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Bill Evans - Nardis

moesephoes says...

Dble bass should always have a microphone not a pick up, being its an acoustic instrument and not an electric bass. Keeping in mind that its the 70's, and a new sound, marc can be forgiven. In hindsight, i hope he learnt the lesson, and ditched the pick up. Bill is a legend.

T.Rex Bang a Gong.. You need more T.Rex I am Sure of It

Sex Scandal Flowchart (Blog Entry by NetRunner)

NetRunner says...

^ I'd like to see the same thing, though not limited just to sex scandals, and keeping score on which party is more likely to call for their scandal-laden representative to resign.

On the above chart, only Craig and Foley were asked to resign by their party. In the Democratic scandals I can recall from the last few years, all of the representatives got calls from the party leaders to resign (Blago, Edwards, Kilpatrick, Spitzer, even Ohio AG Marc Dann). The ones who didn't go quietly got pushed out by bipartisan coalitions (in the Blago case, nearly unanimously).

How can people think that animals have no feelings? (Pets Talk Post)

yourhydra says...

the study of Animal emotions help autism (to study emotions u need to have them..)

makes some good points....if people chose to believe animals have no emotion then its ok to slaughter and torture them. Points out how we used to assume babies didn't feel pain...weren't we. Also points out how many scientists now DO believe animals have let see your counter studies? "Many people will reject this as sentimental nonsense, but scientific evidence is increasingly providing support for such ideas."

speaks of a study that revealed that dogs can read and react to human emotion. so tell me, how does on know emotion if one does not feel it? Can you know what the color yellow looks like if you have not seen it? Do you know what pain is if you've never felt it?

another study... "Researchers working in neurobiology and behavioral observation seem to be learning what pet lovers have known all along: animals have feelings.

New evidence gathered from actually studying dogs, chimps and other animals, supports pet owners’ firm convictions that animals experience fear, jealousy, grief and love.

"Five years ago my colleagues would have thought I was off my rocker," said biologist Marc Bekoff. "But now scientists are finally starting to talk about animal emotions in public. It’s like they’re coming out of the closet." "

get out of the stone age. its been proven. or get a degree and disprove it. good luck

from molecule to medicine

Hyperdrive says...

Interesting sift, however, I'd challenge the closing comment that 'a major part of the profit is reinvested in new research'.

Marc-Andre Gagnon and Joel Lexicon produced a revealing peer-reviewed paper in December 2007, titled 'The Cost of Pushing Pills: A New Estimate of Pharmaceutical Promotion Expenditures in the U.S.' They concluded that drug companies are spending nearly twice as much on promotion as research and development.

"As a percent of U.S. domestic sales of $235.4 billion, promotion consumes 24.4% of the sales dollar versus 13.4% for on R&D. In light of these numbers one can safely argue that marketing is predominant over R&D in the pharmaceutical industry, contrary to industry's claim."

Now that really is sickening.

quantumushroom (Member Profile)

quantumushroom says...


$34,000: the amount of federal taxes that Secretary of the Treasury Timothy Geithner (D) failed to pay during his employment at the International Monetary Fund despite receiving extra compensation and explanatory brochures that described his tax liabilities.

$75,000: the amount of money that the head of the powerful tax-writing committee, Rep. Charlie Rangel (D-NY), was forced to report on his taxes after the discovery that he had not reported income from a Costa Rican rental property. His excuses for the failure started with blaming his wife, then his accountant and finally the fact that he didn't speak Spanish.

$93,000: the amount of petty cash each Congressional representative voted to give themselves in January 2009 during the height of an economic meltdown.

$133,900: the amount Fannie Mae "invested" in Chris Dodd (D-CT), head of the powerful Senate Banking Committee, presumably to repel oversight of the GSE prior to its meltdown. Said meltdown helped touch off the current economic crisis. In only a few years time, Fannie also "invested" over $105,000 in then-Senator Barack Obama.

$140,000: the amount of back taxes and interest that Cabinet nominee Tom Daschle (D) was forced to cough up after the vetting process revealed significant, unexplained tax liabilities.

$356,000: the approximate amount of income and deductions that Daschle (D) was forced to report on his amended 2005 and 2007 tax returns after being caught cheating on his taxes. This includes $255,256 for the use of a car service, $83,333 in unreported income, and $14,963 in charitable contributions.

$800,000: the amount of "sweetheart" mortgages Senate Banking Chairman Chris Dodd (D-CT) received from Countrywide Financial, the details for which he has refused to release details despite months of promises to do so. Countrywide was once the nation's largest mortgage lender and linked to Government-Sponsored Entities like Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Their meltdown precipitated the current financial crisis. Just days ago in Pennsylvania, Countrywide was forced to pay $150,000,000 in mortgage assistance following "a state investigation that concluded that Countrywide relaxed its underwriting standards to sell risky loans to consumers who did not understand them and could not afford them."

$1,000,000: the estimated amount of donations by Denise Rich, wife of fugitive Marc Rich, to Democrat interests and the William J. Clinton Foundation in an apparent quid pro quo deal that resulted in a pardon for Mr. Rich. The pardon was reviewed and blessed by Obama Attorney General and then Deputy AG Eric Holder, despite numerous requests by government officials to turn it down.

$12,000,000: the amount of TARP money provided to community bank OneUnited despite the fact that it did not qualify for funds, and was "under attack from its regulators for allegations of poor lending practices and executive-pay abuses." It turns out that Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA), a key contributor to the Fannie Mae meltdown, just happens to be married to one of the bank's ex-directors.

$23,500,000: The upper range of net worth Rep. Allan Mollohan (D-WV) accumulated in four years time according to The Washington Post through earmarks of "tens of millions of dollars to groups associated with his own business partners."

$2,000,000,000: ($2 billion) the approximate amount of money that House Appropriations Chairman David Obey (D-WI) is earmarking related to his son's lobbying efforts. Craig Obey is "a top lobbyist for the nonprofit group" that would receive a roughly $2 billion component of the "Stimulus" package.

$3,700,000,000: ($3.7 billion) not to be outdone, this is the estimated value of various defense contracts awarded to a company controlled by the husband of Rep. Diane Feinstein (D-CA). Despite an obvious conflict-of-interest as "a member of the Military Construction Appropriations subcommittee, Sen. Feinstein voted for appropriations worth billions to her husband's firms ."

$4,190,000,000: ($4.19 billion) the amount of money in the so-called "Stimulus" package devoted to fraudulent voter registration ACORN group under the auspices of "Community Stabilization Activities". ACORN is currently the subject of a RICO suit in Ohio.

$1,646,000,000,000: ($1.646 trillion): the approximate amount of annual United States exports endangered by the "Stimulus" package, which provides a "Buy American" stricture. According to international trade experts, a "US-EU trade war looms", which could result in a worldwide economic depression reminiscent of that touched off by the protectionist Smoot-Hawley Act.

Obama Opposes Fairness Doctrine (Lies Talk Post)

dystopianfuturetoday says...

Holy crap quantum!?! I heard that Obama DOES have a birth certificate, but it's from another planet. He is a Reptillian shape shifter who's name is really pronounced Bha'rhachxtk Ogh'bahmbha'h. If only we'd heeded your seemingly lazy, petty and politically shallow comments earlier, we might have had some time to prepare for the impending Reptilian invasion fortold by prophet Marc Singer.

Feed the Kitty - Chuck Jones' best cartoon

Glenn Beck Tries to Scare Atheist Children

Fedquip (Member Profile)

Prop 8 - The Musical with Jack Black

volumptuous says...

>> ^kronosposeidon:
^So YOU have a list of a every single donor to Equality For All?
[edit] ps V - You're welcome.

Look maaaaaaan, "every single donor" to EFA didn't produce this video. It was Marc Shaiman, Will Ferrell, and Adam McKay (who own funnyordie). Jack Black and the others were called by them, and they agreed.

I wasn't "castigating" every lighting technician, grip and sound designer of this video, and either you know it and are just trying to 'win', or you don't and are making a fool of yourself.

Shaiman (who's idea this was, AFTER Nov 4th) has only contributed to this "protest" movement twice. Once in this video, and once to get Scott Eckern, the Artistic Director of the California Musical Theater (the state's biggest nonprofit musical theater company) fired.

So KP - I gave as much as most of these people, who are mostly obscenely wealthy. And I'm fucking skint. Wow, what heroes they are!!!

Prop 8 - The Musical with Jack Black

kronosposeidon says...

I just did a search on about half of the cast and crew (unlike joedirt and volumptuous) and found this much so far:

1. Written by Marc Shaiman. He gave a total of $1500 to oppose Prop 8:

2. Directed by Adam Shankman. He gave a total of $1000 to oppose Prop 8:

3. Margaret Cho acted in this. She gave $1000 to oppose Prop 8:

4. Neil (Patrick) Harris acted in this. He gave $2500 to oppose Prop 8.

5. Director of photography: Michael Barrett. He gave a total of $300 to oppose Prop 8

Five people alone in the cast and crew gave $6300 to oppose Prop 8. Wow.

What was that about "none of these people lifted a finger to prevent this from passing"?
Think before you slander.

Prop 8 - The Musical with Jack Black

joedirt says...

I saw celebs in stupid "Don't Vote" PSAs. I don't think any of these celebs were out there for Prop 8 except maybe Margaret Cho.

The producer and writer of this skit agree with me on Too Little, Too Late.

Adam Shankman sheepishly and folksily admits he wrote "six weeks later than he shoulda."

Marc Shaiman -- "I only wish I'd written it 2 months ago. Damn,”

Ex-Scientology Official Speaks Out (Sept 4, 2008)

Blur - Charmless Man

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