or punishment, it was more of a Coda. The love fest in the sanctuary at the end was way too happy and non-denominational to be mistaken for grim Catholic mythology.

In general, I found the show to be more of a wild, unpredictable ride than a tight believable narrative. At many points in the show, the writers were clearly making it up as they went, but because of the creativity of the writers and the strength of the characters, it worked just fine. Most of the unanswered questions probably had no real answers to begin with. The writers just thought it would be cool to put a four toed statue and a couple of polar bears* on the island. Fair enough, coolness is cool.

BSG, on the other hand, took it's story and characters much more seriously. The narrative was much tighter, making a satisfying ending that much more important to me and tougher for the writers - and boy did they fail badly.

Lost avoided those expectations. Lost managed to stretch my suspended disbelief so far (without alienating me), that they could have pretty much done whatever they wanted with the ending, as long as it was cool, exiting, suspenseful, weird or otherwise entertaining. So the ending didn't carry the same importance for me as it did for BSG.

Anyway, those hours watching Lost were well spent, and the finale was a nice way to say goodbye to the lovable and lovably hateable characters that brought this thing to life.

KP, you'd probably dig this show if you gave it a chance. I felt the same way that you did, but quickly changed my mind last august when it came to Netflix streaming. It's a very unique show that can't really be understood without jumping in feet first.

*Yes, I know they explained the polar bears**.
**They were used for experiments carried out by the Dharma initiative.

Muslim Student vs. Horowitz: Major Student FAIL

lampishthing says...

I would so watch that.

Who do you think would ally with who? I mean, you have three sides and let's assume equal numbers.

The muslims would stay the hell away from the jews. Would they try a deal with the christians? I imagine the christians would see it as beneath themselves to deal with anyone (presuming they're white americans, say). Would the jews consider reaching out to either side? It would be so interesting. I mean, no side is going to attack another without an alliance because they'd have lower numbers afterwards and would therefore be disadvantaged fighting the third group. You might even end up with an awkward peace with no fighting at all!

I can see I will be pondering this evilly for some time.>> ^dystopianfuturetoday:

^I see a great reality show in this:
Fundamentalist Island: The Ultimate Grudge Match.
Radical Jews, Christians and Muslims battle for religious supremacy on a desert island, armed only with hatred and their bare hands. Last man standing gets to live on a religiously purified island... until he eventually dies alone of dehydration or scurvy, or gets run through by a wild boar or mauled by a polar bear.

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