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Hurricane Ian Southwest Florida compilation

Hurricane Ian Southwest Florida compilation

NRA - Stand And Fight

silvercord says...
VoodooV said:

I think interpreting resource officer = armed guard is a bit of a stretch, but I'll admit that was my initial reaction too. I interpreted it as "I'll leave it up to the individual school to decide what they want"

which is probably the right thing to do.

As I write this, Immediately to my right, on the sift, is an ad that says "Obama says, Ban Guns!" say no!"

So the strawman is still standing. Nowhere, no how is anyone...ANYONE going after anyone's guns. Yet in the minds of certain people.....

If it weren't for the fact that hundreds, if not thousands of innocents would be probably be killed, I'm to the point of saying that if these assholes think the gov't is tyrannical, let them revolt. Let's see how far they get, they don't have popular support, they don't have military support. If you want to live free or die and you think you aren't free, then put your money where your mouth is asshole and do something about it.

I'm sick of the whining and the conspiracy theories. put up or shut up. They think gov't is tyrannical, but they do nothing, guns were unlawfully confiscated during Katrina, but they did nothing.

We've got people who honestly think the recent shootings were all staged. Prove it or shut the fuck up. Talk is cheap.

I hear a lot of whining from people like this, but not any action.

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