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Something's Rotten In Iowa-Sanders Won Coin Toss

Bernie's New Ad. This is powerful stuff for the Heartland

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'running in iowa and new hampshire' to 'Bernie Sanders, Ad, iowa, new hampshire, America, Simon and Garfunkel' - edited by eric3579

Anti Gun Liberal News Anchor gets destroyed repeatedly durin

Tingles says...

Canadian (white - maybe important to mention these days sadly) here. I visited a friend in New Hampshire a few years ago.
After arriving and unpacking, friend (who has lived there in that neighborhood all her life) takes me on a tour of the small neighborhood. Walking down the street, within 15 minutes, a man comes out of his house pointing a rifle at me demanding to know "who the fuck" I am and "what the fuck" I am doing there. They don't get many new people in the area I guess. Turns out this person was known as "Crazy Larry" in the area, an ex police officer and known to have mental problems. He still has his license to carry for firearms, despite complaints, and to do whatever the hell he wants to do with them on his property.

FWIW, I actually agree with a lot of what the Pro Gun guy said. There has to be a line drawn somewhere though.

tdlr: within 15 mins of a New Hampshire town walking tour on public ground, gun pointed at me and threatened by a person with known mental problems and valid license demanding to know why I was there. Line needs to be drawn.

Vermont Becomes The First State To Pass Wolf PAC Resolution

artician says...

Vermont and New Hampshire have been on a spree lately. Today I live in Massachusetts, but I am thinking to move there any day now because of their recent legislation.

TDS 2/24/14 - Denunciation Proclamation

Trancecoach says...

" I just quoted you claiming that Napolitano believes that the Lincoln pursued the war to restore the union, when that's exactly what he's not saying here."

Where did you quote me? I missed that.

I am not "attacking" the "comedians." I quoted/"plagiarised" Thomas DiLorenzo who pointed out "[Jon Stewart's] "hit" was about how the Judge wrote in one of his publications that the U.S. probably could have ended slavery the same way that New York, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Maine, New Jersey, Illinois, Pennsylvania, and all the other Northern states did, as well as the British empire, Spanish empire, the French, Danes, Dutch, Swedes, and others during the nineteenth century did: namely, peacefully. . . . " and that Stewart (in his inimitable wisdom as an historical scholar) was wrong in his assertion that war was the way to go.

And, whatever Lincoln's reasons were for going to war, of course there are always options other than imperialism (despite what manifest destiny might have you believe). Same as Truman having options other than nuking Japan. Or Bush the second having options other than invading Iraq and Afghanistan.

Whatever Lincoln's "reasons" were for going to war and thereby leading to the slaughter of 620,000 people and the maiming/disfigurement of over 800,000+ others, these reasons are not the same as what his options were, and the white washing of history does not change this very basic fact.

Taint said:

Since this topic appears to have gone off the reservation, let me reign you back in for a moment.

I encourage you to re-watch the video we're commenting on.

This whole discussion, including the commentary by Jon Stewart on the Daily Show, is all a response to Judge Napolitano's comments, on what is supposed to be an actual news network and, I imagine, supposed to be taken seriously?

Napolitano says: "Instead of allowing it to die, helping it to die, or even purchasing the slaves and then freeing them, which would have cost a lot less money than the Civil War cost, Lincoln set out on the most murderous war in American history."

That's what he said. In this very video, which is what we're all commenting on.

You're attacking the comedians for making jokes about this and accusing them for doing what Napolitano just did!

He's the one claiming that Lincoln attacked the south to free the slaves!

So, again I ask, what are you even talking about?

This video, the daily show response, all of this argument, was supposed to be about Napolitano being totally wrong. I originally commented here because you were parroting his claims that Lincoln had a lot of options, but chose "murderous war" instead of buying every slave or whatever other imagined option you think he had.

So either you understand why the Civil War started, and we agree, as you sometimes seem to indicate, or you're in agreement with Napolitano and his view that Lincoln started the Civil War as one of his apparently many options for ending slavery.

So which is it?

Do you understand why you make no sense?

TDS 2/24/14 - Denunciation Proclamation

Trancecoach says...

Hmm, so Stewart and Wilmore seem to be saying that the U.S. couldn't have ended slavery in the same way that New York, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Maine, New Jersey, Illinois, Pennsylvania, and all of the other Northern states did (not to mention the British empire, the Spanish empire, the French, the Danes, the Dutch, the Swedes, and many many others during the nineteenth century), namely, peacefully. (For reference, see Jim Powell's Greatest Emancipations: How the West Ended Slavery; and Joanne Pope Melish's Disowning Slavery: Gradual Emancipation and Race in New England, 1780-1860).

Rather, Stewart and Wilmore seem to be saying that 750,000 dead Americans (and even more than double that number maimed for life), to say nothing of the total destruction of the voluntary union of the founders, was in fact the only way to end slavery. Southerners (only six percent of whom actually owned slaves) were, according to Stewart and Wilmore, "willing to die to preserve slavery" and so, therefore, the Great Oz (er, I mean, The Great Abe) did what was necessary...

So says this renowned historical sage, Jon Stewart, and his cast of clowns...

Oakland CA Is So Scary Even Cops Want Nothing To Do With It

Trancecoach says...


If I was to advocate voting as a strategy, I'd probably take a look at the Tenth Amendment Center (linked above). Vote on local elections for candidates that will 'nullify' regulations imposed from above, like counties ignoring/countering state laws and states ignoring/countering federal laws.

The Free State Project is actually about 'taking over' (so to speak) New Hampshire through the political process for such purposes. And I suspect that the initiative to break California into several states has similar goals.

Elevator Murder Experiment

chingalera says...

Not necessarily, Raveeeeni-Sensible people with concealed carry (what you'd have to have to legally carry a pistol into a public place) would detain them at gunpoint, pistol-whip them maybe.

Even if you assaulted them without a gun you'd be in trouble with the law considering how retarded laws are concerning such matters.

...someone from Delaware or New Hampshire might start shooting though, if they could find the "on" button on their pistol.

Raveni said:

Exactly... In Texas, the result would have been one or both of those actors getting shot. There is no way that someone with a gun would even step foot inside that elevator to figure out what was going on.

TDS: Media Dismisses Ron Paul's 2nd place in New Hampshire


NetRunner says...

One insight I gathered during the 2008 primaries is that according to the media, only "unexpected" results matter. Unexpected in that sentence of course means "something contrary to media conventional wisdom", not something actually unexpected.

So if Romney wins Iowa, it'll be reported as huge because he wasn't "expected" to win, even though his numbers have been fine in Iowa this time around.

If Santorum or Paul wins, it'll be a non-event because Iowa is "expected" to pick someone offbeat and unconventional.

That said, whoever winds up on top will get a flurry of intense media scrutiny until New Hampshire, for good or for ill.

If Romney wins Iowa, expect the media to offer him public blowjobs. If Paul wins, expect to hear lots about racist newsletters and crackpot theories about AIDS, and how New Hampshire will be the "real" start of the primary season.

TDS: Indecision 2012 - Ruh Roh Edition

NetRunner says...

>> ^MilkmanDan:

If all of the Mitt Romney challengers implode like this, might the Republican party and mainstream media stop forgetting about RON PAUL, ffs?

All Paul needs to do is win Iowa or New Hampshire, and the media will change their tune about him pretty quickly.

Los Angeles is turning a new leaf (Blog Entry by blankfist)

blankfist says...

>> ^dystopianfuturetoday:

Corporatist idiots.

Speaking of corporatists, why is it he seems to get left out of the debate when the corporate media covers the primaries? Obama gets plenty of attention from the corporate media, and so do the neocons and dominionists from the GOP.

For example, this article just came out yesterday. Ron Paul polled in 2nd place, but the headline reads: "Poll: Romney leads New Hampshire, Huntsman in third, Perry in fourth". Looks like the big corporatists are afraid of Paul yet love them some Obama. They practically pitched Obama into the White House like a softball to the voter's.

High Schooler Crushes Fox News On Wisconsin Protests

jwray says...

Rank↓ State↓ 2009↓ 2008↓ 2007↓ 2004-2006↓
1 Maryland $79,272 $78,454 $78,725 $77,985
2 New Jersey $68,342 $70,378 $67,035 $64,169
3 Connecticut $67,034 $68,595 $65,967 $59,972
4 Alaska $66,953 $68,460 $64,333 $57,639
5 Hawaii $64,098 $67,214 $63,746 $60,681
6 Massachusetts $64,081 $65,401 $62,365 $56,236
7 New Hampshire $60,567 $63,731 $62,369 $60,489
8 Virginia $59,330 $61,233 $59,562 $55,108
District of Columbia $59,290 $57,936 $54,317 $47,221 (2005)[3]PDF
9 California $58,931 $61,021 $59,948 $53,770
10 Delaware $56,860 $57,989 $54,610 $52,214
11 Washington $56,548 $58,078 $55,591 $53,439
12 Minnesota $55,616 $57,288 $55,082 $57,363
13 Colorado $55,430 $56,993 $55,212 $54,039
14 Utah $55,117 $56,633 $55,109 $55,179
15 New York $54,659 $56,033 $53,514 $48,201
16 Rhode Island $54,119 $55,701 $53,568 $52,003
17 Illinois $53,966 $56,235 $54,124 $49,280
18 Nevada $53,341 $56,361 $55,062 $50,819
19 Wyoming $52,664 $53,207 $51,731 $47,227
20 Vermont $51,618 $52,104 $49,907 $51,622
United States $50,221 $52,029 $50,740 $46,242 (2005) [4]PDF
21 Wisconsin $49,993 $52,094 $50,578 $48,874
22 Pennsylvania $49,520 $50,713 $48,576 $47,791
23 Arizona $48,745 $50,958 $49,889 $46,729
24 Oregon $48,457 $50,169 $48,730 $45,485
25 Texas $48,259 $50,043 $47,548 $43,425
26 Iowa $48,044 $48,980 $47,292 $47,489
27 North Dakota $47,827 $45,685 $43,753 $43,753
28 Kansas $47,817 $50,177 $47,451 $44,264
29 Georgia $47,590 $50,861 $49,136 $46,841
30 Nebraska $47,357 $49,693 $47,085 $48,126
31 Maine $45,734 $46,581 $45,888 $45,040
32 Indiana $45,424 $47,966 $47,448 $44,806
33 Ohio $45,395 $47,988 $46,597 $45,837
34 Michigan $45,255 $48,591 $47,950 $47,064
35 Missouri $45,229 $46,867 $45,114 $44,651
36 South Dakota $45,043 $46,032 $43,424 $44,624
37 Idaho $44,926 $47,576 $46,253 $46,395
38 Florida $44,736 $47,778 $47,804 $44,448
39 North Carolina $43,674 $46,549 $44,670 $42,061
40 New Mexico $43,028 $43,508 $41,452 $40,827
41 Louisiana $42,492 $43,733 $40,926 $37,943
42 South Carolina $42,442 $44,625 $43,329 $40,822
43 Montana $42,322 $43,654 $43,531 $38,629
44 Tennessee $41,725 $43,614 $42,367 $40,676
45 Oklahoma $41,664 $42,822 $41,567 $40,001
46 Alabama $40,489 $42,666 $40,554 $38,473
47 Kentucky $40,072 $41,538 $40,267 $38,466
48 Arkansas $37,823 $38,815 $38,134 $37,420
49 West Virginia $37,435 $37,989 $37,060 $37,227
50 Mississippi $36,646 $37,790 $36,338 $35,261
Puerto Rico $17,500 $17,000

Congresswoman Shot In The Head Point Blank 6 Others Killed

Winstonfield_Pennypacker says...

Are you biased

Of course. Everyone is biased. Only the news media runs around pretending that they are completely ‘unbiased’, and no one believes them anymore.

Paul Krugman…best summary

I have difficulty taking anyone seriously who holds up Paul Krugman as an example of accuracy and fairness. The man is left wing shill and has a long history of saying anything and everything to spin for his bias. In this case, he’s ignoring years and years of violent threats and hate speech from the left towards the right. His opinion on this matter is worthless.

deliberate misreading of John Kerry

Bill Maher: You could have went to New Hampshire and killed two birds with one stone.
Kerry: Or, I could have gone to 1600 Pennsylvania and killed the real bird with one stone.
How is that not creating a ‘toxic environment’?

I guess when a liberal says crap like that it is just innocent ha-ha funny, right? When someone like Beck does it, then it's 'evil, poisonous, right-wing extremist rhetoric', eh wot?

Even a casual breeze through the news media, the political world, and the blogosphere proves the left is just as guilty as the right of 'polluting the political environment with hateful images and rhetoric'. Spin away if it soothes your guilt, but the reality is plain and only those blinkered by their own bias can pretend otherwise. I don’t pretend that there isn’t some nasty rhetoric that comes from the right. Why does the left always try to pretend away their hate?

Tea Party Racism

rougy says...

>> ^Winstonfield_Pennypacker:

...some white guy trying to get attention by falsely claiming he's a Republican or TP sympathizer.

Yeah, right. There are no racists in the GOP or the Tea Baggers.

It's all a liberal conspiracy.

Rush Limbaugh is a closet liberal. Glenn Beck is a closet liberal. That guy in New Hampshire who wants to keep the state white, he's a plant. Yeah.

More black is white and up is down from the board's local shylock.

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