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Israeli Soldiers Use Food Aid As Trap To Murder Palestinians

newtboy says...

Israel has released highly edited drone footage that still contradicts their false narrative despite having the part where the shooting and running happens edited out. If it showed Palestinians killings themselves attacking food trucks like Israel has claimed caused ALL the deaths and injuries, does anyone really believe it wouldn’t be aired immediately?

Today they claim they only fired warning shots…but since when are “warning shots” fired into a crowd from tanks and drones?

This was a genocidal massacre by a nation that has shown itself to be worse than Nazi Germany. International condemnation is coming from everywhere but America. It’s disgusting, and may cost Biden the election.

Putin replies to Biden's "rude" comment about him

newtboy says...

Yeah, sure Vlad.
Trump normalized relations, ignored your assassinations, and recognized your annexation of Ukrainian Crimea, strengthening Russia immensely, Biden armed your victims, destroyed your military, killed a generation of your sons, and crushed your economy flat with sanctions.
Clearly Biden was better for Russia. Sure.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Oh no! Trump has filed a motion 25 days after judgement asking for a stay of execution because he doesn’t have the $83 million for Carrol, actually asking to be allowed to appeal without posting bond…due in 10 days +- or she can start seizing and selling his properties. It will be rejected, she’s going to get a building or two (remember, Trump said everyone is leaving NY, it’s a total shit show there just so crime ridden and businesses leaving in droves so the value of his properties there is near nothing, she might need three! 😂).
Only a few weeks later his >$460 million judgement to NY comes due. If he doesn’t have $83 million (and can’t get a bond because his assets are forfeited) where do you think he’ll get $460 million +? The Saudis? MAGA? Not daddy Putin, he’s broke. Rest assured the source of his bond, if he can get one, will be publicized and when it turns out to be a foreign nation he will have to register as a foreign agent.

PS- Mr “nobody can ramble like this” killed CPAC. 😂

This is you guy, this you’re pick?

OH SNAP! Chesebro was caught with a secret Twitter account he used to promote the fake elector strategy far more aggressively than he has admitted previously, it has back and forth text conversations and recordings explaining the scheme, clear that it wasn’t about Trump having won but about falsely calling Biden’s victory into question and having Republican legislatures overturn the election and install Trump despite his election loss. He specifically told investigators he had no such accounts…his plea deal likely just evaporated and he’s going away for decades…unless he makes a deal to be a fully cooperative witness. UH-OH! Wanna bet he ends up just like Epstein, the last Trump guy facing the rest of his life in prison who knows where the bodies are buried and is about to spill Trump’s dirty beans?

Google's New Anti-White A.I. Image Generator "Gemini"

Google's New Anti-White A.I. Image Generator "Gemini"

Google's New Anti-White A.I. Image Generator "Gemini"

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How Al Green Ruined The Impeachment Scam

newtboy says...

You are that gullible.
Millions came through illegally under Trump. The numbers are increasing in part because he cut drug enforcement aid to many countries and narco gangs took over.
Biden, to his shame, didn’t change the Trump border policy in any significant way. I agree, continuing Trump policy is a failure and a fuck up, but with the house actively sabotaging any solutions, including the solutions they suggest, I can’t blame Biden for not doing much with his hands tied. He can’t write and pass law alone, despite Trump’s recent assertion he could (but Trump didn’t).

The border failure now 100% belongs to Trump after he killed the bipartisan bill to address it in many of the exact ways Republicans suggested it be addressed.

Btw- I like how you now love fake news CNN…but only when they agree with you, the rest of the time they lie all the time. 😂

bobknight33 said:

You are that gullible.

The border was more secure under last POTUS.

Biden totally F it at teh border. So much so even sanctuary cities are crumbling under all the illegals they have.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

You are actually correct, but not how you think. Russia is now losing the war IN RUSSIA, and has lost the support of Russians themselves, with major fires being set by Russians in Russia to protest drafting raids where police just come and take hundreds away to the front, heat turned off in prisons to force prisoners to choose between dying frozen and shot in Ukraine or dying frozen and starving in prison, and major infrastructure targets hit by Ukraine deep inside Russia.
Russia is being supplied ammunition by N Korea…have you seen it?! Charges 1/3 full of loose propellants, shells misshapen and unbalanced. You can’t aim when you don’t know how much propellant you are using or how the shell will fly! Their army is gone, they’re now conscripting warehouse workers. The state is bankrupt and is going dark and cold. You think they’re winning?
If we continue sending ammunition, the Ukrainian war is all but over. Russia is a total loss, all because of Biden’s support for our allies, freedom, and democracy. NATO is stronger, Russia is near collapse.

If it becomes a loss for democracy and a win for Russia, it will be 100% because of MAGA abandoning them to Putin in an effort to hurt Biden and distract from their disgusting sex crimes (Gaetz admitted he ousted McCarthy because he wouldn’t kill the ethics investigation of Gaetz, others went along because McCarthy kept the government open).
America, Ukraine, and the entire world knows it, no question. MAGA is anti democracy, that’s clear to all.

bobknight33 said:

The Ukraine war is all but over. A total loss all because of Biden

Republicans Use Fake AI Generated Biden Robocall

Republicans Use Fake AI Generated Biden Robocall

Police Called To Stop Filming During Piano Livestream

newtboy says...

Interesting….he now says he’s discovered that the girl who told him “no film, no disclosure” is a popular Chinese blogger who has court cases pending for filming people against their will IN CHINA where it seems you do have the right to refuse to be filmed in public.
Makes me wonder if this was a stunt to show how backwards that is by creating an international incident pretending you think it’s normal and global and get her cases dropped.
He claims the CCP has labeled him a violent thug that attacked the young woman with the flag intent on hurting or killing her and produced edited videos to make him look nuts. Good thing he has the entire unedited video plastered across YouTube and other platforms….and years of videos of himself doing the exact same thing they got mad about but not causing any trouble.

Florida DUI suspect arrested after threatening deputies PT1

newtboy says...

Almost 3 hours in total!?! Not without LOTR level effects, thanks.
He couldn’t be out of control enough to maintain my interest that long, even at double speed.
Edit: OK, part 2 is just the other cop’s body cam, so little new besides the car ride. Still, way too long to watch his brand of crazy…he’s just not inventive or interesting enough….he just wants to fuck everyone in the ass then kill them…try some variety buddy.
There’s no condensed version, or time stamp list of when the action is @BSR? I skipped through at 2x speed and still feel like I watched too much.
I do like that he got a separate charge of harassing a police K9 for threatening to fuck the dog in the ass.
Those cops were amazingly professional all things considered.
Follow-up court videos needed. They’ll be fun.

Side note- the biggest crime was the quality of his weed…now living in the sticky icky capital of the world, Humboldt County, I forget that so many risk so much to smoke the shittiest brick weed. It’s so sad. I was one of them once.

Dumb way to die

newtboy says...

Take that asshole to the train tracks and let/make him lie down where he won’t kill the driver when committing suicide. Dude needs to be banned for life from rallys or dropped head first in a deep hole for public safety.

Spectators are the most dangerous obstacles in off road/open road racing. You literally have absolutely no idea what they might do too late for you to react, and hitting a 200lb meat speed bump at over 100mph can be disastrous.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Recent studies have shown that taking hydroxychloroquine/chloroquine for covid as Trump suggested had absolutely zero positive effect and in fact caused 11% higher mortality. Over 17000 people died because they took it that would have survived covid without it.

This is what listening to idiots spouting nonsense gets you…on top of much higher (45%) rates of covid and death because you people still won’t get vaccinated.

Trump policies caused a 40% increase in infections and deaths in America, hundreds of thousands of victims and trillions in losses we could have avoided with real leadership like other countries enjoyed.

Meanwhile Trump has instructed his cultists to show up and vote for him, even if you are so sick it would kill you to do it, as long as you vote for him first that’s what you’ve gotta do, die for Trump. Yes, he did say that. Your life is worth far less than your vote to him.

Liberal Redneck - Muslim Ban

newtboy says...

Bob is posting Christopher Hitchens videos?!? Have the wolves begun living with the lambs!?!
Do you know what he said about Christian fundamentalism @bobknight33? It’s not flattering.

As a side note, and on topic with the video, every terrorist act perpetrated in America since 2017 has been committed by a right wing “Christian”.
The United States Department of Homeland Security reported in October 2020 that white supremacists (all right wing Christians) posed the top domestic terrorism threat, which FBI director Christopher Wray confirmed in March 2021, noting that the bureau had elevated the threat to the same level as ISIS.
A 2017 report by the U.S. Government Accountability Office found that out of the 85 deadly extremist incidents which had occurred since September 11, 2001, white supremacist extremist groups were responsible for 73%, while radical Islamist extremists were responsible for 27%. The total number of deaths which was caused by each group was about the same, though 41% of the deaths were attributable to radical Islamists and they all occurred in a single event — the 2016 Orlando nightclub shooting in which 49 people were killed by a lone gunman. No deaths were attributed to left-wing groups.

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