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Radical Christian Missionaries in Iraq

Arsenault185 says...

Well, Raven, your comment is what brought me to this video. Based on the title I was expecting something completely different. Im not sure where to start.
Radical Christian Missionaries - well, i thought Westboro baptist church was branching out. Seems to me they are just doing what Christians have been doing for thousands of year. When the video started, it appeared to be a newsroom, and the anchor was talking like Christians and the military were working hand in hand. And when it does state that they went with the military support, they offer no backup to their claims. Looks like some one is pissed at America and American Christians, ad this is the result.

As far as the General in church - That kinda pissed me off. We have very strict policy about using your position to further your personal beliefs, so to walk into a congregation as large as that one wearing your stars? Uncalled for.

But you are right about one thing Raven, these ministries aren't going to help the overall situation at all. This should be especially known to Christians. Right in our bible it tells us that the entire region is damned, so as far as them trying to make it better? Not so sure thats what they are trying to do. But like we have in all kinds of countries all over the world, they are setting up minisitries.

Raven, you said it never surprises you to see 'peaceful' and 'fun-loving' Christians stirring up religious violence. I don't see how trying to spread the beliefs of of their church (of Christianity) with care packages and colorful bibles is stirring up trouble. Now, as was pointed out in the video, a Muslim may find themselves into some trouble for converting, i.e. getting killed, so whose radical? seems to me like there a problem there. (I am NOT saying all Muslims are the same, hence the term radical) Well if these Muslims converting know its a possible retribution, thats on them. I don't see how the missionaries are causing the trouble.

Global Warming? Coulda fooled me. (Blog Entry by MarineGunrock)

Top Gear - Tiny Car Review

Mika Brzezinski of MSNBC refuses to report on paris

S_DOG34 says...

"you don't normally have that many cameras handy to film the conveniently placed shredder."

Not that I necessarily disagree that this is scripted, but there are tons of cameras in a newsroom. Its not too hard to turn one of them to focus on something else. Weak argument.

Bill Moyer's "Buying the War" is online and streaming (Sift Talk Post)

plastiquemonkey says...

--peter beinert can't explain what value he adds to the world by repeating what important people tell him
--dan rather's analysis of the soft coercion inside the newsroom sounds like something chomsky wrote in 1988
--tim russert: "i just wish my sources would have called". followed by bob simon "i just picked up the phone and called my sources".

Ted Kennedy on Minimum Wage.

gwaan says...

I agree with every word! Read his statement on the minimum wage vote here:

He's right about this, he's right about immigration, he's right about gun-control, he's right on alternative energy, he's right on the war on terror, he's right on Iraq, he's right on the treatment of terrorism suspects, he's right on same sex marriage.

It's nice that there are still Democrats left who remain true to the traditional liberal values of the Democratic party - not the modern wave of pro-life, pro-guns, voted for the war in Iraq but now regretting it pseudo-Republicans!

Christian Fundamentalist Pop: "God Hates Fags"

mlx says...

He's totally gay. LOL. And yeah, I realize this isn't going to get many upvotes but the Fundamentalists drive me <ahref="">insane! Thanks, Daphne, you got the point.

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