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Jawdropping Beatboxing/VoiceLooping performance

eric3579 says...

t's possible to love someone
And not treat them in the way that you want
It's possible to see your eyes
Be the devil in disguise with another front
And, it's possible to change this world
Revolutionise the boys and girls
It's possible to educate
The next generation that will rule the world someday

The changing times of the 21st century
Means nothing to me cos I would rather be
At the beginning of time, earth would be mine
Living in luxury
Discovering a world out there
Believing in the sun earth water and air
Take me there so I could see the world bloom
Standing on a sea cliff howling at the moon
Creating a world for the open minded
A unique perception of truth inside it
I know we could find it
It's just a matter of where and when we collectively decide it
The world is not a vicious place
It's just the way we've been raised
Discovering time and space
I know that we could make a change
Rearrange the way that we appreciate the world today

It's possible to love someone..

Now as i start to put my mind into words
I stall I fall I'm loosing it all, my inhibitions
The thought of wasting a way
The fact that the music's at a place not far away
Yet I stray and stick to my world
In love with my life my beliefs and a girl
Is it luck that I love this crazy place, the human race?
Don't get me wrong I still think we could change
But this life and the fact that time exists
And were here and we don't come equipped with it all
Half the fun is learning and I'm having a ball
While the world keeps turning my role is small
But I'll make a change
I hope you're feeling the same way
I hope you're seeing what I say

It's possible to love someone..

In this concrete jungle we live
Our survival is love that we give
Now my instinct is guiding my way
It's true what they say
The world is your chance to create

What is your favorite apocalypse? (User Poll by dystopianfuturetoday)

mintbbb says...

Y2K.. I was busy in Finland during fall 1999, hoping to get my fiancee visa and fly to the US before Y2K hit. Just in case all airplanes would stop working and so on.. Luckily I got the visa on time and arrived to the States already in late November 1999.

The world didn't end, planes were still flying at 2000, and I got to marry the love of my life! Not bad for a doomsday scare!

Australian Hurdler (Michelle Jenneke) Is Back

Yogi says...

Goddammit she is the love of my life now. I mean yeah cute and fit before, but now just perfection in her funny awesome self. I hate the internet, constantly informing me of what I can't have and then making fun of me for it!!!

gwiz665 (Member Profile)

lavoll (Member Profile)

Good morning Lebanon from Waltz with Bashir

demon_ix says...

Lebanon, good morning
Lebanon, good morning
May you never know pain
Lebanon, good morning
Your dreams will come true
Your nightmares will evaporate
Your life is a blessing
Lebanon, good morning
You are torn to pieces
Bleeding in my arms
The love of my life
My short life
Tear me to pieces


The voice belongs to the soldier on the right side of the screen. He is talking about the beautiful scenery they experienced going into Lebanon.
Later he talks about how secure you feel inside a tank, emphasized when the tank crushes cars in it's path.
As you can probably tell from the final second, as long as your head is sticking out (which the tank commander's head is, most of the time), that security is quite an illusion.

This Is Not The Greatest Post In The World, No... (Mystery Talk Post)

lucky760 says...


1) Season = Autumn; long shadows, orange/yellow/red leaves, warm sun, cool wind
2) Place in the world = Irvine, CA, but I haven't seen enough of the rest of the world yet for an educated answer
3) Children's book = don't remember
4) TV Series = too many
5) Word = ?
6) Film = too many
7) Curse = ?
Creature = crocodiles and siftbot
9) Past time = programming and movies
10)Person = my wife, the love of my life

Which one?

11) Dog or cat = cat, they clean themselves and you can leave them alone for days
12) Sweet or savoury = savory
13) Cereal or Toast = cereal
14) Tan or pale = pale
15) Shoes or barefoot = shoes
16) Desktop or laptop = laptop
17) Drive or walk = drive
18) Drama or comedy = drama
19) Sex or food = sex
20) Futurama or Simpsons = Simpsons

The Sift

21) Your fave personal submission = motorcycle guy texting on a freeway or MarineGunrock eating a sandwich in 2 minutes
22) A great comment on one of your vids = ?
23) Most off the wall member = homoerotic blankfist
24) Favourite user name = hmm. that's a toughie. top of my head: fissionchips
25) Your most used channel = asia
26) Personal dumbass moment = ?
27) Best avatar = ?
28) Partner in crime = dag, literally
29) Do people offline know of your sift problem = no (but people online usually tell me all about their sift problems )
30) Idea for the site = it's so perfect already

About you

31) Where do you live = Irvine, California
32) Smoker/non-smoker = non; I hate being prisoner to wandering smoke from nearby smokers
33) Left or right handed = right
34) Hair colour = black
35) Relationship status = married and fulfilled
36) How tall = 5'11"
37) Children = not yet
38) Ever had an operation = birth; wisdom teeth
39) Best feature = don't have one
40) Use four words to describe yourself = immature, jocular, simple, passionate

If you could...what, who, when etc

41) Bring a famous person back from the dead = George Washington, but then he'd kill himself seeing what we've done to the country; maybe Bradley Nowell of Sublime
42) Give 50 grand to any charity = stem cell research
43) Send someone on a one way ticket to the moon = everyone who thinks we didn't go there
44) Relive a moment in your life = meeting my wife
45) Have a superpower = have and share regeneration/immortality
46) Find out one thing you've always wanted to know = all other types of life in the universe
47) Have the opposite gender deal with something you have to = urinal backsplash; trying to get into a girl's pants
48) Be president for one hour = that's not enough time
49) Delete a period in history = no
50) Achieve one thing = sell any of my own software for a lot of money

inspired (Member Profile)

inspired says...

With Ultimate Respect

Hello Young Ladies,

I would first like to say that you are a true inspiration to me and I'm sure millions of other people around the world. Abby and Brittany, you should be very proud of yourselves. Also, you should be equally proud of your parents for raising such lovely, respectful young women. I myself, have an 18 year old daughter whom is the true love of my life. Her name is Talisa Nicole. She was born on September 29, 1988 a healthy and beautiful baby. I think the thing that makes me the proudest of Talisa is that she is such a caring, honest and self-respected person. In addition to those qualities, she has a tremendous amount of respect for all people of the world, no matter their color, their nationality, their religion or most importantly, their physical appearance. Accordingly, she is alo an inspiration to me her mother, all of her friends, and anyone who has the pleasure of meeting her. Girls, I would like to say to you both, I hope all of your wishes and dreams in life come true. I hope and pray that one day you both through the grace of God will experience motherhood as I truly believe you will both make unbelievable mothers and I believe that your children deserve to be brought into this world my two such beautiful and caring women such as yourselves. In closing I would like to gongratulate your parents Mike and Patty for being such wonderful parents in I'm sure so many ways. Last but not least, Girls please never be detered by anything in life, always give it your best shot, and God will take over from there.

God Bless and God Speed,

Kindest regards,

Michael Cervini, a truly proud and loving parent

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