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Plastikman - Plastique (Trippy Hypnotic Video)

Roger Federer Takes The P*ss

Banned Cartoon: Little Black Sambo - 1935

Goofball_Jones says...

Oh man, Ub Iwerks did the animation for this?!?! Ub was Walt Disney's main partner and animator when they first started out. In fact, it was Ub that animated the very first Mickey Mouse cartoon "Steamboat Willie".

Homemade Transformers Costume

Marine speaks out about Iraq

TimothyChenAllen says...

Enzoblue, I have to disagree. I am a former Marine-- I was in during Gulf War I, stationed in Quantico, where this Sergeant is now. The five part order includes an objective. As a Lieutenant, I was required to give an objective, and if the order was well-formed, that objective was clear. Going into a mission without a clear objective is tantamount to suicide. That was the first thing I learned when I learned to give orders at TBS. Having servicemen follow unclear objectives isn't discipline and it isn't patriotism: it is poor leadership.

Granted, I participated in my share of mickey mouse maneuvers where the objective was not clear, but normally that was because the C.O. had not done his homework (sometimes that C.O. was me!), or there was a lack of information. That is understandable. But an order cannot lack a clear objective because of political expedience. This is what these servicemen are objecting to.

Category Icons (Sift Talk Post)

joedirt says...

ren, i like it. Here's my suggestions. If I was better at PS, I'd give it a whirl.

For tech --> layer blend with borg texture like from one of these: borg cube - locutus - borg stuff... If that doesn't work, I like dag's idea. Put a power button on the front and a power cord off the side.

For music --> I think the guitar is too small. Maybe a Violin/Viola might be large in the same space (smaller neck) so it can fit larger.

For politics --> it's ok, I like a donkey head and elephant sticking out either side. But blue/red works. Maybe you can stick a ribbon on it. I think that would be hilarious.

I think we'll also need a cartoon version. Animation or something like that. I'm not sure what to do about that but put mickey mouse gloves and feet on the sifter.

Classic Aicha Video

Mrs. World Fiasco: The Perils of Pageantry

Krupo says...

Oh damn - one of the contestants even says "this is not a reality show" to the camera, and yet...

from the Exile:
"In a slimy Hollywood twist, the American producers, who included Jeff Androsky, a producer from a show on the new Fox Reality network Reality Remix, announced that that contest was going to be a reality show just three days before the pageant started. All the preceding contests were just a fodder for the reality show, not competitions they'd be judged on. It was even rumored that he was thrilled after the screw-up, because it'd make for better TV. As it was, the reality TV angle was mimicking Miss America's attempt to stay relevant, which it announced it was going reality TV this year. But, like everything else in this contest, it was done in a Mickey Mouse way."

david blaine - coffee into coins

bitdragon says...

don't see why anyone would hate david blaine .. magic is magic man, i guess i just don't care whether or not its david blaine or mickey mouse. its still a pretty cool trick.

cheers langers, i got a good laugh out of that face dance (:

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