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Unexpected Divorce Video

Infinity Citizen - Enchanting Video of Tokyo in TimeLapse

nomino says...

wow, this is stunning. I can only imagine what it looks like in HD (i'm on my G4 powerbook). Gotta wait till I get home. good find bornto2p

ps. This'll make it into top 15 so I'm going to piggyback and get my video some exposure. I know, I'm a whore, but people really need to see it.
You know what, mine'll make it on it's own. just being a whore in the end.

Miss California Directors Bitchslap NOM

Downwind faster than the wind: fascinating

MaxWilder says...

It would also require a "tail wind" in the exact direction of travel. Since it's pushing on air that is not moving the same speed and direction as the "road", it can piggyback off that "wind".

In other words, to duplicate this on a real road outdoors, you would need to travel in the same direction as the wind, and you could travel slightly faster than the wind. Maybe. The drag would probably counteract whatever push you got from wind.

Obama apologizes for being a cockblocker

diction says...

>> ^Mikus_Aurelius:
This is both old news and TYT piggybacking on one of my favorite radio shows (Wait Wait Don't Tell Me). Peter Sagel's explanation on the original clip is better, too, though I guess we'd have to post that on Audiosift.

I know you were joking, but is an actual website!
I just checked it out. Seems to be mostly about crappy hip hop, and not really related to the real Sift.

Obama apologizes for being a cockblocker

13314 says...

This is both old news and TYT piggybacking on one of my favorite radio shows (Wait Wait Don't Tell Me). Peter Sagel's explanation on the original clip is better, too, though I guess we'd have to post that on Audiosift.

Wedding Ring Exchange FAIL (0:44)

My Avatar in your Hands. (Art Talk Post)

Jan buils is a moron

You know.... (Sift Talk Post)

winkler1 says...

Sounds like Last.Fm for video.

One interesting thing about the Sift: there aren't subscriptions/favorites of people. All sifts are equal , it's very egalitarian. Favoriting people would harden the network effects and create more of a power law distribution than there already is.

That said, I wouldn't say that VideoSift is truly "long tail". Vids have to prove their worth. Videos do well which piggyback a popular meme (Star Wars, Bush-bashing, Monty Python, timelapse). Niche interests (I like the band Ween, speak German, like the Python programming language) probably won't escape the queue. So this encourages more mainstream selections already familiar to the VideoSift audience.

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