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Cowbell Playing Girl Is Not Amused

ReverendTed says...

>> ^KnivesOut:
>> ^ReverendTed:
>> ^blankfist:
Go ahead. Laugh. It's not like she'll ever come here and read the comments.
You and I can never hang out. Not because that was a hilariously insensitive thing to say, but because I don't want to be anywhere near you when Karma comes to collect for it.

The irony will be when he gets creamed by a school-for-the-blind bus at a cross-walk.
That's not irony, that's justice.
And you know what they say, *takes off sunglasses* justice is blind.


Cowbell Playing Girl Is Not Amused

KnivesOut says...

>> ^ReverendTed:
>> ^blankfist:
Go ahead. Laugh. It's not like she'll ever come here and read the comments.
You and I can never hang out. Not because that was a hilariously insensitive thing to say, but because I don't want to be anywhere near you when Karma comes to collect for it.

The irony will be when he gets creamed by a school-for-the-blind bus at a cross-walk.

Cowbell Playing Girl Is Not Amused

ReverendTed says...

>> ^blankfist:
Go ahead. Laugh. It's not like she'll ever come here and read the comments.
You and I can never hang out. Not because that was a hilariously insensitive thing to say, but because I don't want to be anywhere near you when Karma comes to collect for it.

demon_ix (Member Profile)

Cowbell Playing Girl Is Not Amused

Cowbell Playing Girl Is Not Amused

Cowbell Playing Girl Is Not Amused

Cowbell Playing Girl Is Not Amused

Cowbell Playing Girl Is Not Amused

Hypocrites... the whole lot of ya! (Wtf Talk Post)

westy says...

WOO Internets politics.

i don't think people should be band unless thay are totally braking a site but in the end ud get Bord of braking a website Anny way. in some respects its nice to know that you could brake a website and not get band because u know if u broke it it wud just be piotnless because anny one could brake it and you wont get anything from it so u wouldn't brake it Anny way.

i haven't had problems with anyone on this website relay i mean i don't really care about self linking ore people getting crappy stuff up ore whatever.
but then im not paying for hosting ore making money ( although i don't know how profitable this site is if at all ) so i guess its for whoever put the site up to decide but then again thay might want the community to decide.

Maby best thing to do would be for everyone to face roll there keyboard and see what happens ?

swampgirl smells of SWAMP !!!!!!!!

Hypocrites... the whole lot of ya! ALL OF US !! EVAN ME how am i a hypocrite (like when using napalm you have to be carfull because you can esealy torch innocent savilaoins.

volumptuous (i know what you were doing but i shall rebut you just to show you who is boss:P )

fine you may like macks over windows but i submit to you that a experienced windows user can achive Manny more goals faster than a mac user. and for me speed and the more numerous software on windows trumps the arguable benefits of the design of a mac. i have used and loved macs in the past and i think for a specific group of people and specific tasks thay are really good but as an all round system i think windows xp is better for me and people that use a computer for everything ,

although now in my opinoin apple wins out with specific devices i find like say the I phone ore a laptop. and i definatly think you would more likely want to rest your penis on an apple (ore you vaginafoo) than you would a average PC, its like if you went to a avrage brothel you might find like the hottest girl ever but thats rare at least with a mack its like a garentied play boy (play girl) exsperance.

Bugs Bunny: The Rabbit of Seville

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