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Transformers Movie Intro - 1986

Transformers Movie Intro - 1986

ant says...

I never saw it in the theater, but I saw on TV back in the late 1980s/80s or maybe 1990s partially. But I rewatched the whole thing a few years ago. Way better than Michael Bay's real-life movie!

Looper - International Trailer

kceaton1 says...

>> ^Sarzy:

FYI Rian Johnson (the director of this film) posted the following on Twitter:
"If you're already set on seeing Looper, I'd avoid any trailers from here on out. They don't ruin the movie, but they tip a few little things that are fun to discover in the context of the movie."
If the director of a film tells you to avoid the trailer, it's probably a good idea to listen.

...And this should also be a calling card to START telling movie companies to reign in their trailer releases, editing what information and scenes are still in and what isn't. You can easily make a perfectly good trailer that still gives you an idea of what the story will be that pulls the crowds and still not give away really anything. Hell, sometimes it's good to even leave the STORY a secret, as in my point below.

I may not have liked Cloverfield too much (although it did do a lot of things right, like atmosphere; leaving you in perpetual suspense with the characters--rather than you being the omniscient overseer as usual), but damn it's small burst trailer and viral craze was enough to make people foam at the mouth. The reason why it worked is right down below...

BTW, Hollywood executives I'm about to tell you what makes a good trailer:

This is ALL you need, produce curiosity and you have your audience (in fact I'd dare say that by putting more information in that gives away ANY plot lines will actually DIMINISH your crowd size). Just give them curiosity and if your film isn't good enough to form curiosity then you happen to be releasing a Tyler Perry movie, again (or Adam Sandler).

This obviously isn't ever true as the majority of people STILL see movies even though these trailers are released. But, is this because they don't care about the trailers or they just want to see the show either way (trailer be damned, like us). For us commenting, we are movie goers that actually LOVE cinema hate having movies ruined by seeing one bad trailer.

It would be nice if they would atleast give it a chance.

BTW, this looks like an interesting film, but yet again--why in the hell do we need to know the whole story and how it will end (you can almost guess a few ways it will; I shouldn't even be able to conceptualize it yet!) basically before going? Does everybody release Michael Bay style trailers now (The Transformers trailers were REALLY bad in this area, as is Michael Bay...)?

I'll still see this as it's a Bruce Willis movie and he seems to have an O.K. streak; he hasn't ever really made/been-in a dud, similar to Harrison Ford on that front. Plus Joseph Levitt to boot, should be alright.

Unexpected Fireworks Display.

Hasbro KRE-O TRANSFORMERS - Stop Motion Video

The Peanuts Matrix

CryEngine SDK 3.4: Seriously pretty graphics!

Fletch says...

>> ^JiggaJonson:

The fact that they can render CGI this beautiful in real time makes me want to throw up when I think about all of the generic/cartoony CGI movies out there.
I know we've come a long way, but even shudder Star Wars has fallen victim to horrid CGI. Give me a puppet any day over something that looks like a cartoon.

TPM was released in 1999, a LONG time ago in CGI development. Less-advanced CGI doesn't bother me as much as its overuse (think Michael Bay) and using it for its own sake on crap like a Jar Jar Binks.

EDIT: And btw, this is a real-time video game engine. There isn't a single scene in this video that wouldn't like like absolute crap edited into a movie with real actors/locations in it.

CryEngine SDK 3.4: Seriously pretty graphics!

Stupidity at 2500 FPS - Dumt & Farligt Highlights

Pistol Shrimps: Titanic Super 3D

michael bays TMNT movie reboot

michael bays TMNT movie reboot

Huge Sewer Explosion - Shit happens, literally.

michael bays TMNT movie reboot

michael bays TMNT movie reboot

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