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TheFreak says...

I believe it's a matter of personal identity.
The people in these clips are VERY involved in projecting their identity. You look at these people and you know right away exactly who they want you to see them as.

"Conservative" is part of that identity.
It's "Conservative" being sold as a brand, an image, and a lifestyle. The details of the Republican platform are secondary. In fact, you can project anything you want onto it. It doesn't matter what's behind the label.

People are looking for a sense of inclusion. It's reassuring to know that you can howl the right words in a crowded space and hear your pack howl back. If the words you howl are shocking to another group...well that's all the better, it fits your personal identity.

Sagemind said:

They vote against their own interests as they worship. Completely blinded.

Best cult ever?

Burglary In Progress

scheherazade says...

Reply to multiple previous comments:

"Literally no different from a pistol other than it can have better accuracy and sometimes higher caliber"

.38 (9mm), .40, .45 are the calibers you will see used by police pistols

.223 (5.56mm), .300, .308, are the calibers you will see used by police rifles

Unless an officer is using a personal firearm at work, the pistols should all be higher caliber.

The major difference is muzzle velocity damage.
The pistol cuts a tunnel the diameter of the [expanded] bullet.
The rifle leaves an exit wound multiple inches across, and at point blank will grenade the exit side of the target, painting the wall with gibs.

"Can you tell me why you believe it's "not a great idea" when the criminals already all have guns too?"

Because police should be there to protect citizens lives, at the cost of their own if needed. (Hence the "hero"/"Public Servant" status they so like to remind us of)

If they protect their own lives, at the cost of citizens if needed, then they become a part of the problem they are supposed to be solving.

Just imagine the uninvolved bystander down the street struck down for no fault of their own.

The better path forward is full head to toe level 4 body armor for police, not heavier police firepower in packed suburbs.

That way they have the option to hold fire and assess the situation without shitting their pants and hosing the place down with lead "just in case, so they minimize the risk of getting hurt".

Full L4 body armor means that when things like the VT shooting happen, the police don't pitch tents outside and wait for SWAT (who actually has armor) to show up while people are likely getting killed inside.

Full L4 body armor means that when police open a door to a bathroom with an intruder inside (or a vacuum), they don't have to be thinking "kill or be killed".

"You are assuming it's a high velocity rifle. It's likely only 9mm, meaning minimal impact and penetration"

The video shows shots of the rifle magazine. It's not a 9mm pcc (pistol caliber carbine) magazine. It's the standard form factor. Meaning it is likely to be one of common the off the shelf calibers for that form factor :
.300 blackout
6.8 spc
.224 valkyrie
6.5 grendel
None are 9mm. And other than a subsonic .300 blackout variant (used with suppressors/silencers), all pack a world more hurt than a 9mm.

It's true that a faster/heavier round will pass through more walls, and more houses.

Not sure it matters though, as 9mm ball will go through plenty of sheetrock layers, and rifle ammo stands a chance at fragmenting on impact with obstacles.
Which goes farther for any given shot will depend on what each one strikes along the way, and if it's bullet is of type FMJ/ball or HP or frag or penetrator or whatever.


I was tired of shoveling my driveway


Mordhaus says...

So, plant based eaters have Vegan superpowers that prevent colon cancer?

You ridicule my take on statistics, which you are wrong about as the 18% chance still ends up being a 1% chance OVER A LIFETIME, but you think that being Vegan means you will never experience pre-cancerous polyps or full blown colon cancer?

ANYONE can get colon cancer, Vegans still have a lifetime risk of 5% like everyone else. Even the link I quoted says they simply recommend choosing fish, poultry, or beans instead of red meat and processed meat. They DON'T say "GO VEGAN AND NO CANCERS FOREVER LOL".

That is why this is propaganda. The PCRM and it's lead Vegan doctor founder would have you believe that if you go Vegan that all of life's ails would simply be gone. You will never get those nasty sicknesses the meat eating brutes get...without acknowledging that diet is NEVER going to overrule genetic predisposition for certain ailments and conditions. It certainly might help very slightly in the long run, but the PCRM would have you believe that eating meat is equivalent to chainsmoking 4 packs of cigarettes a day, ie, you WILL get cancer if you aren't Vegan.

Trust me, I also understand having people that you love dying sucks. I've lost my entire biological family and many of my wife's family due to various reasons. All I have left is my wife's family and my biological mother. But I also realize that every single person is going to die. I also know that a lot of times that death isn't going to make sense or even be fair. You might be able to salvage a few years by restricting yourself from the pleasures of life, but statistically you still could die in a shitty way.

That is why I don't agree with the Vegan outlook or the ideal they promote that going Vegan will give you the longest lasting life with all happiness. There are many other diets that could provide the same minor edge in extending life, but Vegans typically refuse to acknowledge that. I view them as a pseudo-science cult, much like Breatharians.

transmorpher said:

Unfortunately there's nothing I can do to stop your comments from appearing once I'm on the page, but they are blanked out. I made the mistake of revealing your comment. But I can assure you I have learned from that mistake.

If you don't like the statistics then take it up with the World Health Organisation.

The other thing is, go and get a colonoscopy. Colon cancer can be symptom-less until spreads to your other organs. You likely already have it, and even if you don't I can guarantee you have the pre-cancerous polyps in there, everyone does, except for plant-based eaters.

We Believe: The Best Men Can Be - Gillette Ad

SFOGuy says...

I'm not sure that all of Spain considers it ok to be as "masculine" as some proportion of Spanish men (but not all) think they should be.

I mean--what could be more masculine than the running of the bulls in Pamplona, Spain? Hemingway, the famously macho writer, literally wrote about it.

But--when a WhatsApp group calling themselves the "Wolfpack" harassed and raped an 18 year old girl there in 2016--and received a "sexual assault" but not a rape conviction for their actions---the lighter sentence was not well received. The guys think they they should appeal to go free; the other half of the country is outraged.

Mordhaus said:

It is about blaming things on something someone made up called 'toxic masculinity'. Please explain to me why we have so many 'issues' with it here in the USA when there are countries like Spain and others where it is considered OK to be masculine?

I feel we can narrow it down to one simple factor, a collegiate system in which we are now taught that everything white is bad, everything male is bad, and everything conservative is bad. There is no backlash on this because if you complain, YOU ARE THE TOXIC PERSON!

Let me give you an example and bear in mind that I think Trump may be the worst president we have had. Jim Carrey, who is notably liberal and PC (lately anyway) created a painting comparing people who voted for Trump to apes. A de-evolution artwork. Hardly a peep from anyone, but if you compared other groups to apes you would be branded a racist and more. It's perfectly fine to take potshots at anything liberal people consider to be bad, but god help you if you do it to something they care about.

tl;dr I think it is a stupid fucking commercial that they put out to increase sales with Proctor & Gambles female slanted brands. They might lose a few razor related sales, but there are a shitload of white knights out there that will fall in line to argue that men are just assholes and should be beaten down to accept their new role. Since I use an old fashioned safety razor from Merkur, I can't boycott them, but I would if I could.

newtboy (Member Profile)

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newtboy (Member Profile)

Smoking a Carolina Reaper

Larkin Poe - Mad As A Hatter

Sagemind says...

If I didn't have the lyrics in front of me, I wouldn't know what she was saying half the time, which is unfortunate, because a song like this packs more punch if you go away replaying the words in your head, and being able to sing along with them.

12 dogs and a deer fall off a cliff during a hunt

newtboy says...

If the asshat Hunter had died, yeah, I would vote to allow it.
No human died, so it's not snuff.

I hate people who hunt with dogs. They never show any concern for their animals. My neighbor hunted bears with a dog pack....he seemed to lose a few dogs a year and severely injured more, and he never cared a bit.

NaMeCaF said:

We're allowing Snuff to be sifted now are we? Great

White House revokes CNN reporters press pass

newtboy says...

No. That's not the issue.
The issue is that when you are to the right of Goebbels, everything looks liberal and honest truth looks like a partisan attack. The right has not just run far right, they put on rocket shoes with wheels and warped right. What was considered a hard right position 20 years ago is now called hyper liberal by your ilk.
There is no excuse for the garbage "reporting" going Fox, OAN, and Info Wars. None. It's not really reporting when you make up 90% and use each other as sources.

Kavanaugh was treated like a prince compared to Garland, a centrist judge confirmed unanimously by republicans before they lost their minds and souls to become the party of "Fuck you".
Fusion thing? You mean his crappy dietary supplements that he claims could make you the Adonis that Jones himself is? Um...yeah, that's obviously and undeniably a pack of lies concocted by Alex Jones. Duh.

Again, you choose to conflate imperfection on the left with inhumanity and consistent dishonesty and fraud from the top leadership on the right.
Obama did better stopping undocumented migrants out than Trump has without dehumanizing them or calling them murderers and rapists in obvious racist ploys to get his racist base excited, but you certainly disagree because and are certain Trump has done more because Trump calls them rapists and murderers, and implies that any middle eastern is a terrorist (but not angry white guys with guns and mail bombs, those are good people).

There may be more than enough scum to go around, but one side is nothing but lying fraudulent scumbags now, and it's not the left. Trump is a convicted fraud who defrauded poor students (and charities, and anyone he ever did business with) and is 100% incapable of being truthful even when his words are written for him, and the dishonesty seeped through the party like Ebola, leaving none uninfected. You look at 2 children, one with some mud on its face, the other slathered head to toe like a golem, and you say they're both dirty, plenty of mud on both sides. *facepalm

Briguy1960 said:

It has nothing to do with what I personally like.
This is the issue here.
You despise Trump and so does the liberal dominated media so they gloss over shit the Left do and come down harder on Trump etc.
There is no excuse for the garbage reporting going on.
I suppose you think Kavanaugh was treated fairly too.
The Fusion thing is all just a pack of lies concocted by Alex Jones etc too right?
Blatant showboating about how cruel Trump is when it has been proven time and time again the Democrats held the same views and would never let caravans in...
Funny how things are viewed when you are a religious fanatic as the left is becoming in their
rage against all things Trump and GOP.
Keep looking at things through rose colored glasses my friend.
There is plenty of scum to go around on both sides.

White House revokes CNN reporters press pass

Briguy1960 says...

It has nothing to do with what I personally like.
This is the issue here.
You despise Trump and so does the liberal dominated media so they gloss over shit the Left do and come down harder on Trump etc.
There is no excuse for the garbage reporting going on.
I suppose you think Kavanaugh was treated fairly too.
The Fusion thing is all just a pack of lies concocted by Alex Jones etc too right?
Blatant showboating about how cruel Trump is when it has been proven time and time again the Democrats held the same views and would never let caravans in...
Funny how things are viewed when you are a religious fanatic as the left is becoming in their
rage against all things Trump and GOP.
Keep looking at things through rose colored glasses my friend.
There is plenty of scum to go around on both sides.

mentality said:

"How can you not call CNN fake news when the majority of their programming is all about Trump in a negative light?"

This is because in reality, Trump is a piece of shit. Accurate reporting does not have to make something seem balanced when in reality it is not. This is why the majority of news media, not just CNN, report Trump in a negative light. There is nothing good to report about cancer.

This is why most international news media in the western world, who are not affected by domestic US partisan bias, report Trump in a negative light. Read the BBC if you want. Trump is just as shitty in Britain as he is in America.

There are two possibilities: one is that there is some sudden massive coordinated conspiracy by the once respectable and honest media to lie about Trump. Or two, the media is just exposing the immoral compulsive liar in the Oval office for the piece of shit that he is.

Just because you don't like hearing negative things about Trump doesn't mean that those things are fake. Don't be gullible and let Trump's lies fool you into believing that anything negative against him is a part of some agenda. That is the first step any communist or fascist dictator uses to blind their people to the truth.

Coin with secrets!!!

The Secret Behind the World’s Best Green Tea

C-note says...

During the harvest season the narrow roads up there are packed with people going to get the tea for themselves, because no one trust stores elsewhere that often repackage other teas as Royal Dragon Tea. Just about anytime of year the place is loaded with hundreds of weddings in and around West Lake. They should really consider freeing White Snake.

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