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Hayes: NRA "Good Guy With A Gun" Theory Failed In Real Time

BSR (Member Profile)

Hayes: NRA "Good Guy With A Gun" Theory Failed In Real Time

newtboy says...

The proof that these assholes don’t believe their “good guy with a gun” lie is they don’t allow guns at the NRA events.

I wish some nut(s) would attack the NRA event, shooting a few dozen gun proponent politicians that normally hide behind their armed security and bullet proof podiums. I’m sure their tune would change significantly if some of their ilk were silenced permanently. No one deserves it more than Abbot.

Edit: BTW…more unarmed school children have been murdered in school this year than police officers in the line of duty. For all their bravado, their whining about how dangerous it is to be a cop, the necessity for more militarized equipment for their safety, it’s actually more dangerous to be a 10 year old student. I guess those kids should all get vests, rifles, pepper spray, armored vehicles and buildings, etc. ..that’s the solution.

Also, guns are the leading cause of death for children under 19 …have been since 2020.

Fucking worthless cowards and thugs, every single one. They deserve one more bullet each…delivered at high speed.

Hayes: NRA "Good Guy With A Gun" Theory Failed In Real Time

cloudballoon says...

Imagine the scenario where a bad guy pulls out a gun, the first "good guy" pulls out a gun, then a second "good guy" pulls out his gun... wanna bet the probability who the 2nd guy points his or her gun to? And the subsequent 3rd-nth good guys' guns going to point theirs to?

Oh, then unevitably the "no duty to protect" police forces come and shoot ALL the guys with guns.

Total chaos, and good luck untangling the legal lawsuits that will inevitably come after. America! F**k YEAH!!

"Good Guy With A Gun" Theory. These NRA honchos reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaally don't want their subservient cohorts think one more step ahead of any argument. The sad truth is there's enough of mindless American too lazy (or even capable?) to think ahead just as they wished due to America's educational system and pathetic "freedom at all costs" patirotism & American 2nd Ammendment Exceptionalism crap.

There are many democratic countries that said no to widespread gun ownerships (Australia, NZ, Japan) and are far better for it. I guess (read: I don't watch C-SPAN) that sense of American Pride infects even the Democrats to be gutsy enough to compare the US to other countries during legislative gun-control debates?

That assault-style (like the ARs) gun ownership rights is pretty FUBAR from the get go. If that's a right, why not grenades? Tanks, fighter jets, subs and heck, nuclear missiles? As long as I'm a "no criminal record" American citizen, isn't it my God-given right -- and my freedom! -- to own any weapons as long as I can afford it? Unhindered Capitalism at its finest we're talking here! The most American of values!

The Myth of Cuban Health Care

noseeem says...

not certain why this video, but 'Sicko' was 3 administrations ago.

did notice a couple 'wtf' moments. Harvey Weinstein in the background and an NRA logo on a doctor's desk. Harv made for an uneasy moment but a physician w/NRA (support/irony) is kind of a conflict of interest.

bit of a gamble for bk bringing up healthcare when some of the countries w/best healthcare, run a universal system.

okay. skip Cuba's, take Denmark's. would settle for Canada's (they are always ranked above the US on almost every meteric)

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Are you aware that most Republicans in DC are now legally barred from running for office under the constitution?

14th amendment clause 3- No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.

Now you understand why all Republicans voted against investigating The Jan 6 insurrection, the rebellion against the election. Sadly for them, that act is giving aid and comfort to the enemies of the state, so now they don’t even have to be implicated directly, their vote to not investigate invalidates them as candidates. Expect this to come up against Green next year.

Uh oh….the FEC, the election regulatory agency that Trump intentionally under staffed to the point that it couldn’t start an investigation much less conduct one has now been ordered to investigate the Trump campaign and the NRA that used shell companies to give Trump $25 million in 2016, a massive campaign donation limit violation, and used those shell companies to coordinate with the Trump campaign (and many other Republicans). Apparently this case was submitted to them years ago, but they didn’t have the legally required number of appointees to operate, and the few they had were Trump appointees not interested in investigating any charges against Republicans with a backlog of over 450 cases…so the FEC did nothing. Now they have been ordered by a judge to start the investigation in 30 days. Not going to go well for your people, they all played fast and loose under Trump, and there’s a new sheriff in town now.

GOP Purging Anyone Who Won't Embrace Trump's Election Lies

luxintenebris says...

like lesions that won't heal.

the goofiness of hearing the goldfish and his crackers spouting 'rhino' referring to a decades-long officeholder is too rich - or in ditzy don's case - too poor to be believed.

when Vader's daughter (no offense to the 'real' Leia) is the moral conscience of the party, it's truly beyond the pale. and the GOP is as pale as it gets.

bk33 has to be baiting (or just jim jones'ing)*. to t.t.'s bleat - what is he going on about? find it impenetrable (ala lead-lined).

* 'tho from his lips to GOD's ears. would love to witness the demise of the NRA and GOP in this lifetime.

Republicans Try to Dismiss Trumps Second Impeachment Trial

newtboy says...

Impeachment already happened for a second time. You mean the trial.

It is pretty definitely constitutional because he was impeached while still the sitting president.

One reason for it is, in a criminal trial, they have to prove he intended to start a violent insurrection, a very difficult bar to clear especially considering his contradictory instructions in his speech and his mental an impeachment trial they only have to show that his words incited it, not his intent. That’s a no brainer.

The only way it hurts Democrats in 2022 is it would hinder his creating a new party that would split “conservative” votes and guarantee victory for democrats across the board. Thinking conservatives should be itching for conviction and a ban from office to save the Republican party in 2022, if he’s let off conservatives are domed....republicans can’t win without Trumpists, Trump can’t win without Republicans. Conversely, letting him off with no consequences would hurt the democrat vote badly...why elect them if they let Republicans get away with everything including violent and deadly insurrection and attempted assassination.

Your fear of libs coming for your guns makes me sad. You drank the fear flavored koolaid, they just aren’t unless you go violently nuts, stalk someone, or beat your wife up, or if you need to buy them illegally because you’re a felon. Note, the NRA went bankrupt under Trump and McConnel, not Biden.

If Republicans want to fight everything because a murderous and treasonous coup is prosecuted as if it were disturbing the peace with no prison time possible, they should be tossed as traitors to the constitution that they swore to uphold that requires a punishment for inciting insurrection and attempting a government overthrow. Really, they want an excuse for fighting everything, it’s a foregone conclusion that they will no matter what, they have zero interest in compromise or bipartisanship. They insisted Trump had a mandate and should ignore Democrats completely because he won the electoral college, but now that Biden won it and the popular vote and the house and senate they insist he has no mandate and must let the minority call the shots. It’s not consistent because they aren’t honest about anything anymore.

No one that thinks prosecuting directing an attempted coup is wrong would be voting democrat anyway. Prosecuting incitement of murderous insurrection is not vengeance, it’s barely a thin slice of justice, but it’s the best that can be reasonably hoped for in today’s hyper partisan climate.

Mordhaus said:

As much of a fuck up Trump turned out to be, it really isn't going to happen. I believe, as does about half of the legal scholars, that once the President has left office there are other methods to go after him other than impeachment. Impeachment is for a sitting President.

If you want to go after him for Treason/Sedition in a Federal court, feel free, just quit wasting time with an impeachment that may not be constitutional and that will never happen. Plus, instead of focusing on pushing the stimulus, you are both giving Republicans an excuse to fight you on everything and showing moderates that you are more concerned with vengeance than fixing the country. That is not going to help you out in 2022, mark my words.

Thankfully all the brouhaha is keeping the government focused well away from guns. Crossing my fingers that Dems are stupid enough to kill enough time on Trump stuff that we can take back the House/Senate.

Tulsa - Lincoln Project

bobknight33 says...

MLK, a man of peace. . Governor George Wallace DEMOCRAT, On his 1963, inauguration speech said “Segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever!” His inauguration speech was written by Ku Klux Klan...... Truth is a bitch Sorry Lincoln project 1/2 facts are no facts and hence do nothing but stir the pot of discontent.

The fight is not about Biden VS Trump. POTUS come and go.

Its really about Dems VS REPs. Which party is the best party of unity, equality for blacks.

Which party pushed equality more? Reps started the NAACP, Rep started the NRA to teach blacks how to defend themselves. Republicans push the civil rights act of 64 and 68. Dems pushed back but pushed a Dem potus to sign it.

Dems need black dependency to stay in power and need a dependent voting pool. Sad. Dems used people as slaves then and political pawns today.

MAGA Challenge

wtfcaniuse says...

Watching OAN for political information is like watching the NRA channel for unbiased firearm information. /Golfclap

bobknight33 said:

Wow such talent.

On more serious note:

Ukrainian MP says Burisma head to be indicted, Hunter Biden slush fund named

Back-To-School Essentials | Sandy Hook Promise

harlequinn says...

"The modern interpretation".

Which brings it in line with the original intention of the document. I.e. the people are the militia and they have a right to bear arms.

"I can't imagine that Franklin would have expected that children should go to elementary school in fear of being murdered by their classmates either."

I'm glad you can't imagine it, because statistically it's occurrence is almost zero. They should fear this no more than fearing being eaten by a shark, struck by lighting, or killed in a plane crash.

"with a few lobby organizations like the NRA"
Why are you including the NRA? At the last presidential election they didn't even make the top 50 contributors.

Does this change your assessment?

notarobot said:

The word "militia" comes up time and time again in those founding documents. That the citizens should have access to arms as party of "a well regulated militia."

The modern interpretation of the second amendment has done away with the idea that a citizen ought to be a part of an organized militia to bear arms.

The founders of the US said other things too:

“A lady asked Dr. Franklin Well Doctor what have we got a republic or a monarchy. A republic replied the Doctor if you can keep it.”

I imagine that Franklin thought the republic would need defending against other monarchies, not from large corporations who, after centuries of wealth concentration would, with a few lobby organizations like the NRA, become the de-facto unelected rulers of the land.

I can't imagine that Franklin would have expected that children should go to elementary school in fear of being murdered by their classmates either.

Back-To-School Essentials | Sandy Hook Promise

notarobot says...

The word "militia" comes up time and time again in those founding documents. That the citizens should have access to arms as party of "a well regulated militia."

The modern interpretation of the second amendment has done away with the idea that a citizen ought to be a part of an organized militia to bear arms.

The founders of the US said other things too:

“A lady asked Dr. Franklin Well Doctor what have we got a republic or a monarchy. A republic replied the Doctor if you can keep it.”

I imagine that Franklin thought the republic would need defending against other monarchies, not from large corporations who, after centuries of wealth concentration would, with a few lobby organizations like the NRA, become the de-facto unelected rulers of the land.

I can't imagine that Franklin would have expected that children should go to elementary school in fear of being murdered by their classmates either.

harlequinn said:

The founders of the USA foresaw this sort of issue and wrote an extremely strong constitution preventing government from effectively regulating arms.

Back-To-School Essentials | Sandy Hook Promise

wtfcaniuse says...

You do realise that an overwhelming majority of Americans support gun control and background checks right? It's nothing to do with left vs right or political grandstanding.

Even within the NRA the majority of members oppose the official NRA stance on gun control.

Stop talking rubbish, it was sad years ago, it's pathetic now.

bobknight33 said:

LAMO such propaganda and fear mongering.

The left do not care about saving people from getting shot or killed. Its only a political tool to spread over hyped fear to take all guns away from the public.

Generally speaking:
99% of all gun shooting are illegally obtained guns of Democrat controlled cities.

99% of of shooting are non NRA members.

School - mall- etc shootings represent less that 1% of shootings but get 80% of the national press coverage.

Back-To-School Essentials | Sandy Hook Promise

newtboy says...

If the left didn't care about people getting shot and killed, why would they care about guns? Duh.

99% of shootings are by illegally obtained guns in democratic cities?!
Site your source.....I know you can't, you flushed already. The actual number is 40-<60% of those convicted of illegal shootings admit they used illegally obtained guns, the number varying by state, higher where laws deny violent convicts the right to own them, lower when they can. As to your ridiculous 99% Democratic city claim, you're just repeating a long ago debunked lie from a failed Republican candidate 5 years ago. Here's some data.
Note how many Republican led cities are worse than Chicago.

99% are non NRA members? Maybe, but >99.5% of Americans are non NRA members, most NRA members quit the organization decades ago like I did, but are still listed as "members". Since most americans aren't members, actually the NRA gave a pitch to prospective sponsors in which it said that about half of its then-4 million members were the “most active and interested.” (the other 2 million are often dead members, ex members, or those given free but unwanted memberships with a purchase) so there MAY be 2 million, but that's likely still a massive overestimate, meaning using their own numbers, active NRA members are far more likely than the average person to murder with a gun IF your 1% guess is right (and there's absolutely no way to know, those statistics aren't kept).

Yes. Mass terroristic attacks with or without guns get more attention than individual personal attacks. Odd, you think that's proper if it's not a right wing terroristic attack, like most today are.
Suicides account for >60% of shooting deaths but get zero coverage. Why not whine about that?

Odd, you seem to be saying you're afraid of the violent, gun toting democrats who are 99% more ready and better armed for violent political civil war than Republicans....but you also claim Republicans have all the guns and are better shots and ready to go.....which is it?

2017 had nearly 40000 gun deaths, the highest since 1968.

bobknight33 said:

LAMO such propaganda and fear mongering.

The left do not care about saving people from getting shot or killed. Its only a political tool to spread over hyped fear to take all guns away from the public.

Generally speaking:
99% of all gun shooting are illegally obtained guns of Democrat controlled cities.

99% of of shooting are non NRA members.

School - mall- etc shootings represent less that 1% of shootings but get 80% of the national press coverage.

Back-To-School Essentials | Sandy Hook Promise

bobknight33 says...

LAMO such propaganda and fear mongering.

The left do not care about saving people from getting shot or killed. Its only a political tool to spread over hyped fear to take all guns away from the public.

Generally speaking:
99% of all gun shooting are illegally obtained guns of Democrat controlled cities.

99% of of shooting are non NRA members.

School - mall- etc shootings represent less that 1% of shootings but get 80% of the national press coverage.

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