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Instant Karma

Magicpants says...

There's a serious lack of information on both sides. I don't believe in damning someone until I know all the facts, and I think the situation as presented by the vloggers is disingenuous because they present the attack as being unprovoked, when it looks like it has something to do with a man being unwilling filmed. Yes, violence is wrong, but it looks like the attackee had a chance to deescalate the situation and instead chose to "poke the bear".

sillma said:

You are basing that guess on serious lack of information, could be he started to film the guy because he was already calling him derogatory terms and being aggressive.

Ana Yang Gazillion Bubble Show

Retroboy says...

Possibly there's a small loop of plastic or thread embedded within the outside of the bubble, and she poked a hole in that.

nock said:

I wonder how she poked a hole in a bubble (0:45). I thought that was impossible since the walls would destabilize.

Ana Yang Gazillion Bubble Show

blankfist (Member Profile)

enoch says...

anytime my man.
your voice and input has been sorely missed.
sometimes this site does appear to be one giant circlejerk and the hornets nest should be poked from time to time.

all the great agitators left (you being one of them) and y'all left me to carry the water.
and lets be honest...i dont have the skills to get peeps to lose their shit quite as deftly as you do.
choggie was great but he was too passionate and would devolve into a giant rage machine.
i miss that fucker as well,our own little mysanthrope.

complacency and apathy can be just as destructive as rage and anger.

there are some intelligent and thoughtful people here on the sift but with nobody challenging their conceptions and worldviews they end up spending the majority of their time smelling their own farts and calling them good.

so i hope your visit is not a short one.
these people NEED you.
they just dont know it yet.

i mean look.
you post a single video.

you are still the master my friend.

blankfist said:

Thanks for the promote, enoch!!

Officer Friendly is NOT your friend

VoodooV says...

"i know you like to poke the hornets nest from time to time and it gives you the giggles.
ok..thats fair enough...
but stop defending the indefensible."

Isn't that the definition of trolling?

Officer Friendly is NOT your friend

enoch says...

what an odd dynamic here on the sift in regards to lantern.

many here (myself included) have seemed to put the mantle of responsibility squarely on lanterns shoulders,as if he represented ALL police....everywhere.

this is not only patently false,it is very unfair.


and @lantern53 this is very important you understand this very crucial,pivotal point:

the outrage you see here playing out on the sift in regards to police abuse of power and authority (oftimes directed AT you) comes directly from a perspective on how we all view HOW a true police officer should behave.

we feel (i dont mean to speak for everyone..but im going to anyways) that those in a position of power and authority have to be held to a much higher standard than the rest of us.


because they are in a position of power and authority!!!!

and to abuse that public trust.
be it by the use of violence or intimidation,is the greatest of all betrayals.

so when we see a cop abusing his powers,in whatever capacity,we become outraged and angered.
justifiably so in my opinion.

i know you like to poke the hornets nest from time to time and it gives you the giggles.
ok..thats fair enough...
but stop defending the indefensible.

as a police officer you should be the first one condemning those cops who have obviously stepped over the line.
i am willing to be that you have done just that in your time on the force.most cops i know do it that way.
police policing themselves in a roundabout way.

i have full confidence you are good at what you do and have built a skin so thick not much really phases you anymore,but stop defending those cops that are NOT good cops...they are a cancer on your institution and they make those of you who ARE good at what you do treated with suspicion and wariness.

so listen to those here who are telling you how they feel about the bad cops.these are not criticizing you in particular,so dont feel you have to defend every bad cop out there.

so just as you do not represent every cop on the planet,dont allow those bad cops define you.

we are counting on you to be better.

/rant off

Islam Vs Racism

bobknight33 says...

Any religion that has core tenants to convert or kill all others should be banned.

Buts that's what we have today. A radical religion on a path of death and destruction, undeterred by reason or force.

Fueled by American and other Nationals to poke a stick at it will only stir the beehive of backlash and bring a crushing blow on American soil.

Last Week Tonight - Ferguson and Police Militarization

enoch says...

the situation in st louis did not just pop up out of thin air overnight.the tensions between the poor community (mostly black) and the police has been a festering pressure cooker for almost 15 years.

a particularly venal chapter in the st louis police archives is the RNC of 2008,for anybody to absorb some context on the militarization of a police force.

the tinder has been accumulating just waiting for the match.
mike brown WAS that match.
this is not new nor original.
it has happened before.

and as @lantern53 has pointed out:it is the chain of command that sets the tone of how that police force performs their if those in charge are authoritarian douche nozzles,that attitude tends to trickle down to the everyday cop on the street.

cops by their very nature are authoritarian due to their vocational choice.they respect the chain of command and the authority it follow orders is to be a "good" cop.

so i do not understand the ridicule that lantern is receiving.he is offering his perspective AS an actual police officer.i am not suggesting that he is right NOR that his opinion somehow exonerates the st louis cop JUST because he is a cop but rather we should listen to someone who actual IS a cop.

there is absolutely ZERO evidence that lantern is a bad cop.we simply do not know how well,or poorly,lantern is at his job.

there IS evidence,however,that lantern tends be a tad racist,authoritarian and contradictory.lantern may be a poor debater but that does not make him a bad cop.

though his defense of zimmerman does reveal an extremely poor judge of character.(seriously lantern?that dude is a full fledged cunt).

but i get it @VoodooV,
lantern is easy pickings.
a right wing authoritarian conservative commenting on a mostly secular left site?
its like shooting fish in a barrel.

sometimes lantern brings it on himself...i know.
his poor debating skills coupled with an almost embarrassing understanding of history and government makes him catnip to someone like you.


i disagree with lantern,pretty much always and i agree that sometimes his biased rhetoric should be taken to task,if only to clear up the bullshit.

but you take it to whole new levels voodoo.
you follow him from thread to thread and chastise and belittle him and THEN act all hurt and shocked when he lashes out at you!

seriously?thats like poking a grizzly bear in the face and then crying when it rips half your face off.

you use the exact same tactics choggie used,but at least he was entertaining.

you are just a bully.
a hypocritical,sanctimonious bully.hiding behind the skirts of others who may find lanterns comments distasteful (which they certainly can be).this is a cowards path and just like all bullies,you rely on the silence of others to continue your persecution of someone who does not have the support of an entire site.

i find your lack of humanity disturbing.
and i will not be silent.
your actions do not deserve respect but rather ridicule.

Why Republicans Don’t Like Neil DeGrasse Tyson

Drachen_Jager says...

Yeah, The National Review is a mere invention by the Left to poke fun at the Right.

Uh huh.

Do you even know what those words you're using actually mean?

lantern53 said:

The right doesn't like this guy? That's a classic straw man argument if i've ever heard one.

Insurance scam doesn't go as planned

Lawdeedaw says...

I bicycle around, and the one thing I note about it is that I put myself in a situation to get run over every day. See, I live in Florida, so that goes without saying. Here, people don't give the right away to shit. Red light on turn, when I have the crosswalk sigh? Well fuck me.

I find this whole thing funny because I pay attention to people walking so freaking close to my car. I mean the guy could have carjacked her because of this inattention. The guy was pretty brass about it since he made sure to flag someone before falling. Lastly, if you're the van, you don't poke your fucking van out in the middle of the street without a view of both ways. It DOES NOT MATTER if traffic is stopped one way, you don't do it. By her constant need to turn this way and that, she could not obviously, or safely, see both ways.

Ironically I thought he fell in front of the Van, but then noticed he fell to the side of it. Bad day that it turned I myself would have noticed the turn signal... But as I said, I would have also noticed someone blatantly waving and approaching my vehicle...

Another point; some would say that identity theft is the fault of most victims. You leave something if your trash with information, don't regularly clear out your mailbox, pay with a debit card, etc...not sure if you have ever done those things but if you have you definitely opened yourself up for the fraud.

lucky760 said:

As Clint Eastwood said as William Munny:

Deserve's got nothing to do with it.

I feel like I've tried to make this rather fine point a lot over the years on the Sift: I'm not saying he *should* or *deserves to* be run over by a car for trying to pull a con.

What I'm saying is he put himself into a situation where he could get run over by a car and did so of his own volition with blatant malicious intent. The fact that his pretending to get run over by a car actually resulted in him getting run over by a car yields zero sympathy with me.

Plus, I'm not sure what country you're in or if you're automotively insured, but if you are at fault of hitting someone with your car, you'll be screwed with insurance and paying a significantly higher rater for several years to come. It's not like a bank where your money is insured by the federal government and a robbery of the vault wouldn't affect you; the victim of an insurance scam is directly, immediately, and significantly fucked.

(Someone used my name when they were apparently at fault in an accident before I'd ever gotten my first insurance policy, and when I did first try to get insured, my premium was something like triple what it would've cost me otherwise.)

Again, not saying that ^that means he deserves to be crushed by a car, but he did it to himself. (Likewise, if he was playing Russian roulette and shot himself in the head, I wouldn't feel bad for him.)

You reap what you sow.

What is Israel to Do?(answer: get out of occupied territory)

chingalera says...

So....Now we know what it takes for yet another type of troll to break site rules while poking the mentally-challenged there, Holy Soldiers....By all means, your particular sentiments on the matter billpayer being obviously far-superior, please, enlighten the gallery!? Or perhaps you'd like to digress further with more clever scatology??

billpayer said:

Ha ha... U a funny Troll man.
You are the shit stain that needs wiping out

restocking a lake with fish from a plane

WaterDweller says...

I know, I was just poking fun at your phrasing

Sagemind said:

When I say "Hitting that waters surface is pretty hard!"
I'm not saying it's difficult for the pilot to hit the target.
I'm saying that the fish falling would be hitting a hard, solid surface of the water, knocking out or killing many of them.

Sarah Palin argues it's time to impeach Obama

chingalera says...

Me neither artician-The point of promoting this programmed tripe here on the videosift was for yet another robotic putty to poke fun at imbecilic news rants from goons whose only program is to build their microcosmic personal empires and make self-deluded sophistic dreamers a bit more satisfied that their particular take on how the world works is far superior to the next imbecile's damaged world-view.

There's only one real cure for the terminal U.S. government and its hijacking by oligarchs, financial criminals, and cocksuckers...Tear it the fuck down. The first step, stop watching these pricks, all of them.

Randomly Paired People Slap Each Other

Shift change at a French lighthouse

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