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Love Without Anger - DEVO

Teens React to....Nirvana

gwiz665 says...

I think part of the problem is that there is nothing like an MTV/radio that can push a specific music video or style of music anymore - everyone finds their own stuff, and only the super watered down main stream actually gets pushed out to people. The internet fragments us.

There should be a sift just for music videos; that'd be sweet.

ChaosEngine said:

I really wasn't a fan of Nirvana when they came out. I was heavily into metal (Iron Maiden, Metallica, Sepultura, Slayer, etc) and Nirvana just sounded like a boring watered down version to me.

It wasn't until much later that I realised I was looking at it from the wrong direction. Nirvana were a pop band who used heavy guitars, and that was kinda cool.

I don't believe we will ever see another band with their influence again. Mainstream music today is much more fragmented, so even if someone came along and radically altered hip-hop, for example, the influence would be felt far less in other genres.

Sick of You, GWAR, in memorium

Teens React to....Nirvana

ctrlaltbleach says...

When Nirvana came out I was just beginning to transition out of a very sheltered church every Sunday country music loving family. I remember seeing the Nevermind album in a bin outside a music store in the mall and laughing at the absurdity of it. At the time I was rebelling at the weird sounds and antics of country music but I was also rebelling against Grunge music from the thought of it being to popular and trendy among the social outcasts of my own peers that I did not yet identify with. I had started to listen to our local oldies station and was really into the Beach Boys Pet Sounds album when I heard that Kurt had died. Immediately after his passing Mtv would play unplugged quite regularly and thats when I found my appreciation for Nirvana. I became one of there biggest fans which led into other bands like Stone Temple Pilots, Shamshing Pumpkins, Cranberries, Weezer and then later into bands like Radiohead, Pink Floyd, The Pixies, and the Flaming LIps. All my musical taste has been shaped and guided by this one band.

The Cranberries: NPR Music Tiny Desk Concert

lucky760 says...

The first time I heard Linger was seeing the music video on MTV while getting ready for school in the 10th grade. I didn't know the song yet, but it was stuck in my head through every class that day.

Wow, the 20 years since then have really flown by...

Life's tragedy is that we get old too soon and wise too late. — B.F.

The greatest piece of filmmaking you'll see this week

1979~ Two Kate Bush Interviews from 1979

vil says...

The first bit is mostly cute fluff, the second video is really interesting and worth skipping to.

Obviously you have to keep in mind this was before MTV and all.

11 Questions Willy Wonka Left Unanswered

Cops using unexpected level of force to arrest girl

chingalera says...

No Jigga, you are wrong as well. The people who filmed this wish only to expose the rampant encroachment of the police into every aspect of civil society. The advent of technology in the hands of most people and the increasing awareness of the growing police state worldwide is one of the many stopgaps to a bleak future of decreased human rights and control of humanity by a small majority of agenda-oriented tyrants.

As far as police 'turning into' shitbag assholes? NO. Again you are wrong and completely clueless as tho the psychological profiling that goes on in the process towards someone becoming a 'law enforcement' dickbag.

Alpha types with low intellect and questionable imprint and socialization. Many come from abusive homes or generations of law enforcement. Many in the U.S. are members of or are sympathetic to, the clan and other such organizations or fraternities. MOST are racist, sexist, etc. Many police, were they not accepted into academies of sanctioned thugs would become criminals. Some were very close to becoming gang members, petty criminals, etc.

They dredge from the damaged-goods of society to fill their ranks, and this only gets worse as people like you, and others detached from what really goes on, continue to come the defense of force as a means to control society.

Cops definitely don't need any help form a deluded general public to grow in ranks or develop new and improved ways to exercise force as an arm of those who would control society to their ends.

I can do this all fucking day long, and there will still be the voices of insipid dullards who have by choice, drunk the Kool Aide of "give a fuck as long as I have my MTV."

If you'd have a " bad attitude too if someone was heckling me for my entire career," chances are good you'd make an excellent state thug or sympathizer to the cause of safety over freedom.

Your argument is pathetic and week.

I Used To Be With It

SDGundamX says...

I thank VideoSift for keeping me up to date with important pop-culture milestones like dubstep and Miley Cyrus twerking at the MTV awards show (things I never would have seen otherwise).

JustSaying said:

In the last few years I found myself constantly wondering how long ago certain things happened. It still blows my mind that Jurassic Park is 20 fucking years old now. I still clearly remember watching in the theater. Or buying the VHS tape. I'm getting old.
Funny thing is, I'm more "with it" than quite a few younger people I know. I'm always puzzled when people in their early 20s don't know who Miley Cyrus is or what dubstep sounds like. One time a colleague from work came to me telling me excitedly about Harlem Shake videos and all I could think was "this is soo yesterday and over, get with the times man". How can they not know this? I do.
Maybe I'm bound to be a hip old man. Weird.

Ron Paul talks Syria, NSA, Wikileaks. MSNBC talks racism.

What Does the Fox Say

Bigger Pizzas: A Capitalist Case for Health Care Reform

Trancecoach says...

He is right -- you need innovation to create things and then competition to bring prices down, but then arrives at some strange conclusions and inconsistencies. (All the while sounding like he is on crack.)

He makes a case for government giving money to entrepreneurs. Isn't that the "partnership system" that we have now? The mix of giving "public" money to "private" entrepreneurs?

His "solutions" require omniscient central planning to know who to give money to.

It's kind of sad the level of audience he is addressing his ideas to.
MTV meets pop-econ.

Basically he is advocating, like in the other video, a form of crony capitalism here. And the "problem" is that we don't have enough of it. So we should be giving more money to cronies because it doesn't matter if their "pizzas" get bigger, their "success" will "trickle down" to the rest of us and everyone will have a bigger pizza even if it's nowhere near as big as that of the wealthy entrepreneurs. A dog chasing its tail.

It's a weird sort of crony capitalism, though, because you give money to everyone and then one or two of those will build successful businesses and employ everyone else who didn't do as much with the money that was given to them. That's a kind of circular and it's not realistic to think that a couple of entrepreneurs will make up for all the money "given" to everyone else, and the resulting inflation and the myriad of problems therein.

I think he is trying to appeal to both left and right wingers, but it seems rather incoherent, a fact he may be trying to disguise with the fast pace and choppy editing, i.e., a video version of "fast-tlking" (i.e., swindling) to prevent any real and careful analysis of what he says.

I think there's more useful information in the videos this guy produces, but alas, they're not as "zany" as these...

Congresswoman Pelosi Gets Booed Calling Snowden Criminal

Jinx says...

I disagree completely. Labling him a criminal before a trial is perhaps a little premature - whether or not he broke the law is the question that should be asked at the trial...only it seems that the answer would likely be yes because his whistle blower status, or lack thereof, sure as hell isnt going to protect him.

I'm not sure why supporters of what he did would demand he martyr himself further. Do you really put so much trust in the justice system? You saw what they did to Manning. You think that is justice? How selfish of him to want to avoid that same fate rite? If it was me I would sacrifice myself to their little ritual in a flash and then sit in a cell for god knows how long hoping that the American people can pull themselves away from MTV and fastfood long enough to give a fuck about me. Lol nop. US citizens don't seem to need a trial to decide his guilt or not. Is anybody actually thinking to themselves "gee, I wonder if that snowdon guy had a point. Too bad I won't know until he hands himself in!". No, everybody made up their minds long ago and I don't think I need him to publically crucified to get mad as hell.

VoodooV said:

yeah, regardless of the end result, he still broke the law..and thus is a criminal. As usual, we have another video that tries to turn everything into a black or white issue, I'm no fan of Pelosi either, but she's not wrong.

The law doesn't care if you agree with what he did or not. He knew it was illegal to do what he did, that's why he fled. He's already made this issue public, so if enough people vote on this sort of issue, change WILL happen. but it doesn't excuse what he did.

He needs his day in court. IMO it was stupid of him to flee or at the very least, to continue fleeing. Everyone knows his name now. If ANYTHING happens to him, the USA will be blamed. He needs to turn himself in.

Mariah Carey Wardrobe Malfunction

chingalera says...

Hooray! Can't stand her musak anymore much but I fell in love with her pimped-out crib on that one MTV show that one time and have always appreciated her style and wardrobe. Her cribs the bomb, btw-Oh, and the fact that I don't know her personally (loopy?) and she's weathered the storm ok so far and hasn't burnt-out!

OHH, and that she could hit those stellar Yma Sumac notes in five octaves+/- isn't too shabby a legacy , either!

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