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bobknight33 (Member Profile)

bobknight33 says...

Where on earth do you get you fake new?

Local rag at the checkout?

More dump on Trump...

The real question is why.

Why and this fuckery? 1 sided hearing , suppression on truth?

Anything and everything just to keep him from running in 2024.

""""""Highland Park terrorist is a HUGE MAGA idiot and Q-tard along with his parents…another domestic terrorist murdering in the name of MAGA. Targeting a Jewish neighborhood.""""""

Yeat to hear anything about this mad man/

newtboy said:

More trouble at Troth Senchal…more subpoenas, more impropriety, more bank fraud. This is at least the second round of subpoenas in a week investigating multiple violations of FEC rules, court orders, bank laws, etc.
D’oh! Another “L”. Another failed Trump venture.

Also, Highland Park terrorist is a HUGE MAGA idiot and Q-tard along with his parents…another domestic terrorist murdering in the name of MAGA. Targeting a Jewish neighborhood.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

More trouble at Troth Senchal…more subpoenas, more impropriety, more bank fraud. This is at least the second round of subpoenas in a week investigating multiple violations of FEC rules, court orders, bank laws, etc.
D’oh! Another “L”. Another failed Trump venture.

Also, Highland Park terrorist is a HUGE MAGA idiot and Q-tard along with his parents…another domestic terrorist murdering in the name of MAGA. Targeting a Jewish neighborhood.

City of Akron responding to the shooting of Jayland Wlaker

newtboy says...

You absolutely deviate from that.
You never see wrong from Orange people, and rarely from white, but see nothing but wrong from darker skinned people.

You just see white and black and think it’s the same thing as right and wrong.

I don’t judge people by anything but actions….that leaves most people on my shit list, melanin levels have no bearing on that.

Yes, it is hypocritical because, yes, you did back Bundy at the time and were outraged he was shot, even though he took over a park armed, threatened rangers and police, shot his gun, and fled from police before being shot still armed. Hard to handle that with the courts when he’s on the highway shooting.
You supporting him and were angry, saying those cops didn’t need to shoot him, but are cheering on cops shooting an unarmed man running away no longer threatening anyone… 60 times. The difference? One was extremely more dangerous, violent, armed, and white. You only see the other one as the problem. That’s hypocritical.
I see 60 shots as the problem, and don’t believe the police version that he even fired his gun without proof.

Government overreach? Are you talking about Bundy’s other anti government armed action when he stole grazing from public lands and held off law enforcement with an armed violent militia, which you supported? Cheering him on for refusing to pay for using public lands for private profits and using deadly force against law enforcement? I’m talking about when he violently took over a park for months with more armed violent militia….which you also supported.

My life is pretty good. I have empathy for those less fortunate. I know you can’t understand thinking about someone else’s situation, but it used to be considered normal…real conservatives know that.

Lol…I’m not on any other social media at all, and I rarely get my news here. Sucker. Nice try, but I look for actual sources, not nut jobs saying what I want to hear, like Trump who got the election fraud fraud from an anonymous Twitter account.
It’s pretty telling that you think the way to “truth and understanding “ is remove all sources of information. What exactly do your eyes see with your head in that dark hole? Mine are wide open in the sunshine, sunshine. I see not only the “truth”, but also the various attempts at lies, and being (and keeping myself) fairly well educated I can tell the difference, a trait I’m afraid you sorely lack, friend. Thanks so much for the offer, but it’s like a deaf and blind man offering to lead someone with glasses across the freeway.

On the contrary, we’ve been here for you for over a decade, calmly explaining reality as you scream nonsense and fear monger. We will be here tomorrow. Assuage your fear of abandonment and maybe you can begin to think rationally.

bobknight33 said:

Wrong is wrong and I've never deviated from that. You see the color of ones skin or outfit and judge.

I just see right and wrong.

You judge by color first.

Running from the cops and shooting you gun while flying and then get shot for you own actions is your own damn fault.

Me pointing it out is not racist or hypocritical .

You thinking it is makes you a narrow minded fool.

Did I back Bundy? Even with "government overreach" this should have been handled by the courts.

Newt, you really come off as a educated bitter little man. You must have been screwed over in you life to carry such a big chip on your shoulder.

I'm here for you. I can lead you to truth and understanding.
Step 1 Turn off all news and social media for 2 months.
Step 2 open you eyes to reality.

Rent: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

moonsammy says...

Greed knows no specific political affiliation, nor does charitability. We should all insist on policies that do more to help those in actual need of it, and to reduce rampant profiteering at the expense of human suffering. Squeezing your captive customers just because you can is a pretty universal "dick move." Imagine if we had solid policies in place that actually encouraged giving a hand up to those who've encountered misfortune, rather than treating them as suspicious and dangerous.

I think a big part of the problem, which I was sad to see go entirely unaddressed by the show, is that owning rental properties is such an appealing option for wealthy private investors. The long-term (and generally short-term) returns on real estate in the US have been absolutely bonkers for many years, and it's a much more stable investment than the stock market can prove to be. Professionally, I've been in a position to have an understanding of the finances of many wealthy people, and damn near everyone with net worth of more than a couple million ends up having quite substantial real estate holdings.

How about we instead find a way to award stable profits to those investing in schools, or public parks, or the arts, or... I don't know, anything else which doesn't ultimately take people out of their homes?

Tom Scott trying to deal with his phobia of roller coasters

eoe says...

The funny thing is that, assuming he drove to the park, that was far more dangerous than the rollercoaster.

If you're not afraid of driving in a car, you shouldn't be afraid of rollercoasters or planes.

But, at the same time, I know the important word is irrational fear. So, it is what it is.

12 yr. old Palestinian MC Abdul "Shouting At The Wall"

bcglorf says...


There's a danger here of having an actual nuanced discussion on Israel/Palestine happening here if we aren't careful...

I agree with your point of difference on illegal immigrants in the US largely not having a plan for 'independence' in their back pocket. The soft equivalence that the right wingers would point to though would be immigrant settling into small area such that they can setup a virtual community without ever needing to learn local languages and pushing hard to keep their 'own' values and way of life. I don't agree with the "Learn English" rednecks or the ones shouting how folks need to act American, but there is at least a soft parallel. virtually the only thing South Park has ever been censored on was depicting the prophet, and that 100% read as fear of violent retaliation, which isn't nothing.

I also think you hit the bigger point on how broken systems of immigration are. Particularly when domestic politics and the situation for legal immigration to refugees is grossly inadequate. I think America today though is just a much more mild example of it than the 30/40s in Palestine. For all the complaints one can level at Zionism, it's very hard to condemn them for encouraging mass emigration out of Europe. It's also clear that waiting on legal immigration routes out wasn't going to get people out fast enough. Thus I really look carefully at any anti-zionist position that includes condemning jewish 'illegal' immigration at the time. It treads dangerously close to saying they should have accepted the alternative, which was by and large remaining in Europe...

The Shopping Cart Theory

olyar15 says...

This is the problem with generalities: there is almost always an exception. This happened to me a while ago: The grocery store I go to can get busy and has a pretty small parking lot, so it is often full. It is also one-way only so the lanes are narrow. I was loading my groceries into my car, and another car was waiting for my spot. When I finished, I went to return the cart, but the driver of the other car rolled down the window and told me not to bother, and that she will take the cart herself.

Now, I could have ignored her and returned the cart, which according to the video would have been the "correct" thing to do, but that would have simply lengthened the time the other driver had to wait (as well as the cars behind her since they couldn't go around her), for no real benefit other than to return the cart. Instead, I pushed the cart out of the way, got into my car and left. Even though it was technically "wrong" for me to have done this, I feel it was the correct thing to do in that situation.

The Shopping Cart Theory

surfingyt jokingly says...

return the cart if you want but here's a counter point, as someone who has worked in a grocery store as a teenager, its the courtesy clerks who mainly gather the carts. they will be outside to get them regardless if the cart is in the return area or in the parking lot. but a lot of them ENJOY doing the task (assuming acceptable weather conditions) because it gets you outside and away from all the damn idiotic customers.

some places have employees whos only job is to return carts. are you trying to take away their job?!

I Asked AI To Make A Music Video - This Is The Result

Look where you're going dumb dumb

BSR (Member Profile)

BSR (Member Profile)

Concrete equipment lashes out against its captors

BSR says...

It's now at an amusement park where you hold onto the handles and it spins you right round baby, right round.


ant said:

Wait. What happened after it?

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

bobknight33 says...

Only fools like you and newt can see the difference.

Burning looting and some killing by BLM.

Truckers park, block traffic and blow their horn.

surfingyt said:

so yep newtboy is right you admit you support trucker protest but not BLM protests lol you such a tool. disrupting supply chains and hurting small businesses in 2 countries is OK for bewbs. yer hypocrisy is delicious and i feast on it.

The simple tool that can open most US stores

newtboy says...

Unless they have intent to use them, or have knowledge that that’s what they’re made for, no? That’s what it says in the law, isn’t it?

“ Every person having upon him or her in his or her possession a picklock, crow, keybit, crowbar, screwdriver, vise grip pliers, water-pump pliers, slidehammer, slim jim, tension bar, lock pick gun, tubular lock pick, bump key, floor-safe door puller, master key, ceramic or porcelain spark plug chips or pieces, or other instrument or tool with intent feloniously to break or enter into any building, railroad car, aircraft, or vessel, trailer coach, or vehicle as defined in the Vehicle Code, or who shall knowingly make or alter, or shall attempt to make or alter, any key or other instrument named above so that the same will fit or open the lock of a building, railroad car, aircraft, vessel, trailer coach, or vehicle as defined in the Vehicle Code, without being requested to do so by some person having the right to open the same, or who shall make, alter, or repair any instrument or thing, knowing or having reason to believe that it is intended to be used in committing a misdemeanor or felony, is guilty of a misdemeanor. ”

I have this opinion, (that police (and some prosecutors) will ascribe intent to anyone in possession of any tools, even those with other uses, so they wouldn’t hesitate to do the same for tools that are clearly purpose built breaking and entering tools having been advertised as such and with no other use,) because I watched a friend be arrested in the 80’s for having a screwdriver and pliers in their backpack that the police called “burglary tools”. He did not have a history of burglary. The case was dropped when they instead charged him with <.5 grams of marijuana for some crumbs found loose in the bottom in his backpack and sent him juvie for 6 months. (I think he was on probation, I know the police wanted to charge him with anything….and did.). I was accused of having lockpicks once because I had picked up a few metal brush bits from a street sweeper in a parking lot and police saw me pick them up, arrested, then released me on site when the supervisor showed up and heard their story.

I think the last sentence of that paragraph puts him in danger, since he clearly has reason to believe at least some of the burglary tools he sells to the public are going to be used criminally.

I don’t want to see you give someone advice that could get them in serious trouble, I know you would feel terrible. You might be correct, technically without intent to commit a crime they’re legal to own, but in reality police and prosecutors decide your intent and I don’t trust them one whit.

eric3579 said:

My understanding is that it is legal for anyone to purchase and possess lock picking tools. Seller does have to obtain info regarding purchaser, but just basic stuff.

Here are the California codes regarding such tools.

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