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California Supreme Court Overturns Same-Sex Marriage Ban

jwray says...

>> ^choggie:
The ninth circuit is NOT an example of the process at work for anything more than agenda, bias, power and influence.....follow the $$$, hunny-Look at their track record-At face value, a lot of what they, lawyers for the ACLU, hell, The United Nations(oxymoronic) do, looks great. One has to look at the inception, evolution, and effects of what they actually accomplish, to see that the sandwich, with fresh, whole grain bread and veggies hangin' out to make you approach it, eyes-agape and mouth-watering....contains a shitburger served cold under all the dressing...
Code Pink,, perhaps in their ranks, some well-meaning and no doubt thoughtful souls in their ranks, but agian, these folks tend not to understand the true mechanisms of what shaped their agendas, their virulent distaste for universal truths and ideals...nor could most of them work a shovel, change a tire, grow their own food or wipe their own asses without a choice between plys, scents, embossing and colors.
But hey man, Howard the Duck and Lord Whorfin, FTW, we all helped to make this world what it has become, a big chessboard on which a few influential, toxic, and un-human people play-
Now to the homosexuals-"Do what thou wilt, shall be the whole of the law."-Crowley

Mind backing up any of your accusations with references?

California Supreme Court Overturns Same-Sex Marriage Ban

choggie says...

The ninth circuit is NOT an example of the process at work for anything more than agenda, bias, power and influence.....follow the $$$, hunny-Look at their track record-At face value, a lot of what they, lawyers for the ACLU, hell, The United Nations(oxymoronic) do, looks great. One has to look at the inception, evolution, and effects of what they actually accomplish, to see that the sandwich, with fresh, whole grain bread and veggies hangin' out to make you approach it, eyes-agape and mouth-watering....contains a shitburger served cold under all the dressing...
Code Pink,, perhaps in their ranks, some well-meaning and no doubt thoughtful souls in their ranks, but agian, these folks tend not to understand the true mechanisms of what shaped their agendas, their virulent distaste for universal truths and ideals...nor could most of them work a shovel, change a tire, grow their own food or wipe their own asses without a choice between plys, scents, embossing and colors.

But hey man, Howard the Duck and Lord Whorfin, FTW, we all helped to make this world what it has become, a big chessboard on which a few influential, toxic, and un-human people play-

Now to the homosexuals-"Do what thou wilt, shall be the whole of the law."-Crowley

John McCain asks "why not 100?"

NetRunner says...

>> ^bcglorf:
I'm just saying I draw the line at honesty. I agree that Fox and Co. have gone way beyond that point, that doesn't do anything to make lying about Republicans positions any more acceptable.

All I'm saying is it's disingenuous to lump this in the same category. McCain wants the Iraq war to continue, and wants more war, most likely with Iran.

The quote used here is technically not an expression of that policy, but it's an accurate characterization of his position on the issue.

My main complaint is that the DNC ad pales in comparison to the ad.

Pennsylvania Predictions? (Election Talk Post)

NetRunner says...

>> ^winkler1:
Hillary by 3, but stick a fork in her she's done. Slamming Moveon? Reeall smart.

That in particular has me infuriated. Doesn't she remember that was originally "Censure, and Move On", a group dedicated to trying to defend President Clinton from the vast right wing conspiracy's attempt to impeach him?

Pennsylvania Predictions? (Election Talk Post)

How do you get to 100 years in Iraq?

choggie says...

Moveon, CAIR, Code Pink, all the same-ineffectaul wankers screaming and whining over symptoms, unconcerned with a cure for a much larger problem-punks, gorpers, Starbucks-swilling idiots, become career students, the best you can ever hope to do-

How do you get to 100 years in Iraq?

VideoSift 3.1 (Sift Talk Post)

Doc_M says...

1) "videos being viewed right now" might be disposable.
As the traffic increases, it becomes irrelevant to the point of being "here's some random videos, yay" ...that some random people happen to be watching... It might be worth extending the "new sift-talk posts" panel to include all channel sift-talk posts in place of the "videos being viewed right now."

2) With everyone on broadband, we might up the default vids/page to 20 and top 15 to top 20. This can also allow the additional channel Sift-talk posts in the side-bar.

3) I wouldn't mind giving the "diamonds" the ability to * destroy a vid from the deadpool if it is obviously one of those ones that will never come back, e.g. simpsons or anything comedy central. We don't need to continually seek ways to avoid the law and their copyright permissions to keep 1 minute videos circulating on the sift "illegally." If "destroyed," they're gone from the deadpool and people can re-submit them anyway if the legal issues get sorted out in the future.

Encouraging more commenting and Sift-talk participation might make the community more vocal. For now, we have a very limited group of regular vocal posters. As much as I enjoy the "small group" mentality, it doesn't support dissension very well. I guess I'm concerned about the sift just becoming another marginal and unimportant one-sided group-think forum. If everyone thinks the same way and they all only let certain vids through, then it's not what it seems it was meant to be and it loses HALF its potential audience. It'll just be another Drudge or Moveon. Encouraging commenting by some means might incite some better 2-sided discussions.

What if the Military had disclaimers like Rx Ads?

quantumushroom says...

Real History?

Actually, very few American government public schools teach American history at all, and when they do it's typically negative. Obviously any religious aspects have been downplayed or eliminated.

A lot of government school teachers have been caught ranting against Bush (with typical shouting points) and the 'funny' thing is, as inappropriate as that already is, it has happened in classes that have nothing to do with history or politics.

When you have a government-run school system, the "civil servants" that run it can't help but have a pro-socialist government-solution-for-every-problem mindset.

Never mind that it's taxes from a free market capitalist system that built the @#! schools, they've abandoned teaching to become laboratories for social(ist) engineering.

The children who know how to think for themselves spoil the harmony of the collective society which is coming, where everyone would be interdependent.

--John Dewey, "progressive" considered the "father of modern education."


Use Of 'N-Word' May End Porn Star's Career

jwray says...

Obviously the n word was not used in a racist way in this video. It's satirizing how politicians and media willfully overreact and demand apologies when they hear one little second-hand quote out of context from something they've never seen in its entirety. For example, the MoveOn ad that most congressmen didn't even read before voting for censure. It would be surprising if all the people they interviewed had actually seen the porn clip in question.

Rep. Pallone on Rush Limbaugh's "Phony Soldiers" Comment

rougy says...

I think the MoveOn ad against Patraeus was spot on; we should be "getting in their faces" like that every chance we get, because it's the only thing the conservative republican pro-war profiteers respond to.

They're not fooling anybody: they can denounce the ad all they want, but they cannot address the truth of it. People know that, and people are starting to see that.

A lot of people, myself included, joined MoveOn because of that ad, and MoveOn rasied a half-million dollars as a result of it.

Garofalo to O'Reilly: "Kiss my Fat Ass" Real Time 9/21/07

Farhad2000 says...

You cannot be serious Nazdorovia.

Garafolo - "The reason the corporate media serves the republican agenda so much is it means they don't have to work hard. They don't have to do anything. They don't have to do investigative journalism. They don't have to get into the dirty waters of speaking truth to power. If the corporate media continues to serve their republican masters, then their job is easy peasy. It's nuttin'. You go to Matt Drudge. You go get some stuff from Karl Rove. You go to Grover Norquist meetings. You get the talking points. Easy Peasy."

"[Conservative talk radio hosts] have conned the American people into thinking there is such a thing as a pro-life, pro-war, pro-gun, pro-death penalty Christian."

Coulter - "I think the government should be spying on all Arabs, engaging in torture as a televised spectator sport, dropping daisy cutters wantonly throughout the Middle East and sending liberals to Guantanamo."

"The "European Union" happens to be composed of people who hate our guts. It is the continent where lunatics are the friendly, pro-American types and the rest are crazy Muslims."

The links lead to Wikiquote collectives, I can't really see them being the opposites of eachother. Ann Coulter is a polemic who just spouts anything to get a reaction without adhereing to reason or reality.

Rep. Pallone on Rush Limbaugh's "Phony Soldiers" Comment

Farhad2000 says...

I did not think the ad was a good intiative in the first place, it was unbecoming of a progressive organization to spend money on an attack ad like that, the money should have been spent on creating new forms of progressive media expansion.

But its striking to see how much fervor was generated over an ad that really has no bearing on the Iraq War. So much so that the Senate votes on it, while other amendaments to give troops the same leave time as combat duty, troop withdrawl and such get fillibustered.

Will Rush get the same treatment? Hell no. Because unlike he is pushing forward a beneficial agenda for the GOP and the current administration, perpetual involvement in Iraq.

Rep. Pallone on Rush Limbaugh's "Phony Soldiers" Comment

Farhad2000 says...

Senators Who Forced Debate On MoveOn Ad Earlier Complained Of ‘Wasting Time On Empty Resolutions’

Today, the Senate voted 72-25 to approve Sen. John Cornyn’s (R-TX) bill criticizing’s Gen. David Petraeus ad in the New York Times. The “sense of the Senate” resolution “strongly” condemns the “personal attacks on the honor and integrity of General Petraeus.”

Rep. Tom Davis (R-VA) has now called for an investigation into “possible elections violations by the New York Times for selling an advertisement to the liberal group at a reduced rate.”

Neither Cornyn’s resolution nor Davis’s investigation have any bearing on the course in Iraq. The senators who today voted for Cornyn’s bill have previously chastised the Senate for engaging in “a colossal waste of time” on “empty” and “meaningless resolutions.” Some examples:

On Iraq debates/resolutions:

“Mr. President, we have nearly finished this little exhibition, which was staged, I assume, for the benefit of a briefly amused press corps and in deference to political activists opposed to the war.” [Sen. John McCain, 7/18/07]

“We have just seen a procedure in the last 24 hours that was a colossal waste of time.” [Sen. Arlen Specter (R-PA), 7/18/07]

“I want an open and honest debate, and not political posturing. I was sent here to take action, not waste time on non-binding and empty resolutions.” [Sen. Craig Thomas (R-WY), 2/23/07]

On the Gonzales vote of no confidence:

“[W]e ended up…spending our time on a meaningless resolution giving the president advice about who the attorney general ought to be.” [Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), 6/12/07]

“This is a very disappointing spectacle here today.” [Sen. Trent Lott (R-MS), 6/12/07]

On general partisanship:

“They’ve wasted the first seven months by being excessively partisan and creating unnecessary, in my view, disputes with a pretty robust minority of 49.” [Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), 7/25/07]

“The way that they have proceeded, I am not sure that you can count on anything getting done, even those things that look like a fairly certain bet.” [Sen. Jon Kyl (R-AZ), 7/25/07]

Evidently, it’s not a partisan waste of time to condemn an advocacy group for a New York Times ad.


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