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M*A*S*H War is war, Hell is Hell

newtboy says...

Kids, cripples, old ladies….he calls them innocents!? Has he ever met any?

Show me an innocent child, and I’ll show you an adult with blinders on in the nearest mirror.

Woman pepper sprays couple eating outside without masks

diego says...

well this hits me close.

I live in chile, in a rural area that was one of the few not in quarantine in the area. i have a bakery and since march even before govt mandate we shifted to takeaway and closed off the shop to customers, and reduced our shift to one person on site for only 4 hours, with PPE. a week ago, a guy from out of town came (taking advantage there was no quarantine here and thus notaries like the one next to me are open) and asked to use the bathroom, my employee refused and the guy then made a one minute video showing 2 people show up without masks, he walks up and starts berating them for not respecting the law and everyone there (mostly old ladies) basically got too scared to defend themselves, so the video looks bad. we ended up on the news, shut down, huge fine, for customers' behavior outside our shop- all because of a video that intentionally made it appear like we were serving people normally when that wasn't the case.

so im now more sensitive to the corona righteous as well as these short viral videos in general. unless those people eating outside were following her around and intentionally coughing on her, there is nothing to justify her using mace on them, but i agree that the video doesnt show enough to establish that. people everywhere need to adapt to the new reality and im all for prevention including hard quarantines where necessary, but we also have to be reasonable about how we approach one another and understand there are acceptable risks, such as having picnics or playing tennis, and unacceptable ones like not wearing a mask indoors or in groups.

Cohen Sentenced; Trump's Shutdown Threat: A Closer Look

JiggaJonson says...


I'd also point to the Hot Coffee case as THE clearest example of tort reform propaganda that I'm aware of.

McDonald's had hundreds of burn complaints and it was their policy to keep the coffee at scalding temps to stop old people from drinking it too fast (they have to wait for it to cool) when they meet for their morning Blue Haired Neighborhood Committee meetings.

THEN this woman got burned. She only sued for the cost of her medical expenses, the jury awarded the extras for pain and suffering (she couldn't walk without a limp after when she was a spry tennis-playing old lady prior).



Marvel Studios' Captain Marvel - Official Trailer

Long Term Delivery by Jake Honig (Comedy Short Film)

New Rule: Distinction Deniers

Briguy1960 says...

What on earth do you mean by "can" lead?
We're already there.
Sadly sites like the one in question and even Hannity's show are useful in showing us the other side of the coin that big brother doesn't want us to see.
Society is a sick puppy.
Where losers rejoice at taking down anyone they "perceive" as being better than them.
(Kinda like that gangsta old lady parking violator video mentality on a larger scale)
The bit about the airlines was only a small part of the entire video and still holds up at any rate.
This is why men do have EVERY right to listen in and gosh darnit even COMMENT on the latest rules of conduct being introduced on how they should act and be treated in society.
I'm not even going to lower myself by entering the arguments here on what constitutes rape etc or how a broad slanderous brush will or will not solve the problems.
It's like dealing with people who sniffed glue or suffered brain trauma.
Like talking to anyone who actually thinks CNN is real news or isn't totally biased.
How it's totally ok for the FBI to do what it did and shame on anyone who tries to reveal it.
I always find it cute how CNN pushes news clips at you often not having anything at all to do with what you went there to read.
I am or was a liberal but this trend has gone far beyond troubling.

newtboy said:

Where this can lead if unchecked....

NICEST Car Horn Ever- DIY

Buttle says...

Motor boy gets it wrong on at least two counts:

1) There is absolutely no reason to try to be nice to someone who is texting while in control of a motor vehicle -- they are endangering everyone around them and richly deserve social opprobrium.

2) Teenagers, like old ladies in walkers, have the fucking right of way in the crosswalk, and are in no way obligated to go as fast as some asshole driver wants them to.

Attorney arrested for defending her clients

00Scud00 says...

The cops could be doing ninety miles an hour down city streets while running over random pedestrians, shooting at little old ladies and doing coke off a hookers ass and the department would still feel that their officers did nothing wrong.

#BuyMyVitara - Suzuki Vitara '96 for sale

Life Accordion To Trump,

1980s Irish Catholic Sex Education Video



00Scud00 says...

I've always found the whole argument that good deeds are actually selfish acts to be a little silly. Would it be better if an act of kindness can only be ideologically pure if it's accompanied by some kind of sacrifice by whoever commits the act in the first place? Open a door for an old lady? Fine, but afterwords you must commit seppuku or everyone will think you're a dick.
Feeling good for doing the right thing is just positive reinforcement in action and that seems like a win-win to me.

Woman Executed by Cop Because She “Might Be Smoking Pot"

newtboy says...

One more instance of cops covering for each others murders. I only wish I could be surprised by this, but sadly this is exactly how criminal cops are treated almost every time. It took over 4 years to get any charge at all, and that only came about because of public shaming and investigation (the only investigation in this murder) by the local news, and there must have been not only absolutely zero investigation but actual cover up at the scene by the entire force (at least every one involved in any way with the 'investigation') for his story to have held up at all in the first place. There was clearly no GSR test done on him, or it would have shown he shot her...and the investigators had to actually HIDE the testimony of most or all of the witnesses to further his story that she shot herself (with his secured gun) and actively help him claim he wasn't involved.

That, @Stormsinger, is why so many people no longer believe in the 'good cop'. That doesn't mean the cops can't EVER act properly or 'good', it means that, in this and far too many other cases, entire forces are obviously, unavoidably complicit in crimes up to and including murder (if you help cover it up, you're complicit...that's the law), and murderers are bad, period, no matter how many little old ladies they help across the street or how professionally they act when they're not being actively or passively criminal.

(before someone jumps on the 'passively criminal' phrase as ridiculous, please note that it's the law that an officer MUST act to stop any serious crime they are aware of, and not doing so is being actively criminal by intentionally shirking their sworn duties).

Self-Driving Cars Are Coming Right For Us

Payback says...

I'm pretty sure self driving vehicles are going to be killed off by the legal responsibilty problem.

If you're the only person in your self driving car, and it runs a little old lady over, who's at fault? If you're still going to be at fault, because it's your car, then people won't buy them in any great numbers. If you have to be just as attentive even though you have no control, people won't buy them.

I see self-correcting cars being popular. The car that decides "oh, you're an idiot, I'm gonna save you" and then does so.

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