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Mordhaus (Member Profile)

BSR (Member Profile)

Trump Commits A Crime To Lie About Dorian Hitting Alabama

Cyberpunk 2077 – Deep Dive Video

StukaFox says...

Please tell me I won't need to map 50 different keys for 50 different in-game functions that each only do a single thing you use only one time in the entire game. I'm looking at you, Assassin's Creed!

BEAUTIFUL SCOTLAND (Highlands / Isle of Skye)

Ashenkase says...

About half of the locations are in Skye, most of the castles and lighthouses are not on Skye. OP has all his sites identified in Google Maps if you click on through to the Youtube page.

How This Cyclist Hit 184MPH and Set the World Record

BSR says...

I think we both know that doubling the previous record would be impossible under the conditions the pros compete in. Plus the pros make their record on indoor tracks if I'm not mistaken.

I made my trip on the east coast as I wanted stay closer to home if something unexpected happened.

This map shows my round trip route from Cape Canaveral to High Point NC and back. The blue was created with my GPS tracker which caused some lost data due to battery drain and poor signal. I flipped the image so the text was easier to read.

I met a lot of nice people. If you like to travel you might like this sight.

I was able to stay with people who invited me into their homes on 5 different occasions and never actually had to sleep on a couch.

EDIT: Someone else brought up the possible invasive species point so I'm on the fence with that. I don't want to be blamed for the next BIG earthquake that gives birth to the new Godzilla. Although, it's California. He could probably get a SAG card.

newtboy said:

that speed would have more than doubled the previous record and that would be amazing.

Nice trip. 2500 miles is a good chunk of the distance coast to coast (depending on the route). Where did you ride to/from?

I'm intrigued by the sand swap idea, but also concerned about the introduction of invasive species that may be living in that sand. Just a thought if you make the trip.

newtboy (Member Profile)

What Happens When You Try to File a Complaint Against a Cop

JiggaJonson says...

I actually had this happen to me after I got a ticket. A $250 + $150 court fee ticket because I was going...wait for it...35 mph.

I got pulled over at this exact location, go on and try to find a speed limit sign going north.,-87.508833,3a,75y,12.09h,82.7t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sxVT9eHxtCpzbkw2Q6wPCaQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656

I remember because he whipped out from that liquor store parking lot, but long story short he wrote me a ticket and I didn't notice until later that the ticket said I got pulled over at Calumet and Lyons (right in front of the school down the road). It may be the case that the whole area is actually 25, but to be fair I was driving at 10 p.m. on my way home, whole fucking street empty.

Red n Blues as I approach the railroad tracks. I look at my speedometer "Is he pulling me over? I'm only going 35. Hmmm. Okay."

"Sir, do you have any idea how fast you were going?"
Sheepishly - "Thirty? Five?"

License - Reg, and he walks off, I look at it and say "Jesus christ! $250 for going 35?"

I find out about the court fees adding another $150 and then I see that he wrote the wrong street down "Hmmm what's this street he wrote ohhhHHHH right in front of the school where it's obviously 25 not near the railroad tracks eh? What a fucker"

I go to complain and the chief of police comes out and wants to know why I want to complain. He explains that it will go on the guys record and I should really just pay it because it could end up being a lot more trouble for me than it's worth. Strong insinuation in his voice, I left and didn't pay, didn't file complaint, went to court and explained.

Nothing happened to him, he didn't even get asked why he wrote the wrong street. It was just assumed that he was being honest.

Yeah, people don't write songs calling for "fuck the firemen" or "fuck the EMT's" - gee, I wonder why.

Snowmobile Jumps Highway

Dora and the Lost City of Gold - Official Trailer

moonsammy says...

I'd kind of love a PG-13 or R-rated Dora where she still acts exactly like the original show (tons of repetition, asks questions with astoundingly obvious answers, reads the simplest of maps like she's doing calculus in her head, super naive, etc), but everyone else is entirely normal, and reacts to her accordingly. "Swiper, no swiping, Swiper no swiping, Swiper..." "Dora what the FUCK?! He has a GUN, stop saying that shit and give him the key!" They seem to do some of that here (paraphrasing "of course she knows the monkey," "she brought a knife on a field trip"), but Dora also appears slightly to behave semi-normally.

Anyway. I started playing this because I have kids who watched the show some years ago, and I hated having to sit through it. Figured I'd show it to them in an "oh man, can you even believe how awful this looks?" sort of way, and then... it doesn't. It actually looks like a relatively ok, fun movie. RFlagg, I think you're right that the recent Jumanji was a huge inspiration; I doubt this will measure up at all. Oh, and for anyone who hasn't seen Jumanji WttJ, it's actually totally worth watching, with or without kids. Clever writing, and the actors all did a great job with their characters (particularly Jack Black, IMHO).

"The Dirty Dozen" movie trailer from 1967



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