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bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Trump has a new defense….he didn’t declassify the documents he stole but that’s fine, because he still has full top secret clearance and once Mar a Lago was a temporary SCIF (with now removed security measures and personnel), so leaving the top secret classified state secrets in ballrooms and hallways open to the public, photographed by the public, is a nothingburger. The problem, 1) he does NOT still have presidential level clearance, he lost it on Jan 20 and 2) the temporary SCIF designation was dissolved well before 2020. Might work with Cannon, his lackey, but will fall flat on appeal.
His only lawyer is happy to say she’s glad she’s pretty instead of smart because she’s so dumb she thinks she can fake being smart, but she can’t. Not good when your lawyer stands up in court and says “Your Honor, I don’t know how to try this case.” Her objections are nonsensical, not on topic, and have already annoyed the judge, on cross she just started reading tweets that had not been entered as evidence, and when asked what she was doing she answered “I’m trying to get it in.” (but Trump was too small to find under his gut) at which point the judge recessed the case so Trump’s lawyer could remind herself of how to enter evidence in a court, because she has no idea how courts work! After the recess she did the exact same thing, then begged the judge “well, what do I do?” And he had to stop the trial and explain the procedure for presenting evidence in a court to Trump’s legal team…BECAUSE THEY HAD NO IDEA HOW! THEN SHE DID IT AGAIN…JUST STARTED READING A TRANSCRPIT NOT IN EVIDENCE! He is livid at this lack of competence, decorum, knowledge, and intelligence coming from the entire defense side, not smart to make the judge an enemy….and it doesn’t create an automatic appeal just because you made the judge dislike you. Imagine if that was all it takes.
She’s going to be disbarred, but she got the fame she was after and her legal career was non existent before Trump so she won’t care…but will try to make you care enough to send her cash. You probably will. 😂

“We’re going to stop banks and regulators from trying to debank you from your, you know, your your political beliefs is what they do…they want to debank you and we’re going to debank think of this, they want to take away your rights, they want to take away your country the things they’re doing all electric cars, give me a break if you want an electric car good but they don’t go far they’re very expensive.” -Trump

Can you tell me what he said? What was the topic of that run on sentence? What is debanking? Why is it ok for you to debank but not ok for banks to debank? Shouldn’t they be the ones with the most right to debank? Can you convince yourself that is a functioning brain stringing those words together and not one ravaged by the late stage syphilis he obviously has?

RAW FOOTAGE: Massacre Across Israel From the Eyes of Hamas

newtboy says...


This is straight *snuff with no other redeeming information at all and is not presented as part of a larger news story.…I only watched 30 seconds and saw at least 3 people shot point blank including a child. Not ok.

This is ban-able, @bobknight33. You might want to remove it before someone gets upset with you. To be clear, I’m not recommending a ban, but would understand 100% if someone did and would agree this intentionally violates posting guidelines.
The fact that you didn’t even put *nsfw on a total graphic *snuff film says a ton.

When Ants Domesticated Fungi

cloudballoon jokingly says...

NOT OK! Sloths should inherit the earth.

On a more serious note, this being a PBS production, the audio for me sounds like it was recorded in an solidary confinement cell, which is surprising.

BSR said:

And the ants shall inherit the earth. If that's ok with everyone else.

Dying in the name of freedom

newtboy says...

Holy fucking sheep shit. Bob, did you have a lobotomy recently? You're in rare form today. Rarely are you this ridiculous.

It's not ok to have aids (not just a gay thing you bigoted moron) and knowingly spread it to others. You go to prison for that.

It's certainly not ok to give a pregnancy to a fourteen year go to prison for that.

So I agree, let's treat anti vaxers like your examples and put them in prison.

Their intentional irresponsibility makes them all collectively guilty of manslaughter hundreds of thousands of times over... and that's being generous. Really it's murder, they knew it's deadly.

So...if you realize it's in your best interest to take it, based on old data of who was most vulnerable BEFORE Delta, why the fuck are you so against it for others? Delta is different, it targets young and old. In the first two weeks of August, infections in those under 18 went up over 5%, a trend that started with the onset of Delta and continues to accelerate. Epsilon may target the young. Your ilk hesitating to get vaccinated helped create this new variant and others, so consider yourselves 100% responsible for the increase in child deaths, your stubborn ignorance has killed hundreds if not thousands of children and disabled tens it not hundreds of thousands that need not ever have been in danger. Edit: and for what?! With all your bluster, you got it anyway, but will probably continue to persuade others to not get it.

Totally agree with @StukaFox, "me, me, me, me, me, and fuck you." Is your mantra. I hope you meet up with yourself and take each other out.
Would you have been against it if Trump was still president and telling you it's safe? I bet are exactly that dumb.

In this instance, you shouldn't have a free choice anymore than you have a free choice to poison your community's water supply with a poison that ONLY kills 2%+ and disables >10% (and makes most everyone sick for weeks). Refusing to vaccinate against a deadly airborne virus is like refusing to stop tossing your lawn darts straight up in the air in a crowded stadium because, to paraphrase you, "my fweedums, my wites, fuck you". Is it a certainty you're going to kill and maim people? No, but it's a high likelihood and a crime to put them in that kind of danger even if you never hit anyone, and murder if you kill some.

Republicans have decided that deadly irresponsibility should not just be their right, but their choice....but not their responsibility when it's deadly. So much for personal responsibility.

Enjoy that new underwear I sent you. Ignore that little sponge in the taint area, it's for your comfort, not just to infect you with fournier's gangrene.

bobknight33 said:

@StukaFox says

Buts its ok to be a gay and get aids or be 14 and get pregnant. Both are blights on society and costly of insurance dollars / government aid.

There are many risky behaviors that people choose.

I'm against the vaccine but realize that it was in my best interest to take it. ( 59, over weight, out of shape etc)

You either have free choice or you dont.

joe scarborough on wednesday jan 6 2021 maga riot

moonsammy says...


I get it, you and your overlord have really hurt feelings over the fact that 8 MILLION more people wanted Biden in charge. That's not STEALING, that's WINNING. It isn't something Trump has ever actually done legitimately, so I can understand how he wouldn't recognize what that looks like.

There was no "steal" on the part of Biden or the Dems, no matter how loudly Trump whines about it. Donald and his goonsquad are attempting an actual, honest to goodness violent overthrow of the duly elected government of the US. That IS NOT ok. It isn't funny, it isn't cute. It isn't "protesting" anything to break into the US Capitol. It isn't bringing on liberal tears, it's tearing down the structures that have allowed this society to flourish. It's setting fire to the Constitution and pissing on the ashes.

If there's fraud, show the evidence. Don't bitch that they tried but judges said no standing - a lack of standing means there was no injured party. If there had been actual evidence of actual fraud, then there would be injured parties they could bring into court who would have standing. No one has standing though, because there's no evidence, because it was a good clean election and Trump fucking lost. Stop supporting the literal insurrection, and welcome to a few years of the grown-ups who listen to experts trying to steer the ship to safety before the chucklefucks inevitably seize the wheel again.

bobknight33 said:

He stole the vote, plain and simple.

Bill Maher's election predictions on Jimmy Kimmel

cloudballoon says...

I'm overweight as well. 5'6" @ 150lbs. Gained 3 lbs over the past 8-9 mths. I got asthma since childhood. Got much better in my 20-30s. I'm in my late 40s and I have a take the steroidal puffer every night. It's very hard, and not that safe, to be active during these Covid-19 "new normal" times when everything is partially closed (gym's closed and I must wear a mask outside, instantly trigger the short-of-breath for me. So I gave up going outdoor except grocery).

You're absolutely right. I don't get the fat pride thing either. It's not OK health-wise no matter what angle you look at it. Personal "freedom" choice, genetic, physical/mental disease... the latter 2 causes are not shameful, and 99% constantly struggle with it in different degrees of difficulty. But "choice"? That I can't respect.

newtboy said:

"Fat acceptance, even fat pride is a thing, there are millions who claim they're obese and healthy, and it's fine to be obese. Take Lizzo as an example.

Full disclosure, I'm not obese, but I am overweight at 5'9" 170lbs."

RNC 2020 & Kenosha: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

scheherazade says...

I'm not OK with armed kids shooting up any neighborhood.

If you're presenting Rittenhouse as such a kid, that's a bad faith argument. There is no evidence that 'shooting up the neighborhood' was in any way his motivation when he positioned himself in that neighborhood.

All public information points to him being there to discourage destructive elements (such as armed looters) from taking action in that neighborhood.

The ostensibly guilty parties being a hard target doesn't transform innocent easy targets into valid targets.

Most damage is done to private businesses and of vehicles (with the odd unfortunate being beaten to a pulp on the street).
Minneapolis had homes and churches damaged. I can't speak to homes in other locations because I haven't read up on them.

Property wise:
Property takes money to acquire.
Money takes time to acquire.
Time requires life.

(Not all insurance covers 'angry mob')

If it takes you 3 months to work to purchase something, and someone destroys it, they are taking 3 months of working life away from you. Unless they can refund you that life time, that's life time lost forever.

Reality is : Property is only 'just property' when it's not your own property.
If you can't defend property with force, then people are simply free to show up and take everything you have, and you just have to accept it. I don't know anyone who is ok with that (I doubt you are ok with it happening to you, but maybe I'm wrong).

Generally, I empathize with innocent people. So I lean towards the property owners in these cases.


newtboy said:

So, you're ok with armed kids traveling to come shoot up your neighborhood? Ok. Interesting position, but I bet it would change the nanosecond a bullet enters your house.

They have attacked police stations in some cases, but now police deploy heavily at their stations knowing they're a target so it's harder to get close.

Have you seen homes looted? I haven't.

It's Not Okay

newtboy says...

Lol. Even you aren't ignorant or dumb enough to not know this is a well known white supremacist racial hate slogan, not an equality movement slogan, not a non inflammatory statement.

Edit...when you see bald white guys wearing t-shirts printed with "14-18-88" you would insist they're just clean cut math enthusiasts. There is none so blind as he who will not see.

Um....take another English class Vlad, I think you mean nuts infer hate, because you just called your own cohorts nuts. It's crystal clear they are implying hate with these pro white fliers being posted only in minority areas and schools, not predominantly white areas and need #10 RWNJ goggles to hide that fact from yourself.

Rightwing cowardly assholes can't stand behind their own hate in public, but revel in it when they're together in private. You're cohorts are afraid to admit who they are, so afraid of everything they're afraid of themselves, or at least they're afraid of the repercussions of exposure. That's why they can't admit what's obvious to everyone who isn't delusionally biased....that they're racist.

Remember, it's RWNJ's like yourself that totally lost their shit and continue to be triggered today over "black lives matter", insisting it's a racist movement and they want to hide their obvious racist intent by pretending they're emulating that social justice movement when's laughably transparent.

I guess you didn't watch this video, because there was plenty of right wing fear there....ending in the creation of your fear...."it's not ok to be white"...a Fox news created slogan you were terrified by. Boy do they have your number.

You are helping them spread the white supremacist message by only looking at life with your blinders and right wing goggles on.

bobknight33 said:

What is hateful? Nuts imply hate. Projection???

Leftest snowflake nuts jobs are afraid of everything.

It's Not Okay

newtboy says...

No surprise, the RWSFs (right wing snowflakes) can't stand having their slogans and hate speech used against them and find "it's not ok to be white" outrageous....even though they made it up themselves...yet don't want non racists to think "it's ok to be white" implies it's not ok to not be white....the real message they're spreading. that's the message the poster heard, labeling his video with the Fox created anti white (supremacist) reverse of the right wing hate slogan they hoped to spread nationwide, using a thumbnail of that non existent anti supremacist slogan/flier.

They can't even stand behind their racism and, in their cowardice, pretend "it's ok to be white" and the "ok" symbol flashed behind non whites isn't racism, libtards just intentionally misunderstand and get outraged over nothing. Cowards and liars all.

This racial divide is all but sponsored by Trump, supported at every turn, sometimes with a minimal dismissal, but often with direct support ("good people" did this with "good intentions" ).

Just know, this is a report about "it's ok to be white" fliers being posted at majority minority schools and neighborhoods, not about what the poster wants you to think, that anti white posters from antifa and racist non whites are being posted.

It's not ok to be white in the way the right wing racists intend the slogan to be read.

Cart Narcs Catch A Dumb Hag

newtboy says...

And if that describes the cart narc?

Some people are unlovable.

It's not ok that our numbers are growing. Overpopulation is the number one problem that causes almost every other issue, including anger and intolerance.

I spread broken glass outside my wall to convince those mad buggers to move along....keep their blood off my nice clean walls, thank you very much. ;-)

BSR said:


That is going to hurt

MAGA Catholic Kids Mock Native Veteran's Ceremony

newtboy says...

The Christian right wing kids left the March against choice unchaperoned and decided to be morons and intimidate this small group.
Edit: New videos show both groups were antagonize by a group of black Israelites first, not that it excuses the kids.

The articles I've read said the native group was performing a closing ceremony when the kids approached them. The leader tried to retreat to protect his group when the smirking kid and others stood in his way while the rest mocked him with derisive Indian noises, insults, derisive laughter, screams, and Trump slogans.

No surprise you defend this, they wore the right that, so must be the good guys.
Fortunately most others aren't so deluded.
At the least, they represented their school and town so disastrously and publicly that there will be some consequences, but because they certainly learned to be disrespectful douche bags from their parents, those consequences will likely be minor.

And no, spitting is not Ok, show me who said it was, please.

Meeting a loud crowd of angry Neo-Nazis with a larger and louder crowd of angry anti nazis is totally appropriate. Driving a car full speed into that counter crowd from behind is not appropriate....sad I think I need to say that but I do.
Surrounding an elderly veteran who's leading a performance of a closing native ceremony and derisively mocking him and his culture, well, you think that's ok's not, and it's decidedly unChristian (in theory, it's very Christian as practiced).

Yes, forming in a circle around him to interrupt his ceremony and intimidate an elderly man and small group by smirking in his face and chanting "hi-ya-hi-ya-hi-ya" while tomahawk chopping and holding up an "L" on their foreheads is berating, and is volatile. Trump asked for people doing <1% of that to be beaten before being arrested, and many were. Fuck, Bob. Try to be just a little rational and not so biased you completely lose touch with reality. *facepalm

bobknight33 said:

The kids were there for "March For Life" and the Natives were there for the "Indigenous People's March."

AS usual media spins this as something it is not.. Guess why they are call FAKE NEWS.

The Native Man walked into this and he was un harmed. Not berated, not spin on. no volatility against this man.

If it were ANTFA group facing down a MEGA hat wearing dude ALL IS OK even if ANTFI spits and intimidates MAGA to leave.

Grow up Sifters.

A Scary Time

bcglorf says...

"The first 3 levels of sexual violence ALL involve no physical contact and are entirely verbal. "
100% fine with this. You can be a creepy sleazebag without touching someone and it's still not ok.

Perhaps you misunderstand. I also oppose verbal harassment and discrimination. I disagree with calling sexist and racist comments acts of violence. I agree with condemning them and acting to stop them.

Real world example, a Canadian student TA at Wilfred Laurier University played a short clip of a publicly broadcast debate over trans pronoun usage between 2 U of T professors in a class. She was brought into a meeting with 3 WLU staff who told her she was horribly wrong for doing so because playing that clip was "an act of violence" against any trans students in the room.

This abuse of language is manipulative and wrong.

I'm a man, and I'm not scared of being accused of sexual assault. None of my male friends are scared either.

With burden of proof I'm thinking beyond merely sexual assault. This already practice in forms in Canada. Ontario has an entire system of Social Justice Tribunals that run parallel to the criminal court system. It's been a gradual transformation of the civil court system, so civil and family courts are lumped in as tribunals now there. The specific one relevant in this case is the human rights tribunal. If the WLU faculty, or a student from the classroom, wanted to file a human rights complaint for the 'violence' they faced, the burden of proof would be a preponderance of the evidence rather than innocent until proven guilty. Which I can even understand in some cases, but lets not say that doesn't make people nervous about being falsely accused. That is not what scares people the most though in Ontario. The social justice tribunals have paid for legal representation for the accusers, and so the government foots the financial costs for the accuser. The accused however is on their own. The erosion of burden of proof and fear of financial damages from malicious or vengeful complaints is a very, very real thing in Canada. Accusations of sexual harassment being just one of many kinds of accusations that you can be damaged by while entirely innocent.

A Scary Time

ChaosEngine says...

Lots of good comments here... this might take a while so bear with me.

@Mordhaus, I haven't read that book but I'd be interested to see his sources. Everything I've googled suggests the rate is really low.

As for Ford, obviously, I can't say for certain whether she is telling the truth. She may even believe she is telling the truth and still be wrong. I think she was entitled to the benefit of the doubt in terms of an investigation. Of course, it's possible she was doing this for political reasons, but that feels like a stretch to me.

In some ways, I can understand the desire to remove the vexatious complaints cause. Coming forward with a report of sexual assault is traumatic enough already.
A) you may not be believed
B) even if you are, you're in for an experience many assault survivors have described as "being raped a second time"
If you add the possibility that your complaint could potentially get you sanctioned if no one believes you, that's a pretty awful situation to be in.

Now, I don't necessarily agree with this stance, but I can understand it. I think you would need to clear a very high bar to prove a complaint is malicious. Presumption of innocence applies to the complainant also.

"The first 3 levels of sexual violence ALL involve no physical contact and are entirely verbal. "
100% fine with this. You can be a creepy sleazebag without touching someone and it's still not ok.

"lots of people are very much arguing that lives should be destroyed then and there"
Sorry, I just don't see it. That said, if there are people arguing for that... I'm against them.

"We'll even right songs to laugh at them when they complain."
This song was mocking the bullshit "it's a scary time to be a man" line, and deservedly so. I'm a man, and I'm not scared of being accused of sexual assault. None of my male friends are scared either. But it fucking crushes my soul to think of how many of the women in my life have ACTUALLY experienced some form of sexual assault (and that's just the ones I know of).

Completely agree that eyewitness testimony is borderline useless in terms of evidence. Go back through my comment history... you'll see I even said I doubt you could prove Kavanaugh's guilt. All I've ever said is that it warrants an investigation. (sidenote: I totally agree with @vil and @Mordhaus on this... polygraphs are junk science, but Kavanaugh's boorish behaviour should have been grounds not to confirm him).

Regarding your friend that was raped by a girl: that's awful, and yes, we really have to stop this childish attitude of somehow thinking female on male rape is either funny or that the guy was lucky. But it is unrelated to this discussion.

@MilkmanDan, I pretty much agree with everything you've said.

Being falsely accused of rape would be terrible, even if you weren't convicted. No disagreement there at all.

Trevor Noah EVISCERATES the Civility Argument

Ickster says...

Until you've argued that black is white, the sun rises in the west, that we've always been at war with Eastasia, and are perfectly willing to fuck over most of the world for your own self-aggrandizement, you have come nowhere near to sinking to Trump's level.

SHS was politely asked to leave a restaurant because of her role as a willing and eager mouthpiece for policies that physically and emotionally have hurt (at a minimum) thousands of people. That we're equating that with something like gay people being refused service because of who they are says a lot about how skewed our perception of balance is.

People making the civility argument in good faith (i.e., not Fox talking heads) are making it because they actually have a moral compass and know that two wrongs don't make a right.

However, what was done to SHS isn't a wrong--no harm was done to her other than embarrassment, which is exactly what she should be feeling about her role in the world. When people are being terrible, whether it's a child, the president, or one of his enablers, they need to be told politely but firmly that it's not OK.

Think of this less as pouring gasoline on a fire and more like a controlled burn to help control the blaze.

ChaosEngine said:

As tempting as it is to sink to Trump's level (and I've certainly been guilty of this myself), I fear we're trying to put out a fire with gasoline.

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