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Daughter Refused To Walk Inside

newtboy says...

I grew up in a different era.
My parents would not only have left me there, they would have locked the doors to the house.

The one time I threw a tantrum in a store my mother bent down and calmly gave me two choices. 1) calm down and act appropriately immediately or 2) we go home that second without groceries and I don’t ever go to any store or event with her again (they had no problem leaving me alone for hours when I was under 5). I knew she meant it, so I shut up.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Try again….ask your handler to double check your English. This word salad is completely unintelligible and indigestible.

Ashley Babbitt. Traitor?

Let me attempt to translate….
Is Hunter Biden’s laptop a real story? No. Is it a real laptop? Yes. It it proven the data on it is really Hunter Biden’s? No. It it proven the data on it was really tampered with by republicans trying to create a story about a private citizen who is a relative of a political enemy? Yes.

Was January 6 a real (failed) seditious insurrection? Yes, absolutely, there are convictions on that charge if your eyes and ears aren’t enough to convince you. Attempting to stop the transfer of power so the election loser can retain power is how many coups happen.
Was it just a bunch of people with a few misfits in the bunch, absolutely not, it was a planned, “called up” violent mob directed by the ex president with the intent being to stop the transfer of power by “getting wild” with violent trial by combat and fighting hard by any means necessary, and they came WELL ARMED.

Covid masks BS or a useful tool against pandemic spreads? When used properly, the latter…but not a perfect panecea just like seatbelts don’t stop all traffic deaths. Proper universal mask use and social distancing could have prevented as many as half of cases in the US.

Covid hospitalization rate <3% or way way higher? The last reports I recall I think said around 3% of the overall population, but much higher among just adults….over 10% in some age categories. Were hospitals over run with patients to the point deathly ill people were sent home to die. Absolutely, for months, causing tens of thousands of preventable deaths….what you call a “nothing burger”.

Now you want random political questions as red herrings? Fine.

Biden. Above average president, not great but astonishing on jobs. He beat Trump, so he’s successful no matter what.
Biden mentally fit. Absolutely. Just gave the best, quickest, most intelligent SOU in recent memory, not a rambling self congratulatory stream of consciousness we got before Biden.

Trans surgery for minors? Not a real thing, a fantasy the right invented to be outraged over, like CRT. IF it were a real thing, which again it is NOT, it should be a decision between the minor, it’s parents, mental health professionals, and their physician…not the government that the right wants making medical decisions for citizens now. Reality is surgery is not done on minors unless absolutely medically necessary, only reversible chemical treatments. Another right wing fantasy. I bet you’re ok with fake boobs for teen girls though.

“Trans ideology” (define that) in the classroom? Not a real thing, but inclusion acceptance and tolerance in the classroom, absolutely undeniably good at all grade levels.

Newsom good or bad? Yes, both….but far more god than bad….$52 billion SURPLUS last year…hundreds of millions allocated to mental health programs to service and house homeless.

Now, do you have the spine to answer just one? I guarantee you don’t,snowflake.
Ashley Babbitt, treasonous insurrectionist cunt who violently smashed her way into the chambers before being properly shot by the police she was actively threatening/innocent victim of Biden?

bobknight33 said:

Wow, you are un-hinged.
Biden laptop? real?
Jan 6 a true insurrection of just a bunch of people, with some misfits in the group?

Covid masks BS or truly need.?
Covid hospitalization rate <3% or or way higher? Joe B. Great POTUS / Average/ below Average?
Joe B Fit to be POTUS or mentally lacking and should not be POTUS

Trans surgery for minors? Good or bad?
Trans ideology in the classroom? Good or Bad?

Governor Newsom Good or Bad?

High School Senior Takes Book Banners To School

luxintenebris jokingly says...

sure it's up to the public to scan each and every book to insure that kids aren't exposed to harmful material. gee if only there was a way to hire someone professional to do this.

- most librarians are parents themselves. can 'we' trust they know their business? after all, THEY went to school to EDUCATE themselves to KNOW the difference.

- can there be a better example of who are the baddies in this regard? book banning is akin to book burning. i.e. the milieu of Adolph, Mao, and the 'Kim'*through clenched teeth* what the f*ck do think 'indoctrination' IS?!!! the r e m o v a l of books is the attempt of controlling minds NOT KEEPING VERY GOD DAMN BOOK ON THE SHELF!!! note the examples.

most parents haven't fallen for this tactic 'cause they know it's more of an attempt to divide than a drive of the divine. this ruse tried to get a foothold here but ran into a brilliant educational administration. they sent out flyers for parents to sign so THEIR kid(s) could access the school library at will. OTHERWISE the god-gifted had to preapprove any book for THEIR children. (Imagine it was a lot of paperwork [& actually parenting] for them. heh-heh)

Try reading this... least try to get to "where is your GOD now?"


tell me about your fears of INDOCTRINATION.

Hello! Please regard this as a passionate plead for understanding & less of a personal attack. Can't help the *tartness* - as your belief is more awful than my tone. & don't know everything, but obviously more than thou when it comes to this subject.

bobknight33 said:

Indoctrination of kids .. And you approve?

High School Senior Takes Book Banners To School

newtboy says...

ROTFLMFAHS. I didn’t even notice how you changed my post to be as idiotic as you.

Teaching 4 grades (do you mean 4th graders?) to be gay…..I want to know exactly how you teach someone to be gay…since you claim to know. Are they putting little boys in dark rooms and having naked women beat them mercilessly? Are they feeding them jello boobs with shards of glass inside? How, exactly, does one teach another person their own sexuality? More evidence you know nothing but talking points you don’t comprehend one bit.

(Btw- I learned about sex by age 6, and homosexuality by age 9 or before. I didn’t have unwanted children, never caught a VD, and didn’t become gay. Knowing the mechanics and consequences of sex, both heterosexual and homosexual, let me make informed decisions that served me well. I did constantly have adult conversations with adults who all were shocked I could hold my own in an adult conversation…including when I audited college courses in 7th grade and was shocked how little college students knew…I was told I was 11 going on 40 repeatedly. There was no reason whatsoever to “shield” me from any knowledge, only a reason to help me assimilate what I learned. I am not unique in that.)

How to kill and get away with it? You mean murder mysteries, history, or critical thinking? I would counter that Trump taught us all how to kill a million Americans through negligence and lies and get away with it, and you would give him a medal. You don’t care about murders. Name the book that reads as a “how to get away with murder” and not “how to get caught committing murder”. The news teaches that, you don’t want to ban news….or do you?

Name the book that glorifies and normalizes debauchery and rape that’s being taught in school….or do you mean the Bible which I agreed should not be taught in schools. Any book that teaches politics of the last 25 years would include those topics to describe Republican politicians.

Parents have a right to stupidly deny THEIR children access to certain knowledge, not to deny it from others. Your love of ignorance is not a mandate for others to remain ignorant. You would return to the dark ages when only (often wrong) church approved “knowledge” was allowed, and that only for the privileged. Just so dumb and ignorant of you.
You want to be ignorant, you be you. You want to make your children ignorant, that’s a perk of being a parent, you can abuse your own children as you see fit (within limits). You want to force other children to be ignorant, fuck right off you braying moron.

bobknight33 said:

Like the Bible?

Books like
Like teaching 4 grades how to be gay?

How to kill and get away with it?

Books glorifying, normalizing debauchery or date rape .

Yep some book should not be in school and it the parents right to challenge the school.

High School Senior Takes Book Banners To School

newtboy says...

Some books are not age appropriate and hence should be kept away from kids ….Like the Bible?
Some people never become adults because they had adult knowledge kept from them as “age inappropriate”, which stunted their development so they NEVER learned “adult” topics and never became adult enough to comprehend even slightly adult topics and themes….some never have knowledge kept from them based on chronological age and their minds grew to adulthood well before puberty. You are clearly in the former group.

99.999% of books on book banning lists are not inappropriate to anyone who actually reads them. Any child raised to not be ignorant, to accept differing viewpoints, to think for themselves, and to question the unknown has absolutely nothing to fear from any book or knowledge. Only ignorant, intolerant, unthinking, cowardly know nothing morons think banning books is a good idea. You want others to be as dumb and ignorant and intolerant as yourself. That returns us to the Dark Ages in a generation….when knowledge was not tolerated.

Books with specific instructions on how to make drugs, bombs, and other deadly devices that children might be able to follow, those should not be in schools. Books that deal with sex and sexuality, since parents like yourself wouldn’t teach it at all, absolutely belong in school so we don’t have a 50% pregnancy rate in high school and a 30% suicide rate.

It’s not up to you to decide what’s appropriate for others to learn anymore than it’s appropriate for me to ban bibles from churches and burn any that don’t comply. If you want children to grow up ignorant of life, send them to religious schools and set them up for failure or cult life.

bobknight33 said:

Some books are not age appropriate and hence should be kept away from kids till they are adult enough to comprehend fully the topic.

Some books, if providing such abhorrent behaviors or topics should be deemed as not being necessary of a schools system.

There are a lot of odd books out there not all belong in a local school.

Henry Ford’s Water Powered Gristmill: An Unexpected Story

He was ready

Students Call Teachers By First Name!

Competitive Race

eoe says...

If you're relying on your children, you might be in for a treat. How many kids do you know who hate their parents? I'd rather rely on my own savings/power of attorney to do that choosing.

BSR said:

Just keep in mind who gets to choose your nursing home

Transgender Rights II: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver

luxintenebris says...

harm to kids?

what is more harmful to a human than being intellectually stunted?

what is the function of intelligence but to adapt and survive?

i.e. being coddled or cloistered from life details is far and away more destructive.

a matter of degree(s) but shielding any person from what they could understand (& handle) is the antithesis of learning.
i.e. doing more to harm than the worst spiritual debauchery that is freakishly feared here.

A CONFESSION: doubt any of this weighs on you as a person (still suspect you're an agent of chaos, or just need the attention your parents were unable give) but what kinda being would i be if i didn't TRY to help.

BTW: not a dem but I do dig's one tune w/a fitting title...

check out the lyrics

bobknight33 said:

More harm to kids, promoted by the radical left.

Like I've said before . Democrats , the party of death, destruction and debauchery.

Clerk Thwarts Attempted Kidnapping

noims says...

However terrifying the story, it's great to hear that the perpetrator is being referred for mental health help rather than just being locked up. We obviously know nothing about the background yet, but that's the immediate reaction I'd have hoped for, even as a parent of a young child myself.

Beau schools on schooling: why 'FREE' scares Biff & Babs

newtboy says...

1) in the 50’s, the time period MAGA wants to return to, colleges were often free with higher admission standards. Do you advocate free college for anyone qualified?

2) there’s a shock

3) that goes for abortions too, if you really want it you’ll find a way, but the “ways” left are all dangerous.

4) you said he was successful despite the fact that he left high school to support his family before…but ok, now he graduated public high school, and is the smartest man you know. Telling.
My mother graduated Rice university Suma Cum Laude then returned for a masters in English. Dad graduated in the top 1% of his class from Stanford with a chemistry major, then started a highly successful international high tech insulation company making insulation for nuclear power plants in the 70’s. (Your dad may have worked for my dad. Is his name Frank F?)

5) Neither could have succeeded as they did if they had to pay today’s rates for college, or if each had hundreds of thousands in debt to pay back. Both scored 1590 on their SAT. Neither got scholarships or loans (Rice was free, dad’s parents and part time jobs paid for Stanford). Neither “fucked around”.

6) Colleges charge more because people will pay it, because a degree is an absolute necessity to be successful in the business world (unless you inherit tens of millions). If you drop the amount people can borrow for school, they’ll just accept intellectually poorer students (like you) that CAN pay. Supply and demand….that doesn’t mean you discount your in high demand product because your preferred customer can’t afford it so long as someone can. Duh.

bobknight33 said:

1)Truly there should be a helping hand to bright students who can't get a scholarship, loans to to to higher education.

2) I was poor student , didnt care about it got low grades.

3) Dads motto -
IF you want something bad enough you will find a way.

4) Dad was a HS grad and was writing quotes for Navy Nuclear and many other million $ bids. Smartest man I know.

5) higher education should place a finical burden on you - You will work harder because you can't afford to fck around.

6) That being said college / universities are over charging and raping students more and more every year.

? do college charge more because they know that the student can get the loan? I think so.

I think If you drop the amount a student can get in loans I sure tuition will drop to that level --- Supply and demand.

Transgender Rights II: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver

newtboy says...

Yes, they are capable. Normal children anyway….you probably were not.

I do know better than to accept your ignorant, fear driven nonsense as anything more than the cowardly ignorant whining it is.
I’m a human being that was once a child. I was totally able to understand these topics without any issues by 8 years old if not earlier. My parents told me the truth, and didn’t hide things from me just because they were embarrassed or incapable of explaining them to me. Maybe you were just slow…..forget the maybe.
You still can’t get past your ignorance and hang ups about it as an adult, and are still incapable of a rational discussion because of your fear of the unknown.
You are still a child….a slow, learning deficient child.

Absolutely I’m a groomer. I groom myself daily…you disgusting slob. You probably think bathing is bad for you.

bobknight33 said:

No No they are not.

You know better or should know better.

Or are you a Groomer?

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

CRT is such a fake issue that FOX held a “concerned parent voter panel” to discuss what a problem it is in schools to the average parent, and every single “parent” on the panel was a hand picked MAGA extremist activist that’s been at the front of this issue since it was created out of thin air by the right a few years ago. They couldn’t find ANY actual parents with a real problem with CRT in schools, or who could even tell you what it is, only propagandists that have made careers out of selling the idea that it exists, some actually from the Trump administration itself.
Absolutely not one parent presented that supports schools or is willing to contradict the outright lies about what’s happening in schools, totally one sided pure propaganda as is all right wing media….I would be shocked if no one brought up the “kids identify as cats” stupidity you gullible morons believe.

That’s the level of grift you’re falling for. They couldn’t even find actual moron parents that had been duped into believing this twaddle that they would put on air, because they know exactly the type of parent that is and they don’t want to be associated with bat shit crazy Karen’s, they just want to create them and point them to the left.

They pulled that wool over your eyes, but they were firmly shut anyway, and deep in your colon. So lost and gullible are you, such a tool for the lying right…unAmerican, anti democracy, anti rights, anti freedom, anti fact, anti reality, pro police shooting anyone that looks at them cross eyed, totally incapable of thinking for yourself or researching facts.

Ashley Babbitt. Deserved what she got. Thanks for agreeing, finally.

bobknight33 said:

Once again you can not look yourself in the mirror.

You cant even except that CRT is real. Its a real concept.
So lost are you.

Jerry Springer Evil kids

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