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Connecting a heart-lung machine - cardiopulmonary bypass

How Scientology Attracts Celebrities

Steve Jobs announces the iPad

spoco2 says...

Oh, and I'm watching their website video introduction and I'm feeling a little nauseous from their over the top, insanely overblown gushing over this thing as the greatest thing in the bloody world.

When Dag weighs in as it being a let down, I think we can safely say that it's a big disappointment.

[edit] Argh, and It shits me how they're going on about the 'quality' of watching movies is amazing... it's a friggen 1024x768 screen... could they not have picked an actual standard video res like 720p or something? Picking a screen res from 1999 is scary.

I Like Guns

A way to watch Twilight and actually enjoy it. [RiffTrax]

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'rifftrax, twilight, edits, commentary, bearable, metropire' to 'rifftrax, twilight, edits, commentary, bearable, metropire, nauseous' - edited by calvados

kronosposeidon (Member Profile)

David Letterman Talks About Blackmail

Cut/Slide: most awesome way to die in a crappy movie

EDD says...

I have to say I'm pretty freaking desensitized and yet this compilation (of all well-known & popular mainstream Hollywood titles, mind you) still managed to make me a little nauseous. Watch it at your own peril and please, please do not let children watch it. Nightmares 4 life.

You have been warned.

Cat has a panic attack when his string is taken.

Simple_Man says...

>> ^Jinx:
Yup, definitely torture.

That is not torture. To prove it, I'm willing to go on national television in front of a live studio audience, and have my string taken away from me repeatedly. I think it'll prove my point that this is merely an "enhanced interrogation technique", and that the term "torture" to describe this method is a misnomer.

*seconds later, Simple_man was tortured in front of a live audience as they point and laugh at his futile attempts to keep his pitiful piece of string*

"You look pale, Simple_man. Tell us what happened."

"You know, I didn't know how bad it was going to be. Look, all that's been done to this country, and I heard that string was being dangled in front of people's faces, only to have them take it away afterwards, I never even considered torture. I thought I could hold out, but it was hideous and horrific. If I knew it was going to be this bad, I wouldn't have done it. How long did I hold out? 5 seconds? And what was the average? 10? Damn, now I feel like a complete pussy. I want to thank Videosift, I want to thank my family for praying for me, and I'm going to go to the EMT to check me out, because I'm feeling kinda nauseous. My hands, Christ, look at my hands! They're SHAKING."

5 Videos That Tried to be Cute (And Failed Hilariously)

Do You Look Like Your Dog?

Kirk Cameron Plugs the Atheist Bible

Kinetic Sandwich

Saturday Morning Watchmen

mintbbb (Member Profile)

LadyDeath says...

Oh yes I tried Maxalt before my neurologist prescribed me that one but did not work for me as many others ,I am glad work for you,tastes good too like with a mint flavor he he

In reply to this comment by mintbbb:
Luckily I don't have more than one or two migraines a year any more, but the medicine I am on now is called Maxalt (WikiPedia: .. it is the only one that works really fast and does a decent job. Granted, every now and then I still end up thrwoing up and having a ghost headache, but if I have a slight case, it works great.

I used toi have medicine that contained ergotamine (cafergot). It did help with the severe pain, but it still made me puke pretty much after every migraine attack.

Maxalt is great, thiught I think there is a better-known substitute for that - I am jst going with what my (well hubby;s) heatlt-care plan will cover. But you just let a little pill melt on your tongue as soon as you see the frsit symptoms of blind spots/aura.

I am sure if you check the web you can find out better known drugs that Maxalt. I know there were lots of advertisements on TV about something.. I asked my doctor about it, and he said 'Maxalt' becausre that was covered by the insurance plan I have..

Good luck, I DO hope you find a good drug! Thery have lots of good ones today, just keep bugging your doctor!

In reply to this comment by LadyDeath:
What Meds are you taking? I suffer from really bad chronic migraines,I am on topamax and even that my head feels everyday that is going explode

In reply to this comment by mintbbb:
I suffer from classic migraines. I have the aura and attack phases.. My aura makes me partly blind, and also makes fingers and toes go numb.. fun!

Just watching this video makes me nauseous because it so reminds me of a migraine! Thank God I have medicine now that stops the most severe symptoms. Before the medicine I felt like I'd rather cut off my head than have another migraine.. Just imagine having a steel belt around your head that's been tightened over and over again, until you feel like your head is about the explode.. And then include some serious nausea and vomiting to the mix!

Yes, if I didn't have any prescription medications, I'd rather have my head cut off. Period! Worst pain ever.

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