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Ryan 2012, allow me to introduce Ryan 2002

Ryan 2012, allow me to introduce Ryan 2002

Rape and Retards: Doug Stanhope talks Daniel Tosh

Sotto_Voce says...

@vaire2ube, I'm glad you brought up Patrice O'Neal, because he is a perfect example of the disingenuousness of the "It's just comedy, folks" defense. There is plenty of evidence that O'Neal was a bona fide misogynist, with genuinely toxic views about women. But because he usually expressed those views humorously, any criticism was met with something like "God, can't you take a joke, you humorless feminazi?"

I'm sorry, but that's bullshit. Hateful views don't get a pass just because they're followed by a punchline. Good (and even some not-so-good) comedians don't just tell jokes, they convey ideas, and those ideas should be subject to scrutiny just as they would be if they came from Rachel Maddow or Charles Krauthammer. To treat comedy otherwise, to treat it as if it is just light entertainment that shouldn't be taken seriously, is to trivialize it. And the trivialization of comedy is precisely what the greats -- Bruce, Pryor, Carlin -- fought against. To anyone who loves the artform of comedy, the phrase "just a joke" should be anathema.

Patrice O'Neal was a very funny man, but he was also a bigot. His funniness does not excuse his bigotry in the slightest. And Tosh doesn't even have that figleaf. His act is shot through with causal misogyny and disregard for the valid concerns of rape victims. Look, that woman shouldn't have heckled him in the middle of the act. But his response was hugely dickish. Especially given the fact that she had just voiced strong sentiments against rape jokes, which in the mind of most considerate human beings would have triggered a little alarm to the effect of "Maybe she reacts so strongly to rape jokes because she is a rape victim."

Will MSNBC Hire S.E. Cupp To Host Her Own Show? -- TYT

Kofi says...

Ana needs to stop doing opinion stuff and more investigative journalism. She seems biased but intelligent and conscientious. She would be a great counterpart to Rachael Maddow if she got her chops up.

The Simpsons uses Fox News as a Punching Bag

The Simpsons uses Fox News as a Punching Bag

Smugglarn (Member Profile)

The Simpsons uses Fox News as a Punching Bag

How to handle gays? Concentration Camp

bareboards2 says...


Watch this. Rachel Maddow makes a huge distinction between words and actions.

Too long? Bottom line -- his actions have promoted gay rights while his words have seemed soft. Other presidents have privately said "hey, gay rights" to gay supporters, but their actions led to DOMA, Don't Ask Don't Tell, and something else, I forget.

I hope you watch the video. It is eye-opening.

Maddow: GOP dirty tricks getting media attention

Maddow: GOP dirty tricks getting media attention

NetRunner (Member Profile)

Did Mitt Romney Bully Gay Classmate? -- TYT

Kofi says...

As much as I want to hate this guy I see this as a non-event. It was 50 years ago, hearsay and of little to no relevance to an candidate. Saying that it is indicative of much is reading too much of it. There's so much more important failings of this man to focus on. Start with how he see gay people today. Maddow did a good bit on it. He has no principles. He'll just say or do whatever is popular.

Obama declaration "icing on the cake" of gay rights legacy

Obama declaration "icing on the cake" of gay rights legacy

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