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Dad jokes on wheels: trucker humor

Ozzy Man Reviews: Destination Cucked! - Cybertruck Fails #2

newtboy says...

Nice try….but for Ford that exposure to the elements exclusion is limited to cosmetic damage to paint trim and interior, not the drive train parts like a Tesla…and didn’t include light.
And notice “uneven, rough, damaged, or hazardous surfaces, unfinished roads, (read as any dirt road regardless of condition) , or any purpose for which the vehicle was not designed” (which is anywhere off pavement or parked outside or any truck activity in teslas) are NOT listed as not covered in the Ford warranty, only intentional misuse or abuse.

OMG! The part you mentioned about not covering you driving through a car wash is spelled out to mean if you hit something…”accidents collisions or objects striking the vehicle ( including driving through a car wash)”, not about it getting wet…the Tesla voids the entire car if you don’t go into car wash mode to wash it and if you use any pressurized water, or get any water through the bad “seals”, or don’t immediately dry it.

Why are you trying so hard to misrepresent easily read warranties to pretend Teslas or their warranties are like the others…they aren’t. It’s clear.
Elon? Is that you?

visionep said:

From the F-150 warranty:

"misuse of the vehicle, such a driving over curbs, overloading, racing or using the vehicle as a permanent stationary power source"

And right above that part it says it won't cover you driving through a car wash.

For the same wind and water environment exclusion take a look at page 18.

Performative outrage against non-issues is amazingly common these days, but maybe it's always been that way. I can just hear an old lady on Little House on the Prairie exclaiming "Oh my, well I never!"

What Happens Now That Biden Dropped Out?

newtboy says...

The assassin is a MAGGOT. It was Trump’s teams assasination plan, idiot, hoping to replace the loser with someone palatable and not bat shit crazy…that’s why his own security team allowed so many blatant indefensible failures. They missed, so they cut his ear for sympathy hoping to at least gain him a few votes…it failed he’s lost many…there’s no real injury at all just an ear diaper. None. (On a side note, it’s hilarious that the same people who wouldn’t wear a mask for public safety or to end lockdowns sooner because it made them look silly will wear a sanitary napkin on their head to emulate great leader’s tiny ear scratch 😂)

If it had been successful and a real Republican candidate emerged with the sympathy for the last candidate’s assassination, Republicans would likely have beaten Biden easily, especially if their candidate was 60 or under. Trump is like Clinton, he draws votes for the opposition more than himself.

Yes, the people, the money people, and the super pacs already overflowing with cash to defeat the felon are 100% behind Harris, she already has more delegates than needed for the nomination, and between her and one superpac she has raised $240 million in 24 hours after the announcement, mostly small donations despite tricks like Elon blocking access to her campaign page. This is on top of the $240 million in Bidens super pac that will soon be hers.

It’s hilarious to hear the right try to paint a career successful prosecutor who in just one case recovered $18 billion for consumers, AG, multi term Senator, and VP as a puppet with no experience and no accomplishments but their candidate, a jr 2 year senator with no other experience (who will end up as president as soon as Trump pardons himself, sells a few billion in state secrets, and decides he’s tired of president ing and retires) and no accomplishments at all besides a book lambasting Appalachians like his mother as weak minded lazy drug addicted welfare queens and called Trump “America’s Hitler” before spinning 180 degrees is fine, not an inexperienced “yes man” puppet.

Joe is the most successful president in our lifetime, avoiding a depression Trump steered us into and cut the brakes before leaving, ending Covid, rescuing American manufacturing and (unfortunately) oil production, making America not just energy independent but an exporter, rescuing gdp from a negative, rescuing jobs better than every Republican president in my lifetime combined, even if you remove the massive negative that was Trump’s record (worst ever in history by far), slowed immigration significantly during the season when it normally explodes (despite Republicans blocking bipartisan border security measures), saving NATO from the likes of Trump, saving Ukraine from Putin (and now returning Crimea) which Trump would stop day one, reaffirming our support of Taiwan (which Trump would let China have), reaffirming our support of S Korea (which Trump will let N Korea have out of fear of nukes). Trump is the puppet president, fool, but the strings all lead to foreign dictators.

bobknight33 said:

Joe stayed in until his planned Trump assassination attempt failed.

If successful then Joe would have be an easy win.

Since it failed Joe came up with "COVID" as an excuse to step out.

Now the $ people will put up KH as not to rock the boat until the Dem Convention and possible swap her out.

If kept they will puppet string control her just like they have been doing with JOE.

Secret Service July 14th

newtboy says...

It wasn’t a democrat.
He wasn’t progressive.
It wasn’t an undocumented immigrant.
It wasn’t an LGBTQ+ person.
It wasn’t an African American.
It wasn’t any of the people he says are “poisoning the blood of America”.
It was a young white male registered Republican conservative gun advocate.

He was also a TERRIBLE shot, kicked off the high school shooting team for missing every target and hitting one wall of the range from the other side of the range. Classmates say he was conservative, a loner, a gun advocate but poor shot, and loved to make terrible insulting far right jokes.
Many have said he was bullied mercilessly daily in high school.
Don’t let the lying right try to paint him as a Democrat like they have already tried to do…claiming with zero evidence that he registered Republican to vote against Trump…classmates say he was staunchly conservative. He is one of theirs, unequivocally, undeniably, 100% red.

The isolated Genius Elephant

noims says...

I do remember a faked elephant painting thing going around years ago where the drawing were extremely basic, and it was just the trainer pulling on the elephant's ears to tell it what lines to draw.

This is presumably trying to build on that myth. The writing goes a bit far for me, but some of it's pretty well done.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Thank you for admitting the well known blatantly fraudulent fake you just tried to pass as fact.

Yes. Another Fake. Another fraud you try to disguise as a fact.

What you never seem to realize is every time you get behind one of these fake stories (which is constantly) what you are really saying is you have no real argument so you are forced to make up nonsense. Every time you doctor a video to make President Biden look unfit you admit he actually is fit. It’s an admission of the total failure of your position….something you would never intentionally do no matter how badly your position had failed, but a message you send daily by relying on lies and fraud to make your position.

It’s fake because it is not a payoff like is suggested and is what the President denied, but income/growth from declared 100% legal INVESTMENTS in Chinese companies with his 100% legitimate international investment company, again, not direct payments from them.
If making money from foreign investments is suddenly going to be considered illegal or immoral, let’s start with whales who directly and demonstrably sold policy for billions before going after minnows who made millions through investments with no policy involved. Who made billions from foreign powers again? Who directly made hundreds of millions directly from hostile governments like China while in office? (Rented unused space in his buildings for years, then cancelled the leas when he lost.). Who changed US policy to benefit the same governments?
Another long ago debunked talking point that’s really an admission disguised as an accusation, more fake news like every single thing you believe.

Notice he was not prosecuted for unreported income from foreign governments, nor was he charged with not reporting himself as a foreign agent…unlike dozens of maga officials and Trump family members. Barr spent 4 years investigating every detail of his finances and came up with nothing.

It’s also fake because it attempts to paint the father with the imagined sins of the son, which is nonsense.

It’s also hilarious because it reminds us that Trumps family DID have direct payments from hostile foreign governments after changing American international policy to benefit those governments to the tune of $3.5 billion, a verified fact unlike the lie that China paid Hunter $3 billion, or that President Biden ever changed any U.S. policy after a payment. Neither has been verified by a scintilla of evidence because neither happened.

Everything you believe is nonsense, because you bought every lie told by the lie machine for the last 8 years.
Every, single, one.

In New Hampshire disgraced felon Trump once again demanded that “President Obama immediately resign”. He STILL thinks Obama is president, it is not a joke, it is not reference to his claim that Obama pulls the strings, it is his tiny feeble brain melting under the pressure. He knows it makes him look like he’s in full blown dementia, but he keeps on doing it. Are you gullible enough to believe it’s on purpose, and if so isn’t that also an indication of dementia?

bobknight33 said:

Is this "fake" also?

I can’t stop watching

newtboy says...

I always wonder what the white liquid is and how do they clean it up.
They’ve been at this for years all over their house, if it was milk or yogurt their house would stink to high heaven, if paint the walls and carpets would be a Jackson Pollock painting.
What is it?

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

😂 The maga shamans in full torn up American flags, face paint, and buffalo hat regalia performing cult rituals and praying to Trump in front of the courthouse are really hurting your case that you aren’t in a cult. 😂

Police Called To Stop Filming During Piano Livestream

newtboy says...

The escalation continues…the piano donated by Elton John for PUBLIC USE is now cordoned off with two guards stopping anyone from playing it.
Please, people, start splashing red paint on this mall until they stop capitulating to China’s outrageous demands in England.
If they’re going to be willingly Chinese led, make them look the part (and stop shopping there until they get their shit together).

"Hunter Biden Spent $872K on Hookers" - Facing 9 Indictment

newtboy says...

The video itself, and reality debunk it.
The title is a pure lie.
He did not even allegedly spend anywhere near $872k on hookers.
Clear enough?

You clearly want to conflate correcting any baseless lie you tell about Hunter and Joe with claiming Hunter is an absolutely innocent target, but that’s simply false. Hunter did many criminal things, that’s clear, none of which would normally be elevated to prosecution and certainly wouldn’t warrant jail, that’s also clear. He’s no roll model, but he doesn’t claim to be one. His crimes are similar to those of Trump except in scale, Trump has been found guilty of up to $250 million in tax evasion in NY alone while spending hundreds of millions on “hookers” if all women you pay for sex are hookers (hookers and luxury hotels, rental property, real estate, gifts for girlfriends and wives, lawyers, luxury vehicles, clothing, food, etc)

Considering your rapist, publicly pedophilic, proudly incestuous, “best friend of Epstein”, state secret stealing and selling, convicted fraud, tax cheating, Sudafed addicted cult leader, I don’t think you really want to get into who’s a degenerate and to what extent.

I think it’s clear that Hunter didn’t handle his brother’s death well and went on a multi year binge, with all the related bad decisions that come with that. I think its also exceedingly clear he never did anything that intentionally hurt others or put them in untenable positions, he only hurt himself (and by extension his family).
I think it’s also clear that Hunter didn’t have the ability to peddle any influence, especially when his father wasn’t in office or even a candidate during the time in question, but it’s also abundantly clear the persecution is purely politically motivated as an attempt to paint the father with an exaggeration of the son’s crimes.

What is important to recognize is Hunter is not running for any public office, especially not the highest on earth, he’s a private citizen. Trump wants to be dictator for life then leave the country to his little boys….he needs to now that his fraudulent financial empire is crumbling to dust. Trump made hundreds of millions defrauding others, intentionally hurting others, swindling others, etc.

Please take an English refresher course. It’s painful.

bobknight33 said:

All know you a TOOL.

Debunk this

What evidence do you have that debunks this?

Please enlighten your fellow Sifters?

The IRS is after his ass.

Don't think Hunter is a sex, drug degenerate?

What evidence do you have that will disprove the IRS case?

Put up or shut up.

Palestinian UN Ambassador At UN

bcglorf says...

“ my solution would be every able bodied Jewish man and woman join the French (or Polish, Russian, British) army and fucking fight…”

I agree that’s the noble thing to do, but I can’t condemn the ones that choose to seek safety in numbers with Jewish Palestinians as exclusively invasion minded aggressors. My 6 million tag was maybe a bit sharp, but you also know that the Nazi’s took Paris and as much as it sucked to be French or European under Nazi occupation, you also know adding Jewish to that carried a lot of extra consequence and danger to your family.

My POV is agnostic of everything save Isreali people today having a right exist as a nation. Which at this point from my POV leaves 1947 as somewhat academic.

It’s your insistence that Jewish people, and the existence of Israel, have always fundamentally been invaders that I was objecting to as it is so intensely at odds with factual history.

You gave a brief nod on not being a scholar of Palestinian history, but then proceed to just count all Jewish refugees as good as Zionist aggressors from day 1(or close enough), and the local Arab population as nothing but pure, kind caring victims of these invaders.

I will state again, that is ahistorical propaganda and NOT what actually happened. And for my POV, its enough generations back as to be Academic, but for your POV it is fundamental because without being able to writeoff Israel as invaders from day 1, nuance enters the calculus and suddenly the conflict is flooded with shades of grey because lots of parties all contribute to the bloodshed, and many with reasonable motivations from both sides yet too.

Please find me any reputable sources to refute the reality of 1920-1940s Palestine:
-Mass Jewish immigration fleeing European oppression raised tensions between Jewish and Arab Palestinians.(as one must expect)
-Arab palestinians were already chaffing and resisting British colonial rule(as one must expect)
-These tensions led conflict, initially more ‘civil’ with the Arab majority trying to refuse all business, sales and trade with all Jews.
-Escalation followed throughout that time, but in drips and drops and NOT a ‘surprise the Zionist army has arrived’! style of aggression

The violent escalation was a fight here, a beating there. Little individual fights, escalating into deaths. Retaliations slowly grew, with each side exchanging small escalations.

-the culmination of this was eventually all out civil war, and the Jewish side immediately accepting a UN mandated 2 state solution

-this culmination coinciding with the end of WW2 and revelations of the true extent of the holocaust can’t be ignored, it certainly shaped the Jewish mindset in the conflict.

-Their mindset was pretty clearly not inaccurate either, as the immediate response of all neighbouring Arab nations was a declaration of war on the new ‘state’, with bold claims of how quickly the Jews would be swept into the sea. The confidence was so high, a call was sent it for ALL Arab palestinians to abandon and flee the entire region of Palestine to better enable the complete cleansing of the land.

The above is all pretty much inarguably factual, and I’d bargain you could get an Arabic and Israeli scholar together to more or less agree on those facts which is saying alot.

Propaganda from both sides would like to declare that the Arabs harboured deep Nazi sympathies, and thus Israel was pure and true in all it did. Or from the other side, more or less your narrative of Zionist bad guys launching invasion from day 1(ish).

Both though are just sprinklings of half truths, with anti-British resentment naturally breeding some leanings towards the axis, and even genuine Nazi cleanse the Jews believers. And absolutely Zionists featured prominently within the Jewish population. Neither of those partial truths though make the propaganda of either side true, but instead just an incomplete and intentionally biased picture.

Again, please find me sources demonstrating I’m terribly wrong on all that, but the only ones I can find are clearly biased and the accurate accounts paint the picture above, the propaganda very, very clearly copies the real story more or less with just deletions of inconvenient bits

Palestinian UN Ambassador At UN

newtboy says...

Hint- Not being 100% free of fear is no excuse for becoming the invading Nazis themselves. The Nazis used fear of the other as an excuse for expansionist inhumanity too….it’s not one.
Having lived through fascist oppression one would think they would be vehemently opposed to it, but they are instead relishing it.
Look at Netanyahu’s face when he talks about crushing and eradicating Palestinians, he’s really enjoying it.

If your group is suddenly being lambasted from all sides, you might consider why, not just whine that it’s unfair and scary. There’s good reason for rising anti Zionist sentiment today…and many on both sides aren’t bright enough to distinguish that from anti Jewish sentiment.

In some places, the six pointed star is the most prevalent symbol of murderous fascist hatred. Guaranteed it’s freshly painted on hundreds of flattened buildings today, many with dead children still inside. That’s a bit worse than a kid’s provocative tag under an overpass. Other recent instances include mosques burnt down and tagged with star of Davids. Don’t get it twisted, don’t excuse violence over fear.

bcglorf said:

If a hint is needed for why the 1940s immigration happened, folks all over western cities are spray painting logos right now to remind us all.

Link below is to my tiny province's capital, but it's hard to find cities that aren't seeing it swastika's popping up all over. The left is suddenly all soft though now on the punch a nazi policy...

Palestinian UN Ambassador At UN

Hunter Biden makes Millions from China and Ukraine

The Male Tease Method

newtboy says...

That suddenly explains the orange clown makeup Trump uses…he couldn’t spray paint his bald spot Orange without getting it on his face, so he just went with Orange as a face color too. His true color is a sickly translucent pale pink, so it was a smart makeup decision to “enhance” his skin tone….it would have been even smarter to choose a color humans can be.

noims said:

I am of the ardent belief that there has been exactly one good combover in the history of humanity:

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