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We Are Going to Impose Christian Rule in this Country

BSR says...

No need to be abolished.
It's already dying on it's own for the reasons you say.
Give it time and DNR.
The exit door is narrow.

Speaking words of wisdom, let it be.

newtboy said:

Who is this fucking moron?
This kind of brainless provocation by falsehood is why religion should be abolished. It's nothing more than a xenophobic weapon today, and has lost any and all redemptive value it might have once had.

We Believe: The Best Men Can Be - Gillette Ad

Mordhaus says...

It is about blaming things on something someone made up called 'toxic masculinity'. Please explain to me why we have so many 'issues' with it here in the USA when there are countries like Spain and others where it is considered OK to be masculine?

I feel we can narrow it down to one simple factor, a collegiate system in which we are now taught that everything white is bad, everything male is bad, and everything conservative is bad. There is no backlash on this because if you complain, YOU ARE THE TOXIC PERSON!

Let me give you an example and bear in mind that I think Trump may be the worst president we have had. Jim Carrey, who is notably liberal and PC (lately anyway) created a painting comparing people who voted for Trump to apes. A de-evolution artwork. Hardly a peep from anyone, but if you compared other groups to apes you would be branded a racist and more. It's perfectly fine to take potshots at anything liberal people consider to be bad, but god help you if you do it to something they care about.

tl;dr I think it is a stupid fucking commercial that they put out to increase sales with Proctor & Gambles female slanted brands. They might lose a few razor related sales, but there are a shitload of white knights out there that will fall in line to argue that men are just assholes and should be beaten down to accept their new role. Since I use an old fashioned safety razor from Merkur, I can't boycott them, but I would if I could.

BSR said:

It's not about Trump.

This is about changing the course of men who have been following an outdated map.

The Secret Behind the World’s Best Green Tea

C-note says...

During the harvest season the narrow roads up there are packed with people going to get the tea for themselves, because no one trust stores elsewhere that often repackage other teas as Royal Dragon Tea. Just about anytime of year the place is loaded with hundreds of weddings in and around West Lake. They should really consider freeing White Snake.

Hidden Brains Convergence 2018 Sarabhai Vs Sarabhai

Well I never in all my life

BSR says...

3 hours later. " Here's your printed copy. Want me to staple these 3 pages together for you?"
Success rate of angioplasty
Angioplasty is successful in opening coronary arteries in well over 90% of patients.

The bad news is...

Up to 30% to 40% of patients with successful coronary angioplasty will develop recurrent narrowing at the site of balloon inflation.

I suggest finding a different library for a 2nd opinion.

Have We Lost the Common Good?

newtboy says...

Really? Explain why. It's in there, as clear and codified religious law.
If old testament morality and laws were out the window, then everything is permitted because new testament essentially says Jesus made sin obsolete....but he also said clearly that ALL previous religious laws stand and anyone telling you different is an evil liar.

"Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. For I tell you truly, until heaven and earth pass away, not a single jot, not a stroke of a pen, will disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished. Therefore anyone who sets aside one of the least of these commands and teaches others accordingly will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever practices and teaches these commands will be called great in the kingdom of heaven."
Sure sounds clear to me, wear blended fabrics, get stoned to death as an infidel, refuse to stone them, your an infidel too, now you get stoned.

You need me to tell you why slavery and murder are wrong? I guess so, since your moral guide says they are proper, even required.

Treating others like you would have them treat you, the golden rule....what Jesus told you is the most important rule.
Do you want to be raped, sold into slavery, stoned to death, or even just told constantly that you're immoral, evil, and going to hell? If not, stop doing it, and definitely stop pretending that not what the bible commands of you.
That covers it, and covers why trying to impose your narrow idea of religious morality on others is wrong, according to your own moral code.

shinyblurry said:

Newtboy, this is simply a strawman argument. What you've got is a list of (inaccurate and biased) gotcha arguments but they are not tethered to a framework of understanding of what is in the bible. There are atheists out there who have studied the bible (not saying you haven't) and could tell you the difference between the Old and New Covenants for example. There is an intellectual honesty that comes to table which allows you to have a substantive discussion. You're free to have opinions about what God has done and why He has done it but at least let's get our facts straight so we can have a honest conservation.

Let's say you're right and everything you said is true. On what basis are the things you brought up like slavery or murder objectively wrong?

"Come play with us, Danny."

Cancer Screening Myths

newtboy says...

Ok, so in a very narrow specific set of circumstances it's correct, but in general it's not. That seems to be an important point not made clear in the video.

Edit: Lazy cancer? First I've heard it called that. Not sure what you mean " you can do more harm than good." Are you suggesting that treatment is worse than the disease?

worthwords said:

PSA In particular is not a good screening test.
And prostate unlike most other cancers in that for indolent cancers you can do more harm than good. So not broadly generalisable to all cancers.

Fans react to Black Panther poster

Lambozo says...

jimnms, having seen the movie, I can see why people are reacting this positively to it. Have you seen it? Where you have or havent, consider the following.

You are right that this isn't the first black superhero movie. If you ignore comedies starring goofy concept heros, the list of movies narrows. Then, consider movies with black super heros who are not anti-heroes (Spawn, Blade). Why this distinction? Anti-heroes are great, but they aren't characters for a general young audience to aspire to. To notice that the majority of main character superheroes in movies are either partially a joke or a dark/brooding/scary/threatening/antisocial hero might be a drag. especially when you compare it to the pool of white super heroes who aren't (most of them). That's important.

First movie with a mostly black cast? No, but how many such movies arent about slavery, inner city gangs, extreme poverty, surviving racism, genocide or third world conflict. How many are almost purely optimistic blend of science fiction and the beauty of African culture? How many imagine what an African country unmolested by colonialism might look like in the future, where its citizens were allowed to reach their highest potential in terms of culture, government and technology? This is in part what the Afro-futurism science fiction genre is about and its a very rare genre to make it to film.

Especially a film that has a budget of $ 200 million dollars. That budget is important. It says that at this point in history, the largest (maybe?) movie studio recognizes that the public wants to see black characters in this light. That's a big deal too.

And considering how well this movie is doing at the box office, Black Panther is a signal of whats to come. More stories about inspirational black characters told at this kind of block buster scale.

Does that make a bit more sense? I'm sure there are other reasons; one being its a really good movie! Hope this helps.

Comparison of Trump and Obama Responding to School Shootings

harlequinn says...

I'm glad you wrote "the far right". Because to a lot of the world, the Democrats are a right wing party, with the Republicans further right than they are (making the Democrats a "left" wing party within the narrow scale of American politics).

Personally I think people and politics are more nuanced than stereotyping people into "left" (progressive) and "right" (conservative) groups. Most people and parties are an eclectic mix of progressive and conservative stances depending on the issue - and these positions aren't fixed.

mentality said:

Thought process of a deluded nutjob:

Trump does something illegal? Blame it on Clinton.

The hypocrisy and moral corruption of the far right knows no bounds. Lincoln would be rolling in his grave if he knew his party was hijacked by people like you.

Sheriff Rips NRA - You’re Not Standing Up For Victims

harlequinn says...

The narrow case (one guard failing to execute his duty) does not negate the broad case (that guards are effective at deterring and engaging threats).

I can't believe I have to point this out. On videosift no less. I'm flabbergasted.

"Destroys". Hyperbole of 2017.

newtboy said:

You mean the armed guard stationed at the school that destroys the contention that having armed guards helps, because having armed police didn't help? OK. Thanks for answering.

To be honest, until last night I didn't know he was a real deputy...not that it helped.

As the top law enforcement officer in the country, doesn't Trump lead the team, though?

Made you sandwich, dude. Table is set at the South Pole.

newtboy says...

Good for her.


...but what's with labeling it the "longest journey to the north pole by any woman for two years."? Wasn't being the youngest person to ever do it enough without finding some other narrow set of circumstances where she's also the best at doing it? That felt bit Trumpian for no reason.

People Who Use Logic # 33

newtboy says...

Pretending racial progress equates to equality and the end of racism is a game only played by racists and those who've bought into racist ideology....the kind espoused by Prager.

One narrow category where, only according to Prager (a historically completely untrustworthy source) blacks might make more than similar whites is not evidence that there's no racism in business.
The median adjusted household income among black householders with at least a bachelor’s degree was $82,300 in 2014, while the income of college-educated white householders was $106,600 and whites are >33% more likely to be able to earn a degree.
In 2014, median black household income was about $43,300, while white household income was about $71,300.

Keanu Reeves Tactical 3 gun shooting

radx says...

At the risk of sounding like an ass: every 3-gun match I've seen looked extremely narrowed down in terms of the required skill set. The shooters are ridiculously fast and accurate, but at the end of the day, it's tagging paper and steel with an AR-15 at 20m or less. Lots of skill required to be good at it, but oh so very narrow. Like high-power, if you will.

2-gun, run & gun, even cowboy action seem to require a more diverse skill set. Events like Red October, even though it had a lot of paper at point blank this year.

Chris Hedges On F On Fascism In The Age Of Trump (Nov. 2017)

geo321 says...

I think you are missing the historical context that he came to power in. Yes Trump is a compulsive liar. Feeds on Narrow minded slogans he took from the cold war.

The American electoral system is corrupt as hell, The Democratic primary was rigged. And they are doubling down on rigging it for 2020, and pushing out progressive thinkers internally. Half the states have been gerrymandered in the South for Senate and House races.
People don't seem to realize in the US that most corrupt Illegal practices like bribery, money laundering corporate money to and from candidates, are considered an illegitimate election in third world countries by vote monitors even. The US internally legalized their corruption. Basically bribery is legal.

newtboy said:

Bob, I wholeheartedly disagree with your assessments, but it begs the question....if you thought the nation was in such dire straits, why did you so blindly support the bankrupting idiot baby that's made it exponentially worse while creating and reinforcing so many divisions, making it nearly impossible for Americans to work together while also obliterating our international leadership positions?

You now admit he's not qualified to lead (never was), but you put him in the most important position of responsibility and leadership you want to blame his utter failings on previous administrations, not his constant lies and total ineptitude that you zealously defended and excused!? No sir, blame yourself.

As to the "agenda", those Hollywood values (you know, honesty, inclusion, diversity, freedom to be who you are, personal liberties, anti corporate personhood,...) are shared by a VAST majority of Americans....they are American values.
Why am I not surprised you don't get that?

As to their debasement, that starts with lies...lies like the ones you defend and applaud, like Trump lying about the tax plan because, as you privately said, if he told the truth he couldn't have passed a tax plan that benefits the wealthy like himself immensely and hurts the people who can least afford it while bankrupting the treasury as a set up to kill programs for the poor. You defended that lie privately....are you too ashamed to do so publicly?

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